SJC Impact of Giving 2019/2020

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Impact of

Giving 2019/2020 Impact of Giving Report for St Joseph’s College Geelong

The St Joseph’s College Foundation provides opportunities for all of us. It gives an opportunity for us to help in a way that is as personal as we need, or as broad and far reaching as we wish. With our continued commitment, the Foundation will give many students the opportunity to join the St Joseph’s family, and benefit from a first class St Joseph’s education.

Steve Beggs

A message from the Principal On enrolment at St Joseph’s each young man receives the gift of belonging to this wonderful community. During his time at the school friendships are formed, often lasting a lifetime and a sense of connection to the College endures. Sharing this gift of belonging with a young man is a practical expression of the way “Joeys’ boys” care for each other. The core vision of the College has changed little over time. The contemporary articulation of this vision is contained in the College’s strategic plan: to “form students’ hearts and minds to act with integrity and compassion within a learning culture that is engaging, rigorous, inclusive and innovative and within which each student is challenged to achieve excellence”. The broader College community is integral in supporting St Joseph’s in achieving this vision. The St Joseph’s College Foundation has been supporting individual students and the College since 1995. In a challenging economic environment such support is vital to assist us to continue to provide cutting-edge contemporary facilities while maintaining a fee structure and support mechanisms making enrolment accessible to all families.

The Impact of your generosity has enabled the College to continue to ‘Strive for the highest’. The Every Boy Every Dream Appeal in 2019, with more than 800 individual donors, contributed just over $500,000 to support the building of the Westcourt Gymnasium and the extension of the Peter Cannon Performing Arts Centre. This year we have started to see the results. The Westcourt Gymnasium was formally opened and blessed in February 2020 and the Performing Arts Centre was completed in September. Once again I want to thank all those who contributed, your generosity directly benefits current and future Joeys’ boys.

Tony Paatsch College Principal

The Foundation celebrated 25 years in 2020, and on behalf our the College community I would like to extend our thanks to all who have provided assistance to the College, to assist in the education of our boys, and the development of the College to where it is today.

Tony Paatsch & Paul McNamara

Range of Gifts Received in 2020 $2,705










Total Donors

Gave $130,165


New Donors

Gave $14,320 Gifts UNDER $50 DONORS
















In 2019, how did

ANNUAL GIFTING make a difference at

1 Jan - 31 Dec 2020 Total donations = $130,165 Number of donations = 410

SJC Staff Bursary Workplace Gifting

Gave $13,485

70 donors

St Joseph’s College Geelong?



Bursaries provide an opportunity for disadvantaged students who would otherwise be unable to afford a St Joseph’s education.

$217,000 Money Raised

108 15 3


New Foundation MEMBERS


McNeill Society MEMBERS

Education Support Library Support Bursary Fund Building & Building Maintenance Fund Foundation Membership Pledge

Funds Contributed to The Following Programs

A message from the Foundation Chair While the purpose of this publication is to review the achievements and support of the Foundation, it also marks the 25th anniversary of the Foundation while at the same time the College celebrates its 85th Year. In this regard and without understating the enormous efforts of all the Foundation members who have assisted in our growth and development over the years, a special note of gratitude goes to the then 1995 Principal, Peter Cannon and the inaugural Foundation Chair, Dennis McGrath. While the concept of establishing a Foundation had been discussed at various levels over several years, it was Peter and Dennis who placed it firmly on the action item list, making the very straightforward case that, to continue to invest in the future delivery of the best Catholic education for boys in the Geelong region, St Joseph’s College must have its own Foundation. The rest, as they say, is history. While we have only just started a multi-generation journey to help ensure that St Joseph’s lives on in perpetuity, I can say, with some pride, that we have come a long way over these past 25 years. St Joseph’s is well known for its warm and supportive community with a deep concern for others. I thank all who have supported the Foundation and the development of a philanthropic culture at St Joseph’s for the benefit of the students. Your donations make a difference and help others in need. The key activities of the Foundation during 2020, included: • Our Bursary Appeal “A step toward his future” where the community rallied to raise in excess of $100K to assist students and families with a St Joseph’s education.

• The Foundation was able to contribute a further $30K to support those families impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic. • On behalf of its members the Foundation made a contribution toward the electronic screen located on Zampatti Oval, for the utilisation of the students as well as the broader Joeys’ community. • Support of music students to pursue their passion through the provision of music scholarships. • Through the hard work of the College Community and Development team, the College Foundation is now well recognised throughout the school community. With such a solid base from which to build upon, we have the opportunity to grow and become a substantial philanthropic body over the next decade. Of course, as I write, we all find ourselves, one way or another, amid a global health and economic crisis. However, as the fog clears and normal life resumes, take a moment to consider the following: The Foundation, through your generosity, may well have funded the education of a future epidemiologist or immunologist who prevents or tackles another world crisis such as a viral pandemic. That is the true power of educational philanthropy. In the meantime, as Chair of the Foundation, I would like to extend our best wishes to you and your family for the year ahead. Yours,

Foundation Chair


Fabulous Projects The Westcourt Gym & the PAC upgrade ‘Every Boy, Every Dream’ Capital Campaign 2019:

TOGETHER WE BUILT A roof over our gym … A seat for everyone … A house for our future.

800+ Donors

$500,000 Money Raised

Building A Better Place In December 2019, the College completed the construction of a Gymnasium at the Westcourt Campus, providing much-needed indoor sports facilities and wet weather timetable space. It also enables full year assemblies for some 336 Year 9 boys and staff to be conducted indoors, freeing up other spaces within the campus previously utilised for such gatherings. The facility consists of a single basketball court, a circuit training room, two classrooms, storage area, maintenance shed and amenities. The total cost of the project was $3.96M and was also kindly supported by the very successful Every Boy, Every Dream capital fundraising appeal. In 2020, the College completed the construction of the extension to the Peter Canon Performing Arts Centre (PAC). The building was officially handed back in October and, as a result of COVID-19, was used sparingly and at a much-reduced capacity during the latter part of the year. The actual works involved an extension to the existing cantilever section over the quadrangle. Now completed, the seating capacity of the PAC has been increased from 260 to 350, thus enabling full year level assemblies to be staged in the facility. The cost of the project was approximately $1.3M and a portion of the costs were supported by the highly successful Every Boy, Every Dream capital fundraising appeal. During the year a much-needed display screen/ the Joseph Centre for use scoreboard was fitted to th on Zampatti Oval. Originally costs were to be shared Joseph’s Cricket Club and our between the College, St Jos thanks to the generosity of Old Collegians. However, th the College Foundation who were seeking a project to Year celebrations, the project support linked to their 25th Ye the Foundation, our costs were actually split between be Old Collegians and St Joseph’s Joseph Cricket Club. The screen gives the College a highly visible display and perfect for school sports days as scoreboard capabilities perfe football matches. It also offers well as school cricket and foo another option of a large scale flexibility in providing anoth gatherings. meeting space for student ga Designs were finalized for the building of a pavilion on

Carey Oval in 2020, after a successful hearing decision in favour of the College, a building permit was granted and this project will commence in 2021. The project will provide much needed male and female change room facilities in this area of the College. The design also incorporates a kitchenette and classroom learning space. The cost of the project is anticipated to be approximately $1.3M. The second major project for completion in 2021 will be classrooms on the bottom floor of the Peter Chanel Centre. These will include general classrooms and a purpose-built STEM area to support the teaching of science, technology, engineering and maths. This project will be put out for tender in the early part of 2021 with completion expected in the latter half of the year in readiness for 2022. The anticipated cost of the project is $2.5M and the completion of this building then plays a vital role in providing spaces necessary to assist us to move through the next stages of our Master Plan. The updated Master Plan was presented to the College Advisory Council in May 2020.

Andrew Dowd Business Manager

Zampatti Oval Digital Scoreboard


Brighter Futures


Raised towards our Bursary Program which has allowed the College to gift a St Joseph’s education to young men who may not otherwise have an opportunity to join us at the College.

The Impact of Your Giving The Madden Family

The Bryant Family

The Madden family has been associated with the St Joseph’s community since 1967 when two of my brothers and I commenced our education at the College. My third brother also later completed his secondary education at St Joeys. My mother and father were both active at the College – Mum on the P & F, including a time as President, and Dad was on the Men’s Association from 1967 until about 2004 when he turned 80 and stopped attending the monthly Sunday morning working bee.

Our family connection with St Joseph’s College Geelong commenced in 1982 when our eldest son Adam started in Grade 3, followed by David in 1983, Simon 1984, Jonathan 1988 and Mark in 1992 who finished Year 12 in 2000. Greg’s had various involvements as Parents & Friends Treasurer for many years, then as founding Foundation Committee Member and Treasurer. Maureen was the Principal’s PA and Registrar commencing in 1993 until retirement in 2018 – SJC has been an integral part of the Bryant family journey.

My brother Peter was a member of the Old Collegians’ Committee for 28 years, serving as President for 19 of those 28 years. He was also a member of the College Board for nine years. When our sons were at St Joeys we both attended the same working bees as Dad once a month, but both gave this up long before Dad did. Our four sons all attended SJC between 1989 and 2001 and thoroughly enjoyed their time here. Not only did they receive a solid education which helped set them up for rewarding careers but they also made many lasting friendships. Lou was very active on the P&F during our sons’ time at SJC and was the Parent Representative on the College Board in the early 90s, including 1995 when the Foundation was established. In 2006, a few years after our last son graduated from the College, she joined the teaching staff until her retirement in 2011. We have supported the College Foundation in minor ways for many years but, following Steven Beggs’ presentation at the Foundation Dinner in 2018, Lou and I decided to provide a bursary for a boy to attend SJC for all his secondary schooling, in honour of my Dad who died in early 2018. The bursary is to be known as “The Bernie and Louise Madden Family Bursary in Memory of Bill Madden, 1924–2018.” The bursary commenced this year, and will be a perpetual bursary. We have donated sufficient funds to the Foundation so that this money can be invested appropriately to ensure there is sufficient income to provide a full bursary for one student every 6 years. We expect our gift to provide a lasting benefit for future generations of Joeys boys.

When Adam died suddenly in a car accident in 1993 our lives were shattered and the College community was a tremendous support to each of our four boys and us. It was an extremely sad and difficult time for our family, but all at St Joseph’s helped us cope throughout the years that followed and still do. Maureen feels blessed to have worked in this warm and welcoming environment, being surrounded by dedicated, professional and hard-working staff and the many parents who volunteered because they felt valued, which helped make St Joseph’s the amazing community it is today. From Maureen’s first-hand experience, St Joseph’s has always helped young boys from across all areas of the region, especially those marginalised; continuing the Edmund Rice and Christian Brothers’ tradition of educating and caring for young boys and in turn enabling them to become good young men fostering Integrity, Compassion and Innovation. We were inspired by the Madden Family commitment and want to be a part of continuing this legacy for our grandchildren and all in the Geelong community for many years to come. We are keen to support the College in any way we can to help provide the best possible facilities, values and educational outcomes for all. St Joseph’s College will always hold a special place in our hearts.

A message from Community & Development It is fantastic to be part of, and to celebrate, the 25th year of the St Joseph’s College Foundation in 2020. The future of the College is certainly looking bright. Since the inception of the Foundation in 1995, the contributions of our 200-plus members has been instrumental in setting up the Foundation for success. As a custodian of the Foundation, I take great pleasure in seeing first-hand the impact and the support provided by you, our Foundation supporters, on the future generations of St Joseph’s boys. From the interaction we have with our various community groups, through to the support from those in our community, you have had a profound impact on the students at our College. Fundraising for many people is often seen as a transaction, however at St Joseph’s we endeavour to build long lasting relationships based on trust. Your unwavering support allows the Foundation’s Mission of “delivering the best Catholic education for boys in Geelong” to be fulfilled. Thank you to each and every person who donated to the ‘Every Boy Every Dream’ appeal. Your gifts provide our students with a space to play, a space to learn and a place to play. The campaign certainly highlighted the importance of our community at this College, and the role it plays in shaping and transforming the education of our boys.

“The reason I have for making a bequest and joining the McNeill Society is simple. I believe every boy should have the opportunity of a St Joseph’s education and I want to continue to be part of that story going forward” - Kevin Costa, Foundation Member & College Alumni 1961.

Given the circumstances faced by those across Australia in 2019 and 2020, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of our community who collectively raised in excess of $110,000 through our Step Towards His Future Appeal in June. During these uncertain times you have shown and demonstrated your spirit of giving and kindness to those who need it most. The Foundation was able to provide an additional $30,000 to those families most impacted by COVID-19 in the way of fee relief. Plans to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Foundation with our community unfortunately had to be cancelled. However, with the assistance of your Foundation committee we were able to present each member with a gift pack celebrating this significant milestone, including a 25-year timeline to highlight some of the key achievements of our Foundation. To our 990 donors through 2019 and 2020, it makes what we do each day worthwhile, and ensures we know our ‘why’ – thank you.

KristenGleeson Director of Community & Development

C Compassion Community C Commitment C

Annual Giving Donors 2020 Anonymous x8 Mukhles Habash & Sundry Abba Rodney & Leanne Adams Carmen Ahearn Andrijana Atanasovski Rolf Audrins & Simone Kucina Adam Bampfield Peter & Rebecca Barker Jillian Barker Sam & Colleen Bernardo John & Regina Bindokas Michael & Danni Birthisel Michelle Bishop Denny & Diana Bortoletto David & Jody Bourke Michelle and Ric Brodrick Warick Brown Claire Brown Selina Bruce Alan Bruce Adrian & Nicole Bryan Greg & Maureen Bryant John & Geraldine Burgess Chris & Jacinta Burke Carmody Foundation Stephen & Jennifer Carter Bernie Carthew Thomas Cashin Adam & Rebecca Chalmers Joanne Chappell Annette Christensen David & Fiona Clark Jeff & Julie Cole Peter & Donna Cone Cassandra Coogan Laird Cormack Kevin & Lorraine Costa David & Karen Costa Ashley Crook Justin & Catherine Crooks John Darcy Brendan & Michelle Davie Shane Dawson John Day Damian & Lee De Grandi Geoffrey & Maria Dean

Mark Deverall John & Tracy Diamond Susan Dickinson Lachlan Doak Ben Dormer Scott & Judy Dower John Harmon Kerry Drever Marcus & Lucy Dripps Matthew & Jodi Dunell Vlado & Lydia Dzajkic Bradley & Marlene Eggleton Rob & Monika Ercoli Johanna Evertsen-Mostert Emilio & Maria Filiti Paul & Fiona FitzGerald Kevin & Kathryn Flanders Dom Flanders Liam Flanders Scott & Carolyn Fleeton Lauren Flint Fr Peter Foley John & Rhonda Forbes Samuel Ford Terry Fowler Martin & Michelle Fox Salvatore Gandolfo Frank & Carolyn Gasperic Victor Gigliotti Cassandra Gleeson Kristen & Lauren Gleeson Michael Goss Jason & Kristen Grant Peter Grant Dominic & Giovanna Greco Aaron & Cheryl Green Andrew & Sharon Gribble James & Catherine Gulli Jon & Tracey Gunby Dan Hale Craig & Kellie Hanley Mhano & Kerry Harkness Dean & Heather Harris Gregory & Maree Hayes Ivan & Gordana Herceg Jeremy & Pam Hibberd

Eamon & Angela Hickey Barry Hill Mick Hinds Gary Hogan Julie & Jono Holt Kelwyn & Lee Hough Anna Hudson Adrian & Gillian Hume David Hunt Leah Irving Brad & Marika Johnson Nick Jones Gary & Sharon Jones Bradley & Sharon Jones Simon & Renee Jovic Anton & Anna Juric Danielle Kavanagh Glenn & Carolyn Keast John & Lisa Kelly Stephen & Erin Kent Geoff & Bernadette Killury Gavin & Sue King Bronwyn Lawson Richard Lawysz Barnaby & Joanne Lee Andrew Loughnan Quentin Lydall Christopher Lynch Anthony & Patricia Maas Di Makings Mary Malone Jane Malone Daryl & Margaret Martini Kirsty Maselli Peter Matheson Adel Mawson Daniel & Angie McCarthy Liam & Louise McCloskey Julie Kaye Lisa McDine Ken McDonald McHarrys Buslines Holly McIntosh Kate McLaren Janine McLean Paul & Cathy McNamara

Robert & Rosa Mecanovic John Mildren Grant & Shirley Mills Denis & Libby Moorfoot Matthew & Yvette Morgan Chris & Shelley Morton Roland & Melinda Mrak Sean & Malinda Muir Lynne Mullins Angelo Natoli John Near & Kylie Smith-Near Matthew & Carey Neate Justin & Jo Nelson David O’Brien David & Jessica O’Brien Peter O’Connor Daniel O’Farrell Jennifer O’Keeffe Kylie Oliver Ann O’Neill Tony & Louise Paatsch Arthur & Linda Pape Catherine Papke Nilton Martins & Yvonne Parente Mark & Belinda Pedretti Andrew & Erin Penton Thomas Perrett Simon Piasente Jason Pile & Leanne Rivett Geoffrey & Danielle Powe Bryan Power Andrew Puskas Samuel Querella Rachael Raby Keelly Rae Andrew & Kathleen Rawson Mark Rayson Brendan & Michelle Reed Rachel Roche Malcolm Neil & Susan Ross Tony & Anne Ross Tony Rotiroti Kevin & Rachael Russell Damien & Jennifer Ryan John Sabljak Lauren Salcombe

Natasha Scanlon Russell Schostak Janet Sgambaro Kevin Shannon Karen Sherman Karen Shum Sebastijan & Emy Simsic Bradley Smith Natasha Solczaniuk Jacob Spolding Craig & Louise Stanton Syliva Stefano John Stephensen Matthew & Vittoria Stevens Matthew Stokes Ante & Cindy Stosic Ian & Maura Sweet Simon Taylor Stephen & Jane Toohey Tom Trupkovic Mark Turner Rod & Karen Van Der Chys Tim & Joanne Van Slageren John & Susan Vaughan Bradley & Michelle Verfurth Gary Vigor & Marion Smith Steven & Jasmyne Walker Matthew Walsh Paul & Carolynne Walsh Jerome & Heidi Warakea Scott & Sharon Watkins Adele Watt Natalie Welsh Philip Tribe & Jacqueline White Trevor Whiteley Joy Whiteside Christopher & Samantha Whiting Tania Willard Harry Wilson John & Inez Woods Adam & Joanne Worsley Michael & Claire Wrigley Meleah Zanos Goran & Stefanie Zekic Wei Zhang Mark Zyppel

The McNeill Society

The McNeill Society has been established by the St Joseph’s College Foundation to recognise and honour those who remember the College in their will. It enables us to thank and recognise – privately or publicly – those for their generosity towards the College. Often St Joseph’s College is not able to thank a donor in his or her lifetime and the McNeill Society allows us to express our gratitude in the here and now. Our hope is that it will also encourage others to include a gift to St Joseph’s College in their will. The McNeill Society has been named after John McNeill, (SJC 1935-1937). A foundation student during the first three years of the College’s existence, John was one of the original House Captains and took full part in all school activities.

Members will be listed in/on the College’s Bequest Register/Honour Board and other publications, receive a membership pin and be invited to McNeill Society functions. There are no membership fees or regulations. Membership can be anonymous if preferred. For information contact: Cameron Ling 03 5226 8149 Kristen Gleeson 03 5226 8120

Rob Threlfall - “My family and I would like to help make sure that boys in the future have the same opportunities that I did by going to Joeys, receiving a very good education and making life-long friends. Running the school and investing to ensure long term sustainability costs money. I am proud to be a member of the McNeill Society and it provides me with an ongoing sense of belonging. I trust my bequest will make a difference.”

Rob Threlfall

2021 Foundation Committee

Mr Paul McNamara - Chair 2016

Mr Kristen Gleeson - Secretary Mr Steve Madden - Treasurer 2014 2016

Mr Warick Brown 2019

Mr Kevin Costa 1995

Mrs Lucy Dripps 2018

Mr Trent Duffield 2021

Mr Roland Mrak 2018

Ms Kylie Oliver 2020

Dr Joe Virgona 1995

Mrs Maureen Zampatti 2012

Year indicates date of joining Foundation Committee

Foundation Members Anonymous x 1 Adamski, Joe and Val Anderson, Ron Anthony Costa Foundation Antony, Brian and Barbara Argyros, Jim and Anna Arthur Reed Photos Awramenko, Mark and Mandy Baulch, Doug and Amanda Bay City Strings Beggs, Steve and Samantha Belluzzo, Pierre and Susan Bentley, Brett and Cath Beretta, David and Joan Beretta, Mark and Rachel Bhardwaj, Tarlock and Janak Blood, Sean and Kate Bohan, John Bongiorno, Bernard Bongiorno, Mark and Sharon Bortolotto, Lino † Bourke, Owen † Bowles, David and Sue Boyd, Thos † Brandimarti, Mark and Carolyn Brown, Claire Brown, Warick & Chantelle Bruce, Alan Bryant, David and Sonya Bryant, Greg and Maureen Bryant, Jonathan and Sarah Bryant, Mark Bryant, Simon and Carly Burke, Tim Burke, Pat and Dawn † Bye, Alan and Glenda Cannon/Blane, Peter and Trish Carey, Bernie and Sheila Carroll, Eugene Carthew, Bernie and Jeff Charles, David and Bernadine Clatworthy, Peter and Louise Cleary, Brian † Colak, Ivan and Lilly Cole, Jeff and Julie Coles Coaches Collins, David and Ines Conway, John Cooke, Greg and Kim Cooper, Steve and Julie Cortorillo, Sam Cortorillo, Margaret Costa, Kevin and Lorraine Costa, Frank † and Shirley Costa, Anthony † and Elaine Costa, David and Karen

Crooks, Justin and Catherine Curtain, David and Elizabeth Dassanayake, Gamini and Uditha Davie, Dennis and Suzanne Dawson, Shane and Sue De Grandi, Damian and Lee Dean, Paul and Sandra Dean, Geoff and Maria Denton/Bauer, Tim and Renee Devine, Todd and Jacqui Dillon/Higgins, Adrian and Sandra Dripps, Marcus and Lucy Dunn, Kevin and Margaret Earle, Trevor Earle, Janis Edmonds, Joseph Edmondstone, Colin and Ann English, Terry and Helen Ercoli, Robert and Monika Estcourt, Michael and Elna Fanning, David Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald, Paul and Fiona Flanders, Barry Flanders Family Foley, Fr Peter Fowler, Brian and Elizabeth Fowler, Terry and Sally Gandolfo, Sam Gannon, Ken and Robyn Gigliotti, Victor Gleeson, Phillip and Sharon Gleeson, Chris and Belinda Gleeson, Kristen and Lauren Goldsworthy, John and Mary-Ann Goss, Michael Guaran, Bruce † Gulli, James and Catherine Gulli, Sam and Marichle Gurrie, Tom Hanlon, Paul and Teresa Harris, Dean and Heather Hehir, Simon and Shannon Hennessy, Robert Hill, Barry Hinds, Mick Hoban, John Hochreiter, Anthony and Helen Hogan, Gary Holien, Chris and Kate Holien, Greg Horan, Peter and Jenny Hough, Don and Marisa Houghton, Geoff and Bernadette Howe, Simon and Angela Hunter, Robert and Julie

Hyde, Mark and Kim Inei, Ren and Corienne Jelley, Lawrence and Sandra Jelley, Liam Jones, Brad Jones, Rod Kelly, Robert and Heather Kennedy, Mark and Renee Kent, Vic and Irene King, Michael and Louise Knight, Barry and Katrina Lamont /Beech, James and Rachel Landers, Peter Larkins, Frank and Valerie Lawysz, Richard Leahy, Denis and Katrina Lindeberg, Sten and Elizabeth Loughnan, John and Margaret Loughnan, Paul Madden, Steve and Holly Madden, Bernie and Louise Mansfield, Michael Martella, Clive † and Ruth Martini, Daryl and Margaret Maxwell, Doug and Sue McDonald, Ken McFarlane, Barry and Felicity McGann Family McGrath, Dennis † and Mary McHarry’s Buslines McKay, Robert and Terry McLean, Janine McNamara, Paul and Cathy Mildren, John Miller, John and Anne Mills, Peter and Vera Mithen, Jane Moodie, Wayne and Teresa Morgan, Bernie and Luci Morrissy, Terry and Annette Mrak, Roland and Melinda MSP Photography Munday, Harvey Murray, Monsignor † Nardi, Sam and Liana Nardi, Tony and Rosalia Natoli, Angelo Nolan, Michael and Jennifer O’Brien, Heather O’Brien, David and Jessica O’Brien, David O’Farrell, Daniel O’Regan, Loretta O’Rorke, Peter † O’Shannassy, Brian and Jennifer O’Toole, Peter † and Sue Paatsch, Tony and Louise

Pape, Arthur and Linda Parke, Ted and Kate Parke, Cameron and Joanne Parmenter, Garry and Jenny Pearce, Trevor and Lydia Penton, Andrew and Erin Perry, Richard and Gael Perry, Elise Phillips, Terry and Margaret Pivetta, Nilo and Laurel Podbury, Des Podbury, Dominic and Patrice Raveane, Jerry and Marita Royce, Phillip and Elaine Rudd, Brenton and Trish Rudd, Dominic and Rachel Rudd, Peter and Christine Ryan, Bernard † Sabljak, John Saldanha, Winston and Cynthia Sammon, Martin Saunders, Geoff and Chris Schmeiszl, Richard † Serra, Robert and Maria Shannon, Kevin Silcock-Delaney, Colin Simic, Jack and Tracey St Joseph’s Parents & Friends St Joseph’s Old Collegians Assoc. Smart, Merle † Smart, Peter Smith, Anthony Smith, William † Smith, Jeffrey and Patricia Spriggs, Peter Spriggs, Julie Stanfield, Peter Stanley, Nick and Nikki Steedman, Paul and Columba † Stevens, Leigh and Eda Taylor, Rod and Caz Threlfall, Robert and Fiona Tobias, Paul and Dianne Tobin, Kim Treloar, Paul and Milvy Trupkovic, Tom and Ana van Slageren, Tim and Joanne Verfurth, Bradley and Michelle Virgona, Joe and Kerrie Wakefield, Gerard and Louise Wakefield, Antoinette Ward/Solczaniuk, Chris and Natasha White, Kevin Wilson, Harry and Bernadette Woodruff, Peter Woods, John and Ines Zampatti, Russell † and Maureen

† Denotes deceased. All care has been to taken to ensure accuracy of this list. If an unfortunate error has occurred, please accept our apologies and notify the Community and Development Office so we can amend our records.

St Joseph’s College Geelong 135 Aphrasia Street, Newtown VICTORIA 3220 / Email: Ph: 03 5226 8100 / ABN: 74 114 857 147 / CRICOS Provider Code 02670A We acknowledge that we are educating on the traditional land of the Wadawurrung people and honour and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.




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