Issue12 sjcnews2014 rev

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 31 July 2014 - Issue No 12

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office. The gym was transformed into a giant Artisan Market!

Another event that is coming up this term is the Parents and Friends Fashion Dinner on Thursday 18 September at Deakin Waterfront. This is sure to be a great night out. The format this year will include a 2 course meal by Truffleduck and roaming fashion show with money raised going towards supporting communities in Africa. Tickets for this event are available to purchase on our College website. All are welcome to come along and enjoy. Paul Tobias - Principal

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, We have been conducting a trial appointment system for the forthcoming parent teacher interviews but at a recent staff meeting there was significant discussion about how we conduct these gatherings. From time to time some teaching staff have indicated their preference would be for appointments rather than the current system. After much discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of both systems, the management team have decided that we will remain with the current no-appointment format. We believe that this provides the greatest level of service and flexibility for our parents. We have also held some discussions with our part time teachers and have requested that their attendance is the same as for full time staff. As a College we value the partnership we have with parents and believe it is essential for the effective education of those we teach. The parentteacher interviews are an important element of this and we are committed to making these as effective as possible and to do everything we can to encourage parents and their sons to attend. Thank you to all of our parents and supporters who assisted or attended our Artisan Market. The food stalls and craft stalls provided a great atmosphere over the weekend. Thank you for your support. It would be wonderful to see members of our College community coming along to support the upcoming production “All Shook Up” from 14-16 August at GPAC. Rehearsals are progressing well with students from St Joseph’s, Clonard and Sacred Heart along with a great team of volunteers, staff and behind the scenes crew working hard to produce a high quality ‘rockin and rollin’ show. Tickets are available to purchase at the College

Compassion Innovation Integrity

July 31 Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews 31 Winter Sleepout

August 1 5 6 14 15 16 18 19 22 27 28 29 29

St Vinnies Blanket Appeal Casual Dress Day Year 8 Parent Information Evening Year 7 Mothers & Sons Night All Shook Up - College Production All Shook Up - College Production All Shook Up - College Production VTAC parent information evening P&F Meeting Return Mega Raffle Books Mega Raffle Drawn Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews Student Free Day

News from the Deputies BLACK JUMPER FOR YEAR 10 2015 With Year 9 students now using the Westcourt Campus we are endeavouring to establish a senior school mentality for students in Year 10, 11 & 12. We believe that when the boys reach Year 10 they should be taking more responsibility for their studies and with many of the boys studying a VCE or VET subject, the information we need to give them is very similar in all three year levels. We also believe that the program at Westcourt will have instilled more independence, resilience and leadership skills in the boys so we will be treating them as mature young men and expect them to behave and act accordingly. We have been working on a number of different processes that will assist the Year 9 students’ transition back to the Newtown Campus and one of these is to implement the black school jumper at Year 10 rather than reserve it exclusively for Years 11 & 12. We have had contact with our uniform supplier to inform them of this change and they will ensure they have enough of the black jumpers in stock. We are hoping this change will also assist families financially as many of the black jumpers, if looked after, will last three years. Please contact us at the College if you have any concerns about this uniform change. YEAR 10 SUBJECT INTERVIEWS We would like to thank the parents and carers of our Year 10 boys for attending subject selection interviews throughout the week. The interviews form an integral part of the process we have in place to assist students and families to make a smooth transition into VCE or VCAL. If questions still remain following the interview process please don’t hesitate to contact the College to discuss your concerns. The best people to talk to will depend on the question you have so please follow the guide below: VCE Specific questions – Andrew Hobbs 52268116 or VCAL questions – Leah Irving 52268100 or VET questions – Jarrod Gore 52268118 or Careers questions – Karen Shum 52268143 or If these people are unavailable please contact either Paul Clohesy on 52668134 or or Michelle Brodrick on 52268127 or If you have questions relating to individual student progress in a particular subject then the best person to speak to is your son’s current teacher in that subject. Compassion Innovation Integrity

YEAR 9 2015 WESTCOURT INFORMATION EVENING Parents/Carers of Year 8 students will have received an email invitation to attend this evening, with their son, on Tuesday 5 August at 7.00pm in the Br O S Adams Centre (gym) at the Newtown Campus. The purpose of this session is to provide information about the program at the Westcourt campus and subject selections for next year. The evening begins at 7pm with an information session and concludes with the parents being able to meet with the core Year 9 team for next year. We look forward to seeing you and the boys on the evening. Thank you to those of you who’ve already returned the reply slip. If you have any questions about the evening please call or email me on Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Curriculum News SUBJECT SELECTIONS Curriculum handbooks are available via the SJC website and we encourage parents to discuss the subject choices on offer with their son prior to subject selections. Current students in Years 9-11 are considering their choices for next year. VCE subject presentations were held at lunchtime over the past two weeks and were well attended by students in Years 9 and 10. Students in Years 7 and 8 will begin the subject selection process in the next couple of weeks. Subject selections will be completed online after consultation with Homeroom/RE teachers. STUDENT/PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Interviews will be held mid-term 3 this year on Thursday 28 August 4-7pm and Friday 29 August 9am-12pm. Although it was originally planned that these interviews would use an appointment system, we are retaining our current system and there will be no prior appointments made for interviews. Please take the opportunity to meet with your son’s teachers to discuss progress and share information to further develop our partnership. Michelle Brodrick - Director of Curriculum

Outreach Van on Facebook or go to: https://www.facebook. com/pages/Geelong-Outreach-Van/681651491921431?fref=ts Outreach Van Project Group: Darcy Caddy, Ciaran Ross, Adam Walsh, Shane Collard, Jack Callahan, Jack Kufe, Nick Brandimarti, Ben Cazaly, Sam Rotiroti, Claire Wrigley & Jo Hart. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

Jo with students from the Mary Rice Centre, Nairobi Geelong Outreach Van For more than a year, our students leaders have been working on a project to get an outreach or “soup” van operating in Geelong. Jake Sykes and Lachlan Devine began the project last year by researching different types of van models and where the need in Geelong might be. The 2014 Social Justice Leaders decided to continue the project and held meetings with St Vinnies, the Salvos and Second Bite to gather information and seek advice and support. While the project was moving surely forward, it was slow as we were working from scratch. The breakthrough came when we were connected to a group who were working on a project for the Leaders for Geelong program to also develop an outreach van. From our very initial conversations we knew we had the makings of a partnership. Two weeks ago we began a trial in the form of a Salvos van that serves hot tea, coffee, soup, conversation, and connection. Our aim is to connect to people through food and conversation and, if they’re willing, to the services in Geelong that can help them step out of homelessness. We take the van out on a Sunday night and the Leaders for Geelong group take it out on a Wednesday night – we are working together to establish a regular routine. Recent media reports of a couple’s death in a car in Ballarat and increasing levels of homelessness in our cities are the realities which fuel our energy as we head out each Sunday night while others are tucked up in front of warm heaters. While there has been a steady population in Geelong of people sleeping rough over the last 10 years, the number sleeping in cars has increased considerably, particularly women with children leaving broken or abusive relationships or not being able to pay the mortgage or rent after divorce. The hard thing for those of us on the van is the patience it will require to build the knowledge of and trust in our service in those whom we seek to help. As Jesus said in the Gospels, eternal life will be for those who see Christ in the hungry and thirsty and give them food and drink (Matt 25:31-46). Edmund Rice said “Give to the poor in handfuls”. In those we serve, we see the face of Christ and so we do so humbly and with great thanks. To follow the Outreach Van Project search for Geelong Compassion Innovation Integrity

A touch of East Africa This term break I had the great privilege of participating in the Christian Brothers-EREA Carrigg Karibu East Africa Immersion. Together with four of my colleagues from EREA schools around Australia, I spent 12 days in Kenya and Tanzania visiting the ministries of the Christian Brothers and the homes of those who attend their schools and services. During our final gathering of the immersion we were asked to describe the significance of this trip for us. What follows is my reflection on this question. The significance of this trip can be summed up in one word TOUCH. I have been touched by East Africa and I have touched East Africa. I have touched faces, hands and come into contact with hearts and minds of hope, of dreams and a strong sense of justice. I have been touched by Karanja, Rufina, Collins, James,Victor, Kennedy, Shaylee, Eileen, Russell, and the Brothers among others. I have been touched by the welcome and joy with which I have been received. I have shaken hands with so many people, shared a ‘skinmoment’, in which our cells respond to our common humanity. I have been touched by the spirit of Edmund Rice which is so very real, so palpable and so concrete within this context. This lived spirit of Eddie Rice, this shared humanity with my sisters and brothers of East Africa is a living feeling in my skin and I hope to hold on to that feeling when I return to the business of “normal” life. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

Sustainability Matters NATIONAL TREE DAY 2014 On 27 July, an organisation known as the Friends of Waurn Ponds Creek had a day where about 1500-2000 trees and grasses were planted. About 45-50 people helped in the planting in the space of 2½. hours. There were three Joey’s boys there, two Year 11 students and one Year 7 Sustainability Leader. It was a fun day and is great to get involved in! Angus Wiese - 7J If you would like to join the Friends of Waurn Ponds Creek Community Group, in their next tree planting day on Sunday 3 August, visit their website for further details. INTRODUCING COMPOSTING AND WORM FARMING AT YEAR 7 In keeping with the theme of “Food for our future” for National Science Week, 7K have begun composting and worm farming this term. Under the guidance of Homeroom teacher Mrs Mary Malone and Sustainability Leaders; Sebastian Heath, Joshua Norman, Aaron Stefanac and Manywon Thiep, the class have set up a worm farm in the Edmund Rice Centre and have begun collecting their food scraps to feed their worms. In addition, the excess food waste will be composted using the bokashi system and it is anticipated that the bi-product of this process will then be utilised to fertilise garden beds around the College grounds. NEW RECYCLING STATIONS FOR COLLEGE EVENTS AND THE STAFFROOM Last week saw the arrival of our new portable recycling stations, which will be utilised for large events and for recycling in the staffroom. Working with Chris Gleeson and his team from Higher Level Joinery (including past students; Shaun Murrich and Chris Rath), the new recycling trolleys were designed to accommodate; Compost, REDcycling (plastic wrappers) and general waste. With the aim of targeting “zero waste” for all events, the new trolleys will allow for easy recycling for our College guests. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

Past student wins Vocational Prize Congratulations to SJC 2013 graduate Jake Cobb for receiving The Australian Vocational Student Prize for demonstrating exceptional skill, commitment and achievement while undertaking an Australian School-based Apprenticeship (ASbA) in Bricklaying as part of his senior secondary studies. Jake received a certificate and a cash prize of $2,000. Jake was an outstanding student and VCAL Leader who was always eager to learn and take on new challenges. We congratulate Jake on receiving this recognition of his hard work and dedication. He is currently a first year apprentice with K & C McFarlane Bricklaying and we wish him success and happiness in his future endeavours. Leah Irving - VCAL Coordinator This is what Jake had to say about his School Based Apprenticeship. I chose bricklaying because I thought it would be hands on and it would let me work outdoors. Right from the start I loved it. So Year 10 & 11, I did Cert II in Bricklaying and Blocklaying. In Year 11, I did VCAL and as a part of that I had to get a Structured Work Placement every Friday. I got to work with Keith & Cain McFarlane and I loved it. So I decided to ask if I can do a School Based Apprenticeship with McFarlane Bricklaying. Every day I work I learn new skills and have different experiences and what I learn helps with the work at VET. Doing a VET and School Based Apprenticeship has helped me learn life skills, leadership, time management and discipline and that helps with challenges in my life and sport. I want younger boys to know how great VET and my School Based Apprenticeship was for me. I want to encourage them not to be frightened about going to TAFE and how great it is to work doing something you love.VET and VCAL is the best way to find out what it is you are going to love. I love it so I’m a really good advertisement. I am very happy that I did VET,VCAL and my School Based Apprenticeship. I know I am going to be a Bricklayer for many years to come. Jake Cobb - SJC Class of 2013

VTAC Entry YEAR 12 – APPLYING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION COURSES,TAFE AND UNIVERSITY Year 12 students will be receiving a VTAC presentation during one of their RE classes during the next three periods. The VTAC presentation will cover topics such as how to apply to VTAC to select preferences for courses at University, TAFE or Independent Tertiary Providers, in 2015. Students will hear how to apply for scholarships and special consideration (SEAS). Students will also receive the booklet, ‘ABC for Applying’, which details everything that they need to know when applying through VTAC for further study next year. If you would like to know more about VTAC and the preference process, please ask to see your son’s copy of this booklet. If your son did not receive a copy of this booklet his copy will be available for collection from the Careers Office. For those parents who would like the opportunity to find out more about applying to TAFE and University, a VTAC Parent Information Evening will take place on Monday 18 August, at 7pm, in the PAC. Students will need their VCAA number to access the VTAC process. If students do not know their number they should see the VCE Coordinator, Mr Hobbs. The VTAC website is This is the website that your son will use to list his preferences, apply for scholarships and possibly special consideration through the SEAS program. Students can select up to 12 preferences and should select, as their number one preference, the course they most want to do. Be aware that there is a five day window of opportunity for students to change their preferences after they receive their results in December. During this time, if they need advice and guidance, they should contact me (Karen Shum) at the Career’s Office, via email or on my mobile phone: 0402169638. It is highly recommended that students apply for their Tax File Number now, if they do not already have it. Students require their TFN when applying for higher education courses. Students can obtain their TFN through school. Applications can be collected from Reception. IMPORTANT VTAC DATES FOR YEAR 12: Timely Application Open: 4 August – Close: 30 September (5pm) Change of Preferences 4 August (9am) – 24 October (5pm) 24 November (9am) – 22 December (12 noon) SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) Application Dates Open: 4 August (9am) - Close: 7 October (5pm) VCE Results Online: 15 December (7am) Mail: 16 December Compassion Innovation Integrity

Offers: Round 1: 19 January 2015 (2pm) Round 2: 5 February 2015 (2pm) Further information and relevant dates (eg. for SEAS applications) can be found in the booklet, The ABC of Applying, as well as on the VTAC website Karen Shum - Careers Coordinator

Parents & Friends News The Parents and Friends held their now annual Artisan Market recently, on the weekend of 19 & 20 July. Across the weekend, around 60 stalls selling a wide variety of handmade goods, displayed their wares in the warmth of the College gym. The P&F committee operated a café selling homemade cakes, wholesome warm cups of soup, toasties and waffles, alongside coffee provided by the VCAL students. A BBQ ran all weekend providing egg and bacon rolls, sausages in bread and tasty hamburgers. Our group also decided to run, for the first time, a flower stall, selling a variety of fresh flowers and a cake stall which was stocked with yummy treats, generously donated by our parent community. Overall the weekend was a great success, raising around $11,000 which, in consultation with the school’s management, will be used to fund important initiatives to benefit the students. We have received positive feedback from our stallholders and the community. The P&F would like to extend their thanks to the hard working sub-committee for their organisation and running of the market over the weekend. A huge thanks also to all the parent helpers who volunteered their time throughout the weekend to ensure the smooth running of this event. Many thanks to those who baked the tasty treats for our café and cake stall and to everyone who came along to support the market. An event like this can’t be a success without the support of our school community. The subcommittee would like to extend their thanks to David Formosa and Lauren Salcombe for their assistance and support in all aspects of the planning and running of our market, which is greatly appreciated. Our next event is the popular Fashion Dinner, this year being held at Deakin Waterfront on 18 September. We look forward to another fun evening. The next P&F meeting is on 19 August in the College staffroom. All welcome. Jacquie Richards - P&F President

Security on your computer

Exchange students from Italy

How well do you grapple with security issues on your computer? • Email spam • Pop-up advertisements • Social networking security settings • Use of anti-virus and anti-spyware software • Firewall settings • Purchasing online Take the 10 minute challenge GRAPPLE: Chris Valmadre – Director of ICT

A group of 17 Italian exchange students arrived in Australia last week and are being hosted by St Joseph’s College and Sacred Heart College. The students will be in Australia for just under three weeks. During their time in Geelong they have attended classes and visited Melbourne and Torquay. They will also visit Alice Springs and Sydney before returning home to Milan. The exchange students come from two of our sister schools in Milan – Liceo Banfi and Liceo Galileo Galilei. They left for Alice Springs Wednesday morning and we wish them the best of luck. We would like to thank the host families for their support. Without them there would be no exchange program. Caterina Giacomazzo - LOTE Coordinator

St Vinnies Winter Blanket Appeal Keep someone warm this winter! St Joseph’s College is helping St Vinnies collect good quality used and new clothes/blankets to keep those in need warm this winter.

Warm blankets remain one of the most sought after items for people in need. The demand for blankets always spikes during the cold winter months. With your support,Vinnies can provide much needed assistance to the people in our community that need it the most. Together, we can make a difference. On Friday 1 August all students are able to wear casual clothes and for this privilege we ask for a donation of a blanket or some warm clothing towards our appeal. Last year our appeal helped out over 400 families in the Geelong area. Claire Wrigley - Community Service Coordinator


In Sympathy Mr Paul Partington uncle of Jordan Partington (Year 10), Charlotte (Year 5) and Bridget Partington (Year 2) Clairvaux Primary School. Mrs Nancy Garipoli (81 years) grandmother of Aiden Garipoli (Year 12) and Joshua Garipoli (Year 9). Mrs Iris Stead (93 years) great grandmother of Connor Taylor (Year 8) and William Taylor (Grade 6) Holy Spirit Primary School. Mr Brian Digby Old Collegian (1946), father of Brian Digby Old Collegian (1977), grandfather of Liam Digby (Year 8) and Joshua Digby (Grade 6) Chilwell Primary School. Mrs Patricia Woodruff, mother of Br Kevin Woodruff. (past staff member). Mr Brian Dobbyn, Old Collegian (1949), father of Old Collegians Paul (1981) and Tim Dobbyn (1982). Mr Sam Keating, Old Collegian (2007), to Sam’s family, Robyn and Danny, Hayley, Shaun (2000) , Edwina and all their extended family and friends we express our heartfelt sympathy. Sam’s love will live on in each of you always.


Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

Keep someone warm this winter!


Students are asked to donate a good quality blanket or winter clothing for the privilege to wear casual clothes.

To Melissa Patterson and Cam Begg on the arrival of their gorgeous baby girl Lola, little sister for Archie. To Jason King (staff member) and partner Alex on the announcement of their engagement.

Past Student Time Capsules Our Heritage Centre has a collection of time capsules created by past students who have not collected them - if you are a past student from 2007-2013 who did not collect your time capsule please contact the Heritage Centre (open Mondays & Tuesdays) email: susanb@sjc. or phone: 5226 8100. Please share this message with any past students so they don’t miss out on their own little bit of history!

Photo/Video Permission Forms Due to recent changes in privacy legislation we now require a signed permission form for every student in order to use their photo for College-related material. This includes the College newsletter, website, SJC Facebook page,Virtus (College end of year magazine) etc. This means that students without forms returned will not be able to appear in the College yearbook. These permission forms were distributed via Homeroom teachers and were due back last term. However, there are still many forms yet to be returned. We ask that you please assist us in this by ensuring your son returns his signed permission form ASAP. Zara Walter - Office Manager

UN Evatt Competition Tuesday 22 July saw 12 students, competing in teams of two, take part in the United Nations Youth ‘Evatt Competition’. Representing an assigned member nation, students found themselves in a mock session of the UN Security Council – debating, amending and voting on prepared and impromptu resolutions from the perspective of their nation. The boys did an outstanding job representing the College and have come away with not only a deeper understanding of global issues, but also what it means to be active citizens in our world. Zoe Marshall - Debating & Public Speaking Coordinator

Fyans Park Tennis Club Are you interested in playing tennis at your local courts? If you are, or know of anyone who would be interested, the Fyans Park Tennis Club, corner of Camden Road and Ormskirk Street, Newtown, is currently seeking new members. All ages and abilities welcome. For further details contact: Garth 0419 583 968 Des 5243 4536 or mob 0409 160 024.


Time & Space for ‘Mothers and Sons’ St Joseph’s College is delighted to offer you an opportunity to experience a lifetime memory with your son at the annual ‘Mother & Son’ Night. This innovative single evening program is part of some special transition events that we offer our Year 7 students and it is happening here in our school community on the evening of Wednesday 6 August.

Mothers will emerge from the night reassured and impressed by the way our students are able to speak up and share insights about their life. And be assured that the night is fun too… full of activities and conversations that will make us smile as well. Come along and enjoy a unique gift – dedicated time with each other in the midst of the special community atmosphere that we have here at your son’s new school, St Joseph’s College.

Times of transition can be a major event in our boys’ lives. As their ride on the adolescent roller coaster continues, their teenage years fly by. They are growing up and the opportunity to reflect on the challenges and the joys being faced by you and them is one not to be missed.

Visit the link Or email

This is a great night for the boys as they witness their mothers discussing what it means to them to be a mum (or mentor) and see how you handle the ‘letting go’ process as they start to forge some independence.

We know that families come in all shapes and sizes. If a boy’s mother is not around, a grandmother, stepmother, aunty or other female mentor is welcome.

We are bringing Bill Jennings to our school to facilitate this unique experience for you. Bill is the creator and founder of ‘Time & Space’ ( a service he has developed to give people just that – ‘time and space’ for parents and their children to share important moments together in a school community setting. This program has a whole range of memorable moments that include carefully guided interactions with other mothers and their sons.

To register please: This helps with our activity planning for the session. This session is exclusive to Year 7. If you have any other enquiries, please call reception on (03) 5226 8100.

Year 7 Mother & Son Night Wednesday 6 August 2014 O S Adams Centre (Gym) 6.45pm for a 7.00pm Start (Finish by 9.00pm)

a program for Mothers & Sons





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