Issue1 SJCnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Friday 31 January 2014 - Issue No 1 Principal Paul Tobias greets and welcomes each student to Westcourt Campus.

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, A warm welcome to each of you to the 2014 school year. I hope you have survived the recent spell of hot weather. Hopefully the worst days will have happened before the students return. Much building and maintenance work has taken place over the holiday period at both Newtown and Westcourt Campus. Our new Year 9 Campus registration was approved last week so we are ready to go on Monday. Another challenge will be the successful operation of the Trade Training Centre at Newtown. Much planning has gone into both developments and I am hopeful that those using the new facilities and the opportunities they offer, will benefit as a consequence. I hope that 2014 is a good one for you personally and for your extended family. Paul Tobias - Principal

Picking up & Dropping Off Children around schools For the safety of children, parents are reminded to take care and obey parking signs when picking up or dropping off children around schools. Council’s Parking & Information Officers regularly patrol school areas during start and finish times and motorists detected breaching parking regulations risk being issued with a Penalty Infringment Notice. Remember, as soon as you stop to let your children in or out of the car, you are deemed to be parked.You do not have to leave your car or turn the engine off to be fined.

Compassion Innovation Integrity

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Fax: 03 5221 6983 Email: Web:

Please be aware that the yellow lines marked on Queens Road designate “No Stopping” zones. For the safety of students, families and drivers please do not stop on the yellow lines in Queens Road. At childrens’ crossings, you must remain stationary at the stop line while any person (including an adult or the supervisor) is on the crossing or the stop sign is displayed. Do not let your child alight at this time, but ensure that they wait until you are safely and legally parked. If you breach parking regulation the Parking & Information Officer assigned to monitor the crossing will usually record your registration number and details, and the Penalty Infringement Notice will be posted to the registered owner of the vehicle within the next three days.

Calendar of Events FEBRUARY 5 9 11 12 18

ACMA Cyber Safety Presentations SJOCA Golf Day Senior Years Awards SJC Swimming Carnival Year 10 / VCE Parent Information Evening

MARCH 4 New Parent Welcome Evening 5 Ash Wednesday Liturgy 7 SJC Athletics Day 10 Labour Day - Public Holiday 19 Westcourt Campus Opening 20 Edmund Rice Day 21 National Anti Bullying, Anti Violence Day

For the Old Collegians’ Association 18th Annual

9 February 2014 Get your mates together and BOOK ONLINE AT

From the Deputies We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our families to the 2014 school year and hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. UNIFORM Students are able to wear their summer uniform in Term 1, however, they can choose to wear their winter uniform if they prefer it. Please remember that if the winter uniform is chosen that it must be worn correctly with tie and blazer. If any family has had difficulty acquiring any item of uniform can you please make sure your son has confirmation of this issue in written form signed by a parent/carer with an indication as to when it will be resolved. If written notification is not evident boys will receive demerit points. COLLEGE EVENTS Term 1 is extremely busy with a number of major College events. Some important events to take note of are the Senior Awards ceremony taking place on Tuesday 11 February, the SJC Swimming Carnival (Years 7 – 9) on Wednesday 12 February, the SJC Athletics Carnival (whole school) on Friday 7 March and Edmund Rice Day on Thursday 20 March. These events are compulsory school days and more details will be supplied once the students return. CANTEEN Due to our Westcourt Campus in operation from the beginning of 2014, we have made slight alterations to the designated canteens.Years 7, 8 and 10 will have access to the main canteen while the PAC canteen will be available to VCE students. CONTACT Homeroom teachers will be making contact with all families of students in their class early in Term 1. We would encourage you to contact your son’s Homeroom teacher in the event that any issue arises. Most problems can be rectified easily the earlier we are aware of them. Alternatively please contact your son’s Year Level Coordinator or the relevant Deputy Principal. All of these people can be contacted by phone by calling the College Reception on 5226 8100 or by emailing each staff member directly. Staff email addresses can be located through the Parent Access Module. Deputy Principal and Year Level Coordinator email contacts are below: Claire Brown – Deputy Principal Years 7 - 9 Paul Clohesy – Deputy Principal Years 10 - 12 Simon Piasente - Year 7 Coordinator Compassion Innovation Integrity

Dan Hale – Year 8 Coordinator Michael Timms – Westcourt Campus Coordinator Simon Taylor – Year 10 Coordinator Andrew Scaddan – Year 11 Coordinator Monika Ercoli – Year 12 Coordinator Please note that Simon Taylor will be absent from school in week one so all enquiries can be directed to Paul Clohesy. Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Vaccines HPV - YEARS 7-9 The national HPV vaccination program now includes boys. Students will have three doses this year. Dates will be provided closer to the time. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a highly contagious virus that is responsible for a wide range of HPV-related cancers and disease. The virus is transmitted through sexual contact and affects both males and females. It is believed that four out of every five people will have a HPV infection at some time in their lives. ABOUT THE HPV VACCINE The free vaccine is being offered to boys in Years 7 and 9. The extension of the HPV vaccination program to boys follows the success of the female program, which is credited with significantly reducing HPV-related infections among vaccinated women since it began in 2007. Vaccination against HPV is important in providing protection for both males and females against a wide range of cancers and disease.Vaccinating males will also help to protect females from cervical cancer and HPV-related disease by reducing the spread of the virus. It is important that all three doses are completed to make sure boys and girls are fully protected. The vaccine has been widely tested to ensure its safety. Close to seven million doses of the vaccine have been administered in Australia so far. We ask that parents and guardians discuss the vaccinations with their child, and explain the importance of completing the full three-dose course. Year 7 consent forms have been distributed and should be returned to the College immediately if not already done so. Year 9s will receive their consent forms in the first week of school and should return them to the College office no later than Thursday 13 February. BOOSTER – DIPTHERIA,TETANUS, PERTUSSIS – YEAR 10 Year 10s will receive their consent forms for this vaccination in the first week of school and should return them to the College office no later than Thursday 13 February. If you have queries please contact me on phone 5226 8113 or via email to Zara Walter – Office Manager

Westcourt Canteen WESTCOURT CANTEEN OPERATIONS Westcourt Campus will have a canteen operating. Those students wanting to order lunch will need to place orders at the canteen at recess only. Students are encouraged to order lunch as there will be limited supplies over the counter. There will be a selection of items available for students to order at the Westcourt Canteen, as yet there is not a set canteen menu, one may be created in the future depending on the popularity of canteen items. CANTEEN ALLOCATION CHANGES With the relocation of Year 9 to Westcourt Campus the designated year levels for canteens at the main College Campus has altered, details are as follows. - Years 7, 8 and 10 allocated canteen is the main canteen - Years 11 and 12 to use the PAC canteen - All lunch orders and collections for all year levels is the main canteen. Joanne Hammond - Canteen Manager

Pre-emptive bus route closures on designated Code Red Fire Days SOUTH WESTERN VICTORIA REGION – PRE-EMPTIVE BUS ROUTE CLOSURES ON DESIGNATED CODE RED DAYS DEECD work has been undertaken through the year by the Emergency Management Unit and Regions to develop and confirm all bus routes that will be pre-emptively cancelled on a designated Code Red day. The Region has provided this information to Bus Coordinating Schools so that Schools are able to identify the Bus Routes impacted on and provide families and client schools with advance information and notification of a preemptive cancellation on a designated Code Red day. On designated Code Red days bus routes from schools not on the Barwon At Risk Register (BARR) that enter high risk areas will also be pre-emptively cancelled. It is important to note that schools not listed on the BARR will operate as usual on designated Code Red days despite some or all bus routes being cancelled. This will allow parents to arrange transport for students to school as part of their own Bushfire Plans if required. The buses that have currently been identified for cancellation should a Code Red day be declared are: Maude Bannockburn 1 Coles Anglesea Anglesea or Anglesea 1 Mt Anakie Lorne Meredith 2 Eastern View Shelford Bambra Bellbrae Potentially further bus routes may also be included in this list in the near future. Zara Walter - Office Manager

Medical Management Plans If your son suffers from asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes or another serious medical condition we are required to hold a management plan for him. Notification has been sent to parents who need to provide this. Management plans for new students must be returned no later than Friday 31 January 2014. If you have not already sent this information to the College please do so ASAP. Zara Walter – Office Manager

Use of photographs on the college website and in newsletters Promoting our College to the wider community is very important. One of the ways we do this is through our website and publications. We have so much to be proud of at St Joseph’s College and we like to showcase the many aspects of school life on our webpage, in the newsletter and also on our social media pages. This includes the use of photographs of the students involved in various school activities. Please note that it is College Policy NOT to include the names of students in captions directly connected to photographs online or in our newsletter. The students’ names may be mentioned in general news articles. Feel free to explore our website at or have a look at St Joseph’s College Geelong on both Facebook and Twitter. The social media pages are monitored by SJC and any inappropriate content will be reported and removed. Student images may also be used in College publications such as Handbooks and Open Day promotion along with general printed promotional media. If for some reason you do not wish your son/s to be included in such photographs of school activities this year, we ask that you advise the School in writing. (Direct your letter to Mr Paul Tobias, Principal). If at any time the College photographer is taking photos and a student is not comfortable for their image to be taken, the student can inform the photographer directly and they will respect the student’s wishes. Lauren Salcombe - Publications Officer

Cybersmart Presentations

Community Service thank you I would like to thank the students, staff and parents for their support of the community service program at St Joseph’s College throughout 2013. Students volunteered to help out in a number of areas last year such as the St Francis Xavier and St Thomas Aquinas breaky programs, Refugee Holiday Program, St Vinnies, Legacy appeal and many more. The response from the whole school community to appeals such as the St Vinnies winter appeal and the Geelong Food Relief appeal has been amazing. None of what St Joseph’s achieves through support of community service programs and appeals is possible without the support of students, staff and parents. We look forward to more involvement this year in the wider community through community service and appeals and know that the response from the St Joseph’s community will once again be supportive. We were lucky enough to receive a Geelong Football jumper from St Vinnies to award as a prize for any boy who participated in the SJC Winter Sleep Out. Names of all the boys were placed in a barrel and Patrick Kelly of 8F was the lucky winner. Congratulations Patrick! Claire Wrigley - Community Service Coordinator

Cybersmart internet safety presentation that helps children stay safe online will be held on Wednesday 5 February from 7.00-8.30pm in the Br OS Adams Centre (gym) at St Joseph’s College. We request that all new parents try to attend our annual internet safety presentation. Young people today are immersed in digital technologies. They use the internet and mobile phones to socialise, study, exchange ideas and play. While online activity has many benefits, there are also risks. To help your children stay safe online, a Cybersmart Outreach—Internet Safety Awareness presentation organised through Clonard, SHC and SJC will be available to all parents or interested members of the community. Designed for parents and other adults, this presentation is provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) as part of a national program of cybersmart initiatives. The Cybersmart Outreach—Internet Safety Awareness presentation is thorough and non-technical. It covers a range of issues including: • the ways children use the internet and emerging technologies • potential risks for children online, such as cyberbullying, identity theft, inappropriate contact and exposure to inappropriate content • tips to help children stay safe online. The presentation is conducted by an ACMA Cybersmart trainer and is free of charge. Chris Valmadre - Director of ICT

We are now an eSmart School

Australia Day Anthem Cuurent Year 12 student, Ryan Bentley performed the National Anthem at the Citizenship Ceremony on Australia Day. Ryan was also a featured soloist at the recent Geelong Summer Music Camp. The camp involved 15 boys from St Joseph’s College. Several staff members were involved in the running of this annual event. David Gallaher - Director of Music Performance Compassion Innovation Integrity

St Joseph’s is proud to announce that we are now officially an eSmart school. Since we first registered with the program, we have introduced many new policies and activities to improve the way our school manages cybersafety, bullying and cyberbullying. We feel confident our students, staff and the wider school community are now well supported to be smart, safe and responsible users of digital technology. We encourage everyone in the school community to continue to uphold and promote eSmart behaviours, at school and at home. If you are aware of any incidents of bullying, cyberbullying or risky online behaviour, please contact the Director of ICT. Chris Valmadre - Director of ICT

Officer Selection to the Australian Defence Force Academy 2013 Year 12 graduate, Andrey Matushevsky, has been awarded a place at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA), in Canberra, as an Australian Army Officer Cadet. Andrey will be one of the 292 Officer Cadets selected from almost 6000 applications across Australia. This is an outstanding achievement and well deserved. Andrey was required to undergo a rigorous officer selection process including aptitude testing and interviews. He was also expected to achieve the necessary academic requirements for his chosen University of New South Wales degree choice. His preparation for selection for ADFA began well before Year 12. The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is unique. It provides young men and women with the opportunity to complete their tertiary studies whilst beginning a challenging and exciting career as a junior officer in the Navy, Army or Air Force. There are a variety of officer positions available in many different fields, from Administration and Logistics through to Aviation, Intelligence and Engineering. It is Andrey’s preference to pursue a career as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Australian Army Aviation Corps. At ADFA, Officer Cadets study for a degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), one of Australia’s leading universities. Study options include Arts, Business, Engineering, Information Technology, Science or Technology. As well as obtaining a world class education, cadets also learn the leadership and military skills they will need as a junior officer in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). We look forward to hearing from Andrey about his progress and wish him the very best of luck. Students interested in finding out more about applying for a career in the Army, Navy or Airforce are welcome to make an appointment with Karen at the Careers Office. WORK EXPERIENCE – YEAR 10 Year 10 students are expected to have found their work experience placement by the end of February. The work experience week is 5 – 9 May (activities week). Prior to the conduct of work experience week, a lot of paperwork and administration must take place. It is very important that students adhere to the required timelines and return the necessary forms to the Careers Office promptly.

Yellow Form and Work Experience Arrangement Form: Students must enter the details of their work experience placement on the yellow work experience return slip. This form should then be handed in to the Careers Office. If students have misplaced their yellow return slip they can collect another from the Careers Office. After students have completed their yellow form, Kirsty Maselli will print and return the official form to them. Students then contact the employer to arrange to have the work experience form signed. Students and parents are also required to read and sign the form. The form must then be returned to the Careers Office. Alternative Dates: If the work place already has a student booked in for the work experience week, students can request to undertake the work experience during a week in the school holidays. If this time is not available, there may be scope for students to do their work experience either side of work experience week. Students must speak to the Careers Coordinator if they intend to undertake work experience during the school term outside of Activities Week. Further information can be found regarding the work experience program on the SJC Careers Blog at: Karen Shum - Careers Coordinator

Senior Awards The Senior Awards will be held in the Br O S Adams Centre (gym) on Tuesday 11 February at 9.15am. A majority of the letters of congratulations and invitations to the event were sent via email. If you or your son has received a letter regarding an award he is receiving, could you please RSVP to this event ASAP. You can contact me via email or phone 5226 8122. Thank you. Natasha Solczaniuk - Events Coordinator

Cricket - SJC First XI The 2014 Season starts on Wednesday 5 February, 12pm start on Zampatti Oval. SJC will play traditional rivals, St Bernard’s Essendon. Spectators most welcome.

Request for Home Internet Filtering on the School Laptop

7. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 5pm and 6pm Mon-Thurs

REQUEST EXTENDED HOURS FOR INTERNET FILTERING OF THE STUDENT LAPTOP Parents are able to request the school activate extended hours for internet filtering on the student laptop. If you are interested in this service, please download the form from the SJC Website • The school will only provide the options shown • There is no cost for this service THE SCHOOL INTERNET FILTER: • All student laptops have internet filtering on school days between 8am and 3.30pm • The following internet areas are filtered Adult/pornographic content, violent content, gambling, games, social networking, sites that cause security problems,YouTube and other internet video services that are not listed under “Education”, unfiltered image searches, email other than school email, peer-to-peer sites for downloading illegal content and chat sites. WHAT IS UNBLOCKED WHEN WE ALLOW “RECREATION” SITES: Sites in this category include some game sites, some social networking (like Facebook), Web email, some forums. If Skype is installed it will be blocked at school but it will work at home. If parents do not want students to use Skype, please ask your son to uninstall it. SCHOOL TERM OPTIONS Filtering options – please select one only for during school Terms

8. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 6pm and 7pm Mon-Thurs

1. Keep the same filtering as used at school 2. Same as number one but allows recreation sites between 5pm and 6pm each day

9. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 7pm and 8pm Mon-Thurs 10. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 8pm and 9pm Mon-Thurs TERM BREAK OPTIONS Filtering options – please select one only for during Term breaks 1. Keep above selection for the Term break as well 2. Allow recreation sites anytime over the Term break Chris Valmadre - Director of ICT

Naming of School Items The College often has many items in lost property that are unnamed. Please ensure you label all of your son’s uniform, books, stationery etc. If any items are handed in clearly labelled with a name we can return them to the student ASAP. Thanks for your cooperation. Zara Walter – Office Manager

For the Old Collegians Association

18th Annual

3. Same as number one but allows recreation sites between 6pm and 7pm each day 4. Same as number one but allows recreation sites between 7pm and 8pm each day 5. Same as number one but allows recreation sites between 8pm and 9pm each day 6. Retain the same filtering as used at school for Monday-Thursday but allow recreation sites Friday 4pm to Sunday 9pm

Compassion Innovation Integrity

9 February 2014 Get your mates together and BOOK ONLINE AT

In Sympathy Mr Edward Crane, in Tasmania, great grandfather of Brandon Di Pasquale (Year 11). Mrs Elia Tomadin (84 years), following ongoing illness, mother/mother-in-law of staff member, George and Carol Tomadin, Nonna to Erin, Michael and Breahna. Great nonna to Aidan and Liam. Mr John Thomas (66 years), past staff member, dearly loved husband of Anne Thomas (long serving staff member) and father of Jane, Simon and Sarah, their partners Andrew, Kasey and Blairy, grandfather of Daniel, William and Sienna. John was a quiet achiever who leaves special memories with all at St Joseph’s College. He has fought a tough battle with cancer over three years and thankfully is now resting in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with the love of his life, Anne and all their family. Mrs Mary Wilcox (83 years), mother/mother-in-law of staff member John Wilcox and Susan, grandmother of Nelson (Year 9) and Georgia (Year 12 Sacred Heart College). Mr Danny Stone (39 years from the Mallee district) following a pool diving accident, uncle of Thomas Douglas (Year 9), Georgia and Sam Douglas (Clairvaux Primary School), Aaron Stone (Year 9) and Jordan (Year 12). Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

Congratulations To George Tomadin (staff member) and Carol on the arrival of their second grandchild, Liam Patrick O’Reilly, to proud parents Erin and Michael. Liam is a beautiful little brother for Aidan. To Coby Cunningham (staff member) and partner Paul Sullivan on their recent engagement. To Bryson Milverton (staff member) and Belinda on the birth of their second child Georgia. A beautiful little sister for Asha. To Ashley Humphries (staff member) and partner Vanessa on the birth of their precious baby boy, Fletcher. To Claire Brown (staff member) on the arrival of twin grandsons Elijah (Eli) and Huxley. Beautiful little brothers for 4 year old Oscar.

Special Prayers Mr Royce Moncur, brother-in-law of Libby Mears (current Board Member), loved uncle to Harrsion, Tom and Rudy Veale. Mrs Luolan Zhao (in china), mother of staff member, Wei Zhang. We pray for these and all in our community who are unwell.

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Booklists General Information Any late orders for books/texts can be made online using the home delivery option. Books and stationery can be ordered at The passcode is YV28. Please note that due to many students losing access codes in previous years, electronic textbooks must be ordered online. Electronic texts are delivered using a code delivered to an email address. Parents/Guardians DO NOT need to activate the code. Students will be working with teachers to download the texts in class. Students will need to note the access codes. The access codes will be in the email given with the order or on the invoice received when the booklist order was filled. NB. Please check your booklist order to ensure any electronic textbooks have been ordered. SECONDHAND BOOKS With the increasing use of electronic texts and access codes, the purchase of second hand textbooks is not as straight forward as it has been in the past. As a general rule, electronic texts only last for one year and therefore cannot be purchased from another student. Oxford textbooks can be purchased second hand and students can reactivate codes. Cambridge Maths textbooks can be purchased second hand but a Hot Maths licence/code must be purchased new. These can be purchased at Landmark. UP TO DATE BOOK DELIVERY At this stage, the following textbooks are still awaiting delivery: Oxford Psychology Units 1 & 2 Value Pack The Rite Journey (Year 9). Booklist information on the SJC website will be updated regularly Michelle Brodrick - Director of Curriculum

Second Hand School Specialists At Second Hand School Specialists you can buy and sell a wide variety of your second hand school items. We sell on consignment which is a safe and secure way to sell your unwanted or outgrown school items. Just drop off to us and we’ll sell it on your behalf. Terms and conditions are on our website or contact us on 0400-350-652 email We accept cash, eftpos, visa and mastercard. We also offer a refund or exchange within 7 days of purchase. NEW Trading hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 3.30pm - 5.30pm Saturday (1st and 3rd of each month) 9am - 11pm Free Parking Outside Of Store. Great Quality SJC Second Hand Items For Sale. Expect to save from 30% – 80% off new uniform costs!

Sustainability Matters WASTE MANAGMENT Dear St Joseph’s College families, I wish to inform you that we are implementing a new ‘three bin system’ for waste collection, for our College grounds (across both campuses) this year. The “three bin” structure will incorporate; fully commingled recycling bins (240L green bin/yellow lid), general waste bins (120L green bin/maroon lid) and food waste (white buckets) to largely emulate the City of Greater Geelong, domestic household waste system. IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW “THREE BIN” WASTE SYSTEM YEARS 7, 8 AND 9 STUDENTS The new system will be implemented in stages, commencing with fully commingled recycling and general waste bins next Monday. Food waste bins will be introduced over the coming weeks, once a recycling routine is established. We will also be introducing the Bokashi bin system at both campuses to manage food waste. The table below is intended for students to familiarise themselves with which items may go in each bin. Further education will be provided at school to assist with this.



WHAT GOES IN Glass (bottles, not globes or broken glass) Metal (including aluminium and tin cans(scaped) ) Paper (including; newspapers, drink cartons and canteen pizza wrappers). Cardboard Plastic All rigid plastic (including plastic bottles and yoghurt containers - scraped)  NO PLASTIC BAGS Non-recyclable items (at present, this will include food scraps)

YEARS 10, 11 AND 12 STUDENTS At this stage, senior students will resume with the same system in place in 2013 and will receive further information regarding recycling prior to the new bins being implemented in their areas. RECYCLING AT HOME A more comprehensive of recyclable items and helpful hints, compiled by the Barwon Regional Waste Management Group, has been included to further support your recycling endeavours at home(and school).

OTHER RECYCLING INITIATIVES REDcycling The REDcycling (recycling of “soft plastic”) initiative, introduced last year for Year 7 and 8 students is anticipated to continue for 2014. REDcyling bins will be located in Homerooms for these year levels. Further to this, large REDcycling bins will be placed at each canteen (main campus) for students of all year levels to utilise. REDCYCLING RED BINS - WHAT GOES IN 60L bins in Homeroom, 240L bins at Canteen  Bread bags  Biscuit packets  Frozen food bags  Rice and pasta Bags  Confectionery packets  Cereal Box Liners  Newspaper wrap  Plastic shopping bags  Old green bags “SOFT PLASTIC” RECYCLING - AT HOME Melbourne based REDcycle recycling organisation, has developed and implemented an innovative closed-loop recycling initiative, the REDcycle program, converting “soft plastics” into outdoor furniture and signage for primary and pre-schools. You can play your part in creating a more sustainable future simply by recycling “soft plastics” at participating Coles supermarkets. The participating stores in our area include; Coles Belmont, Coles Corio Village, Coles Westfield Geelong, Coles Geelong West and Coles Waurn Ponds. For more information go to website BATTERY and MOBILE PHONE RECYLCLING STATION AT ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE A reminder that batteries (excluding car batteries) mobile phones and mobile phone accessories may be recycled at the reception areas of either campus. Discount on battery purchases As members of the “School’s Battery Recycling Program”, all members of the College community are offered 15% off purchases at any time at Battery World Geelong, upon mentioning this Newsletter article. OTHER ITEMS THAT MAY BE RECYCLED AT THE COLLEGE We are now also collecting; stamps, bread clips and wine corks to assist various organisations in their recycling endeavours. These items may also be brought to reception at either campus for recycling. SUSTAINABILITY LEADERS for 2014 If you have a passion for the environment, you may like to consider joining our sustainability leadership team. Further information regarding applications will be provided in the next newsletter. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator





AGE GROUPS: Ages as of 1 January. If you turn 14 this year; you are in U/14, if you turn 16 this year U/16 and so on. (under 12s swim in the U/13 age group). MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION: It is expected that all students in Years 7-9 participate in the 25m trials across the pool. Not everyone is an elite swimmer, but you all can have a go and earn some points for your house towards winning the Adam Bryant House Shield! NON-SWIMMERS: Must have a parental note in their diary UNIFORM: Full P.E. uniform, with House polo shirt & College shorts and cap. Swimming - all appropriate shorts are allowed.





BACKPACKS: Students are advised not to bring a school backpack on the day to avoid bag mix ups. Students should bring a bag they can easily identify. Students are not to bring valuables as security is limited. BUSES TO AND FROM THE POOL: All swimmers will be bused to the pool from school. Students will be dismissed from the pool at 3pm. However every student who needs to get back to school will be bused back by 3.20pm for normal buses and pick up. CANTEEN: Canteen is open –NO BBQ




SUNSCREEN: Please ensure you bring and apply sunscreen. SLIP SLOP SLAP!


DIVING POOL: For safety, no flips or somersaults. Only dives and jumps allowed.


Noise making equipment, CD or MP3 players, mobile phones, video games, valuables, ball games, or access to toddlers pool. Students are not to draw inappropriate markings on themselves.



An Evening with Friends of Viqueque 6SHFLDO *XHVW



BOOK ONLINE AT WWW.TRYBOOKING.COM/EFYH Christian College Bellarine Christian College Highton

Parent Forums & Workshops Parenting Your Teenager A program for parents of children aged 13 to 18 yrs Date: Tuesday 18 February Time: 7-9.00pm Location: “Ariston� 245-249 Pakington Street Newtown Cost: Gold coin donation - LIMITED PLACES Information & Registration: 5272 4817 Are you mystified, anxious, angry or have just given up trying to understand your teenager? This four week program will attempt to give you some of the answers!!!

Clonard College

Bringing Up Great Kids

Geelong College Geelong Grammar School

A program for parents of children aged 5 to 12 yrs

Geelong High School Kardinia International College

Date: Wednesday 19 February Time: 7-9.00pm Location: “Ariston� 245-249 Pakington Street Newtown Cost: $20 or $6.50 conc. - LIMITED PLACES Information & Registration: 5272 4817 Bringing up great Kids is a six week parenting program devised by the Australian Childhood Foundation, which aims to promote positive, respectful parent/child relationships.

Matthew Flinders Girls Sec College Sacred Heart College St Francis Xavier Primary School St Ignatius College St Joseph’s College Suf Coast Secondary College Torquay College P-6

Parenting As A Team A program for parents of children aged 13 to 18 yrs


are One, but We are Many’ Working Towards a Humane Refugee Policy

PUBLIC FORUM Tuesday February 18th 2014, 7.15pm Geelong West Town Hall (Rear Entry From Car Park), 153 Pakington St, Geelong West

All Welcome Free Entry Supper Provided Speakers: Kon Karapanagiotidis

CEO and Founder of the

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre - largest provider of aid, advocacy and health services for asylum seekers in Australia

Bishop Vincent Long Auxiliary Bishop, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne & Bishop for the Western Region - a former asylum seeker and refugee

Professor Louise Newman Psychiatrist, Convenor of the Alliance of Health Professions for Asylum Seekers - advocate for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees

Organised by the Combined Refugee Action Group. Contact: Supported by the City of Greater Geelong

Date: Tuesday 25 February Time: 7-9.00pm Location: “Ariston� 245-249 Pakington Street Newtown Cost: Gold coin donation - LIMITED PLACES Information & Registration: 5272 4817 Most parents learn skills they need “on the job�, and at times it can feel like learning at the “deep end.� This four week program helps two parents describe their differences, talk about them in a calm and constructive way, and then work out a common approach that is consistent, works, and satisfies both parents. ABCD Parenting Young Adolescents A program for parents of children aged 10 to 13 yrs Date: Wednesday 26 February Time: 7-9.30pm Location: “Ariston� 245-249 Pakington Street Newtown Cost: Gold coin donation - LIMITED PLACES Information & Registration: 5272 4817 A 4 week practical and enjoyable program to help parents understand and cope better with the challenges of parenting pre-adolescents and young teenagers. The ABCD program reassures parents about their parenting as their child enters this new developmental stage and provides knowledge about adolescent development and behaviour.

Canteen Price List - Term 1 ROLLS & SANDWICHES Chicken Special Salad $4.70 Ham & Salad $4.20 Roast Beef & Salad $4.20 Salad No Meat $3.20 Meat, Cheese & Tomato $3.20 Meat $2.20 Tomato $2.00 Buttered Roll $1.50 Egg & Lettuce $3.20 Unbuttered Roll $1.00 Chicken $3.20 Chicken, Cheese & Mayo $3.70 Tuna & Salad $4.70 Meat & Cheese $2.70 Cheese $2.00 Cheese & Tomato $2.20 PITA Salad $4.20 Meat & Salad $5.00 Chicken & Salad $5.00 EXTRA FILLINGS .50c ea Avocado, Cucumber, Egg, Capsicum, Baby Spinach MEATS AVAILABLE Beef, Tuna, Ham, Chicken

Effective 3 February 2014

SALAD PLATTERS Salad Platter with Meat $5.00 Salad Platter No Meat $4.20 YOGHURT & FRUIT TOPPING Yoghurt & Fruit Topping $2.00 DRINKS Just Juice $1.50 Milk 600ml Classic & Big M $3.00 300ml Big M $2.00 Berri Juice 350ml $2.50 Bottled Water 600 ml $1.50 1.5 litre $2.50 Green tea - mango, lemon, peach or raspberry $3.00 Up & Go $2.00 ICE CREAMS Ice Creams at current recommended retail prices. MUFFINS Fruit Muffins $2.50 Coffee/Apple Scroll $2.50 FRUIT Seasonal $1.00

HOT FOOD Cheese & Bacon Roll (recess only) $2.00 Pies (lunch only) $4.00 Pasties (lunch only) $4.00 Shepherd’s Pie (lunch only) $4.20 Beef, Bacon & Cheese Pie (lunch only) $4.20 Sausage Rolls (lunch only) $2.50 Pizza ¼s (lunch only) $3.50 Hot Chicken Rolls with gravy $3.50 Hot Beef Rolls with gravy $3.50 Steamed Dim Sims x3 (recess only) $2.00 FOCCACIA Ham, Cheese & Tomato $3.50 Chilli Chicken $3.50 Chicken, Lettuce, Cheese & Mayo $4.50 SUSHI – (ORDER) FRIDAY ONLY Newtown Campus Only Chicken Teriyaki $2.80 California $2.80 Tuna and Avocado $2.80 Vegetarian $2.80

Meal Deal Tuesday Newtown Campus Only TERM 1 4 Feb 11 Feb 18 Feb 25 Feb 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 March 1 April

Warm chicken salad Beef burger with bacon, onion, tomato, cheese & lettuce Chicken souvlaki with garlic sauce, tomato, lettuce & onion Beef stir fry on rice Chicken scnitzel burger with mayo, cheese & lettuce Wrap with tandoori chicken, tzatziki, tomato, avocado, capsicum & spinach Warm cajun chicken salad Baked potato with coleslaw, cheese & sour cream Chicken stir fry on rice




Burrito Menu

- please specify water/fruit or yoghurt when ordering

CHICKEN: 13 Feb, 6 March, 27 March MINCE: 6 Feb, 27 Feb, 3 April BEEF: 20 Feb, 13 March


$ 50

Monday - Hot Dogs $3.00 Tuesday - Meal Deal $6.50 Thursday- Burritos $5.50 Friday - Sushi $2.80


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