St Joseph’s College Geelong
News & Events Thursday 5 February 2015 - Issue No 1 135 Aphrasia Street, Newtown VICTORIA 3220 / Ph: 03 5226 8100 Fax: 03 5221 6983 / Email: /
Student Services Centre under construction
Principal’s Report
Calendar of Events February 2015 2 9 10 11 17 18 24
All students return Music Information Evening Senior Awards Ceremony SJC Swimming Carnival Year 10 & VCE parent info night Ash Wednesday P&F Meeting
March 2015 3 New Parent Welcome Evening 6 SJC Athletics Day 9 Labour Day - Public Holiday 10 P&F Meeting 14 Trivia Night 19 Edmund Rice Day 20 VCAL Bowls & Beats Night 23 SJC Open Day 25 Josephines Dinner 26 Easter Liturgy 26 Parent/ Student/ Teacher Interviews 4-7pm 27 Parent/ Student/ Teacher Interviews 9am-12:30pm 27 End Term 1 - Student Free Day (no classes)
Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education
From the Mission Office News from the Deputies We would like to extend a warm welcome back to all members of the St Joseph’s community for what we hope is an exciting and rewarding year for everyone. We hope that the Christmas holiday period was a happy time for you all and one that allowed families to spend a lot of time together. A special welcome is extended to all our new families, we look forward to working closely with you all throughout the years ahead. 2015 will be another busy year at St Joseph’s. Term 1 is only eight weeks long but will be packed with sporting events, College celebrations and most importantly, a lot of school work. In week 2 we will be celebrating the achievements of many of our senior boys at the Senior Awards Ceremony. The following day, Wednesday 11 February, is the Year 7 – 9 House Swimming Carnival at Kardinia Pools. These two events are fantastic opportunities for our new Year 7 students to involve themselves in the extra-curricular life of the school and begin to develop an understanding of what it means to be a St Joseph’s College student. Later in Term 1 we also have Edmund Rice Day, our main fundraising day, as well as our House Athletics Carnival. The beginning of a new school year is an opportune time to remind all families about the expectations we have of all our students.To put it very simply we expect students to do the best they can in all that they do. The words ‘Ad Alta Virtute’ appear on our College crest and translate into ‘Strive for the Highest’. We expect this attitude to be applied to all things here at St Joseph’s.We expect students to wear their uniforms with pride, we expect them to treat each other and all members of the community with respect and we expect them to do their best in the classroom as well as in all other areas of school life. We would like to remind all families of the importance of the partnership between student, school and home and of the positive impact fostering this relationship has on student outcomes. Students will only achieve academically if they feel connected and safe at school so please do not hesitate to contact the college as quickly as possible if any concern or difficulty presents itself. College staff are accessible by phone and email and will respond to messages at their earliest convenience. Your son’s Homeroom teacher is the first person to make contact with for minor concerns however subject teachers, Year Level Coordinators and Deputy Principals can also be contacted at all times. Paul Clohesy & Michelle Brodrick - Deputy Principals Compassion Innovation Integrity
Welcome back for 2015. The reflection to begin our staff meeting last Tuesday reminded us that teachers are very lucky. Every year we get to start anew – new classes, new students, some new staff, and sometimes new offices. We begin with the hope that all will go well, that we will teach our students with passion and skill, that they will welcome the challenges that we plan for them, that we will see growth in their words and actions. Our students are just as lucky. They also get to have a new start each year – new teachers, new classmates, new challenges, and new opportunities. They begin with hope, for a good year, for teachers who will want to get to know them, for success, for fun with friends, for growth. Through the following prayer we recognise that these hopes will be achieved with the guidance of God’s Spirit working within us all. Lord, at the beginning of this New Year, I offer you my life. Come take my voice, may the words I speak be filled with encouragement and goodness. Come take my hands, may the work they create be generous and giving. Come take my feet, may the journeys I walk be led by your Spirit within. Come take my life Lord, for I love your goodness, your kindness and your leading. Amen. This year there are a few new faces in the Mission Office. Zoe Marshall has taken on the role of Service Learning (community service) Coordinator. Rachel Roche au is the Faith Development Coordinator, responsible for Renewals and Liturgies. Vicki Mills vicki.mills@sjc.vic. continues in her role as the Religious Education Domain Leader, Kylie Pretty au is currently the ATSI Coordinator, and I remain as the Director of Identity Should you have any reason to contact us, please do so using the above email addresses. Jo Hart - Director of Identity
Chess Club Chess club will meet in F9 each Friday lunchtime commencing 13 February. Students from all levels are welcome to play or learn to play. Michelle Cameron
Curriculum News A very warm welcome to parents, students and staff as we commence the 2015 academic year. I hope the holiday break has been a time of rest and renewal for all. I’d like to welcome all our new students and in particular all our Year 7 students who begin their academic life at St Joseph’s. I am delighted to be appointed as Director of Curriculum and I am looking forward to continuing the fine tradition of learning excellence for which St Joseph’s is renowned. I am also looking forward to meeting many of you throughout the year. During last week, staff were involved in a number of planning meetings to prepare for the boys’ return this week. It has been very gratifying to witness the dedication and commitment of the staff in providing the best possible opportunities for students to be their best. I am very confident that students will be engaged and “strive for the highest” in their studies in 2015. Term 1 is when most students establish the way in which they intend to work throughout the year. Establishing good routines early in the term can make an enormous difference to the quality of student work produced throughout the year. I want to encourage all our families to have high expectations and support the boys’ academic endeavours in partnership with their teachers. Subject teachers are in the best position to know how your child is progressing so please don’t hesitate to contact them in the first instance. Assessment feedback, reporting academic achievement and the PAM (Parent Access Module) Our school intranet system, “SIMON” features a Parent Access Module (PAM) where parents are able to view many of the daily occurrences at the College. The Director of ICT, Mr Chris Valmadre has included information about the module in this newsletter edition. Being able to monitor student attendance, your son’s timetable, assessment results, teacher feedback, daily messages and many other features in real time, strengthens the links between home and the school by providing up to date information about the student’s progress Throughout the course of the semester, academic results and teacher feedback will be posted and viewable from the “Learning Resources” section of PAM (Parent Access Module). Teacher feedback and results will appear for assessment tasks (Year 7 to Year 10), SACs/SATs (VCE) and the VCAL. These results should appear within two weeks of an assessment being completed. St Joseph’s has six formal reporting periods throughout the year. At the conclusion of Terms 1 and 3, students will receive a Mid-Semester Report which indicates the level of academic progress – not assessment grades - that the student has made as well as the Work Habits demonstrated throughout the term. At the end of Semester One, all students will receive a Semester Report that will contain: • Assessment indicators and/or grades (depending on the
Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education
subject or senior school pathway): Percentages/ Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory/Competent/Not Yet Competent • Teacher feedback on each assessment; • (Year 7 to Year 10) Student achievement assessed against AusVELS progressions; and, • Work habits Students in Year 7 to Year 11 receive a Semester Report in the second semester. In summary: Term Type of Report 1 1. Mid-Semester Reports (accessed online) 2. Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 2 3. Semester Reports (accessed online) 3 4. Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 5. Mid-Semester Reports (accessed online) 4 6.Year 7 to Year 11 Semester Reports (accessed online) Student reports are accessible and can be printed from the parent module once they have been made available. The Mid-Semester Report in Term 1 will be available for viewing well before the Parent/Student/Teacher interviews. Applications for a change of subject close tomorrow FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY Each year, every effort is made to ensure that the maximum number of students are in subjects they selected. A small number of students realise that a subject they had selected the previous year is no longer suitable or possible (it may clash with another subject or is not being offered). For these students a subject change is a sensible course of action. A subject change is a significant decision and this is why we ask that a student applying for a subject change has all the necessary signatures according to the application form. Once the student has these permissions, he must see Mr Dawson who will be able to determine whether the request can be met within the student’s timetable. Senior school students must also make an appointment with the Careers department to check that their selections align with the post-school aspirations. It is sometimes the case that a change of subject cannot be granted because of a subject clash or another reason that will be communicated to the student. All subject changes must be finalised by tomorrow (Friday February 6) to maximise the student’s attendance in the new subject and minimise the amount of catch up work. Books and Booklists The collection of booklist parcels and laptops ran very smoothly and I wish to acknowledge the work of Dominic and his team from ‘Landmark’ for the efficient distribution of student texts and stationery and the ICT team for the distribution of the student laptops. If there is an issue with a book listed item, please contact the Campion team at Landmark or myself at the College. Term 1 Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Parent/Student/Teacher interviews will be held in the College’s Gymnasium on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 March. More information about this event will appear in subsequent issues of the newsletter. Michael Goss – Director of Curriculum
at home. If parents do not want students to use Skyp Skype, please ask your son to uninstall it. The school will only provide the options shown School Term Options Filtering option – please select one only for during school Terms ICT Matters 1. Keep the same filtering as used at school ACMA Cybersafety Presentations Cancelled 2. Same as number one but allow recreation sites between The Cybersafety Presentations to students and parents have 5pm and 6pm each day been cancelled by the Australian Communications and Media 3. Same as number one but allow recreation sites between Authority. We are trying to source another presenter and 6pm and 7pm each day will inform parents if this eventuates.A summary of the 2014 presentations is available for download from the SJC website. 4. Same as number one but allow recreation sites between 7pm and 8pm each day 5. Same as number one but allow recreation sites between Email Addresses - update 8pm and 9pm each day Some parents may need to update their email address as we only use the address provided in your sons’ enrolment 6. Retain the same filtering as used at school for MondayThursday but allow recreation sites Friday 4pm to information. If this has changed since your last enrolment Sunday 9pm information update, please send email address updates to 7. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 5pm and 6pm Mon-Thurs PAM – Parent Access Module 8. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 6pm The Parent Access Module login details and an instruction and 7pm Mon-Thurs sheet will be emailed to all parents once email addresses 9. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 7pm have been updated. and 8pm Mon-Thurs The Parent Access Module allows parents to see: • Assessment results and teacher comments as they are 10. Same as 6 but also allow recreation sites between 8pm and 9pm Mon-Thurs marked Term Break Options • Due dates for assessment tasks • Attendance for all lessons Filtering option – please select one only for during Term breaks • The number of behavioural incidents • Daily messages for students 1. Keep above selection for the Term break as well The instruction sheet can be downloaded from the College 2. Allow recreation sites anytime over the Term break website. Mr Chris Valmadre – Director of ICT Filtering on Student Laptops Parents are able to request the school activate extended hours for internet filtering on the student laptop. If you are interested in this service, please download the form from the SJC Website and hand in to the school office. The school internet filter: All student laptops have internet filtering on school days between 8am and 3.30pm. There is no cost for this service Music Information Evening The following internet areas are filtered: Adult/pornographic content, violent content, gambling, A Music Information evening will be held on Monday 9 games, social networking, sites that cause security problems, February in the Br O S Adams Gymnasium from 7-8pm. YouTube and other internet video services that are not This is a chance for Year 7 boys in particular, but also any listed under “Education”, unfiltered image searches, email other boys from other year levels to explore possible other than school email, peer-to-peer sites for downloading instrumental or vocal tuition. illegal content and chat sites. Many of our Instrumental Teachers will be on hand to The following are unblocked when we ALLOW “Recreation” answer any questions you might have. There will be an sites: opportunity for boys to try out on all the instruments. Sites in this category include some game sites, some social Parking is available on Queens Road, enter via Gate 6. networking (like Facebook), Web email, some forums. If Robyn Gallaher - Music Assistant Skype is installed it will be blocked at school but it will work Compassion Innovation Integrity
Three Big Changes To The Vaccine Program
In 2015 three major changes to the vaccine program will impact on parents of secondary school students: 1. The Barwon Health Immunisation Service may contact you about the secondary school vaccine program. Schools have been authorised to provide parent contact details to local councils for this purpose. Contact the school(ph: 03 5226 8100 or email: by 28 February 2015 if you do not want your contact details given to the Barwon Health Immunisation Service. 2. In 2015 only the vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough will be offered to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. From 2016, this vaccine will be offered to Year 7 students only. This will provide earlier protection from these diseases. 3. The time-limited human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program for Year 9 boys was completed in December 2014. A catch-up program is being offered through Barwon Health Immunisation Service for those who have not yet completed the course until 23rd December 2015 . HPV vaccine will continue to be offered to all students (both male and female) in Year 7 from 2015. Look out for the vaccine consent form/s coming home from school with your child. You need to read, complete and return the form/s regardless of whether your child is being immunised at school. To learn more about the changes, the diseases, the vaccines, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination go to
VET start dates: VET students attending St Joseph’s College will be starting from week one. VET buses: VET buses are available to transport students to off-site providers on Monday and Wednesday each week commencing service on Wednesday 4 February. Students needing to catch a VET bus will be able to leave class at 12:30pm on their designated VET day in order to get dressed and depart the College at 12:45pm. VET attire and equipment: All students attending VET studies at the College and off-site providers must have all the required VET attire and equipment. Failure to bring the appropriate attire and equipment will result in students being unable to participate in classes or sent home. VET withdrawals: If your son is no longer wanting to undertake VET studies in 2015 it is imperative that he completes a VET Withdrawal Form. The VET Withdrawal Form can be collected from the Careers Office and must be signed by a Parent or Guardian and returned to the VET Coordinator by the VET cut-off date. VET cut-off date: The VET cut-off date is Wednesday 4 March. Any VET withdrawal forms received after this date will incur the full VET charge. If you have any enquiries regarding VET please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or on 5226 8118. Jarrod Gore - VET Coordinator
St Joseph’s Registration Day is Sunday 22nd February for Junior Football, Little League, Auskick and Netball is on at our Clubrooms; Drew Reserve, Hilltop Road, Herne Hill from 10am until 3pm. Apparel will also be able to be ordered on this day. This option may be easier for families. Alternatively you are now able to register online for all football, if you played last year you will receive an email from AFL Barwon with a link, the choice is yours. Netball contact Fiona 0417.485.457 Compassion Innovation Integrity
Football contact Ann-Marie 0413.906.399
Sustainability Matters RECYCLING ENDEAVOURS Fully commingled Recycling This term we are implementing Fully Commingled Recycling for the senior year levels. Recycling bins have been placed in the Year 10 and 11 eating areas and new bins will be implemented in the Year 12 area in the coming weeks. Paper Recycling Boxes Paper recycling “ecobins” will be introduced at Years 8 & 10 this term (in addition to Years7 &9). Years 11& 12 will receive new cardboard recycling boxes for 2015 and ecobins will be scheduled to be implemented at these levels in 2016. Composting After the success of our trial period last year for composting in one Year 7 class, I am thrilled to announce that we have now implemented composting for Years 7&9. White buckets will be available in the yard for food waste. Year 7I and Year 9 Planet Green students will be responsible for distributing the food waste either to the worm farm or Bokashi bins for conversion to fertiliser. Further to this,Year 12 VCAL Numeracy students will also be utilising the Bokashi waste for their projects at “The Patch” this year. CUT THE WRAP DAYS - TERM 1 In a bid to encourage students to implement a “Cut the Wrap” (CTW) to making lunches on a permanent basis, we are changing the format for our Cut the Wrap days this year.There will be two Cut the Wrap days in Term 1 (for participating year levels), then in Term 2, we will be introducing a Cut the Wrap day every Wednesday. In addition, “unannounced” CTW days will be also introduced from Term 2 onwards. Cut The Wrap Dates – Term 1 Wednesday 25 February & Wednesday 11 March REWARDS During Term 1 CTW days and subsequent “unannounced” CTW days (Term 2 onwards), each student from classes with 100% participation will be rewarded with a canteen voucher. On permanent CTW Wednesdays, students participating will be rewarded with a credit stamp. DRINK BOTTLES & ENVIROWRAPS FOR SALE A reminder that the SJC water bottles and “Fuel” brand envirowraps are available for purchase at a cost of $7.20 each.Available at: Newtown Campus: Canteen Westcourt: Reception BATTERY & MOBILE PHONE RECYCLING Please remember that batteries (excluding car batteries) mobile phones and mobile phone accessories may be recycled at the reception areas of either campus. Discount On Battery Purchases As participating members of the “School’s Battery Recycling Program”, all members of the College community are offered 15% off purchases at any time at Battery World Geelong, upon mentioning this newsletter article. COMMUNITY EVENTS Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 1 March We will be encouraging students and parents alike to join us in helping Clean Up Australia on Sunday 1 March. Site details will be published in the next newsletter.
Compassion Innovation Integrity
Sustainable Living Festival – Geelong As part of the state-wide Sustainable Living Festival, Geelong will be hosting over 90 different activities during February. The activities are designed to inspire and encourage people to live more a more sustainable lifestyle. They include; walks, film forum, the BIG SUNDAY SMARTER LIVING SHOWCASE, and information sessions on local foods, gardening, cycling and active transport, upcycled art, kids woodworking, energy efficient homes and how to save money on your energy bills. Be sure not to miss this wonderful opportunity! For event details, visit the website; Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator BIN TYPE
Fully Commingled Recycling 240L Bins with YELLOW lids
Glass - bottles, not globes or broken glass Metal - including aluminium and tin cans Paper - including newspapers, drink cartons and canteen pizza wrappers Cardboard Plastic - All rigid plastic including: plastic bottles and yoghurt containers (scraped) NO plastic shopping bags NO food or organic matter
REDcycling RED bins 60L Homeroom, 240L Canteen
Bread bags Biscuit packets Frozen food bags Rice and pasta Bags Confectionery packets Cereal Box Liners Newspaper wrap Plastic shopping bags Old green bags
Paper Recycling
Paper Cardboard
General Waste - 120L Bins with MAROON lids
Food “soiled” items Non – recyclables
Food Waste WHITE buckets (Years 7 & 9)
Organic waste such as fruit and vegetable scraps.
Battery Recycling PURPLE bin (reception)
Batteries mobile phones(& accessories) bread clips, corks and stamps
Congratulations In Sympathy
Parking safety at pick up & drop off For the safety of children, parents are reminded to take care and obey parking signs when picking up or dropping off children around schools. Council’s Parking & Information Officers regularly patrol school areas during start and finish times and motorists detected breaching parking regulations risk being issued with a Penalty Infringment Notice. Remember, as soon as you stop to let your children in or out of the car, you are deemed to be parked. You do not have to leave your car or turn the engine off to be fined. Please be aware that the yellow lines marked on Queens Road designate “No Stopping” zones. For the safety of students, families and drivers please do not stop on the yellow lines in Queens Road. At children’s crossings, you must remain stationary at the stop line while any person (including an adult or the supervisor) is on the crossing or the stop sign is displayed. Do not let your child alight at this time, but ensure that they wait until you are safely and legally parked. If you breach parking regulations the Parking & Information Officer assigned to monitor the crossing will usually record your registration number and details and the Penalty Infringement Notice will be posted to the registered owner of the vehicle within the next three days. Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education
Past Student in Gridiron Playoff Former St Joseph’s College student Cameron Johnston and his Ohio State teammates have completed a fairytale run to claim American college football’s biggest prize. The Buckeyes upset the short-priced favourite University of Oregon Ducks 42-20 in the national championship game played at AT&T Stadium in Texas. Johnston was drafted by Melbourne in 2010, but the AFL club delisted him at the end of the 2011 season so he set his sights on putting his big boot to use in the American game. The 22-year-old was called on to punt three times for 48, 47 and 31 yards gained. The Buckeyes earn a place in American sporting history as the inaugural winners of college football’s new four-team playoff to decide the national champion. Well done Cameron!
Naming of School Items The College often has many items in lost property that are unnamed. Please ensure you label all of your son’s uniform, books, stationery etc. If any items are handed in clearly labelled with a name we can return them to the student ASAP. Thanks for your cooperation.
Past Student Socceroo Success! The St Joseph’s College community would like to congratulate former student Matthew Spiranovic and the Socceroos on winning the 2015 Asian Cup Final for Australia, as he took to the field in Australia’s 2-1 extra time victory over South Korea.Throughout the tournament he was the first choice centre back, rock solid in defence, composed, technically proficient and his touch and skill have now attracted the attention of international clubs. This has capped off an amazing couple of months after his club team, Western Sydney Wanderers won the Asian Champions League in November 2014. To be an Asian Champions League winner and an Asian Cup champion is something that no-one else other than fellow team mate Tomi Juric has done in the history of Asian Football. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement. RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS STRAIGHT TO YOUR PHONE E WITH THE COLLEGE APP! Keep our important news and events as well as common information right at your fingertips. Available for both Apple and Android.
BE A PART OF SJC IN 2015 There are many ways for you to be an active part of our community. All assistance helps no matter how small. Helping out at the College not only gives our students the best quality events we can organise, but it also is a great way to meet new people, have a chat with parents and friends and be a part of the SJC Family - a lot of our volunteers have a great time themselves! Register your interest to be a volunteer in 2015 got to: and click on EVENTS. We would love to see you here!
Compassion Innovation Integrity
SJC House Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 11 February 2015 at Kardinia Pool
IMPORTANT INFORMATION • All Year 10, 11 and 12 classes will run as normal periods 1-6. • Year 10, 11 & 12 swimmers will only be those who nominate or are selected to swim in the afternoon finals by their Houses prior to the day. These boys will be bused to the pool at 12.20pm. • All swimmers who win or place in the finals will qualify for the ACC squad and will be expected to represent the College at MSAC on Friday 20 February at 7pm. PROGRAM FOR THE DAY. 8.50am - Homeroom 9.00am - Years 7 & 8 bused to the pool 10.00am - Year 9 bused to the pool 12.20pm - Years 10, 11, 12 swimmers bused to the pool 12.45pm - Inter-house competition 2 pools 2.45pm - Presentations 3.00pm – Dismissal
Student Information
AGE GROUPS: Ages as of 1 January. If you turn 14 this year; you are in U/14, if you turn 16 this year U/16 and so on. (under 12s swim in the U/13 age group).
MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION: It is expected that all students in Years 7-9 participate in the 25m trials across the pool. Not everyone is an elite swimmer, but you all can have a go and earn some points for your house towards winning the Adam Bryant House Shield! NON-SWIMMERS: Must have a parental note in their diary UNIFORM: Full P.E. uniform, with House polo shirt & College shorts and cap. Swimming - all appropriate shorts are allowed. BACKPACKS: Students are advised not to bring a school backpack on the day to avoid bag mix ups. Students should bring a bag they can easily identify. Students are not to bring valuables as security is limited.
BUSES TO AND FROM THE POOL: All swimmers will be bused to the pool from school. Students will be dismissed from the pool at 3pm. However every student who needs to get back to school will be bused back by 3.20pm for normal buses and pick up. SUNSCREEN: Please bring and apply sunscreen. SLIP
DIVING POOL: For safety, no flips or somersaults. Only dives and jumps allowed.
STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED Don’t bring or use noise making devices, electronic games, phones, or valuables as your belongings can’t be properly supervised. No ball games, the toddlers pool is not to be used. Students are not to draw inappropriate markings on themselves. BU T
Canteen Price List - Term 1 ROLLS & SANDWICHES Chicken Special Salad $4.70 Ham & Salad $4.20 Roast Beef & Salad $4.20 Salad No Meat $3.20 Meat, Cheese & Tomato $3.20 Meat $2.20 Tomato $2.00 Buttered Roll $1.50 Egg & Lettuce $3.20 Unbuttered Roll $1.00 Chicken $3.20 Chicken, Cheese & Mayo $3.70 Tuna & Salad $4.70 Meat & Cheese $2.70 Cheese $2.00 Cheese & Tomato $2.20 PITA Salad $4.20 Meat & Salad $5.00 Chicken & Salad $5.00 EXTRA FILLINGS .50c ea Avocado, Cucumber, Egg, Capsicum, Baby Spinach MEATS AVAILABLE Beef, Tuna, Ham, Chicken
Effective 2 February 2015
SALAD PLATTERS Salad Platter with Meat $5.00 Salad Platter No Meat $4.20 YOGHURT & FRUIT TOPPING Yoghurt & Fruit Topping $2.00 DRINKS Just Juice $1.50 Milk 600ml Classic & Big M $3.00 300ml Big M $2.00 Berri Juice 350ml $2.50 Bottled Water 600 ml $1.50 1.5 litre $2.50 Green tea - mango, lemon, peach or raspberry $3.00 Up & Go $2.00 ICE CREAMS Ice Creams at current recommended retail prices. MUFFINS Fruit Muffins $2.50 Coffee/Apple Scroll $2.50 FRUIT Seasonal $1.00
HOT FOOD Cheese & Bacon Roll (recess only) $2.00 Pies (lunch only) $4.00 Pasties (lunch only) $4.00 Shepherd’s Pie (lunch only) $4.20 Beef, Bacon & Cheese Pie (lunch only) $4.20 Sausage Rolls (lunch only) $2.50 Pizza ¼s (lunch only) $3.50 Hot Chicken Rolls with gravy $3.50 Hot Beef Rolls with gravy $3.50 Steamed Dim Sims x3 (recess only) $2.00 FOCCACIA Ham, Cheese & Tomato $3.50 Chilli Chicken $3.50 Chicken, Lettuce, Cheese & Mayo $4.50 SUSHI – (ORDER) FRIDAY ONLY Newtown Campus Only Chicken Teriyaki $2.80 California $2.80 Tuna and Avocado $2.80 Vegetarian $2.80
Meal Deal Tuesday Newtown Campus Only
Burrito Menu CHICKEN: 19 February, 12 March MINCE: 12 February, 5 March BEEF: 26 February, 26 March
$ 50
- please specify water/fruit or yoghurt when ordering
Newtown Campus Only
Monday - Hot Dogs $3.00 Tuesday - Meal Deal $6.50 Thursday- Burritos $5.50 Friday - Sushi $2.80