Issue2 sjcnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 13 February 2014 - Issue No 2

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Fax: 03 5221 6983 Email: Web:

Official party, College Dux and Past Student Mathew Shelley at Senior Awards

Principal’s Report

Calendar of Events FEBRUARY 18 Year 10 / VCE Parent Information Evening 25 P&F AGM

MARCH New Parent Welcome Evening Ash Wednesday Liturgy SJC Athletics Day Labour Day - Public Holiday Westcourt Campus Opening Edmund Rice Day National Anti Bullying, Anti Violence Day & Enrolment at St Joseph’s College Geelong Thursday 24 April 2014 22 P&F Trivia Night

4 5 7 10 19 20 21

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Upfront Fee Payment Discount The College offers a discount of 3% off the tuition fee to those who pay College fees ‘upfront’. For those families wishing to take advantage of this fees must be paid in full by 28 February. Compassion Innovation Integrity

Salt & Light Reflection News from the Deputies SENIOR SCHOOL INFORMATION NIGHT On Tuesday 18 February at 7pm, we will be holding our Senior School Information Evening. This event is for parents/carers of all students in Years 10, 11 & 12. The event will be held in the College Gym and will involve presentations from key staff involved in your son’s education throughout his senior years at St Joseph’s. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and meet Homeroom teachers. UNIFORM & APPEARANCE It has been great to see so many of the boys turn up to school with all items of their uniform worn in the correct manner. We are concerned about the condition of some students’ hair – please remind your sons that when their hair reaches collar length it needs to be tied back. In addition, a boy choosing to grow the front of his hair needs to make sure it is kept off his face. It is also important that boys come to school cleanly shaven – we do request them to shave here if they don’t manage this at home. If there are any questions relating to our uniform or appearance expectations please don’t hesitate to call. SENIOR AWARDS CEREMONY It was wonderful to see so many of our 2013 graduates return for the Senior Awards Ceremony held on Tuesday 11 February. It was also fantastic to see so many of our current Year 11 and 12 boys doing so well in their studies in 2013. While not all boys can go on and achieve high Study and ATAR scores, we encourage them all to aim high and apply themselves to their studies in the same way that our award winners did. We were fortunate to have Mathew Shelley, class of 1990, now a Squadron Leader, Commanding Officer and Director of Music for the Air Force Band as our Guest Speaker. In his address, he spoke of the importance to him of always trying to be that little bit better the next time, whether it be performing on the trombone, conducting or as a person. Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Last Sunday’s Gospel of Salt and Light follows on from Matthew’s well known telling of the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. The second part of this passage is more commonly known particularly as the metaphor of light is used in parables and other scripture passages. But to me, the first part, while less comforting, is just as moving. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matthew 5:13 In ancient times, salt was an extremely valuable currency and trade routes were established to meet the need for this commodity. Salt was so valued that wars were fought over it. If we are the salt of the earth, we are so valuable we are worth fighting for. Salt is a necessity for our bodies – these days we tend to have too much as is evidenced by our high rates of heart disease and stroke. But even people on low-sodium diets have to be conscious of having a basic level of salt. It is essential for life. If we are the salt of the earth, we are essential for life. In ancient times, as in our times, salt was used to preserve and add flavour, to improve food. If we are the salt of the earth, we are to preserve and improve the world in which we live. We are valuable, we are essential and we are charged with improving our world. In our modern times, where such important elements as salt are so cheaply bought and so plentiful, we forget the essence of this passage. When we forget how valuable we are, how essential we are, and how we should be improving this world, as Jesus preached, we are “no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Jo Hart - Director of Identity

Bus Conveyance & EMA Applications

Local Media Campaign Promotes Immunisation in Secondary School The start of the new school year will see parents and secondary school students targeted with a new media campaign promoting immunisation in Years 7, 9 and 10. The locally developed radio, television and newspaper ads will run for two weeks and target parents across the Barwon and Grampians regions with these key messages: • Immunisation saves lives by protecting our most vulnerable from deadly diseases. • Local councils work with secondary schools every year to provide free vaccinations. • Parents and Guardians need to give their consent. • If your child is in Yr 7, 9 or 10 keep an eye out for the immunisation consent card sent home from school. To find out more contact your local council or your child’s school or visit Keep an eye out for the advertisements in local radio and newspaper or view the ads online here

BUS CONVEYANCE Please remember to bring your receipts for your Yearly or Half Yearly Myki purchase 2014 to the College Fees Office. Proof of purchase must be submitted before a claim can be made. EMA APPLICATIONS The closing date for Education Maintenance Allowance applications is 27 February 2014. A new form must be lodged each year. Late applications cannot be processed. If you require a form for 2014 please contact the College Fees Office on 5226 8111.

Cricket - SJC First XI ROUND 1 - SJC v ST BERNARD’S SJC 4/106 (James Hickey 45no, Casey Meehan 33, Brad McMaster 16) defeated ST BERNARD’S 8/103cc (Joshua Conway 2/21, Billy Hyde 2/16, Sam Plummer 1/10, Connor Jervies 1/4, Jack Driver 1/2, Aiden Garipoli 1/5) ROUND 2 - SJC v MAZENOD SJC 4/96 (Jordan Stone 23, Connor Jervies 23no, Billy Hyde 16, Casey Meehan 13no) in 19 overs. defeated MAZENOD 9/92 cc (Sam Plummer 1/9, Jordan Stone 1/6, James Teague 1/7, David McNeel 2/15, Aiden Garipoli 1/3, Joshua Conway 3/12)

ICT Matters

Musical Notes MY FAIR LADY The multi award-winning Footlight Productions, who last year presented Victorian Production of The Year Les Miserables, are currently performing the classic My Fair Lady at the Geelong Performing Arts Centre. My Fair Lady opened to rave reviews last weekend, and with a further 7 performances over the next two weekends, I thought it was important to encourage you to buy a ticket now before it is too late – for theatre lovers this show is not to be missed! As is becoming the norm these days, there is a strong SJC contingent both on and off stage. Performers include: Old Collegians Tony Wasley and Jesse Simpson, along with former staff member Mary Walker. The Orchestra is conducted by Music Staff member John Shawcross, and contains Music Staff David Gallaher and Michael Wilding, along with instrumental music staff Laura Schulze, Jacqueline Robins, Fay Silva, Old Collegians Adrian King and Daniel Zampatti and current student Oscar Senftleben. JUNIOR BAND ENROLMENTS It would be appreciated if all enrolment forms could be with Mrs Gallaher in Music Office by Friday please. Junior Band begins on Wednesday 19 February from 3.30-5pm. CANBERRA MUSIC TOUR A reminder that a deposit needs to be in to the accounts office by Monday 24 February.

Compassion Innovation Integrity

ACMA CYBERSAFETY PRESENTATIONS 2013 Presentations to students and parents were delivered by Greg Gebhart from ACMA Cybersafety Outreach Section on Wednesday 5 February. A summary of the presentations is available for download from the SJC website. PAM – PARENT ACCESS MODULE The Parent Access Module allows parents to see: • assessment results and teacher comments as they are marked • due dates for assessment tasks • attendance for all lessons • the number of behavioural incidents The Parent Access Module login details will be emailed to all parents as soon as we have entered all data from new parents. Past parents can still access PAM with their current login details. Please continue to check your son’s assessment results and due tasks by logging into PAM regularly. If you have lost your login details, please contact HOME INTERNET FILTERING ON STUDENT LAPTOPS Parents are able to request the school activate extended hours for internet filtering on the student laptop. If you are interested in this service, please download the form from the SJC Website • The school will only provide the options shown • There is no cost for this service Chris Valmadre – Director of ICT

Year 10 Work Experience All students must have organised their work experience placement and returned their yellow work experience arrangement form by Friday 28 February to the Careers Office (unless alternative arrangements have been made directly with Mrs Shum). Any student having difficulty finding a work experience placement is asked to see Mrs Shum at the Careers office as soon as possible. If any parent is interested and able to offer a work experience placement to a Year 10 SJC student, please contact Karen at the Careers Office on 5226 8143. Karen Shum - Careers Coordinator

Tours leave every 15 minutes from the Peter Cannon Performing Artss Centre. Parking will be available at O’Driscol Oval on Queens Road.

9.00am-12.00noon Student guided tours during normal school program with last tour leaving 11.30am

or 4.00pm-6.30pm

Student and staff guided tours of the facilities with last tour leaving 6.00pm

• Quality Catholic education • Strong academic focus with a well rounded education • Positive outcome for all boys • Excellent modern facilities • Extensive VET, VCAL and School hool Based Apprenticeship program m • Shared VCE classes with Clonard onard College and Sacred Heart College ollege

Year 7 Applications for 2015 close Friday 23 May 2014. Limited places available for Senior School.

• All containers must be empty • No need to rinse, just scrape clean • No hazardous chemical containers • Keep recycling loose - no plastic bags

Sustainability Matters WASTE MANAGMENT YEARS 7, 8 AND 9 I would like to thank families supporting our direction toward “Cut the Wrap” (nude) lunches. There has been a marked decrease in the amount of waste in the bins, particularly in the Year 7 area. Over the next fortnight, we aim to audit the bins across the three levels to assess volumes of our various recyclables. The table below will assist students to recycle appropriately:

BIN Fully Commingled Recycling

G General Waste

REDcycling Bins at Homeroom or Canteen

WHAT GOES IN Glass bottles, not globes or broken glass Metal including aluminium & tin cans Paper including; newspapers, drink cartons and canteen pizza wrappers Cardboard Plastic All rigid plastic including plastic bottles and yoghurt containers - scraped  NO PLASTIC BAGS Non-recyclable items Food soiled items Polystyrene Bubblewrap Broken Glass Soft Plastic Bread bags  Biscuit packets  Frozen food bags  Rice and pasta Bags  Confectionery packets  Cereal Box Liners  Newspaper wrap  Plastic shopping bags  Old ‘green’ shopping bags

SUSTAINABILITY LEADERS for 2014 If you have a passion for the environment and would like to join our sustainability leadership team this year, please download and complete the application form on our website and return it to Ms Kelly Jenkins. SUSTAINABILITY MEETINGS –PARENTS WELCOME I would like to extend an invitation to interested parents to be a representative at our newly implemented Sustainability meetings for 2014. Three meetings have been scheduled for each semester, the first of these will be conducted on Wednesday 26 March at 3:30pm in the new Carbon Management room ( J18 - Joseph Innovation Trade Training Centre – Aphrasia St entrance). For further information, please email Ms Kelly Jenkins at

Compassion Innovation Integrity


Just scrape clean, no need to rinse Plastic and metal lids are UHF\FODEOH SOHDVH UHPRYH ˉUVW NO drinking glasses NO pyrex, ceramic, mirrors or window glass


Foil lined containers such as long life milk or juice cartons NO liquid - please empty from containers


Metal saucepans, pots and pans can be recycled NO glass lids NO liquids including paint

PLASTIC - Rigid Only Plastic tops can be left on plastic bottles NO non-rigid plastic such as cling wrap or plastic bags NO batteries - remove from toys NO polystyrene


Plastic window envelopes are recyclable NO plastic wrapping on advertising material - please remove


Cartons with plastic lids can be recycled Flatten boxes to create more space NO food scraps - scrape clean

RECYCLING AT HOME A more comprehensive list of recyclable items and helpful hints, compiled by the Barwon Regional Waste Management Group, has been included above to further support your recycling endeavours at home (and school).

SUSTAINABLE GARDEN BED We are thrilled to announce the completion of the 2013 Sustainability Leader’s “Start the Switch” project, which involved the ‘de-commissioning’ and transformation of a water trough station (in the Year 11 eating area), into a dual purpose sustainable living garden bed and drinking station. I would like to thank Jordan Partington (Year10) and Dylan McCabe (Year10) in particular, for their efforts in “planting out” the new garden bed. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

In Sympathy On behalf of St Joseph’s College and Sacred Heart College our thoughts and prayers are with the Ambrose family, on the sudden passing of their dad Joseph Ambrose (52 years). Mrs Frances Drew dearly loved grandmother of Jonathan Zarb (Year 8), Laura Zarb (Year 12 Sacred Heart College), Rebecca Zarb (Sacred Heart College 2012),cherished mother of Old Collegians Anthony Drew (1977) and Lisa Zarb ( Sacred Heart College 1981). Now at peace, in God’s loving care. Mr James (Jim) Doona, Old Collegian (1976). Mr Bohdan (Bob) Maczyszyn, Old Collegian (1961), father of Andre, Old Collegian (1991) and Catherine, Nicholas (1993)and Angela, Danielle and Nigel. Mr Michael Timothy Taylor, Old Collegian (1949), formerly of Stonyford and Geelong. Mrs Lorna Jones (87 years) of Creswick, grandmother of Gabriel Hickey (Year 8). Mr Aiezza Michele (82 years), great uncle of Gabriele Di Rubbo (Year 10) and Raffaele Di Rubbo, Old Collegian (2013). Mrs Susan Norman (60 years), mother of Matthew Norman, Old Collegian of Chanel College, Joanne Old Collegian of Clonard College and grandmother of Sebastian at St Robert’s Primary School. Sue is the aunty of Joseph Kolotelo (Year 12), Joshua (Year 10) and Daniel (Year 9). Mrs Shirley Whitehead (83 years), grandmother of Jordan Muhor (Year 8), Xavier Muhor (Grade 5) and Amelia Muhor (Grade 2 ) at St Robert’s Primary School. Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

yoga for kids workshop Sunday 23 February 12.45 - 1.30pm Cost: CHIP FSGG member $5 non-member $10 Location: Geelong City Yoga 46 Malop St Geelong studio is upstairs. Suitable for children up to 12 years old. Limited places available. Session will be active and fun, perfect for kids who are not very sporty to gain physical awareness and body intelligence. For information visit to RSVP email

Farewell to Brennan Dear Members of the St Joseph’s College Community, It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that 2013 Year 12 Graduant, Brennan Houghton has died after an incredibly courageous battle with cancer. Brennan was first diagnosed in Year 7 with a spinal tumour. He has undergone a variety of surgeries and other treatments. Brennan confronted his illness with extraordinary courage and selflessness. He was determined to attend school, which he loved, until the last stages. Brennan was a gifted student in terms of his academic performance and his intellect was matched with a wry sense of humour. The Educational Support Department at St Joseph’s College has nurtured and loved Brennan, and his passing will be acutely felt by all who have worked with him. Our deepest condolences are with his parents Bernadette and Geoff, along with his older brother Patrick and all their extended family and friends. Brennan is now in God’s care and his struggle and suffering are over. He has been an inspiration to all those whose lives he has touched and we have all been privileged to have known him. As a College Community we are here to support Bernadette and Geoff in any way we can. The funeral Mass for Brennan will be held at St Mary of the Angels Basilica, Yarra St Geelong on Tuesday 18 February at 11am. The College employs three psychologists who are available to help students at any time. In times of bereavement, we encourage students to use our Chapel and the counsellors are made available to see both past and current students in need of their services. God Bless you all, Paul Tobias - Principal, St Joseph’s College Geelong

Enjoying the atmosphere of the prayer stalls

Welcome to a Catholic School As part of the Year 7 induction process, Jo Hart and I meet with each class in the chapel to talk about the Catholic aspect of school life. We are conscious that some boys are not of the Catholic faith and others are at a Catholic school for the first time. For these boys, starting the day with a prayer is quite foreign and perhaps even a little scary or weird. So we spend some time explaining the sign of the cross and then highlighting all the points of difference in a Catholic school. The boys are very good at coming up with all the answers – daily prayers, school Masses, an RE program, statues, crosses in classrooms and the existence of a chapel to name a few. From there I speak about the beauty and sacred nature of our chapel and ask the boys to walk around in silence to see what they can find. I always learn something new myself. One boy looked up at the ceiling with its wooden rafters and crossbeams and said it looked like Noah’s Ark. Not only did I agree, but I also loved the symbolism in his answer – the people and animals saved their lives by boarding the Ark, and we too find refuge in the chapel in troubled times. I also love to point out the wooden prayer stalls at the back of the chapel, explaining that for around 100 years, the Christian Brothers came to pray there morning and night for all the boys in their care. I believe it is a particularly sacred part of the chapel. Ms Hart then leads the boys through the story of Edmund Rice’s life and explains how a combination of personal tragedy and deep faith led him to form the Christian Brothers as a way of meeting the needs of the poorest of the poor in his home country of Ireland back in the early 1800s. The Brothers were invited to Geelong to set up an orphanage and eventually the site became St Joseph’s College as we know it, now in its 80th year. Ms Hart cites some facts about global poverty that lead the boys to acknowledging how lucky we are in Australia and then she explains to them that there are many opportunities at St Joseph’s to make a difference to the lives of those in need, following on in the traditions of Jesus, Edmund, the Brothers and the whole Catholic Christian family. Many of the “Catholic” elements of school life highlighted above are quite tangible, but as time goes on the boys may also imbibe some of the intangibles, such as faith in Jesus and some of the many Christian virtues we try to live, such as compassion, humility and a sense of justice. I hope that at the end of their time at St Joseph’s, these boys will be able to say “I’m glad I went to a Catholic school”. John Harmon - Chaplaincy and Liturgy Coordinator Compassion Innovation Integrity

What can parents and carers do to help their child’s asthma at school? •

If your child is self-managing their asthma, or capable of taking their asthma medication independently, ensure that your child is always carrying their reliever medication (e.g.Ventolin, Asmol, Airomir and Bricanyl) as well as a spacer while at school • Ensure that you have provided your child’s school with an updated Asthma Action Plan • Ensure that your child knows how to recognise early symptoms of an asthma attack and check to make sure they are using their reliever medication properly • Ensure your child will seek help from school staff if they experience asthma symptoms • Ensure that your child’s asthma is being well managed and that their medication and management is reviewed annually by your GP (this is a good opportunity to also update the Asthma Action Plan required by your child’s school) For more information, please contact The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 278 462 or

Respiratory experts talk to parents about asthma Ever wondered what the experts would say about a cure for asthma? Or how to get your teenager to take their medication? If you want to find out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about children and asthma, watch The Asthma Foundation’s new video series – available from

The Parents and Friends’ Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 25 February at 7pm in the College staffroom All parents are welcome to attend. Please RSVP for catering to David Formosa email: or ph: 5226 8120

An Evening with Friends of Viqueque 6SHFLDO *XHVW



BOOK ONLINE AT WWW.TRYBOOKING.COM/EFYH Christian College Bellarine Christian College Highton Clonard College Geelong College Geelong Grammar School Geelong High School Kardinia International College Matthew Flinders Girls Sec College Sacred Heart College

Parent Forums & Workshops Parenting Your Teenager A program for parents of children aged 13 to 18 yrs Date: Tuesday 18 February Time: 7-9.00pm Location: “Ariston� 245-249 Pakington Street Newtown Cost: Gold coin donation - LIMITED PLACES Information & Registration: 5272 4817 Are you mystified, anxious, angry or have just given up trying to understand your teenager? This four week program will attempt to give you some of the answers!!!

St Francis Xavier Primary School St Ignatius College St Joseph’s College Suf Coast Secondary College Torquay College P-6


are One, but We are Many’ Working Towards a Humane Refugee Policy

PUBLIC FORUM Tuesday February 18th 2014, 7.15pm Geelong West Town Hall (Rear Entry From Car Park), 153 Pakington St, Geelong West

All Welcome Free Entry Supper Provided Speakers: Kon Karapanagiotidis

CEO and Founder of the

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre - largest provider of aid, advocacy and health services for asylum seekers in Australia

Bishop Vincent Long Auxiliary Bishop, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne & Bishop for the Western Region - a former asylum seeker and refugee

Professor Louise Newman Psychiatrist, Convenor of the Alliance of Health Professions for Asylum Seekers - advocate for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees

Organised by the Combined Refugee Action Group. Contact: Supported by the City of Greater Geelong

Bringing Up Great Kids A program for parents of children aged 5 to 12 yrs Date: Wednesday 19 February Time: 7-9.00pm Location: “Ariston� 245-249 Pakington Street Newtown Cost: $20 or $6.50 conc. - LIMITED PLACES Information & Registration: 5272 4817 Bringing up great Kids is a six week parenting program devised by the Australian Childhood Foundation, which aims to promote positive, respectful parent/child relationships. Parenting As A Team A program for parents of children aged 13 to 18 yrs Date: Tuesday 25 February Time: 7-9.00pm Location: “Ariston� 245-249 Pakington Street Newtown Cost: Gold coin donation - LIMITED PLACES Information & Registration: 5272 4817 Most parents learn skills they need “on the job�, and at times it can feel like learning at the “deep end.� This four week program helps two parents describe their differences, talk about them in a calm and constructive way, and then work out a common approach that is consistent, works, and satisfies both parents.

Self Harm Seminar for Teachers and Parents A collaboration between gpac:ed & headspace Barwon Attention: Primary Teachers and Parents

Attention: Secondary Teachers and Parents

This informative presentation is designed to provide advice and support in “how to talk about?” self harm and

This informative presentation is designed to provide advice and support in “how to talk about?” self harm and

“how to provide help?”

“how to provide help?”

Participants will be supported to know what they can do to Participants will be supported to know what they can do to guide guide the majority of students towards better coping the majority of students towards better coping choices and the choices and the more severely affected young people on to more severely affected young people on to the road to recovery. the road to recovery. Date: Monday 24th February Date: Thursday 20th February Session 1 for Teachers: 4.30pm - 6.00pm Session 1 Teachers: 4.30pm - 6.00pm

Session 2 for Parents: 7.00pm - 8.30pm

Session 2 Parents: 7.00pm - 8.30pm

Location: Drama Theatre, GPAC

Location: Drama Theatre, GPAC

Cost: Teachers: $10 / Parents: $5.00

Cost: Teachers: $10 / Parents: $5.00

Facilitated: Marianne Weddell

Facilitated: Samuel Lloyd

Marianne Weddell is a registered psychologist with 15 years experience working in public mental health in primary mental health programs and community mental health teams. She currently works as a senior psychologist at Barwon Health Deakin Psychology Clinic.

Sam is a psychologist working with children and families in the Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) program at Barwon Medicare Local and Primary Mental Health Partners.

For bookings contact: Kelly Clifford - Youth and Education Program Coordinator / Geelong Performing Arts Centre PO Box 991 Geelong VIC 3220 / Phone - 03 5225 1207 / Fax - 03 5225 1229 / Email -




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