Issue2 sjcnews2015

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 19 February 2015 - Issue No 2 135 Aphrasia Street, Newtown VICTORIA 3220 / Ph: 03 5226 8100 Fax: 03 5221 6983 / Email: /


Cameron Ling with award winners at Senior Awards

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, Our annual Senior Awards Ceremony was held on Tuesday 10 February. Our special guest was former student, Mr Cameron Ling. Cameron emphasized to the students in his address the importance of being selfless rather than selfish and being prepared to make sacrifices for those around you, in order to enhance their contribution for the good of the wider community. I take this opportunity to congratulate all of the award winners:


Calendar of Events March 2015 New Parent Welcome Evening SJC Athletics Day Labour Day - Public Holiday P&F Meeting Trivia Night Edmund Rice Day VCAL Bowls & Beats Night SJC Open Day Josephines Dinner Easter Liturgy Parent/ Student/ Teacher Interviews 4-7pm 27 Parent/ Student/ Teacher Interviews 9am-12:30pm 27 End Term 1 - Student Free Day

3 6 9 10 14 19 20 23 25 26 26

April 2015 3 5 13 14 19 22 25 27

Good Friday Easter Sunday Start Term 2 - Students return P&F Meeting SJOCA & SJC Golf Day ANZAC ceremony - Westcourt ANZAC Day ANZAC Assembly - Newtown Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education


All students were reminded of the commencement of the Lenten season as a consequence of a liturgy held at school last Wednesday. The prayer over the ashes was a good reminder of the challenge of the Lenten season. “We ask God to bless these ashes, and through this bless us, as we commit to growing into our best selves and therefore developing into positive and contributing members in our families, the St Joseph’s College community and our global and earthly community”. PRESTIGIOUS AWARDS

Congratulations to all involved in our annual House Swimming Carnival. We were indeed fortunate with the day and the overall behavior and participation of students was outstanding. As hopefully you are already aware, 2015 is the celebration of 80 years of Catholic Boys Education for St Joseph’s College Geelong.There will be a number of celebrations throughout the year. At the upcoming House Athletics Carnival on Friday 6 March, as part of the celebrations, all students will be provided with a meat and salad roll, donut and drink for lunch. They say in the business world that there is no such thing as a free lunch but this is our way of reminding your sons of being part of a significant milestone and celebrating with the staff a significant achievement. The rolls will be prepared by a local business but any student who has particular dietary needs will be accommodated by our own canteen staff, who will prepare the necessary alternatives. Paul Tobias - Principal

Compassion Innovation Integrity


News from the Deputies Success comes in many forms and at this time of year it is about starting well. For Year 7s success can simply mean getting to school on time every day and taking the correct books to class. For Year 8 students, learning to be independent and developing responsibility is a key indicator of success.Year 9 is about settling into the new environment at Westcourt and for our Year 10s it is initially about moving back to the main campus and focussing on life as a senior student. Year 11 and 12 students have a whole new set of subjects and demands in undertaking either their Victorian Certificate of Education or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning and success for them will have a much broader definition. The Senior Awards ceremony was held last Tuesday. The awards are a time to celebrate success and on this day, the highest achievers are recognised for the hard work and dedication that they have given to a subject or subjects and/ or their overall performance in VCE and VCAL. Cameron Ling, past student, ex AFL player, leader and current sports commentator was the guest speaker and his message resonated with all in the Br O S Adams Gymnasium when he spoke of working as a team. Cameron emphasized how important it is for an individual to make it better for someone else within the group. He urged our students to push aside selfish tendencies and to always think of others. This is a quality which was evident in the major awards that recognised the overall contribution of particular Year 12 students over their past six years at St Joseph’s. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and is a special time for reaching out and thinking of others. In RE classes the students have made three commitments for this Lenten season - to their family, the St Joseph’s community and the earth/global community. We came together this week to celebrate with a liturgy and these pledges were collected by the RE teachers, then burnt to form the ashes that were used to trace the cross on our foreheads during the liturgy. As Lent is a time of new beginnings we especially encourage our students to acts of compassion during this time. Congratulations to current Year 12 student Gabriel Rule whose VCE work in Food and Technology has been selected for exhibition in the 2015 VCE Season of Excellence. Gabe completed this subject as a Year 11 student and his work will be exhibited at Top Designs at the Melbourne Museum, Carlton from 21 March – 12 July, 2015. Excitement reigned at Kardinia Pool as we saw the students enter into the House spirit and compete in many events. Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education

Year 7-9 students began by participating in short course trials across the pool in all strokes. During the course of the day, each of the junior year levels had the opportunity to use the diving pool and the waterslide. In the afternoon, the individual finals and relays were held with our College and Senior Leaders directing the cheers and chants beside the pool, supported by the members of each House. Congratulations to all of the students who participated and assisted with the day. At St Joseph’s we are committed to education that encourages students to develop and use their talents. Over the first couple of weeks we have had many opportunities to celebrate our students’ talents and to celebrate success in starting our school year. For some students their time to shine is still to come and we will continue to work together with parents to achieve this. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE – EVERY DAY COUNTS We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future – a student missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed almost half a year of school. There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes. Coming to school every day is vital, but if for some reason your son must miss school, you must contact the school to explain his absence. Remember, every day counts. If your son must miss school, speak with his homeroom teacher as early as possible. If you’re having attendance issues with your son, please let your homeroom teacher know so we can work together to get your son to school every day. CONTACTING STUDENTS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY A reminder to parents/carers that it is difficult to pass on messages to students during the school day. The SJC reception can be quite busy and if parents ring with a message for their son, there can be no guarantee that the staff at reception can pass it on immediately.The school does not have a PA system so messages can only be delivered by staff leaving the office area and visiting a classroom. This is also the case for Year Level Coordinators and Homeroom teachers delivering messages. Although students cannot use their mobile phone during the day, they can access their phones to check for messages after school. Thank you for your continued support in this matter. Paul Clohesy & Michelle Brodrick - Deputy Principals


Curriculum News MID-SEMESTER REPORTS AND PARENT/ STUDENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Mid-Semester Reports will be available from Monday 16 March. Reports are generated and can be printed through the Parent Access Module (PAM). Parent/Student/Teacher interviews will be held at the end of term. More information about the reports and the interviews will appear in later editions of the newsletter. THE PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT Student assessment is a ‘hot-button’ issue about which most if not all of us have an opinion. I read recently with From the Mission Team interest, Professor Geoff Masters’ “Assessment: Getting Lent is a period we traditionally associate with fasting and to the Essence” (2014), where he discusses the purpose doing without. But this year, during our Ash Wednesday of assessment. He states that “the fundamental purpose Liturgy this week, the students and staff were reminded that of assessment in education is to establish and understand change is also an important part of the Lenten period, a where learners are in an aspect of their learning at the time time to renew and grow. We were encouraged to shed our of assessment.” In other words, assessment should give a teacher information about where a student’s learning is skins so that we can change and grow. at any time – not just when a student has completed his In the life-cycles of many animals and some trees, there final assessment. Classroom teachers gather information comes a point where you need to shed the old skin and about students’ learning in a variety of ways and then use grow. The lemon scented gums shed their bark in late that information to plan their teaching. One of the tasks Spring.Their soft pink turns to a deep reddish-brown colour, of our domain leaders is to assist teachers to develop then the bark splits and falls into great flakes and the tree effective assessment strategies that identify where a emerges newly crème which will slowly turn to pink over student’s learning is at any given time and provide accurate the summer. In insects this process is called ekdiasis. For a assessment information.This will be a focus of our curriculum few weeks after shedding this layer, the animal is soft and development this year. tender, very vulnerable.The animal has to hide in a cave until the new skin hardens. But it is while the new skin is soft that All students will be either undertaking their first SAC or preparing for a major assessment task. Being organised with the animal grows. the preparation of these tasks means to carefully balance Lent has always stressed repentance (the shedding) and home study and commitments that will see enough time generous giving (the growth). And it is prayer (the cave in being given to draft, rehearse, refine and review. Checking which we wait) that enables us to survive the vulnerability your son’s workload through his diary should provide a and welcome the growth and change. ‘snapshot’ of the classroom activities which can then form In the weeks leading up to Ash Wednesday, students across the basis of a conversation about not just what he is doing in the College wrote down the commitments they were his classes, but more importantly, what he is learning. making to create a better world – at home, at school and INNOVATION AT ST JOSEPH’S in the broader community. These commitments were burnt and became the ashes which were blessed and became the At St Joseph’s we take pride in the fact that we embrace mark on their foreheads. In this way the students were innovation. We are committed to investigating, researching committing themselves to change and growth and were and developing ideas to keep improving. If we understand innovation as “taking something that we already do well and encouraged to “Be your best self!” making it better”, then it becomes clear that the College Shedding these layers should be freeing. These actions work has been an innovator in so many ways. It is with innovation for a better world. And really, having shed these skins, why in mind, that we are currently furthering our investigation would we return to any negative layers or wasteful patterns into an innovative learning program called Project-Based when Lent is over? The point of shedding skin is to GROW Learning or PBL. This rigorous approach to student learning and CHANGE. To continue to be your best beyond the is revolutionising the learning and teaching experience in a Lenten period. number of secondary schools in Australia and overseas. It is Rachel Roche - Faith Development Coordinator & an exciting time to be at the initial stages of this innovation. Jo Hart - Director of Identity Over the coming weeks and months, much more information will be shared about developing “PBL” at St Joseph’s. Michael Goss – Director of Curriculum Compassion Innovation Integrity


Three Big Changes To The Vaccine Program In 2015 three major changes to the vaccine program will impact on parents of secondary school students: 1. The Barwon Health Immunisation Service may contact you about the secondary school vaccine program. Schools have been authorised to provide parent contact details to local councils for this purpose. Contact the school(ph: 03 5226 8100 or email: by 28 February 2015 if you do not want your contact details given to the Barwon Health Immunisation Service. 2. In 2015 only the vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough will be offered to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. From 2016, this vaccine will be offered to Year 7 students only. This will provide earlier protection from these diseases. 3. The time-limited human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program for Year 9 boys was completed in December 2014. A catch-up program is being offered through Barwon Health Immunisation Service for those who have not yet completed the course until 23rd December 2015 . HPV vaccine will continue to be offered to all students (both male and female) in Year 7 from 2015. Look out for the vaccine consent form/s coming home from school with your child. You need to read, complete and return the form/s regardless of whether your child is being immunised at school. To learn more about the changes, the diseases, the vaccines, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination go to

Westcourt Campus “Rite Journey” “THE RITE JOURNEY” PRESENTATION Tuesday 10 March - 7pm Westcourt Campus- Waterford Learning Centre All Year 9 parents/carers are welcome to attend an informative session on The Rite Journey, a program delivered at Westcourt focusing on the development of self-aware, responsible, respectful & resilient adults.

SJC First XI ROUND 2 - SJC V MAZENOD SJC 1/66 (Brad McMaster 24, Darren Fernandes 34no) defeated MAZENOD 10/64 (Will Turnley 3/11, Michael Philp 2/6, James Teague 1/6, Harry Walker 1/2, Darren Fernandes 1/4)

Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education




Junior Medley Intermediate Medley Senior Medley U/13 50m Freestyle A U/14 50m Freestyle A U/15 50m Freestyle A U/16 50m Freestyle A U/17 50m Freestyle A Senior 50m Freestyle A U/13 50m Breaststroke U/14 50m Breaststroke U/15 50m Breaststroke U/16 50m Breaststroke U/17 50m Breaststroke Senior 50m Breaststroke U/13 50m Backstroke U/14 50m Backstroke U/15 50m Backstroke U/16 50m Backstroke U/17 50m Backstroke Senior 50m Backstroke Junior 50m Butterfly Intermediate 50m Butterfly Senior 50m Butterfly


2.35.40 2.34.58 2.22.17 33.40 29.10 30.29 0.00 26.00 24.14 46.69 42.00 39.12 34.54 37.19 33.52 42.49 36.00 37.22 36.56 32.19 33.45 36.11 32.96 28.95

U/13 4x50m Relay U/14 4x50m Relay U/15 4x50m Relay U/16 4x50m Relay U/17 4x50m Relay Senior 4x50m Relay Mitchell Classic 50m Sprint


2.27.46 2.10.41 2.15.37 2.14.33 2.22.35 2.10.95 26.02


U/13 U/14 U/15 U/16 U/17








Sustainability Matters COMMUNITY EVENTS Sustainable Living Festival – Geelong 2015 February 7 - March 1 A reminder that the Geelong Sustainable Living Festival is now on and will continue until 1 March.As part of the statewide Sustainable Living Festival, Geelong is hosting over 90 different activities designed to inspire and encourage people to live more a more sustainable lifestyle. Activities include; walks, film forum, the Smarter Living Showcase, and information sessions on local foods, gardening, cycling and active transport, upcycled art, kids woodworking, energy efficient homes and how to save money on your energy bills. Be sure not to miss out on this wonderful opportunity. For event details, visit the website; events/geelong-festival/ CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY – Sunday 1 March. 9am - 12pm We are encouraging students and parents alike to join the “Friends of Waurn Ponds Creek” group in helping Clean Up Australia on Sunday 1 March. Volunteers will meet from 9.00am at the Baseball Park car park near Pioneer Rd and Meadowvale Dr (see red dot on map below). The “clean up” will be conducted on both sides of the Creek and in both directions from the car park. To participate, simply turn up and register on the day. Protective footwear and gloves and a hat are advised. Morning tea will be provided at approximately 10:30 at the registration desk. Community Service opportunity: Year 7, 8, 11 & 12 students please note that this activity is acknowledged as Community Service. – Wednesday 25 February A reminder that our first official Cut the Wrap day will be conducted next Wednesday on 25 February for all Year 7, 8 and 9 students. Students are simply required to bring a “plastic wrap free” lunch and refillable water bottle to school and present it to their Homeroom teacher during Homeroom on the day. In addition, a free “HOT CHIP” lunch will awarded to each class with 100% participation (of students present) on the day. (Note: Whilst no wrapping at all is encouraged, paper is compostable, so food may be wrapped in paper). Buckets will be provided for the collection of organic waste such as fruit and vegetable peels (no citrus) and cores.

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Canteen orders or money for lunch will not qualify as a “wrap free” lunch. Unsuitable wrapping • Gladwrap • Packaging for processed foods • Disposable drink bottles and/or canned drinks

Looking forward, the next CUT THE WRAP day will be conducted on Wednesday 11 March. REWARDS Students in classes with 100% participation will each be rewarded with a $1 canteen voucher. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator


Congratulations In Sympathy

Br John Hagan (Geelong Christian Brothers Community) and Br Roger Cripps (Thornbury Community) on the celebration of their 50th Anniversary as Christian Brothers. We thank them for all the great work they have done over these years. No doubt their faith filled example has touched many lives and helped those who were in most need of support. Br Roger has been a member of our College Board for 10 years this year and we acknowledge his dedication and commitment. The St Joseph’s College community extends our deep appreciation and congratulations on reaching this great milestone in their lives.

Community Service Opportunities ST PATRICKS PRIMARY IRISH FOLK FESTIVAL Volunteers needed for St Patricks Primary School Irish Folk Festival on Sunday 15 March, 10am-4pm. Contact Julie Sharkey (0417365614) or Sheri Steenhuis (0438823173). FAMILY FUN DAY AT INVERLEIGH 3 April 11am - 7.30pm. Year 11 & 12 Students have an opportunity to gain some volunteer hours at the Family Fun Day in Inverleigh. Students also have the opportunity to give back to the community. Casual clothes can be worn - and we have a signing sheet for volunteers. The Royal Children Hospital Good Friday Appeal covers the insurance for all volunteers. Please go to their website for more details:

Sport Registration Days -2015 Newtown & Chilwell Football & Netball Club Junior Football & Netball Registration Day Sunday 22 February - 10am to 2pm at the Clubrooms For further details please contact: Football: Heather Harris: 0438393599 Brian Mudge: 0447770648 Care Group Netball: Wendy Castle: Our Care Group involves families volunteering to provide Friday Night U9 & U11 Netball Coordinator a meal (usually in the form of a casserole) for our families Lee Doherty 0430 369 600 or who are experiencing difficulty either through illness, Auskick: Greg Wood 0412026477 bereavement or other circumstances. Details of training commencement for both Junior Football and Many of our parents work and are unable to help with Netball are available on our Club website: College activities, but are willing to help by providing support with a casserole from time to time. Junior Roosters Registration Days If you would like to be a member of our Care Group Sunday 22 February 10am-11:30am & Team and help with meals (possibly one per term) please Friday 27 February 6pm - 7:30pm feel welcome to contact our Coordinators Zoe Callahan Registration days for U/9s to U/16s and Auskick at West Oval (0412700901) or Veronica Van Galen 0447 661 772. Clubrooms, Weddell Rd Geelong West. We warmly invite anyone within our College community to contact us should they be experiencing ill health or any For more information Contact: difficulty, as we really want to be able to support our families U9-U12 Paul Codd 0411449479 and our students. U14-U16 Rod Sims 0403263425 We are only a phone call away. Auskick Simon Heffernan 0439 304 849 Thank you for giving this your consideration. Maureen Bryant & Adel Mawson, Principal’s Personal U12 Girls Fiona Chapman 0425 865 125 Assistants Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education


Fields Selected

Careers News 2014 YEAR 12 COHORT STUDENTS’ DESTINATIONS & FIELDS OF STUDY Offers are made to Year 12 students, in January and February, following completion of year 12. The 2014 Year 12 Cohort were very successful in the 2015 round of offers.There were 233 Year 12 students in 2014. 176 applied to the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) seeking placement at a higher education provider. 93% of students received offers, with 91% receiving a first round offer. Overall, of those students who applied to VTAC, 93% received an offer of a place at University, TAFE or an Independent Tertiary Provider.

Offers – Based on Students Who Applied 7% Offer: 163 offers

Society & Culture (Arts, Law, Criminology, Media… Agriculture & Environmental Natural & Physical Sciences (incl Ex Sports Sc,… Management & Commerce Information Technology Health (Nursing, Paramedicine, Health, Psychology) Food, Hospitality & Personal Services Engineering & Related Technologies Education Creative Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Screen Writing,… Architectual & Building 0





There were 32 different study areas chosen by students who have selected to study at Deakin University. Commerce is still the most popular area of study chosen. However, in 2015, there was also an increase in interest in the areas of Health Sciences and Information Technology.

Fields of Study at Deakin University No Offer: 13 93% 176 Students 161 students received a First Round Offer


11 students received a Second Round Offer

Deakin University in Geelong continues to attract the majority of students from St Joseph’s. However, in 2015, numbers increased to RMIT, Swinburne University, University of Melbourne and the Australian Catholic University.

Higher Education Destination Figures 80

Zoology & Animal Studies Nursing Forensic Science/Crim Food/Nut Science Criminology/Psy Science Criminology/IT Sec Psychology Prof & Creative Writing Public Relations Media Journalism Commerce/Law Commerce/Inf Sys Commerce Management IT Security IT Secondary Ed Primary Ed Health & PE Science Health Sciences Biomedical Science Ex Sports Science Int Studies/Law Int Studies/Com Arts/Law Engineering Ͳ Mega Engineering ͲCivil Engineering Ͳ Mech Constr Mgt Architect/Constr Mgt

32 Study Areas









70 60 50

Australian Youth Classical Music Competition

40 30 20 10 0

The Fields of Study are predetermined by VTAC. Some students are also undertaking double degrees in more than one field.

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Regional Section - $2,000 First Prize Three x $1,000 Geelong Chamber Music Society Runner-up Prizes Eligibility Local classical solo instrumental musicians Open to applicants aged up to and including 18 years of age as at January 1st 2015. To be eligible, you must reside or be a current full time secondary student or study with a music teacher in the Geelong area Required standard of entry is Grade 6 AMEB or equivalent Auditions – Sunday 17 May from 9:30am Regional Finals – Sunday 14 June 2pm First Prize winner will perform at the Finals Concert on Sunday 23 August, 2pm. Applications close Friday 24 April 2015 For more information or an application form – Email: Phone: 5225 1264 Web: Facebook - australianyouthclassicalmusiccompetition


Pre-emptive bus route closures on designated Code Red Fire Days SOUTH WESTERN VICTORIA REGION – PRE-EMPTIVE BUS ROUTE CLOSURES ON DESIGNATED CODE RED DAYS Dear Parents, We are writing to advise you of potential bus route cancellations on a Code Red day. DEECD work has been undertaken through last year by the Emergency Management Unit and Regions to develop and confirm all bus routes that will be pre-emptively cancelled on a designated Code Red day. The Region has provided this information to Bus Coordinating Schools so that Schools are able to identify the Bus Routes impacted on and provide families and client schools with advance information and notification of a pre-emptive cancellation on a designated Code Red day. On designated Code Red days bus routes from schools not on the BARR (Bushfire At Risk Register) that enter high risk areas will also be pre-emptively cancelled. It is important to note that schools not listed on the BARR will operate as usual on designated Code Red days despite some or all bus routes being cancelled. This will allow parents to arrange transport for students to school as part of their own Bushfire Plans if required. The buses that have currently been identified for cancellation should a Code Red day be declared are: • Maude • Anglesea or Anglesea 1 • Meredith 2 • Bambra • Mt Anakie • Bannockburn 1 • Mt Moriac • Bellbrae • Shelford • Coles Anglesea • Wingeel • Eastern View • Lorne Potentially further bus route may also be included in this list in the near future. I will notify you further if this occurs. Leanne Goodwin - School Bus Coordinator, Geelong Region

Safety in Emergency Situations The following information is supplied to parents in relation to School Contract Bus arrangements when an emergency threatens the safe passage of students. eg. Bushfires, major chemical spills etc. Please read, and familiarise yourself with this information and keep this page in a safe place for future reference. The following arrangements will be implemented to ensure student safety in an emergency. 1. The Principal of Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College will assume the role of Coordinating Officer unless otherwise directed by Emergency Services. 2. On notification of a fire situation the coordinating officer will: • implement the Department of Education and Early Childhood, Barwon-South Western Regions, ‘holding schools’ protocol • notify bus companies of any buses affected and request buses proceed to ‘holding schools’ until permission is given for them to resume normal route destinations

Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education

• contact Principals of schools where students may/will be affected by any change to operations • liaise with Radio Stations with up to date details • invoke procedures to allow meals and shelter for travellers if required Holding Schools – In case of emergency Please be aware of the name of the bus route on which your child/ children travel and the school at which it will be held in case of emergency Westcourt Minerva Road / Western Heights College Carey Street Bus Interchanges Manifold Heights Bannockburn 1 (McHarrys) Bannockburn 2 (McHarrys) Bannockburn 3 (McHarrys) Bannockburn 4 (McHarrys) Inverleigh (McHarrys) Lethbridge (McHarrys) Little River (McHarrys) Maude (McHarrys) Meredith (Coles) Meredith 1 (McHarrys) Meredith 2 (McHarrys) Mt Anakie (McHarrys) Shelford (McHarrys) Wingeel (McHarrys)

Oberon High School Kidman Avenue Belmont Anglesea (Coles) Loop + Anglesea 1 (McHarrys) Loop + Bambra (McHarrys) Barrabool (McHarrys) Bellbrae (McHarrys) Buckley (McHarrys) Eastern View (McHarrys) Lorne (McHarrys) Mt Moriac (McHarrys) Waurn Ponds (McHarrys) Winchelsea 1 (McHarrys) Winchelsea 2 (McHarrys) Winchelsea 3 (McHarrys)

3. Staff will be deployed to ‘holding schools’ to assist with supervision - please be assured that travellers will be adequately supervised at all times. It will be an expectation that all travellers are aware of the need to follow directions of their bus drivers and of supervising staff at ‘holding schools’ in such an emergency. Please could you as parents/guardians affirm this expectation with your traveller/s. When a parent/guardian wishes to make alternative arrangements for the care of their travellers by collecting them from the ‘holding school’ we ask that the following occur: • Upon arrival at the ‘holding school’ report directly to the holding school coordinator. • Complete the release form prior to leaving with your traveller/s On days of high fire danger, parents should make arrangements to collect students from the bus stop when the bus arrives. If this is not possible, other arrangements should be made for their care. It is suggested that parents keep a battery-operated radio in their home. On days of high fire danger, parents should tune this radio to K-Rock (95.5FM) or Bay-FM (93.9FM) for up to date information. Regular bulletins will be available in case of emergency in relation to the bus routes listed. When necessary, these bulletins may commence from 7.00am. We ask that parents/ guardians use this medium in preference to using designated school telephone lines, as we need to keep these open for communication purposes. Thank you for your support

Student Leaders 2015


Meet our Leadership team! St Joseph’s College would like to congratulate students who have been nominated or recently inducted as student leaders for 2015. We look forward to an exciting year and wish these young leaders the very best for inspiring our students to “strive for the highest” in all that they do.

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Year 7 Applications for 2016 close Friday 22 May 2015. Limited places available for Senior School.




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