Issue5 SJC news 2015

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 16 April 2015 - Issue No 5 135 Aphrasia Street, Newtown VICTORIA 3220 / Ph: 03 5226 8100 Fax: 03 5221 6983 / Email: /


A reminder to all current families that if you are wishing to enrol a younger son for Year 7 in 2016, enrolment forms need to be submitted prior to 22 May. In fairness to incoming families, if you fail to do this, given the current levels of demand, we will need to place your son on our waiting list. Please do not assume that we are aware of all the family connections with current Year 6 enrolments in Primary schools. Paul Tobias - Principal

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, Our band and vocal ensemble have just returned from a very successful tour of New Zealand.The behaviour of our students was exceptional and they were warmly welcomed in a variety of New Zealand settings including fellow Edmund Rice entity, St Thomas of Canterbury College in Christchurch. One of the numbers the vocal ensemble sang was “Here you lie side by side” a song inspired by the words of Ataturk the founder of the Turkish republic in 1923. His words are recorded on the ANZAC memorial at Gallipolli “Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives ... you are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace... After having lost their lives on this land, they have become our sons as well”. The centenary of the ANZAC landing will be commemorated at both the main and Westcourt Campus over the next week. As part of the remembering, the College will present each student and staff member with a medallion to mark the occasion. The medallion will record the Centenary of the landing at ANZAC Cove and the 80th year of St Joseph’s College. I hope that with the encouragement of parents and guardians the boys store the medallions in a safe place and that the occasion and their time at St Joseph’s is well remembered. I commend all those involved in the New Zealand tour the timing of which with the forthcoming commemoration was most appropriate.

Calendar of Events April 2015 19 22 25 27

SJC Golf Day ANZAC ceremony - Westcourt ANZAC Day ANZAC Assembly - Newtown

May 2015 4 10 11 12 30

Activities Week Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Mass P&F Meeting SJOCA Annual Reunion

Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education


News from the Deputies We would like to extend a warm welcome to Term 2 to all our families. We hope the Easter break provided an opportunity for rest and relaxations as well as a chance to spend some quality time with family and friends. CAREMONKEY We would like to thank all the families who have completed their CareMonkey profiles and certainly want to encourage families that are yet to complete the required information to try and make time to do so as soon as possible.While the initial documentation is time consuming it will save parents and carers an enormous amount of time in the future. The College has invested in the CareMonkey application for two main reasons; the first is to ensure we provide the best possible care for our students and the second is to remove the burden of completing numerous, time consuming medical details every time students attend any activity outside the College. The way CareMonkey will work is that as soon as we have all student profiles returned we can assign students to the excursion or activity they are attending. Parents of the students will then receive a permission form via their computer or smart phone and the permission slip can be signed electronically. As we already have up to date medical information stored in the student’s profile, there will be no need to complete these details for every event – signing the electronic permission slip will automatically agree that medical information is up to date. Carers assigned to the excursion or activity will have access to the full medical details of students attending which will allow top quality medical assistance in the event of any accident or emergency. It is important to remember that all medical information is private and confidential and only available to the carers (teaching staff in most instances) while the event is taking place. We would like to begin using the CareMonkey application as soon as possible, particularly in light of Activities Week taking place in week four this term, however we would ask that parents and carers be patient with this process as there is a large amount of administrative work required before we can get things started. We also need to get as many profiles completed as possible before we begin using the application. In light of this it would be fantastic if as many families as possible have all information completed as quickly as possible. If any parent or carer has any concerns about CareMonkey please contact one of the Deputy Principals to discuss these Compassion Innovation Integrity

concerns. WINTER UNIFORM The College winter uniform becomes compulsory from the start of Week 5 this term. Activities Week takes place during week 4 where students in each year level are taking part in a wide variety of different camps or activities many of which will not require students to be in their uniform. For this reason as well as fluctuating temperatures we will allow students to wear either summer or winter uniform until week 5. Please note that if students do choose to wear their winter uniform then the expectation is that the blazer is the outer garment while travelling to and from school and that winter shirts with ties are worn. Paul Clohesy & Michelle Brodrick - Deputy Principals

SJC at the Palm Sunday March for Injustice 2015 An estimated 15,000 people marched through the city of Melbourne on 29 March, protesting against the inhumane conditions of the immigration detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island and the human rights violations which have recently been exposed. Teachers and students from both St Joseph’s and Clonard College marched alongside the Geelong Combined Refugee Action Group (CRAG) with representatives of local churches, former refugees and supporters expressing their concerns with the government and opposition asylum seeker policies. After talks and presentations from the leaders of different refugee action groups, the walk from Parliament House to Alexandra Gardens lasted an hour, with motorists on the other side of the road blowing their horns as a sign of support. Those who were in the rally held signs and banners chanting phrases such as, “Not in our name!” and “Refugees are welcomed here!” The Palm Sunday March for Justice was a great turnout with every supporter getting involved and participating in the demonstration. An event that has gained a great amount of media coverage and will hopefully change current issues for the better. Thomas Toh - Social Justice Captain

Edmund Rice Day Fundraising Congratulations to all in the College community for raising a huge $46,273. This money will go to support educational programs in East Africa and the Edmund Rice Foundation, Caritas Australia and Edmund Rice Camps Victoria. 7D raised the highest amount of funds with $1092.40.

VYLC (Victorian Young Leaders to China) Update

Edmund Rice Awards - Term 1 Edmund Rice Awards are awarded by any staff member to students who demonstrate the qualities of Blessed Edmund Rice such as going beyond the expected, whether it is through their kindness to others, giving of their own time to assist others, being courageous in their actions or demonstrating true leadership. Recipients of these awards receive a certificate and a $5 canteen voucher. Congratulations to the following students for being awarded Edmund Rice Awards last term.

Jo Hart - Director of Identity Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education

The VYLC (Victorian Young Leaders to China) 16 selected representatives from St Joseph’s Year 9, have now been in China for four weeks, with another two weeks to go before they return. In the first two weeks of their program, they spent time in Beijing, staying at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, and then in Xian, staying at the Shaanxi Normal University. In these early weeks of their experience, the boys intermittently studied Chinese culture and language, and spent much of their time visiting historical and cultural sites and relics. These included: The Great Wall, The Forbidden City, The Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square and The Terracotta Warriors. Following these first two weeks, the boys moved to Nanjing, where they are now staying and studying at Nanjing #1 Middle School. Nanjing #1 School is a large and prestigious school in the Jiangsu province of China. The school has its own Planetarium and many other educationally advanced resources such as an interactive Geography room. Nanjing #1 is spread over three campuses and has a total student population of 6000. Each morning, our SJC boys spend three hours learning and developing their use of Chinese language in classes dedicated to reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each afternoon is spent involving themselves in some sort of Cultural Activity such as paper cutting, kung fu, tai chi, Chinese ICT animation, paper folding, dumpling making, bamboo dancing, and so on. Classes for the boys start at 8.15am and the day’s activities conclude around 5pm. Each evening, boys are spending one to two hours in meetings, supervised study or project work. On weekends, students are going with Chinese ‘buddies’ to their homes and for family events. Simon Taylor


Curriculum News Welcome back to our second term of learning! Term 2 provides further opportunities for students to strive for the highest in their academic work. You will note in the College calendar that students from Year 8 through to Year 11 participate in semester examinations in which they demonstrate subject-specific skills in timed assessments. Additionally, every student who is undertaking a Unit 3/4VCE study will also be required to sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 10 June. Further information about the GAT, the examinations and the timetables will appear in subsequent editions of the newsletter. Term 2 is also NAPLAN term. All students in Year 7 and Year 9 will complete NAPLAN tests in numeracy and literacy. The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) provides us with important data about student attainment against national benchmarks and as such, contributes to the evidence we require to identify and target areas for improvement. For our Year 9 students, the NAPLAN helps us to identify growth and trends from their Year 7 NAPLAN results. As a school, we acknowledge that NAPLAN information is an important addition to the data we collect about student learning and we would expect that all students would participate to the best of their abilities in the NAPLAN program which will commence on Tuesday 12 May. Over the coming weeks, students in Year 7 and Year 9 will be given further opportunities to develop their skills in preparation for these important tests. For further information or if you have any concerns about the NAPLAN, please contact the Director of Learning and Teaching Mr Mark Stracey PARENT/STUDENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS: A BOOST TO FUTURE LEARNING On Thursday 26 March and Friday 27 March, the College held Parent/Student/Teacher interviews. Considering the inclement weather during Thursday afternoon and evening, the large number of parents who attended is commendable! I trust that the interviews were informative and provided not only a reflection on your son’s first term’s work, but more importantly, how further progress can be achieved for the remainder of the year. If you have any feedback about your experience of the Parent/Student/Teacher interviews, please email me:

Compassion Innovation Integrity

OPEN DAY: NEW PROSPECTS FOR LEARNING The Open Day held on 23 March was a great display of the many wonderful learning opportunities that await prospective students and families. Families gained new insights into a St Joseph’s education through the lens of our shared values of compassion, integrity and innovation evident in the many static and interactive displays promoting high quality learning and teaching. The responses from parents and the boys throughout the morning and evening were glowing and credit must be given to the large team of students and staff who prepared the event. COLLEGE ENSEMBLES MUSIC PERFORMANCE On Tuesday 17 March, I attended the Music faculty’s final preNew Zealand concert. It was a fantastic occasion that had a distinctly Irish feel recognising St Patrick’s Day. The music programme at the College has a long and highly regarded tradition and I was very impressed with the quality of the performances and equally with the complexity of the pieces. Over a number of years there has been a growing body of evidence studying the benefits to student academic and social development through involvement in the performing arts and I would certainly encourage more of our students to continue with their music studies throughout their secondary years. I’m looking forward to hearing more about the New Zealand tour highlights. WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH TO LITERACY IMPROVEMENT In the last few weeks of Term 1, a considerable amount of work was done to identify and develop a process for implementing literacy across the subjects. Within the last twelve months, the College has conducted a number of reviews focussing on areas where further improvements can be made. In studying the results of the reviews as well as our literacy data, it is clear that more is required to assist students with accessing, comprehending and creating texts of increasing complexity as they move through their secondary years. Consequently, the College will be partnering with the Catholic Education Office Melbourne (CEOM) to develop an effective and sustainable approach to literacy improvement. This partnership began on Friday 20 March where members of the College leadership and literacy teams met with CEOM staff to discuss the way forward. We are committed to working quickly and intensely to improving literacy by embedding strategies within our curriculum plans, providing professional development for all staff and particularly for those who will drive the improvement strategies across the learning areas. To demonstrate our commitment to developing a plan in the short-term, we are indeed very fortunate to have visiting us on Thursday 30 April, Professor Peter Freebody from the University of Sydney who is renowned for his work in developing effective whole-school approaches to literacy. Peter’s visit will include working with teams and an address to all staff at 3.30p.m. I look forward to reporting his visit in future newsletters. Peter’s professional biography can be accessed: Michael Goss – Director of Curriculum

Impetus Youth Awards On Friday night, the project development team for the SJC Outreach Van attended the Geelong Impetus Youth Awards at GPAC. These awards recognise leadership, service and achievement in Geelong Young people as well as those who work with them. The SJC Outreach Van group included a number of 2014 graduates and current Year 12 students – Darcy Caddy, Ciaran Ross, Jack Callahan, Adam Walsh, Angus Kramer & David McNeel (Shane Collard and Sam Rotiroti were apologies on the night). They were nominated for the Community Citizenship (Group) Award and were amongst 75 other nominees for the various awards. While the SJC group did not win the award, their hard work and perseverance throughout last year that saw the establishment of a partnership with a Leaders for Geelong project group and the development and trial of the Geelong Outreach Van, was certainly recognized by the Impetus judging panel. Attending the Awards night with the group were two members of the Leaders for Geelong Project team, Sheridan Salmon, from Give Where You Live, and Mark Vaughan, from Barwon Water. The SJC team would like to thank them and the other members of their group for all the assistance in getting this project up and running. Jo Hart - Director of Identity



communityonthestreets Wednesday and Sunday nights

FREE Food & Snacks Blankets Someone to talk to Wednesday Times

Hot Drinks Hygiene Packs Someone to help Location

Sunday Times


Whittington (Wilson’s Road near Rail Trail)


Officeworks Car Park

7.00 7.20





Cunningham Pier



Detroit Ave Shops, Corio


Everyone Welcome Find us on Facebook—search for Geelong Outreach Van

Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education

St Joseph’s & South Barwon Salvos bring you: The Geelong Outreach Van The Outreach Van operates around Geelong two nights a week. St Joseph’s College is responsible for running the van on Sunday nights. The aim of the van is to make contact with people who are experiencing homelessness and other forms of poverty through providing food, clothing and friendship. Members of the College community – students in Years 11 & 12, parents, staff, past students – are welcome and invited to become involved in one of the following ways: 1. Volunteering your time on a Sunday night 6.30-9pm. 2. Purchasing food items and making sandwiches for the van (approx. 2 loaves worth). 3. Making muffins or soup (as the weather gets colder) for the van. If you’d like more information or to be added to the email list for the next roster for all of the above, please contact Jo Hart TOILETRIES DRIVE Next week, the SJC community will also be asked to assist by donating one of the following items to the van. These toiletry items are often the first struck off the shopping list due to their cost and being seen as less of a necessity as food. However, they are also what helps us feel a bit more human when we’re struggling. The people we meet on the van are very grateful for these items as they are usually not available through other services. Year 7 – toothpaste Year 8 – toothbrushes (soft to medium) Year 9 – deodorant (male and female) Year 10 – soap (individually wrapped are most useful) Year 11 – shampoo or conditioner Year 12 – disposable razors (male and female) Other needs – toilet paper (single rolls) and feminine hygiene products. Any queries can be directed to Jo Hart Thanks goes to those parents, students and staff who have already donated their time and cooking skills to ensuring the van is well stocked with fresh, homemade food and that a friendly face is there to chat to those who most need it. Check out a video of the Outreach Van here: Jo Hart - Director of Identity


Congratulations To Gabriel Hayes (Year 8) who played in the Vic Country Bushrangers team in the Australian Country Junior Basketball Cup in Albury, where he was selected in the Australian Country Junior Basketball U15 team to participate in the Pacific Rim Basketball Championships in New Zealand during the school holidays. Well done Gabe. To Caleb Mutsaerts (Year 9) for being awarded overall Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge club champion at South Barwon Athletics Club. Caleb was presented with this award at the club presentation day The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is on again for which was held Sunday 12 April. What a huge achievement students at St Joseph’s! In 2015, all students in Year 7 will be Caleb. participating in the Challenge, and all boys in Years 8 to 12 To Xavier Huxtable Year 7 for making it to the semifinal are strongly encouraged to get involved. in the “Play it Safe in the Water”- a Junior Challenge that The Challenge set for students is to read 15 books by 14 was held in conjunction with the Rip Curl Pro over the September; 10 of these books must be selected from an Easter holidays. Fantastic effort Xavier. official list, while the remaining five books are chosen by Also to Old Collegian Cahill Bell-Warren who coaches students themselves. Set booklists are produced for the current (World #1) Carissa Moore, the winner of the various year levels, however if it is required, students may women’s event at the Ripcurl Pro held at Bells Beach. Cahill select from lists more appropriate to their reading ability. only just missed out on a Wild card entry into this year’s The boys will be responsible for updating their personal event. reading record sheet, as well as their online record. The St Joseph’s Cricket Club also had a win over the Parent and guardian support will be greatly appreciated as holday break taking out the Grand Final - now with back the boys endeavour to meet this Challenge. All students to back wins in the GCA1 titles. Well done to everyone participating must return a signed permission slip as soon as involved. possible.These have been distributed to Year 7 students, and boys in Years 8 to 12 may collect their slip from the library, CONGRATULATIONS PATRICK SILO AND or alternatively download from the library campus guide ANGUS MOORE site at Patrick Silo (Year 8) and Angus Moore (Year 9) started on a journey together last year, when they decided they au/content.php?pid=138051&sid=4748012 wanted to become fully fledged members of the Catholic Kate Gibbs - Junior English Coordinator (Years 7 & 8) faith. Angus was baptised and then both boys received their first Eucharist at Holy Spirit Church. Over the past month Patrick and Angus’ faith journey continued, the boys received their first Reconciliation at Saints Peter and Paul Church, and then at the Easter Vigil Mass received the sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Family, Bell Park. John Harmon and I have been privileged to work with these boys during this preparation time and have been very impressed by their commitment to the process. Their mature response to this next step in their faith journey is a credit to themselves and to their families. We congratulate Patrick and Angus and welcome them formally as members of the Catholic faith community. Vicki Mills - Religious Education Curriculum Coordinator

Year 10 ACC Football


Compassion Innovation Integrity

Edmund Rice Day 2015

Edmund Rice Day

Edmund Rice Day Cross Country Results

Cross Country House Results BUTLER

U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 SENIOR Total



301 519 473 291 403 420 2407

323 248 199 394 370 412 1946

352 248 332 282 242 219 1675

301 293 271 308 260 180 1613





The House Winner is:


U 13

U 14


U 16

U 17


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th








Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education


Edmund Rice Day - Staff v Students Gaelic Football Match For a game in which AFL and soccer seem to come together, it was the Year 12’s who banded together as one, in a Gaelic match that will go down in St Joseph’s history. As Edmund Rice Day was reaching its final hours, the formalities of the annual Staff vs. Student Gaelic match were taking place. In one corner, a group of teachers who for a few hours replaced whiteboard markers with mouthguards in an attempt to go back-to-back and defeat the Year 12’s. The teachers boasted one of their strongest line-ups in years with the likes of Chris Lynch, Will Newton and Andrew Scaddan spearheading the attack. In a surprise to all, the self-proclaimed Gaelic legend Jono Holt was a late omission to the side, sparking rumours of his fear of being embarrassed on the big stage by young Jackson McLachlan. In the other corner was a Year 12 side made up of 70 plus kids, some of which didn’t even know how to spell Gaelic, let alone comprehend the rules of the game. But the class of 2015, led by coaches Sam Threlfall, Michael Fama and Zac Stankiewicz, put together four sides to play out each quarter of the game. The first quarter was tightly contested and full of highlights. With David McNeel and Paddy Kelleher dominating from the first bounce, it was evident it would be a tough day for the teachers.The game could have been won by the students in the first term if not for some heroics from goalkeeper Adam Colak that kept the teachers in the match. The first term also saw the end of Ben McNamara’s day out and possibly his footballing career as he went down with a knee injury, following a ruck contest with Ash Humphries. The injury brought on replacement ruckman Guy Hardiman, who put big ‘Humpa’s’ jumping ability to shame as he sailed over his head in their first contest. The students took a slender lead into the first break. The second term showed the strength of the teachers as they thoroughly outplayed the second unit of the Year 12 mob. Big Darcy Bennett was a shining light for the second

Compassion Innovation Integrity

quarter team but couldn’t manage to stop the teachers from piling on a few goals. The third period saw the introduction of Brophy duo Liam Cogan and Tom Doedee who both were everywhere in the early stages of the quarter. The fans were also able to see the introduction of playing coach Sam Threlfall as he went out for a kick. Threlfall’s decision to play himself all but confirmed his knee injury, which has sidelined him for a month, to be a fake. It also became apparent in the third term that, despite the claims of Luke O’Grady and John Mitchell that they would be fair, the umpiring was strongly favouring the teachers. With the teachers hitting the front heading into the final term, the students seemed to be fighting a losing battle. But the Class of 2015 found some unlikely heroes in the Hogan twins, whose last quarter efforts, in combination with the likes of Nick Connors and Joe Loughnan, ensured a tight finish. With the students hitting the front late in the contest, the staff began to panic and as rushed shots on goal from Mark Rayson and Paul Clohesy came up empty, the students knew they had done what seemed impossible. As the final siren sounded, scenes of jubilation were evident on Zampatti Oval with students from all year levels coming to celebrate with the Year 12’s. The students happiness could not be contained, whilst the teachers shed a few quiet tears with their fellow staff. The site of the team singing the school song after a famous win will be told for centuries at St Joseph’s. The lyrics to Ad Alta Virtute will be ringing in the ears of the teachers for weeks on end. Angus Kramer - Year 12 STUDENTS (29) defeated TEACHERS (20) Students Best: Kelleher, Hogan, Bennett, Cogan, McNeel, Loughnan, Hardiman Teachers Best: Lynch, Colak, Newton, O’Connell, Cunningham, Harrington, Scaddan


Sustainability Matters

In Sympathy

Celebrating 80 Years of Catholic Boys’ Education

‘Pride of Geelong’ is a limited edition book project showcasing socially active and inspirational young people from the Geelong region. Dont miss this unique opportunity to have your child’s achievements recognised and documented in a hard cover commemorative book that will become a permanent record of a special time in your family’s lives. Every successful nominee will receive a portrait session designed to highlight his/her talent, a social media set, and inclusion in the book which will be launched in late 2015. Your participation fee is $75.00 which includes the photographers time to create your portraits and the copywriters time to document your childs inclusion. For more information, or to enter your child, phone us now on (03) 5221 1198 or visit We hope to meet you soon to create some great images and hear your story.

The Australian Government is expected to assist around 3.4 million children improve their dental health via a new Government funded Child Dental Benefits Schedule. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule commenced in January 2014 and continues in 2015. The scheme is designed to assist eligible children between the ages of 2 and 17 years of age. To gain access to benefits, children must be eligible for medicare, must be between 2 and 17 years of age for at least 1 day of the calendar year with the child or parent/guardian/ carer receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A or another relevant government payment. Contact Pacific Smiles Dental to see if you are eligible. visit


The College is holding a special Mass in celebration of all of our SJC Mums, Grandmothers and Special Women who are welcome to join us in celebrating Mother’s Day. The Mass will be followed by light refreshments. All Year 7 students will attend the Mass and are welcome to invite guests - please RSVP via the College website by clicking on EVENTS. Students from other Year levels are also welcome to attend and invite their own Mother’s Day guests - providing they also RSVP via the online form. This will allow the College to arrange for those students to be absent from class during the Mass. The RSVP will also allow us to properly cater for the morning tea. We look forward to seeing students and their guests celebrating Mother’s Day together! There will be a slideshow during the Mass in which we would love to include some happy photos of Mums, Carers & Sons if you would like to submit a photo for inclusion in the Mass slideshow, email a copy to Lachlan Porter at the College with the email subject as ‘Mothers Day Mass Photo’ before Wednesday 6 May.


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