Issue6 sjcnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 24 April 2014 - Issue No 6

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Westcourt Campus: 41 Minerva Road Herne Hill VIctoria 3218 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Ph Westcourt: 03 5247 7000 Email: Web:

Anaphylaxis Management Policy

Students at the Easter Mass

The College has updated its Anaphylaxis Management Policy in light of the new Ministerial Order 706 – Anaphylaxis Management in Victorian Schools. The Order sets out the steps schools must take to ensure the safety of students at risk of anaphylaxis in their care. Individual Management Plans have been created for anaphylactic students and parents have been sent a copy of this for their information. If you wish to view the Policy it can be viewed on the College website.

Privacy Policy

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, I hope you enjoyed the Easter break and that you were able to experience some quality family time. During these holidays, I was reflecting on the number of school groups that we had travelling interstate or overseas. Some 94 Year 9 students travelled to central Australia, 13 Year 9s are in their fifth week of a six week student exchange in China, and another group of 67 parents and students combined travelled throughout China and visited our sister school in Beijing. While these trips provide great experiences for the students, our staff members need to be constantly aware and vigilant in terms of their supervisory roles. Apart from two fractures, the travellers have returned safely. So to our staff members I say a big thank you for your diligence and care of our students. I have been following the tragic events around the South Korean students attending a school activity whereby several hundred students have lost their lives in a ferry disaster. Please remember these families in your prayers. During the first week of May we have 1,582 St Joseph’s students involved in a variety of activities including work experience, camps, retreats and community work. Over the next couple of weeks parents will be asked to complete and return paperwork to support these activities. It is imperative that we have that completed paperwork returned as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming many visitors to our College this Thursday, 24 April, as part of our Open Day for prospective enrolments for 2015. Please visit our website for more details. All welcome. Paul Tobias - Principal

Compassion Innovation Integrity

As you may be aware there have been recent changes to privacy laws. If you would like to view the College’s updated Privacy Policy please visit our website. In addition to this you can view the College’s Disclosure Statement to Students in relation to receiving counselling services at the College. ttp://

Sibling Enrolment - Year 7 2015 If you have younger sons who will be seeking enrolment for Year 7 at St Joseph’s in 2015, you need to submit your application by Friday 23 May 2014. Parents who fail to do so, even if they have older sons at the College, cannot be guaranteed a place.

Calendar of Events April 25 ANZAC Day Public Holiday 28 Newtown ANZAC ceremony

May 3 5 11 12 28 31

Michael Carmody Gala Ball Activities Week Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Mass Year 8 Fathers & Sons Night SJOCA Reunion

11.30AM ON





News from the Deputies The Easter period presents a wonderful opportunity for reflection given its focus on the Passion of Christ and the themes of Resurrection, rebirth and renewal. Hopefully during the break you were able to participate in some of the key rituals and services of the pinnacle of the church calendar and we trust that your holiday was a happy and holy celebration of family and community. The timing of the Easter break with the holidays means that we can really start the new term with a focus on renewal. It is important that the boys are encouraged to see the value of making a fresh start, whether it be their approach to study, revision and homework or goal setting of a personal or spiritual nature. Our Christian philosophy, especially around the Easter story, has forgiveness as a central theme. This means that we can always embrace new beginnings: there is always a time to start again. Whether it be a new term, a new month, a new week, a new day, another lesson – you can always make a fresh start. The dynamic nature of our College and fantastic involvement of the school community is an ongoing characteristic of daily life here and recently many initiatives and activities have taken place which again highlight this. The VCAL boys’ Barefoot Bowls fundraiser for Cottage by the Sea was a fabulous night, overseen by Ms Leah Irving and Ms Monika Ercoli in partnership with Clonard College VCAL students and staff. During the break, more than 90 Year 9 students spent nine days taking in the amazing sights of Central Australia and we really appreciate the work of the staff who took the time away from their own families to supervise, particularly Ms Ashlee Milne who organized the trip. Mr Simon Taylor and Mr Wei Zhang have also just returned from two weeks on another successful China trip with nearly 70 students, staff and parents. Next week we will welcome back the twelve Year 9 boys participating in the six week Young Leaders to China program. Most of their time has been spent in Beijing and Nanjing and we sincerely thank Mrs Anne Thomas for her supervision of the boys and this initiative. Her reports have been exciting and the boys have had an invaluable experience. By the time you read this we will also have conducted an ANZAC Day service at Westcourt campus. Our gratitude is extended to special guest speaker, Warrant Officer Class One Mr Jeffrey Carthew, Regimental Sergeant Major RTD

Compassion Innovation Integrity

for his participation in the ANZAC Commemoration, both as a speaker and as a major contributor to the whole-day exhibition. Mr Carthew is the husband of staff member Bernerdine Carthew. Next week we will be holding our ANZAC service at the Newtown campus. Thanks must also go to Bernie, along with Ms Natasha Solczaniuk and Ms Julie Cole as they have been instrumental in bringing together Open Day this week, a major event on our calendar. Next week students will depart for the Tiwi Islands and Week three is Activities Week, a huge logistical operation. So there is much to be thankful for and much to look forward to as we embark on Term 2. UNIFORM Term 2 also marks the changeover to Winter uniform and boys are expected to be wearing all the required items from day one. We ask that parents ensure the uniform is correct and remind you that the blazer is to be worn to and from school, regardless of the mode of transport. Top buttons should always be done up, so a summer shirt is not to be worn as it does not accommodate a tie. Shoes need to be clean and if lost or in for repairs, then only solid PE runners may be worn (with an accompanying note). Black skate shoes, street shoes, slip-ons (sometimes referred to as ‘Grandpa shoes’) etc. are never appropriate even as a temporary replacement. Long hair should be tied back and faces should be clean-shaven as if presenting for work or a job interview. Jewellery and bracelets should be left at home. We thank parents for their on-going support in this area and recognize that the public face of the College is most often our boys, and how they wear their uniform contributes significantly to our reputation. Thank you, good luck for the new term and God bless you and your families. Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principal & Ric Brodrick - Acting Deputy Principal

EDMUND RICE AWARDS Edmund Rice Awards are awarded by any staff member to students who demonstrate qualities of Edmund Rice such as going beyond the expected, whether it is through their kindness to others, giving of their own time to assist others, being courageous in their actions, demonstrating true leadership etc. Recipients of these awards receive a certificate and a $5 canteen voucher. Congratulations to the following students for being awarded Edmund Rice Awards last term. Sam Kiebert 11I Ben McNamara 11F Thomas Anderson 7H Salvatore Cilmi 7H Antonia Gumina 7D Anthony Teale 10G Angus Moore 8J Roko Gudasic 8D Jo Hart - Director of Identity

From the Heritage Centre This week we will commemorate ANZAC Day, in honour of all Australian and New Zealand soldiers that served in wars. In respect and admiration of past students, I would like to share with you these photographs of St Joseph’s boys who died in the service of their country during the Second World War. I would also like to tell the story of Flight Sergeant Bernard Johnson SJC 1936-40. In 1939, at the age of 15, Bernard was the College Dux of Matriculation. In the middle of 1940, he began work for the State Bank of Victoria where he worked until he enlisted in the RAAF in November, 1942. In December 1943, Bernard finished his training after which he gained his wings as an Australian fighter pilot. On October 8th, 1944 at the age of 19, Bernard was killed, whilst taking part in a bombing and strafing raid on Noenfoor Island. In the memory of all of those who have died in Wars. Lest We Forget. THANKS I would like to thank Pierre Belluzzo and Team 1, of the Men’s Association for the work they did in helping to reorganise the Archive Room. Thanks also to the lovely people who volunteer to help in the Heritage Centre, and welcome to Kathleen Rawson and Nicole Morrison, their contribution is invaluable. Susan Belluzzo - College Archivist



Athletics Achievment Christian Davis of Year 9, has had some great achievements in Athletics this year. Christian has competed at 4 Major events this year and six races, taking a minimum of 1 second off his personal best each race! Finishing November 2013 with running times in 400 mtrs 58.00 and 800 mtrs with 2:08, and achieving personal bests of 51.62 for 400 mtrs and 1.59.79 for 800 mtrs. Highlights include the National Youth Championships in Sydney, where Christian came 4th by smashing his PB with a 51.62 in the 400 mtrs track on the 14/15 March 2014. On 29/30 March 2014 Christian competed at Albert Park in the Victorian State Youth Championships where he achieved Bronze in the 800 mtr, then Silver in the 400 mtr track. Year 7 student Oliver Loughnan also ran in the Victorian State Youth Championships on the 29/30 March at Albert Park. Saturday he achieved his PB by 5 secs finishing 5th in the 800m. Sunday he achieved his PB by 6 secs coming in 5th again but a great effort. Well done Christian & Oliver!

Bowls N Beats On Friday 28 March, the Year 12 Senior VCAL classes from St Joseph’s and Clonard College joined together for an evening of barefoot bowls, live music, food and auctions. The evening was hosted by the Year 12s providing bands, catering, operating the photo booth, selling raffle tickets and running the bowls. There were almost 200 attendees at the evening and $4,500 was raised for The Cottage by the Sea, Queenscliff. We wish to thank the East Geelong Bowls Club, especially President, Kevin O’Leary and the committee members who helped out during the evening. We thank the donors for their generous gifts and donations, and the students and staff who gave up their time to provide the entertainment and assist with the running of the evening. To all the teachers especially Leah Irving, Monika Ercoli and Adam Burke we say thanks for all your support and hard work. If you had your photo taken in our photo booth on the night, visit the St Joseph’s College website or facebook page to see all the pictures, tag, like and share! Yay! Billy Hyde

Seed gathering for the Reconciliation garden Preparation is continuing towards the building of our Reconciliation Garden. Class 7A were invited to participate in collecting seeds and cuttings to be grown for the garden from our local environment. On Monday 31 March the class of 7A joined John King from Geelong Indigenous Nursery to collect plant cuttings and seeds to create a new Reconciliation Garden for the school. We walked along the river while John pointed out plants and trees that we would be collecting from. He taught us how to find the seed from a River Red Gum. We then went on to collecting cuttings. After we collected the cuttings we had to strip the bottom 2/3 of the leaves and place them in some plant boxes, and we put the seed in a paper bag. Once we had done that it was goodbye to John and he took the plants with him and said, “The cuttings will have grown roots in about two weeks.” Then we came back to school for another regular day. Overall it was a good trip. Finn Dripps - 7A

REDCYCLING “REDcycle” bins are located in the Homerooms of Year 7 and 8 students and the main the canteen (main campus), for the purpose of recycling “soft plastics”, via Coles Supermarkets. We will also be introducing a REDCycling bin to the Edmund Rice undercover area at the culmination of REDcycling competition (coming soon!!!) I strongly encourage you to recycle your “soft plastics” at participating Coles supermarkets, rather than sending them in lunch boxes to school. The participating stores in our area include; Coles Belmont, Coles Corio Village, Coles Geelong Bay City, Coles Geelong West, Coles Waurn Ponds

Sustainability Matters IMPETUS GEELONG YOUTH AWARDS In its seventh year of running, the purpose of the Impetus Awards (an initiative by Councillor Jan Farrell, Greater City of Geelong), is to “provide a platform and opportunity to celebrate the commitment and achievement of our young people”. The presence of so many nominated St Joseph’s students at this year’s Youth Impetus Awards Ceremony, (GPAC) on Thursday April 10, was very encouraging and we were delighted to have several of our Sustainability Leaders nominated for an Award. Nominees were; Jack Callahan (Yr12), for his initiative and leadership of the “Cut the Wrap” Rap “I Like Waste Free Lunches” and promotional video and the “Start the Switch” Garden bed project team. We are thrilled to announce Jack Callahan as the winner of the Sustainability Award, receiving a cheque to the value of $500 for his initiative. I would also like to congratulate the students involved in the “Start the Switch” project, for their nomination. It was a wonderful evening for all involved! Nominees present each received their certificate by Geelong Mayor; Darryn Lyons and the crowd was entertained during “intermission” by the Infinite Dance Company, once again showcasing the talents of St Joseph’s students. RECYCLING REMINDERS!!! As we begin a new term, I would like to take the opportunity to remind you of the recycling opportunities available at St Joseph’s. Battery, mobile phones & mobile phone accessories Please remember that batteries (excluding car batteries) mobile phones and mobile phone accessories may be recycled at the reception areas of either campus. Discount on battery purchases As participating members of the “School’s Battery Recycling Program”, all members of the College community are offered 15% off purchases at any time at Battery World Geelong, upon mentioning this Newsletter article. Other items that may be recycled at the college We are now also collecting; stamps, bread clips and wine corks to assist various organisations in their recycling endeavours. These items may also be brought to reception at either campus for recycling.

PUSH TO “GET IT IN THE RIGHT BIN” Whilst the reduction in the amount waste going in the bins in the Junior areas term one has been encouraging, it has been disappointing that the contents of numerous recycling bins have ended up being taken away as general waste due to contamination, particularly at the Westcourt Campus. I strongly urge everyone to be vigilant and more mindful in your recycling endeavours. Simply take a few more seconds to consider thoughtful placement of items into appropriate bins. The recycling guide below, has been included to assist you with your recycling. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

BIN Fully Commingled Recycling

WHAT GOES IN Glass bottles, not globes or broken glass Metal including aluminium & tin cans Paper including; newspapers, drink cartons and canteen pizza wrappers

Cardboard Plastic All rigid plastic including plastic

bottles and yoghurt containers - scraped  NO PLASTIC BAGS General Waste Non-recyclable items Food soiled items Polystyrene (Soft plastic - at Westcourt only) Bubblewrap REDcycling (Newtown Campus only) Bins at Canteen or Homeroom

Soft Plastic Bread bags Biscuit packets Frozen food bags Rice and pasta Bags Confectionery packets Cereal Box Liners Newspaper wrap Plastic shopping bags Old ‘green’ shopping bags

In Sympathy Mrs Nell (Helen) Kean (95 years), mother /motherin-law of Old Collegian Jack (Brendan) Kean (1972) and Helen Kean (staff member), grandmother of Heath Kean, Old Collegian (2009) and Brenna Kean past student St Ignatius College (2013). Mr Trevor Lampard (86years), grandfather of Lewis Conquit (Year 8) and Lucy Conquit (Year 10) Sacred Heart College. Mrs Jolanta Solytysiak ( 60 years), grandmother of Connor Fopiani ( Year 7) and Paige Fopiani (Year 9) Sacred Heart College. Mrs Vera Johnston (92 years), grandmother of Leanne Maher(staff member) and husband Steven, great grandmother of Darcy Maher Matthew Flinders, Kynan Maher Belmont High School, Torren Maher and Leni Maher Montpellier Primary School. Mr John Brown (77 years), great uncle of Ben Vanjek (Year 8), Laura past student Clonard College (2013), Rebecca Clonard College (Year 10) and Jessica Vanjek, Bannockburn Primary School. Mrs Debbie Lear (nee Buckley, 53 years, Gold Coast,) Alumni SHC, suddenly - drowning accident, sister of Greg Buckley, Old Collegian (1975), Kim, Kate Sacred Heart College Alumni, and Joanne, Aunty of Jack Buckley (Year 11), Georgie SHC Alumni (2010) and Alice (2012). Mrs Doreen Jewell (Melbourne), mother of Fr Vince Jewell, Parish Priest, St Bernard’s Catholic Church, Belmont. Doreen had been unwell for some time and the parish of St Bernard’s has been praying for her throughout this difficult journey. Our hearts go out to Fr Vince and his extended family. Rest peacefully Doreen. Mrs Madonna (Maddie) Lynch, wife of past student, Sean Lynch (1989). Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

11.30AM ON


IN THE BR O S ADAMS CENTRE (GYM) The College is holding a special Mass in celebration of all of our SJC Mums, Grandmothers and Special Women who are welcome to join us in celebrating Mother’s Day. The Mass will be followed by light refreshments. All Year 7 students will attend the Mass and are welcome to invite guests - please RSVP via the College website by clicking on EVENTS. Students from other Year levels are also welcome to attend and invite their own Mother’s Day guests providing they also RSVP via the online form. This will allow the College to arrange for those students to be absent from class during the Mass. The RSVP will also allow us to properly cater for the morning tea. We look forward to seeing students and their guests celebrating Mother’s Day together!


There will be a slideshow during the Mass in which we would love to include some happy photos of Mums, Carers & Sons - if you would like to submit a photo for inclusion in the Mass slideshow, email a copy to Lachlan Porter at the College with the email subject as ‘Mothers Day Mass Photo’ before Wednesday 7 May.

Congratulations To Natalie Killeen (past staff member) and husband Simon on the birth of their beautiful baby boy Edward Guy Killeen, first grandchild for Jane Rodgers (staff member) and Peter Rodgers (Old Collegian and past Board Member). To Nick Maxwell, Old Collegian (2001) and James Bartel (2001) on playing their 200th and 250th Game of AFL football during the school term break. Both young men have been outstanding leaders and players for their respective clubs, Collingwood and Geelong.

Year 10 Football ROUND 1- ST JOSEPH’S V MAZENOD St Joseph’s 15.8.98 defeated Mazenod 4.6.30 GOALS: Darby Schilder 6, Jack Henry 2, Darby Edwards 2, Isaac McMahon 1, Josh Jokic 1, Jonathon Arcoraci 1, Charles Francis 1, Ben Kenworthy 1 BEST: Darby Schilder, Will Cann, Sam Simpson, Darby Edwards, Peterson Kol, Jack Quinn


In conjunction with the St Joseph’s Football & Netball Club Present the:

gala ball 6.30pm for 7pm start at The Pier Geelong Cunningham Pier, 10 Western Beach Road, Geelong Dress: Formal. Enjoy a 2 course meal, drinks at bar prices.

Entertainment by:

Real Diamond

also some great auction items up for grabs!

Tickets: $80

Tables of 10. Purchase a table for $800.

Tickets available from: Brett Bentley: bbentley@transportÀ Janine Nicholls: David Formosa:

PARENT FORUMS & WORKSHOPS Living with Easter Courage & Love “After the long period in the desert that is Lent, we come to Easter.The resurrection is the victory of life over death. It is the victory of Christ over oppression. There is no greater love than one who gives his life so others can live (Jn 15,13).We are given the wonderful promise of a new life but it takes courage to embrace Christ and follow in his footsteps.” Cardinal Oscar Rodriquez Maradiaga, S.D.B. - President, Caritas Internationalis Living the Easter message is one of the true challenges of Catholic life. While we all bear crosses of varying kinds having the courage to embrace Christ and follow in his footsteps is both radical and counter-cultural in this modern world in which we live which values competition over cooperation, consumerism over love. The good news is that we have students, staff and parents who are being courageous in their daily lives. Through their example we come to know that it is possible for all of us in small and mighty ways. During the last week of term, our Fire Carriers courageously donned Close the Gap t-shirts and invited students and staff to sign the Close the Gap Pledge which calls on the Australian Government to address the critical social issues of health, housing, education and self-determination that face Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples among other things. During the same week, students were invited to send an email to Prime Minister Tony Abbott affirming their support of the Close the Gap campaign. Approximately 200 emails were sent and hundreds of students and staff signed the pledge – small steps of Easter courage and love. One morning during the first week of the holidays when most were sleeping-in and relaxing, 30 students from Years 7-12 came to Clonard. They, with students from Clonard, Sacred Heart and St Ignatius Colleges, came to welcome and entertain 70 children from refugee families aged 5-15. These children were from many cultures including Afghan, Karen and Karenni, Congolese,Vietnamese and Iranian. Most were refugee children, some were asylum seekers. All were welcomed enthusiastically and had a fun and relaxing day involving in activities from cheerleading to the latest fashion craze of “looming”. Our students were generous and kind in their care of the children. The day is not complex but through it our students have an opportunity to be “christ-like” towards newcomers in our community. Jo Hart - Director of Identity “That which is Christ-like within us shall be crucified. It shall suffer and be broken. And that which is Christ-like within us shall rise up. It shall love and create.” - Michael Leunig

Parenting Your Teenager

A 4-week program which examines what is normal teenage behaviour, the four cardinal sins of parenting teens, communicating with your teen and managing those tricky situations.

Date: Monday 5 May Time: 7.00pm-9.00pm Location: Ariston, 245-249 Pakington St, Newtown Contact: Regional Parenting Service Ph: 5272 4817 Cost: Gold Coin Donation Bringing Up Great Kids

A six week program for parents of children aged 5-12 yrs which aims to equip parents with the skills to enhance their patterns of communication with their children, promote more respectful interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self identity.

Date: Wednesday 7 May Time: 7.00-9.00pm Location: Ariston, 245-249 Pakington St, Newtown Contact: Regional Parenting Service Ph: 5272 4817 Cost: $20 or $6.50 conc. Grandparenting 1st Time Round

A 3-week program for grandparents of infants 0-18 months of age.The program looks at what has changed in caring for infants since your own child was a baby, reminders about safety and explores the role of grand parenting.

Date: Thursday 15 May Time: 9.30am – 11.30am Location: Ariston, 245-249 Pakington St, Newtown Contact: Regional Parenting Service Ph: 5272 4817 Cost: Gold Coin Donation Parenting in a Step Family

This 4-week program has a positive look at the joys and difficulties of being in a step family. It investigates the importance of identifying and respecting each individual’s place and developing realistic expectations of all concerned.

Date: Monday 5 May Time: 7.00pm-9.00pm Location: Ariston, 245-249 Pakington St, Newtown Contact: Regional Parenting Service Ph: 5272 4817 Cost: Gold Coin Donation FREE Regional Parenting Expo

“Let’s Talk” – addressing childhood anxiety and building resilience in children aged 4-12years.The City of Greater Geelong welcomes all parents and professionals to attend our free parenting information session.We are delighted to partner with Dr Michael Carr-Gregg: one of Australia’s highest profile psychologists and also Nicky Johnston; a Primary educator, an artist

Date: Tuesday 20 May Time: 11.15am – 2.30pm Location: Geelong West Town Hall, 153 Pakington Street Cost: FREE To register Ph: 5272 4741 orEmail: A light lunch will be provided Please Note: LIMITED Childcare provided If you require childcare please highlight this when registering. Great Dads, Great Kids

A parenting program especially for Dads who want to be the best Dad they can be, and build healthy communication, respectful interactions and encourage the development of happy, confident children.

Commencing: 23 April – 18 June Time: Wednesday nights 5.30pm – 7.30pm Location: Bethany Community Support, 16 Ballarat Rd, Hamlyn Heights Contact: Parent educator at Bethany Ph: 5278 8122 Cost: FREE


$ 50

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