Issue8 sjcnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 22 May 2014 - Issue No 8

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Westcourt Campus: 41 Minerva Road Herne Hill VIctoria 3218 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Ph Westcourt: 03 5247 7000 Email: Web:

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, Over the last couple of weeks I have spent some time interstate, first attending the annual Edmund Rice Education Australia Principal’s Conference in Perth and then as part of a validation team for the renewal of a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition at St Joseph’s College Nudgee in Brisbane. It is always good to visit other schools and examine how they operate. Several of the schools I visited exist on extensive land holdings with fee structures to match. In one case, the school has a golf course on site. I am often envious of physical environments and buildings but at the heart of every school is its teaching and learning culture. This was the focus of the annual EREA conference and is something that we have been developing and improving at St Joseph’s for an extended period. During my time in Perth I visited the only other ministry known as Westcourt in Australia, the Christian Brothers former Oceania Support Centre. This complex adjoining Aquinas College in Perth, will over the coming couple of years, be demolished and sub-developed. I was fortunate to be offered a Celtic cross by the Christian Brothers living at Westcourt WA, which will be incorporated into the sacred space which will be developed on our Year 9 Westcourt Campus. I am hopeful that when the Westcourt Chapel in Perth is demolished that there may be some other items which can be relocated here in Geelong at our “Westcourt”. Plans for this sacred space are progressing well. The Old Collegians have generously donated $100,000 towards the project and a former student has donated a similar amount for the building of this Chapel. I also need to acknowledge the generosity of another former student, architect Mr Anthony Baldasso of Baldasso Contese Architects who has agreed to design the space as his gift to the College. A small group of staff are working with Anthony to develop this facility. Paul Tobias - Principal

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Calendar of Events May 28 Year 8 Fathers & Sons Night 31 SJOCA Reunion

June Movie Night - Grace of Monaco Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday GAT Year 11 exams start Year 8, 9, 10 exams start P&F meeting Report writing - student free day Senior years parent information evening 24 Careers week 26 Westcourt Expo 27 Final day Term 2

5 9 11 12 17 17 23 24

Year 7 2015 Enrolments Close on Friday 23 May 2014

School Photos

News from the Deputies ACTIVITIES WEEK We were extremely proud of the manner in which students conducted themselves throughout activities week. Staff and students were spread far and wide undertaking a variety of activities and the feedback across the board has been extremely positive. Supervising teachers have generally reported excellent behaviour from all the boys and a number of community organisations have contacted the school to let us know how well students had performed. As well as congratulating the students, we would like to thank parents & carers for their tremendous support in ensuring their boys were adequately prepared for their activities. Finally, we thank the staff who put in so much effort, often in their own time, to provide the boys with these wonderful experiences. UNIFORM It seems that we are forever writing articles about the expectations we have of how students wear the college uniform. In order to rectify the uniform problems we are currently experiencing, we require assistance from home. If parents and carers ensure their sons leave home correctly attired, then it is more likely that they will remain appropriately dressed for the entire day. Our expectation is that all students wear their blazer to and from school and that shirts are tucked in and ties done up properly. Students are also required to wear dark socks with their College uniform and white socks with their PE uniform. The same expectations exist when students leave the school and are in town or walking home or to sporting venues. All students have been reminded about our expectations and so will be receiving demerit points if they continue to disregard the College’s uniform expectations. Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Sibling Enrolment - Year 7 2015 If you have younger sons who will be seeking enrolment for Year 7 at St Joseph’s in 2015, you need to submit your application by Friday 23 May 2014. Parents who fail to do so, even if they have older sons at the College, cannot be guaranteed a place. Compassion Innovation Integrity

Individual and family portrait photos will be taken on Monday 26 May at Newtown Campus Tuesday 27 May at Westcourt Campus (9am) Newtown Campus catch up photos for those that are absent will be held on Tuesday 27 May at 11:00am. Please ensure that students are in correct full winter uniform with blazer. • no jumper required • must have winter shirt with top button, tie done up • do not wear a summer shirt • if your neck has grown in diameter, please purchase a new winter shirt ASAP • clean shaven, hair tied back, clean face, big smile! • no jewellery • polished lace up shoes with College grey socks These are the photos you will look back on, show your family and be a memory of your days at SJC - so don’t forget to pack your smile! PHOTO ENVELOPES • bring your envelope on the day, with money inside. • give it to the photographers, not your teacher. • if you lose it, go to reception for a replacement. • family photo envelopes can be picked up at reception. You will need a separate envelope for family portraits. Ric Brodrick

First XVIII Senior Football

Year 10 ACC Football

30 June - Living Pope Francis’ Vision of Faith ACU Melbourne A forum for youth to reflect on and respond to the first year of Francis’ pontificate. Website: (a school minibus may run to this event if there is interest). A flyer has be included in this newsletter.

Faith, Thongs & Cocktail Parties I once had God described to me as a pair of thongs. They grow dusty and forgotten at the back of the wardrobe during winter, yet become indispensable when the sun is out and it’s too hot for leather shoes. Regina Spektor sings a song called “Laughing With” that says “No one laughs at God in a hospital/No one laughs at God in a war….But God can be funny/At a cocktail party when listening to a good God-themed joke”. Many of us have a strong sense of faith, a belief in the transcendent, a spirituality, whether we use Christian terms to describe this conviction or not. However, in our modern world it is very uncool to speak about this faith. Belief in God is ridiculed in the media on programs such as “The Project”. Even Father Bob Maguire once explained the message of Christmas without even mentioning the birth of Jesus on the aforementioned television program. If even popular Catholic leaders sidestep talking about Christian faith, what hope do the rest of us have? The challenge for us in schools as teachers and parents is to ensure that the young people in our care are given the opportunity to hear about our beliefs and spirituality as well as express and explore their own. This is not always easy to do when we’re unsure ourselves of what we believe. However, even that uncertainty can be a comfort to young people who are also at varying stages of their own faith journey. In our modern world, dominated by secular media that is patronising to those who do express a belief in God, it is very easy for our young men to assume that the adults around them do not have a faith conviction at all, unless of course we talk about it. Pope Francis has become such a beacon of hope in our times, as one who is courageous in his faith and the commitment this faith makes to peace and justice in our times. He is trumpeting the Good News to all who will listen in his joyous manner. While we may be unable to express our own faith with our children and students, we can encourage them to take up opportunities to hear from other faith-filled people. Opportunities such as those listed below are excellent events for our boys to hear about the faith of others and have a chance to deepen their own belief through reflective, social, liturgical and thought-providing events. Through these experiences, they meet other young people who, like them, struggle to find a place for faith in this modern world. More information about the opportunities below can be gained from the websites. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

25-28 September - Ignite Conference Brisbane National Catholic Youth Conference – a contemporary Catholic conference about encountering Jesus Christ and the Church, experiencing dynamic faith, being equipped for ministry and living the Christian life. Website: (While we encourage interested students and their families to consider attending this event, we are not offering a schoolsupervised trip).

Youth Engaging the World: Living Pope Francis’ Vision of Faith A forum for youth to reflect on and respond to the first year of Francis’ pontificate A one day youth forum for school and university students, teachers, lecturers and those who walk with our youth. at Australian Catholic University Cathedral Hall, 20 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne

on 30th June 2014

Youth Forum Focus What is the world Francis sees and is responding to? Is this YOUR world too! Are Francis’ eyes seeing right? Are these the issues? Are youth fired up about these same issues? If yes, what are they doing about them? If not, why not? What is missing from Francis’ view? What are YOU hearing from your peers? Begin to think of what you would tweet to Pope Francis. Possibly do the tweeting there and then These are just some of the questions you'll explore at this forum. You'll learn, you'll talk with others, you'll reflect and hopefully you'll be inspired to "get with the program" Pope Francis is setting for us. Additional Events – All Welcome

1st – 2nd July 2014 Engaging the World: Living Pope Francis’ Vision of Faith A two day conference, open to all

1st July 7-9pm 2014 Pope Francis' Vision of Faith An evening forum, open to all

Information: Web: Email: Phone: (02) 9701 4176

Community Service in the Tiwi Islands On the fresh morning of Wednesday 30 April, twelve Year 11 students embarked on a journey to the Tiwi islands. The purpose of our trip was to aid Xavier Catholic College students on Bathurst Island by providing the children of all ages with a weekend of fun and exciting activities. As well as the Island experience, we were able to participate in multiple community service outings in Darwin. We kick-started our community service efforts with the St.Vinnies sandwich van where we were able to meet and converse with the homeless community of Darwin. We were designated the task of handing out sandwiches and serving beverages as well as being encouraged to talk to and share stories with the new people we met. Friday at 12pm we flew out over to Bathurst Island on two very small planes. The trip took about 20 minutes. Lance, the handyman from the school at Wurrumiyanga, picked us all up in a bus and took us to the school where we were instantly greeted by children from all ages. They were much nicer and easier to talk to than we had first anticipated. Out of the twelve of us, we were divided into 4 groups of 3 boys, and we were each assigned a night to cook. This was a challenge as we came to appreciate the high cost but small quantities of fresh food, fruit and vegetables available as compared to the inexpensive, and easily available, processed, high sugar and fat products. As the days went on we each developed special relationships with one or two of the boys or girls of various age groups. As our relationships developed the boys taught us more about their culture and what they are used to living on an island. When we left the island we all were very saddened by the fact that we would possibly never see these kids again. It was a real eye opener and it was well worth it. Throughout our journey we uncovered the meaning of reconciliation by giving up our time and what we value the most to be able to share another cultural experience that completely differs from our own day to day lives. We’d like to thank Ms Goring, Mr Clohesy and Ms Hart for the time and effort they put into organising and accompanying us on this trip. Luke Vlasnovic and Harrison Kerr

Compassion Innovation Integrity

China Trip 2014 The China trip was a highlight in many of our lives. It was an extremely different, enlightening and exciting experience. We learnt and experienced Chinese culture and history in every city we visited, even Shanghai, one of the most modern cities in the world. The history of many dynasties were present everywhere. The Persian influenced areas of China presented a large learning opportunity as the people, the food, the dress and the lifestyle is not what you would expect in China these days. All in all, the trip presented a massive learning curve as well as fantastic sites to see. Daniel Rabbat

Sustainability Matters NEW YEAR 8 SUSTAINABILITY LEADERS Last Thursday 15 May, our new Year 8 Sustainability Leaders were presented with their leadership badges during assembly. I would like to welcome the following students onto our team; Xavier Dowd, Joseph Caruana, Matthew Waters, Gabriel Hickey, Ricky Ivelja, Jurrin Romanis and Elliott Horan. They now join existing members:Year 8 - Colten Dunn, Patrick Richards, Mitchell Saba, Matthew Zulumovski. Year 9 - Joshua Cammarere, Sanden Breust.Year10: Dylan McCabe, Jordan Partington.Year12: Benjamin Cazaly With the application process for Year 7 Sustainability Leaders currently underway, our Sustainability Leadership team for 2014 is almost complete! Sustainability Leadership Team Applications For Year 7 students interested in becoming a Sustainability Leader, please forward your completed application form to; by Friday 23 May. Students in Years 8 to12 wanting to join the Sustainability Leadership team should forward their interest to the above email, to receive an application form. YEAR 7 & 8 REDCYCLING COMPETITION!!! A reminder that tonight is the last opportunity to recycle any “soft plastic wrappers” from home as the current competition closes tomorrow morning during homeroom. The Year 7 and 8 classes with the greatest weight of soft plastic will receive a free pizza lunch for their class. YEARS 7,8 & 9 WEDNESDAY 28 MAY Many of you may already be in the practice of providing “nude food” lunches for your children, however an excessive amount of soft plastic and commingled material is still generated at our school on a weekly basis. With the aim of working towards a more sustainable future and reducing our carbon footprint,Year 7, 8 & 9 students are conducting an official “Cut the Wrap” day on Wednesday 28 May, to raise awareness of students contribution to waste at St Joseph’s College.

How to participate: To participate, students are simply required to bring a “plastic wrap free” lunch and refillable water bottle to school. All students successful in presenting their wrap free lunchbox during Homeroom on the day, will be awarded a point for their House. In addition, a free pizza lunch will be awarded to each class with 100% participation (of students present) on the day. (Note: Whilst no wrapping at all is encouraged, paper is compostable, so food may be wrapped in paper). Buckets will be provided for the collection of organic waste such as: fruit and vegetable peels and cores. Unsuitable wrapping • Gladwrap • Packaging for processed foods • Disposable drink bottles and/or canned drinks

Whilst this particular “Cut the Wrap” day is a Year7,8 & 9 initiative, I urge all staff and students to support the day by bringing a wrap free lunch and adopt the “Cut the Wrap” approach to making lunches, on a permanent basis!!! Looking forward to your support on the day! SJC WATER BOTTLES FOR SALE AT COLLEGE CANTEENS For your convenience, SJC water bottles may be purchased from the College canteens at a cost of $7.20 each. FREE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE DROP OFF DAY The City of Greater Geelong free drop off day for electrical items, will be held on Saturday 31 May from 8:00am to 3:00pm at the Potato Shed, 41 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Most electrical items (excluding televisions) will be accepted. For more information regarding items that may be recycled or to sign up for “Rethink your Rubbish” newsletter visit FUTURE SPARK GENERATORS – COMING TO WESTCOURT The bikes have arrived - keep watching this space for updates!!!! Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

Reconciliation Week

Past Student Talk on Army Career

Last week saw the commencement of Reconciliation Week activities at St Joseph’s College. Whilst the week officially starts on 27 May and finishes on 3 June, we commenced this significant time with the Reconciliation Trophy on Wednesday 14 May. This annual football match between St Joseph’s and St Bernard’s Colleges highlights the need for Reconciliation in all spheres of life, including on the sporting field.

On 19 May, former student, Chris Ballan, returned to St Joseph’s College to speak to senior students about his career in the Army thus far. Chris, who graduated with the class of 2012, is currently undertaking his apprenticeship at Wagga Wagga, as an Aircraft Technician. Upon completion of his training, he hopes to be working with the Army Reconnaissance Attack Helicopter. Chris provided an insightful and informative account of his experiences at Kapooka during his initial soldier training. Students were able to learn about what life is like for a soldier in today’s military as well as the many trades available in Defence. Students enjoyed the presentation and the opportunity to have their questions answered. St Joseph’s College thanks Chris for coming back to visit the College, and for offering his time to chat to the students. Karen Shum

This week we have celebrated the diverse cultures and talents of our own Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students through our Reconciliation Assembly. The Yolgnu boys (Jerol, Dion, Raven and Mabo) performed two traditional dances and Waadhi Conole played a piece by Hayden beautifully on his trumpet. Through guest speakers, Lowell Hunter and Vicky Grosser, from the Geelong One Fire Reconciliation group, we began to get an understanding of the campaign for constitutional change. In coming weeks, more activities will occur in class and during lunchtimes to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and give all of our students the opportunity to “walk the talk” of Reconciliation. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

Festa Della Repubblica Monday 2 June is la festa della repubblica (Republic Day) which is the Italian National Day. It commemorates the day in 1946 when Italy became a Republic. At St Joseph’s we will celebrate this day by enjoying two traditional Italian foods: caffe` e gelato!! Coffee and Ice cream will be available in the quad on this day so remember to bring some change along to school! Compassion Innovation Integrity

Students to meet Dr Jane Goodall At the age of 26, in 1960 Jane Goodall embarked on a journey from England to Tanzania, to bravely enter the little-known world of chimpanzees. Equipped only with a pair of binoculars, a notebook and unsurpassed patience, Jane embarked on a life changing experience, studying the chimpanzees as she won the trust of these shy creatures. Her discoveries have fascinated the public for five decades and today Jane’s work involves travelling the world to encourage and inspire action in our youth, to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment. In association with Clonard College,Year 11 Biology students and thirteen Sustainability Leaders will attend the Jane Goodall Solutionaries Seminar on Tuesday 3 June. Our school is fortunate to have been selected to invite two lucky students to attend the post symposium VIP book signing with Dame Jane Goodall at the conclusion of the seminar. In this chance of a lifetime, the boys selected will have a book signed by Jane for our school and will get the opportunity to speak with Jane personally and have a photo taken. Names of all students attending will go into a draw and the recipients will be notified via email. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

everyone who desires to work, even if it means there are some who will abuse this support. In principle, I like mottos such as “No excuses” and “Just do it”, but in practice I think life is a bit more nuanced than this. I genuinely believe that there is so much beyond our control in the inner world of our unconscious mind and the outer world of circumstances, and my hope in writing these few words is that some readers may go a little more gently on themselves and others when expectations are not met. John Harmon - Chaplaincy and Liturgy Coordinator

WHERE THERE IS A WILL... Years ago, in a lecture on Pastoral Psychology, I heard a phrase that I have never heard before or since, but it has always stayed with me. It came from our lecturer, Frances Moran, and she was speaking about two schools of Christian thought in relation to will power. The first emanated from St Thomas Aquinas about how we have control over our minds and actions, and that essentially, where there is a will there is a way. But the second approach stemmed from St Augustine, who had somewhat of a chequered career before handing his life over to God. He was well aware of his vulnerabilities and how his best intentions did not always come to fruition. Frances described his approach as “Where there is a will, there is not always a way”. I remember how her phrase sparked much discussion in class because there were people there who disagreed. They thought that if you set your mind to something and worked hard, anything was achievable. But for me it struck a deep chord because like Augustine, I knew (and still do know) times of not being able to live up to my own expectations and desires, and as the years have gone on, I have seen the same in many others. In my opinion “Where there is a will there is not always a way” is a genuine statement of reality for so many people, perhaps for us all. It is not meant as the ultimate excuse for missing goals, for failing to meet obligations or for being lazy. Falling behind on the rent, addiction, inability to break a bad habit, an untidy house, not handing in assignments… the list goes on. Some would attribute these situations to laziness or poor organisation. In many cases this is true, but I would argue that luck, circumstances, mental illness, emotional demons, lack of ability and countless other factors contribute to such “failures” every day. When these “failures” affect others, those in positions of responsibility, such as parents, teachers and employers, must decide whether to respond with encouragement, a firm hand, penalties, leniency, forgiveness, acceptance or pastoral care. Sometimes all are required! Leaders must strike the delicate balance between acceptance of vulnerability and challenging their charges to go beyond themselves. For mine, the Government will go too far in the “challenge” direction if it places more restrictions on unemployment benefits, because I would rather we financially support

In Sympathy

CONGRATULATIONS To Jane and Nathaneal Smith (staff member) on the birth of baby Indigo Billie. A little sister for Dash.

ACC Senior Soccer

Victorian Schools Surfing Championships Dylan Hart, Joshua Cammarere, Jake Milliken, Nathan Rivalland, Harrison Mahoney, Lewis Oates, Casey McCrohan, Cameron Drake, Daniel Ball and James Buckley travelled to Phillip Island for the weekend on Friday 9 May to take part in the Victorian Schools Surfing Championships. They are all to be commended for showing admirable commitment to compete for the school directly after activities week. Dylan Hart was a fine example of this. He literally got straight off his bus from camp and walked straight onto the bus for the surfing competition after a quick hello to his dad in the front office, a huge effort for a Year 7 student. All of the boys surfed incredibly well, the talent on display was amazing and they all represented the school in an outstanding fashion, both with their flawless behaviour and impressive surfing prowess. Lewis, Casey and Harry progressed through their initial heats into the 2nd round and should be incredibly proud of this considering the talent on hand. Lewis was especially unlucky not to make the semi-finals, but finished third in his heat by one point after being given a relatively low score on his final wave despite literally tearing it to pieces. Jake Milliken was the biggest surprise of the trip making his way into the semi-finals with an array of big, back hand, slashes, he was really stoked to make it that far into the competition and it was great to watch him perform so well in such tough competition. Last but definitely not least, was Josh Cammarere who won his final by half a point in an incredibly tight battle and is now the U/16 Victorian Schoolboy Champion! He surfed like a man possessed all weekend and yet came second in all of his heats, waiting until the final to produce his absolute best. The final which Josh won was a really great 20mins of surfing by all of the boys involved, who are at an amazing level of ability for their age and Josh and all of St Joseph’s College community should be so incredibly proud of his result. Luke O’Grady - Health and Physical Education Domain Leader, Surfing and Cross Country Coordinator

On 14 May SJC travelled to Mazenod for a top of the table clash. Both teams were the only undefeated teams for 2014, and as such, the stakes were sky high. SJC started strongly, and had a goal disallowed in only the 2nd minute, but the stage had been set, and SJC played some highly skilled team football, and the reward came in the 18th minute. Nathan Munoz streaked down the right side, and put in a lovely centering ball, which the Mazenod keeper could only parry away, straight into the path of the hard running Angel Taravillo, who poked it in for a goal. We continued to press hard and although we were guilty of wasting a couple of good chances, Mazenod still had no on target shots on goal. But in the 35th minute, debutante Nikola Jurkovic gave away a free kick on the edge of the penalty area. The subsequent kick bounced through after coming off the crossbar, and suddenly it was 1-1. SJC came out after the halftime break, and dominated early. Again a little wasteful in front of goal, but great team play was rewarded when Angel Taravillo was played through with a beautiful pass, and he made no mistake. SJC held out Mazenod for the rest of the game, to be proclaimed winners 2-1, and take outright top spot. A great win against some quality opposition, a result of incredible team spirit and willingness to work hard for the team. SJC v MAZENOD SJC 2 – Mazenod 1 Goals: Angel Taravillo 2 Jason O’Connell

Year 10 Soccer

Book your FREE workshops online: limited places - please book early to avoid disappointment

Does your child have a medical condition? The MedicAlertÂŽ in Schools program is designed to help students living Ç Ĺ?ƚŚ žĞĚĹ?Ä?Ä‚ĹŻ Ä?ŽŜÄšĹ?Ć&#x;ŽŜĆ?Í• Ä‚ĹŻĹŻÄžĆŒĹ?Ĺ?ÄžĆ? ĂŜĚ Ć?ƉĞÄ?Ĺ?Ä‚ĹŻ ŜĞĞĚĆ? Ä?LJ ĞŜĆ?ĆľĆŒĹ?ĹśĹ? ƚŚĞLJ Ä‚ĆŒÄž Ä‚Ć? Ć‰ĆŒĹ˝ĆšÄžÄ?ƚĞĚ Ä‚Ć? ƉŽĆ?Ć?Ĺ?Ä?ĹŻÄž Ä?ŽƚŚ Ĺ?ĹśĆ?Ĺ?ĚĞ ĂŜĚ ŽƾĆšĆ?Ĺ?ĚĞ ŽĨ Ć?Ä?ĹšŽŽů ĹšŽƾĆŒĆ?͘ DĞĚĹ?Ä? ĹŻÄžĆŒĆš &ŽƾŜĚĂĆ&#x;ŽŜ Ć‰ĆŒĹ˝Ç€Ĺ?ĚĞĆ? Ä‚ ĆšĆŒĆľĆ?ƚĞĚ ĂŜĚ ĆŒÄžÄ?Ĺ˝Ĺ?ĹśĹ?Ć?ĞĚ žĞĚĹ?Ä?Ä‚ĹŻ / Ç Ĺ?ƚŚ ĎŽĎ°ÍŹĎł ÄžĹľÄžĆŒĹ?ĞŜÄ?LJ ŚŽƚůĹ?ŜĞ Ä‚Ä?Ä?ÄžĆ?Ć? ĨŽĆŒ ÄžĹľÄžĆŒĹ?ĞŜÄ?LJ Ć?ÄžĆŒÇ€Ĺ?Ä?Äž ĂŜĚ ŚĞĂůƚŚÄ?Ä‚ĆŒÄž Ć‰ÄžĆŒĆ?ŽŜŜĞů ƚŽ Ä?Ä‚ĹŻĹŻ ĨŽĆŒ žŽĆŒÄž Ĺ?ŜĨŽĆŒĹľÄ‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ͘ Here is a way to protect your child and help your school community! dĹ˝ Ä‚Ć?Ć?Ĺ?Ć?Ćš Ć‰Ä‚ĆŒÄžĹśĆšĆ?Í• Ç Äž Ä‚ĆŒÄž Ç Ä‚Ĺ?Ç€Ĺ?ĹśĹ? ƚŚĞ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒ ĆŒÄžĹ?Ĺ?Ć?ĆšĆŒÄ‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ ĨĞĞ ĨŽĆŒ Ä?ĹšĹ?ĹŻÄšĆŒÄžĹś Ç ĹšĹ˝ ĹŠĹ˝Ĺ?Ŝ͕ Ç ĹšĹ?Ä?Ĺš Ĺ?Ć? Ä‚ ΨϭϹ Ć?Ä‚Ç€Ĺ?ĹśĹ? ͞ĂƉƉůĹ?Ä?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ žƾĆ?Ćš ŚĂǀĞ Ć?Ä?ĹšŽŽů Ä?Ĺ˝ÄšÄžÍżÍ˜ WĹŻĆľĆ? ĨŽĆŒ ÄžÇ€ÄžĆŒÇ‡ Ć?ƚƾĚĞŜƚ Ç ĹšĹ˝ ĹŠĹ˝Ĺ?ĹśĆ? Ä‚Ć? Ä‚ ĹśÄžÇ DĞĚĹ?Ä? ĹŻÄžĆŒĆš žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒÍ• ΨϭϏ Ç Ĺ?ĹŻĹŻ Ä?Äž ÄšŽŜĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ LJŽƾĆŒ Ć?Ä?ĹšŽŽů ƚŽ Ä‚Ć?Ć?Ĺ?Ć?Ćš Ç Ĺ?ƚŚ ƚŚĞĹ?ĆŒ ĨƾŜÄšĆŒÄ‚Ĺ?Ć?Ĺ?ĹśĹ? ÄžÄŤĹ˝ĆŒĆšĆ?͘ Ć?ĹŹ LJŽƾĆŒ Ć?Ä?ĹšŽŽů ĨŽĆŒ Ä‚Ĺś ĂƉƉůĹ?Ä?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ ĨŽĆŒĹľ ƚŽĚĂLJ Ĺ˝ĆŒ ĹŠĹ˝Ĺ?Ĺś ŽŜůĹ?ŜĞ Ä‚Ćš ÍžÄžĹśĆšÄžĆŒ Ć?Ä?ĹšŽŽů Ä?ŽĚĞ Ä‚Ćš Ä?ŚĞÄ?ŏŽƾĆš ƚŽ ĆŒÄžÄ?ÄžĹ?ǀĞ ÄšĹ?Ć?Ä?ŽƾŜĆšÍżÍ˜ Your unique school code is Recommended stainless steel medical IDs for children

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FOOTBALL BOOTS WANTED! Do you have any old football boots in good condition that are now too small and are cluttering up your cupboards? If so, give those boots to someone who can only dream about having a pair! In July this year, the School of Exercise Science at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) is running a threeweek, after-school football program for children and youth in the community of Baucau in Timor Leste. The program is being conducted in partnership with the Baucau Catholic Parish, St Anthony’s Secondary School and the local Football Association to promote health, wellbeing and life skills. Boots are needed for children ranging in age from seven to 15 years. The ACU is hoping to collect 800 pairs of used boots, one for each Timorese child. If you have a pair at home that is now too small for your FKLOG FDQ \RX SOHDVH KDQG WKHP LQWR \RXU VFKRRO¡V RIĂ€FH by Friday 23 May. Donated boots will be collected by the Catholic Education 2IĂ€FH 0HOERXUQH DQG GHOLYHUHG WR $&8 GXULQJ -XQH

on feet not only put boots Your donation will faces! but also smiles on


You are invited to St Joseph’s Past Players and Officials

Annual Luncheon 2014

Premiership Event Reuniting the players from ... 1974 First Senior win 1984 Senior Premiership 1989 Senior Premiership 1994 U/15 Premiership 2004 Reserves Premiership

1974 First U/18 Premiership 1984 U/18 Premiership 1994 U/18 Premiership 1999 Reserves Premiership

Saturday 7 June 11.30 for 12 noon start at SJF and NC Clubrooms

M.C. ... Ben Casanelia (K Rock Football and past player)

Major Draw Prize Flights and three nights accommodation for two on the Goldcoast plus two reserved tickets to Geelong vs Goldcoast June 21 Metricon Stadium Supported by Hello World Travel, Waurn Ponds

Three course Lunch with drinks included ... $40 per person Tables of eight can be booked in advance through Alex Semianiw 0409 352 852 or John McKinnon 0499 296 355

Contact Information 1974 First Senior win 1974 First U/18 Premiership 1984 Senior Premiership 1984 U/18 Premiership 1989 Senior Premiership 1994 U/15 Premiership

Alex Semianiw Bill Fitzgerald John McKinnon Rob Threlfall Dom Podbury David Morgan

0409 352 852 0418 992 848 0499 296 355 0418 485 458 0407 292 138 0412 929 067

1994 U/18 Premiership

Nick Madden

0401 055 287

1999 Reserves Premiership 2004 Reserves Premiership

Todd Devine Greg Cracknell

0418 337 505 0418 554 929

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.