College Information Brochure

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St Joseph’s College Geelong


Education at St Joseph’s YEAR 7 Students are supported during their transition to secondary school through many approaches and practices. Classes are constructed in Homeroom groups under the care of a Homeroom teacher, who teaches the group for more than one subject area. The wellbeing of students during transition is managed under the guidance of the Homeroom teacher, who will also be the students’ RE and Pastoral Care teacher. Students experience a comprehensive curriculum with specialist subject areas presented across the year. Core subjects, including Religious Education/Pastoral Care, English, Mathematics, Languages (Chinese or Italian) Science, Health and Physical Education and Humanities are taught across both semesters of the year. Arts (Design Education), Drama, Music and Food Studies are taught as semester based units. Students participate in group activities to build resilience and connectedness to their secondary school. The Year 7 Camps are a highlight of the students’ year and build positive relationships between students and staff. Developing confidence and experiencing a comprehensive curriculum help Year 7 students to make future choices about their subject options in the following year.

YEARS 8 - 9 Project Based Learning (PBL) characterises learning and teaching at St Joseph’s College in Years 8, 9 and 10. PBL is a teaching and learning framework in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time, to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge. Students engage in rigorous projects within discreet disciplines and at times in integrated subject areas. PBL units follow the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards with a focus on challenging students to investigate curricula that have a real world connection. Students develop enterprise skills in the use of technology, collaborate, present, use critical and creative thinking and communication skills in order to better prepare them for their life beyond school. Students in Year 8 will continue to experience a range of subjects from each of the curriculum areas, building on from the Year 7 program. They continue to meet every morning in Homeroom with their Homeroom Teachers. This helps to maintain the stability of peer friendship groups. In Year 9, students attend the Westcourt Campus in Minerva Road, Herne Hill. This campus enables students to maximise engagement whilst providing a rich learning environment. The program aims to develop the students’ sense of self, their place in their school community, the local and global community and their capacity to make a difference.

YEAR 10 - 12 Year 10 students begin to specialise in subjects that will be a pathway into their senior years. Students at this level may elect to accelerate into a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject, begin a pre Vocational Education and Training (VET) subject or begin the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). Students in Year 11 or Year 12 choose to study VCE or VCAL. VCE students choose from units that may be offered at St Joseph’s College and Sacred Heart College. It is an arrangement that provides far greater subject choice and a broader, richer experience. The VCAL gives students practical work-related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for life and work. A wide variety of VET units can be completed at St Joseph’s and through arrangements with the Gordon College of TAFE or in conjunction with other schools. We also provide a VITA (Latin for “life”) pathway as an alternative to VCE/ VCAL. VITA provides students with support and development in literacy, numeracy, life skills, personal skills and job ready skills. In conjunction with the training organisation Diversitat, students enrol in a Certificate 1 course either in Transition Education, Work Education or General Education for adults.

Westcourt Campus Year 9 The notion of living and learning in the community is central to our philosophy at St Joseph’s College. The Westcourt Campus commenced operation in 2014. It is a program designed for Year 9 students by a team dedicated to the campus. This arrangement allows for greater flexibility in timetabling as well as the programming of year level events. Having staff dedicated to the Westcourt Campus is paramount to its success as this enables the building of strong relationships between staff and students. The curriculum is designed to maximise engagement with opportunities to learn in traditional and open spaces. Academic rigour remains at a high standard as we strive to assist our students to become lifelong learners and global citizens. Year 8 students have the opportunity to visit the Westcourt Campus throughout the year. Following their year at Westcourt, students transition to the Senior School enhanced by the increased confidence and awareness gained from their Westcourt experience.

Trade Training Centre The Joseph Innovation Trade Training Centre is the hub of Vocational Educational and Training (VET) here at St Joseph’s College. VET subjects are conducted in an adult learning environment designed to deliver workplace specific skills and knowledge based competencies. It enables students to get a “hands on” experience within their chosen industry whilst gaining a nationally recognised qualification. VET subjects can be undertaken alongside or as part of a student’s Year 10, Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) studies. The objectives of the program are to help increase the proportion of students achieving Year 12 or an equivalent qualification and gain employment after school completion. The program also helps to address national skills shortages in traditional trades and other eligible occupation areas by improving the relevance and responsiveness of trade training programs in secondary schools. In addition to a wide variety of VET subjects already offered to senior students, the Joseph Innovation Trade Training Centre allows students from four cluster schools in the area to undertake the following courses at the Edmund Rice Campus site: • • • •

Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Certificate II in Building & Construction (Carpentry Pre - Vocational) Certificate II Electrotechnology (Electrotechnology Pre – Vocational) Certificate II in Furniture Making

Laptop Program ENTRY AT YEAR 7 & YEAR 10

The Laptop Program for Year 7 and Year 10 involves the hire of a laptop computer to each student for a three year period. The laptop hire charge is incorporated into the school fees. The College covers the remaining costs including, full initial purchase, installation and setup costs, support, maintenance, software and costs of accidental damage over $250. A new laptop will be hired at the start of Year 10 and will continue to Year 12. ENTRY AT OTHER YEAR LEVELS

Students entering at other Year Levels will be provided with the same laptop used by other students at that Year Level. There will be a hire charge incorporated into the school fees. End of cycle purchase will be determined by pro-rata hire payments. WARRANTY AND INSURANCE

Computers provided by the College are covered by a 3 year warranty. Our technicians must do all repairs. Parents will pay for any repairs for accidental damage up to a capped amount of $250 per repair (inc. GST). Any deliberate damage will result in complete costs being charged to the parents. DISTRIBUTION OF LAPTOP COMPUTERS

The College will recall all Year 7 and Year 8 laptops for maintenance over the summer break. At the end of each of the 3 years, the College will reset the laptop to factory settings and return it to the student. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

School policies regarding the use of laptop computers and mobile phones can be located on the College Website (click on STUDENT LIFE menu and select POLICIES).


Parents are able to request the school activate extended hours for internet filtering on the student laptop. TEXT BOOKS

Electronic texts will reduce the overall cost of textbooks for parents.They will also reduce the overall weight of the school bag. E-SMART ACCREDITATION

As an eSmart accredited school we ensure that our processes and policies abide by eSmart standards and students are taught to use computers in smart, safe and responsible ways. IN SUMMARY

Students involved in the notebook program will be provided: • A curriculum where technology provides powerful tools for teaching and learning. • A Cybersafety course to help them remain safe on the internet • Training to help students become smart, safe and responsible users of technology • Access to purchased electronic textbooks and online resources in most subjects • Correct software available in and out of school • Internal and external access to a huge range of online resources • Anytime, anywhere access to learning and classroom resources via our Intranet. Details of the Student Computer Program can be found on the SJC website Click on the LEARNING menu tab and select STUDENT COMPUTER PROGRAM

Instrumental Music Program BENEFITS OF A SCHOOL MUSIC PROGRAM • Develops responsibility • Builds self-confidence and self-esteem and self-discipline • Improves communication • Cultivates creativity • Develops a lifelong appreciation • Develops coordination for music and arts in general • Assists academic development INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PROGRAM AIM The Instrumental Music program aims to provide further opportunities for students in practical music. Instrumental music will emphasise performance skills, musical understanding, perceptive listening and positive attitudes. A commitment to regular attendance at rehearsals and practice is expected. Students taking private lessons at the school and hiring St Joseph’s College instruments are expected to fully participate in the Bands Program, Vocal Ensemble and small ensembles. Brass and Woodwind instruments may be hired for an initial period of twelve months, then students are encouraged to purchase their own instrument after two years of tuition. A Hire Contract is required before instruments can be taken home. JUNIOR BAND ACADEMY This exciting venture aims to create an opportunity for the boys to develop musical skills for performances and to represent the College in music activities. Junior Band Academy is an opportunity for music making outside the normal timetabled music classes. The Academy offers a group lesson followed by a full concert band experience each week with specialist music tutors. Students have the opportunity to perform at eisteddfods, bands’ festivals, concerts, workshops and assemblies throughout the year and represent St Joseph’s College to the wider community. The cost for the program is $250 for the year and this will contribute towards the cost of lessons and hire of the instruments.

INSTRUMENTAL TUITION Tuition is offered in the following areas: Woodwind: Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone Voice: Individual Piano: Modern, Classical and Jazz Brass: Trumpet, French Horn,Trombone, Euphonium,Tuba Percussion: Drum Kit and Mallet Percussion Strings: Double Bass Guitar: Classical, Jazz and Modern, Electric Bass Guitar There will be a limit on instruments and lessons available. TUITION FEES Accounts will be issued by and paid directly to the contract music tutor and are payable in advance. Lessons will be terminated if fees are not paid. LESSONS Lessons are timetabled on a rotating basis so that students will not miss the same class each week. A report outlining progress will be issued at the end of each semester. Lessons are generally undertaken for a full year. If lessons are terminated, the student must finish the term or give a minimum of five weeks notice. AMEB/ANZCA EXAMINATIONS Students are encouraged to sit for Australian Music Examination Board or ANZCA examinations in Practical and/or Theory. Prescribed fees for these examinations are to be paid in advance. COLLEGE BAND GROUPS & ENSEMBLES There are many choices for students wishing to join a musical performance group, the College currently has the Junior Band Academy, Intermediate Concert Band, Senior Concert Band, Stage Band and Celtic Group along with the Vocal Ensemble, Senior Drumline, Junior Drumline, Saxophone, Flute, Guitar and Brass Ensembles. Regular attendance at weekly rehearsals is expected, so as to maintain and develop high standards of musical performance. Attendance will be recorded and a review will be held at the end of each term. Parents will be informed if attendance or progress is not satisfactory. MUSIC PROGRAM ENQUIRIES Contact the Music Administrator at the Music Office on 5226 8156. Alternatively you can email: Mr Michael Wilding - Director of Music

Career Development RECOGNISING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Career development involves managing learning and work activities in order to live a productive and fulfilling life. It is both complex and unique. Each student’s preferred career pathway will be different, influenced by diverse personal characteristics, life experiences, abilities and interests. The careers education program at St Joseph’s College aims to cater for the needs of all students by providing a range of opportunities for career exploration and growth. It is designed to deliver planned learning and activities that help students develop the attributes and skills that will allow them to make informed decisions about their study and/or work options, and to participate effectively in their community. All students have the ability to access one-on-one careers counselling and access regular and up to date career information and management tools via the school Careers web page: CAREERS OPPORTUNITIES AND EXPERIENCE Careers education is further complemented by additional opportunities and programs offered to students including activities and presentations during Careers Week, Community Service, Work Experience, careers excursions as well as School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. CAREERS EDUCATION In order to be prepared to take the next step into the world of further education, training and work, students at St Joseph’s now begin their career development at Year 7 and continue with career activities through to Year 12. In addition to careers education, students are also provided with the opportunity to undertake online career investigation testing through programs including Careers Voyage, Careers Match and Wirl.

CAREERS RESOURCE CENTRE The Careers Resource Centre is an innovative and flexible space where students from all year levels are welcome to access a range of careers resources and information, as well as participate in careers seminars, classes and workshops. THE CAREERS WEBPAGE Students leaving school are faced with a dynamic and challenging environment. Social and economic environments are constantly changing. When exploring career options, students are presented with large amounts of information from many different sources and agencies. Should they undertake further tertiary education? Which course of study will be the right one? Should they pursue an apprenticeship or traineeship? Do they want to undertake a GAP year? What happens if they change their mind? Where else can they get information? The Careers web page is available to students, and parents, at school and at home. It contains a lot of information across a range of topic area, including a Weekly Careers Newsletter. The web page also includes a list of useful websites as well as resources to assist with career related tasks such as resume and letter writing. Have a look at the Careers web page at: THE FUTURE The careers education program at St Joseph’s College will continue to grow and evolve to ensure that students are provided with an informed and realistic pathway through their school years into higher education, training, work and beyond.

Immersions & Trips ABORIGINAL & TORRES STRAIT ISLAND (ATSI) COMMUNITY VISITS Year 9 - Yeppoon Trip - Exchange with St Brendan’s College or Amplitwatja Immersion Year 10 - Daly River Trip Year 11 - Tiwi Islands/Darwin INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES All Years - China Tour (Biennial) Year 9 - Victorian Young Leaders to China Program Years 10 & 11 - Language Trip to Italy (Biennial) - Kokoda Track Year 11 - Timor Leste Immersion Year 12 - Mannya, Uganda YEAR LEVEL CAMPS Year 7 - Lake Dewar Adventure Camp, Bacchus Marsh or Camp Manyung, Mt Eliza Year 8 - Engage, Body Spirit Program Year 9 - Grampians or Amplitwatja Immersion RENEWALS Year 7 - Compassion Innovation and Integrity Year 8 - Courage to Care Year 9 - Rite Journey Program Year 10 - Who Am I? Year 11 - Wellbeing Seminars Year 12 - Renewal - three day retreat

Activities & Events ASSOCIATED CATHOLIC COLLEGES (ACC) SPORTS, ACTIVITIES & EVENTS Cross Country Years 10 - 12 Cricket Athletics Years 9 - 12 Football Music Years 9 - 12 Soccer Debating Badminton Public Speaking Golf Chess Drama Art & Technology Exhibition Swimming ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE SPORTS, ACTIVITIES & EVENTS Edmund Rice Day Badminton College Production Beach Volleyball Music Tour Surfing team DAV Debating T20 Blast Cricket Chess club RACI Titration Challenge Year 7 Rally Days Cycling Team Athletics Tournament of Minds Swimming Science & Engineering Challenge Cross Country Indoor soccer


At St Joseph’s, we believe strongly that through our actions and our service to others, we are living out our Christian call to stand in solidarity with those on the margins. Across the year levels, students are involved in performing community service outside of school time and are required to submit an ‘authentication form’ as evidence of their service. Years 7 - 9 Community Service Program A minimum of 8 hours community service is to be completed by Semester 1 of Year 9. Senior School Community Service Program A minimum of 18 hours to be completed by Semester 1 of Year 12.

Community service can include: Winter Sleepout Breakfast Program Refugee Tutoring Blood Bank Refugee Holiday Program

Edmund Rice Camps Aged Care Visits Landcare Tri-UMPH Festival Outreach Van

JUSTICE, ADVOCACY & INCLUSION FIRE Carrier program Dreamtime at the G Reconciliation AFL Cup

Detention 4 Detention Diversity Day Close the Gap

Students volunteering at a cleanup ‘backyard blitz’ for John, a Lions Club volunteer who restores and donates used bicycles.

Year 7 Applications for 2019 close Friday 18 May 2018 Would you like to know more? Student Handbooks for all Year levels are available for download on the College website and are a great resource for further information. llege ph’s Co St Jose

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St Joseph’s College is proud to be a part of:

St Joseph’s College Geelong 135 Aphrasia Street Newtown,Victoria 3220 Phone: 03 5226 8100 Fax: 03 5221 6983 Email: St Joseph’s College acknowledges the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation, the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which St Joseph’s College stands.We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging. We are inspired and nurtured by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wisdom and spirituality and commit ourselves to actively working together for reconciliation and justice.

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