3 minute read

Mission & Religious Education _________________Pages 59

young people may hold, as well as demonstrating friendship and respect between people of different faiths and cultures. The presentation included a comparison of different faith traditions, focusing on the commonalities and differences that aren’t always evident, a sharing of the presenters’ personal life experiences, beliefs and common values, and a linking of issues of diversity and faith to belonging and community identity. The sessions finished with a Q and A session. The boys can access information about other faith traditions via their on-line text – To Know, Worship & Love or over the internet but nothing has more of an impact than putting a face to these traditions.

- Vicki Mills, Religious Education Coordinator LITURGY


As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition our school calendar reflects the many occasions we gather to celebrate as a faith filled Eucharistic community. These liturgies nurture and encourage the spiritual growth of each person through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals and sacraments. As our school grows so does our need to find ways we can create sacred spaces for these to take place. This year we wish to highlight an example of our school community expressing compassion, innovation and integrity through the following story that the long standing van Mourik family requested be shared in this year’s Virtus. In the years following the second World War, many Europeans migrated to Australia to build new lives. Many established themselves in Geelong and subsequently sought an education for their children at St Joseph’s College and Sacred Heart College. Amongst them were Peter and Graddy van Mourik. After arriving in Geelong, they established a cabinet making and joinery business in Little Ryrie St. Peter became well known as an outstanding craftsman of fine furniture and billiard tables. Peter designed and built the altar and accompanying furniture for the Lumen Christi Catholic Church in Leopold. This very same furniture was donated to the St Joseph’s College Edmund Rice Campus Chapel in August 2016 by the van Mourik family and will be a lasting memory of thier contribution not only to the community of Geelong, but also St Joseph’s College. Peter and Graddy van Mourik were the parents of ten Old Collegians. From St Joseph’s College: Robert (1970), Frank (1971), Greg (1973), Michael (1980) and Peter (1989). From Sacred Heart College: Judy (1977), Maryann (1978), Carin (1982), Marcella (1984) and Leonie (1986). They were also Grandparents to Old Collegians of St Joseph’s College: Andrew Boseley (2010), Lachlan and James Boseley (2015) and Jenna Boseley (2012) Sacred Heart College. Just as St Joseph provided for his family through his trade as a carpenter, this ongoing memorial also acknowledges the contributions of all parents, who through their own God given talents supported and educated their children at St Joseph’s and Sacred Heart Colleges. Sincere thanks go to the van Mourik family for enabling us to meet together as a whole school community to celebrate Mass and appreciate the fine the craftsmanship of the altar furniture designed by Peter.


The Renewal program at St Joseph’s College provides students with the opportunity to form stronger relationships with their peers and teachers as well as the opportunity to recharge, refresh, and renew themselves. Earlier this year we had the privilege of a visit from Miriam Rose who shared with us her words of wisdom with us, “The contemplative way of dadirri spreads over our whole life. It renews us and brings us peace. It makes us feel whole again…” - Miriam Rose.

We aim to challenge the boys to encounter themselves at a deeper level and to explore their sense of God through the renewal experiences. St Joseph’s College has a six-year renewal program that aims to nourish both the spiritual and personal growth of each student. This occurs through a variety of experiences which take the boys away from the daily routine of school, into an environment that challenges and invites reflection to deepen their understanding of self and their relationship with God.

Year 12 Renewals Year 12 Renewals Fr Charles Balnaves celebrating Fr Charles Balnaves celebrating Mother’s Day Mass Mother’s Day Mass

Altar furniture gifted by the Altar furniture gifted by the van Mourik family van Mourik family

Edmund Rice Day Mass Edmund Rice Day Mass Easter Liturgy

Lee Abrahmsen Lee Abrahmsen performing at Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Mass

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