DesignPortfolio SL

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Design Portfolio

Graphics/ Motion graphics Designer


Creative Index

Digital Design

Brand Design

Motion Graphics


Digital Design

設計 | 個主要 的 設計創作:

素 : 的視覺素 , 並 動。

圖 設計: 的 與 轉 為視覺 圖 , 地呈現, 的 解與 。 anner設計:設計 的 , 動 銷 , 的 與 。

Digital Design ocus on creating isually stunning and e ecti e digital assets including:

ocial media graphics Tailored to each plat orm my designs capti ate audiences and drive engagement.

Infographics: I simplify complex data into visually appealing and informative visuals. Banners: Eye-catching banners that enhance online presence and encourage conversions.

創作起源 |

節 節 新 、 誕節、情 節等 具

性認 ,能在不 國 化中引起 , 吸 引 國 群體。這 助於強化品牌形象,讓消費者在 節 時, 品牌產生一致的認 和情感 。

成果展現 |

國 部門面 的一 挑 是, 設計出一個 能保持 品牌一致性, 能 應 國 的通用 。

這個 需要 性,讓 國團隊能 用,並根 據當地 化和消費者 好進行 製化調整,以達到最佳 的推廣效果。

Creative Origin |

Holiday Cards Universal holidays like New Year, Christmas, and Valentine's Day resonate globally, attracting diverse audiences and strengthening brand recognition while fostering emotional connections with consumers.

Result Presentation |

One of the biggest challenges for the international department is to design a universal template that can maintain brand consistency while also being flexible enough to adapt to the unique needs of different markets. This template should be easily customizable by local teams to reflect local cultures and consumer preferences, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of our promotional efforts.

團隊協作 | 行銷策略、 、專案統籌 獨立創作 | 風格設計、插圖 製、動畫製作


- 社群素材包

Guam Adventure Graphics - Social Media Design

為關 觀光 的插圖凸顯了品牌的 特 與 觀,並 入具現 感的設計,特別

吸引 的 者。 時,這 插圖創 出 且理 化的 ,不僅增 內容的吸引 力,還 發受眾 這個 的地的 。

Creative Origin |

The custom-designed illustrations for Guam tourism emphasize the brand's distinctive style and values while incorporating modern design elements to captivate young adventurers. These visuals craft dreamy, idealized travel scenes that boost engagement and spark audience interest in exploring the destination.

成果展現 |

的 ,我 以關 觀光 的 色 鮮 的 與天空 為 ,搭配鮮明的色 ,創 出 力的視覺效果。 是 的水上運動 水、衝 、 ,還是 上 動 、 ,關 都能

使用者 的 。

Result Presentation |

For adventure-loving travelers, we base our design on the Guam Visitors Bureau's signature colors, vibrant yellow and sky blue, combined with bold, energetic hues to create a dynamic visual impact. From thrilling water sports like diving, surfing, and skydiving to land activities such as jogging and golf, Guam offers something for every Instagram user seeking adventure.

| 行銷策略、文案 、 獨立創作 | 挑選、構圖 、圖像 製



Infographic Design - BCE Charging Station

創作起源 |

為提升 經銷 的產品 識與服務品質, 入

視覺化 方 。透過 品牌理 、 款 、銷

流程與 後服務等關鍵資訊 化為生動易 的資訊圖 ,並搭配 助影片, 提升 效 , 時間。

成果展現 |

內部信 系 的整合是一 複雜 程,需要 部門通

力合作。透過以 為 色,搭配天空 的重點突顯

,我 成 了一個專業且易於 的視覺界面, 不僅吸引了 的 ,更提升了整體溝通效 。

Creative Origin |

We recommend introducing a visual training program to elevate product knowledge and service quality for Mercedes-Benz dealers. This program will leverage infographics and videos to present critical information, including brand philosophy, model comparisons, sales processes, and after-sales support, in a more engaging and easily understandable manner.

Result Presentation |

The consolidation of our internal messaging system was a complex process that necessitated collaboration across various departments. Through the implementation of a visually appealing interface featuring a dark gray background and eye-catching sky blue accents, we have successfully improved communication efficiency and engaged our employees.


CTS Lance / Usafe

Infographic Design

創作起源 |

透過為期一 的平面設計測試,我 款 產 品進行視覺 。設計的重點在於運用創 視覺元 素, 產品的 能、 與 清晰地傳達 消費 者, 時保持與品牌 的一致性,以 發消費者 的 與購 。

Creative Origin |

In a week-long design sprint, I tackled the challenge of visually extending the brand identity of two products. By employing innovative graphic elements and layouts, we successfully conveyed the products' unique value propositions to consumers while ensuring brand alignment.

Result Presentation |

成果展現 |

我精選產品 特色,以一 瞭然 的圖示呈現。其中, 生 以 的

示 橘色突顯其 能, 水

以 的 色 顯其強 水 。為了

讓視覺效果更具 次感,我 明 一 於 部,方便觀者快速 取 資訊。

I've carefully selected the product's four key features and translated them into easy-to-understand icons. The lifebuoy is presented in a highly visible safety orange to emphasize its rescue function, and the high-pressure water cannon is depicted in a stable army green to highlight its strong water pressure. To improve visual hierarchy and make the information easily accessible, all text descriptions are placed at the bottom.


Course Promotion Banner Design

創作起源 |

為 實體 程設計的 上宣傳單, 程

分為 ,採每 一次的形式,為期 個 ,專 於解 企業在推動

過程中面 的 挑 。

Creative Origin |

This online flyer promotes CSRone's in-person course, a six-month program designed to equip businesses with the tools and knowledge to overcome the six primary challenges of corporate social responsibility. Each month, participants will attend a dedicated session.

成果展現 |

以 續企業責任為 理 ,設計主 以 色調為主,強調環保與自然生態的 合 。主視覺採用等距插畫,展示互 的 個環節,特別突顯內外部溝通、使用 具 自然 間的關 。

Result Presentation |

Building on the core concept of corporate sustainability, the design theme incorporates green tones to emphasize the fusion of environmental protection and natural ecology. The main visual features an isometric illustration, depicting interconnected elements. It particularly highlights the relationships between internal and external communication, tools used, and the feedback loop from nature.


Brand Design

設計 |

精 設計了 、 、 、 及 部文 ,確

個設計元素 能 效 並 專 與 。

Carey illiary 設計 工的 像 的 設計中,不僅 工的 , 更能 。


透過獨 的 與 動的 I 圖, 了 的 ,並 動的方 了與 的 。

Brand Design |

Bright Future

Our brand design system, encompassing a logo, presentation templates, proposals, stickers, and internal documents, has een meticulously de eloped to e ecti ely communicate our brand's unique value proposition and maintain a professional image across all touchpoints.

Carey Hilliary

Featuring portraits of long-term employees on brand paper ags sho s appreciation or sta and adds a personal touch.


With a unique logo and engaging LINE stickers, we've successfully enhanced our brand visibility on digital platforms and fostered a closer connection with our consumers through fun and interactive experiences.

永亮 - 品牌設計

Bright Future - Rebranding

以 為 ,結合 牌象 ,傳 生 的品牌 。設計 手 、簡

等 元品牌 具, 一致形象。


為主 , 分 設計展示服務 ,上光細節強 調專業性,提升品牌識別與信任感。

From Concept to Brand Transformation |

Our brand is built around the concept of "Bright Future," symbolized by a protective shield. To reinforce our brand identity, we've created a comprehensive design system including a CIS manual, presentation templates, and business cards featuring a window-pane design to showcase our services. The glossy finish adds a touch of professionalism and enhances brand recognition.

創 品 提升品牌 |

細節成 經典,品質 得信 。 提供設計 簡 的 度 、便 與 製化 ,讓品牌形象與實用性完美 結合。這 產品不僅提升了品牌的 視度 ,更能讓 感受到我 細節與品質的 重視, 分體現品牌的專業性與關 。

Creative Gifts, Stronger Brands |

Detail-oriented design and superior quality build lasting trust. Our collection of minimalist-designed annual notebooks, practical backpacks, and personalized double-walled insulated glass cups perfectly combine brand identity with functionality. These products not only increase brand visibility but also showcase our dedication to detail and quality, embodying the brand's professionalism and care.

Unlocking Opportunities: Service Proposal Overview

創作起源 |

在服務 的設計上,我 透過 一的

視覺 ,呈現一 專業且精 的提 。從

面設計到內 ,每個細節都經過精 ,確保整體 的一致性。透過 的

視覺溝通,我 提升提 的 服力,並 的 象。

團隊協作 | 文案、確立方向、 、素 選 獨立創作 | AI 圖、視覺設計、素 整 、 程

Creative Origin |

In designing our service proposal, we will employ a unified visual style to present a professional and polished proposal. From the cover design to the layout of the inner pages, every detail will be meticulously planned to ensure overall consistency. Through rigorous visual communication, we will enhance the persuasiveness of our proposal and leave a lasting impression on the reviewers.

Team Collaboration | Pro ide copy, define direction, outline re uirements, select materials Independent Creation | AI illustration, isual design, integrate materials, optimi e process

,立體 動

3D Wonders Await

為了加 象,我 在 的第一

上, 地 入了一 以 和 為主

的 體 。簡 的 出 特色 的 , 出 象 的視覺氛圍。

To create a lasting impression on our clients, we have incorporated an intricate papercraft diorama depicting a crane and a dock into the front endsheet of the book. The clean lines and unique color palette of the crane create a visually striking and memorable scene.

Service Proposal

成果展現 |

運用 自動生成 ,我 為 面具 了視覺化 的推廣素 。透過 色色塊與 效果,強調產品在應 環 中 的關鍵作用。為了確保整體設計的 一致性與效 ,我 提 了 一的 、 尾 簡 ,簡化 設計流程。


To streamline the design process and ensure visual consistency, we implemented Adobe AI to generate promotional assets for Avon's gas masks. The design incorporates a green color scheme and particle effects to visually represent the product's ability to protect against hazardous gases. We pre-designed standardized templates for homepages, footers, and presentations to expedite the design process.

團隊協作 | 文案、確立方向、 、素 選 獨立創作 | AI 圖、視覺設計、素 整 、 程

Team Collaboration | Pro ide copy, define direction, outline re uirements, select materials Independent Creation | AI illustration, isual design, integrate materials, optimi e process


Tri-fold Brochure Design

創作起源 |

為提升品牌形象,設計團隊為 款產品

了精 的三 。透過視覺化的呈現, 我 不僅能更清晰地傳達產品特色,還能讓 更直觀地感受到品牌的質感與用 ,進 而提升品牌 度。

Creative Origin |

To provide our customers with a comprehensive understanding of our products, our design team has created visually engaging tri-fold brochures. By showcasing our products in a visually appealing manner, we aim to enhance customer perception and drive brand loyalty.

成果展現 |

為了 進產品認 並提升展示效果,我 設計了 別 設 產品的三 、 、特 特 、 , 並 一視覺元素以確保品牌的一致性。 產品部分的三 特別加入了 ,方便觀眾 時 取進一步的產 品資訊。每個 別的三 製 ,其中特 特 部分在展 中 得 關 並 到觀眾好 。

Result Presentation |

To enhance product awareness and improve the display effectiveness, we designed tri-fold brochures for four main product categories: Ocean, CBRNe, Special Operations & Tactical Support, and Marine Training. We unified the visual elements to ensure brand consistency. The Ocean product brochure features a QR code for easy access to further product information. Each category had 500 copies printed, with the Special Operations & Tactical Support brochure receiving significant attention and positive feedback from the exhibition attendees.

特 特


Presentation Visualization: From Design to Storytelling

創作起源 |

為了 品質運 的需求, 特別 了專用 ,並通過 的

測試與認 ,確保其 性與 性。

我 完整的測試 據與流程 製作

成簡 ,讓 清 了解產品的 , 並為專 的 利進行提供保 。

Creative Origin |


Addressing the demand for high-quality transportation, Bright Future has designed and manufactured specialized trailers that have been rigorously tested and certified. Comprehensive test data and process records have been documented and presented to customers, providing assurance of product performance and supporting the successful completion of projects.

成果展現 |

以 形為 ,簡 設計傳達了

與協調的理 ,象 個部分

的完美 合。透過 色、 色和 色的搭配,我 不僅突顯了品質

保 的 ,更 出 重、清新且 力的品牌形象。 滑動

的流 設計,讓觀者在視覺上 受一 的體驗。

Result Presentation |

Centered around the circle, the presentation design conveys a concept of seamless connection and coordination, symbolizing the perfect integration of all components. The color palette of navy blue, gray-blue, and emerald green not only emphasizes the rigor of quality assurance but also creates a stable, fresh, and dynamic brand image. The smooth transition design, reminiscent of webpage scrolling, offers viewers a seamless visual journey.

團隊協作 | 整 、圖 選統整、設計方向確立 獨立創作 | 轉 設計規劃、視覺元素製作、 文 精

Team Collaboration | Information pro ision and organi ation, image selection and coordination, design direction establishment Independent Creation | Transition design planning, isual element creation, content refinement

包裝設計 - 每一張臉孔,都是一段故事

Packaging Design - Each face is a chapter in our story.

創作起源 |

的新 設計,不僅是 , 更是品牌 的 。透過 服務 過三

的資 像, 的 具 體呈現。

Creative Origin |

Carey Hilliary's new paper bag design is more than just packaging; it's an extension of our brand story. By featuring portraits of two employees who have been with us for over three decades, we bring our "family" value to life.

成果展現 |

的手 , 出 資 的 特面 ,

每 畫都 的 。 的 一面,

我 製了 經典 與品牌 ,讓每一

都能在品嚐美 的 時,感受品牌的 度與 。從

手 像到經典 ,每一 畫都 的 ,讓 成為傳 品牌 化的最佳

體。當 在 節 時,手中的 不僅是 ,

更是 品牌 與 的信物。

Result Presentation |

The warm, hand-drawn illustrations beautifully capture the unique personalities of our two long-serving employees, each stroke telling a story of their dedication to the restaurant. On the other side of the bag, we've depicted our signature dishes and the history of our brand, allowing customers to feel the warmth and history of our restaurant while enjoying their meal. From the hand-drawn portraits to the classic dishes, every illustration tells the story of Carey Hilliary, making our paper bags the perfect vessel for our brand culture.


Identity Design: Logo & Sticker Design

我 的 與 國 的 情 合,創 出 特的品牌形象。這個設計不 僅 的 ,更象 化的 流與成 。透過這個設計,我 讓每一 都能感受到品牌的 ,並與 化 更 的情感 結。我 透過 品牌形象,傳達 不僅是 的 ,更是 化 的 程。

We've combined the resilience of the Formosan black bear with the vibrant colors of the Spanish ag to create a unique brand identity. This design symbolizes not only language learning but also cross-cultural exchange and growth. Through this design, we hope to make every student feel the warmth of our brand and forge a deeper connection with Spanish culture. Our goal is to convey that learning Spanish is more than just mastering a language; it's a journey beyond cultural boundaries.

成果展現 |

製作 圖,不僅能讓 者在 味中 ,更能 一個 情的 社群 。透過 圖,讓 眾 以一 天,一 不 不覺地 ,還能結 更 好。

Result Presentation |

Creating Spanish language stickers not only makes learning fun and easy, but also fosters a passionate community of Spanish learners. Through stickers, our Taiwanese customers can chat and learn naturally, while connecting with like-minded individuals.


Motion Graphics

動態影像 | 前製階段呈現:

本部分主要展示動態影像的前製過程,包括視覺設計概念、動態元素的設 計及初步草圖。這不僅呈現了動畫創作的思路,還展示了靜態設計轉換為 動態效果的規劃過程。透過這些草圖與設計稿,工作團隊共事能更清楚地 了解整個動態影像的構思與佈局,並體現設計過程中的創新與精細規劃。

Motion Graphics | Pre-production Phase:

This section provides a visual overview of the pre-production process for dynamic imagery. It showcases the evolution of a concept, from initial visual design to dynamic element design, and finally to preliminary sketches. Through these sketches and designs, the team can gain a clearer understanding of the conception and layout of the dynamic image, and appreciate the innovation and meticulous planning involved in the design process.


Animated Drinks on the Go

創作起源 |

為因應疫情,行銷部門特別推出單點取貨與外 送服務,並製作了專屬動畫,在社群媒體上廣 泛宣傳,提供消費者更便利的購物方式。

成果展現 |

採用企業橘色搭配等距插圖,能以清晰且具視 覺衝擊力的方式呈現空間關係,特別適用於地 圖或流程圖等圖像。這樣的設計不僅能提升視 覺吸引力,還能簡化複雜資訊,突顯重點區域 ,進而增強品牌識別度與專業形象。

Creative Origin |

To meet the needs of our customers during the pandemic, we introduced click-and-collect and delivery services. We also created a special animation to promote these new services on social media, providing a more convenient shopping experience.

Result Presentation |

The combination of our corporate orange color palette and isometric illustrations provides a clear and visually impactful way to represent spatial relationships. This design is particularly effective for maps and flowcharts, as it simplifies complex information, emphasizes key areas, and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal, thereby strengthening brand recognition and professional image.

鮮果清茶系列 - 門市視覺廣告影片

Fresh Fruit Infusion Series - In-Store Visual Advertising Video

看得見的新鮮,喝得到的好滋味 |

為推廣鮮果系列手搖飲,影片展現 水果挑選、切片、熬煮成果醬的過 程,強調天然與新鮮特質。透過動 態畫面呈現飲品誕生,讓消費者感 受純粹健康,強化品牌形象與信任 感。拍攝中與研發團隊確認流程, 並合作美國團隊確保品質。影片聚 焦新鮮成分,呈現水果切片、冰塊 與茶水互動的清涼感,以第一視角 帶觀眾體驗飲品,結尾展示鮮果與 經典飲品,突顯品牌魅力。

To promote our new fruit-based tea series, our video showcases the entire process from selecting fresh fruits, slicing them, and simmering them into jams. We emphasize the natural and fresh qualities of our ingredients. Through dynamic visuals, we present the birth of our beverages, allowing consumers to feel the purity and healthiness of our products, thereby strengthening our brand image and building trust. During the filming, we collaborated with our R&D team to ensure the accuracy of the process, and also partnered with a US team to guarantee quality. The video focuses on fresh ingredients, presenting the refreshing interaction between sliced fruits, ice cubes, and tea. By adopting a first-person perspective, we invite viewers to experience our beverages firsthand. The video concludes with a display of fresh fruits and our classic beverages, highlighting our brand's appeal.

01, 桌面乾淨清爽,木質砧板上擺放著切片水果,旁邊有碗 裝著橙子、檸檬和百香果。

The desktop is clean and refreshing, with sliced fruits placed on a wooden cutting board, and a bowl of oranges, lemons, and passion fruits nearby.

分鏡 本


02, 切片的檸檬、橙子和百香果掉落在桌面上,濺起水花 Sliced lemons, oranges, and passion fruits fall onto the tabletop, splashing water.

04, 水果投入水中,瞬間與水融合的畫面

The moment the fruit is dropped into the water, blending seamlessly with the liquid.

07, 將煮好的青茶倒入玻璃杯中。

The brewed green tea is poured into the glass.

10, 第一視角插入吸管的動作。

The action of inserting the straw from a first-person perspective.

05,木湯匙輕輕舀起玻璃罐中的水果醬,旁邊擺放著切片 檸檬與一顆百香果。

A wooden spoon gently scoops the fruit jam from the glass jar, with sliced lemons and a passion fruit placed nearby.

03, 桌面上陳列的茶葉、蒟蒻與圓形的黑色珍珠,背景以 水果作為襯托。

The table displays tea leaves, konjac, and round black pearl candies, with fruits in the background as accents.


Using an ice shovel to gently scoop up ice cubes.

08, 隨著液體的注入,冰塊與青茶的水面逐漸上升。

As the liquid is poured in, the water level of the ice cubes and green tea rises.

09 ,冰塊與青茶像浪花般輕輕蕩漾。

The ice cubes and green tea gently ripple like waves.

11,三杯經典水果茶呈現在桌面上,每杯手搖飲旁邊擺放著 切片水果。

團隊協作 | 確定風格、討論方向、拍攝製作 獨立創作 | 廠商聯繫、分鏡設計、動態製作、音樂挑選

12, Logo

Three classic fruit teas are displayed on the table, with slices of fruit placed next to each drink.

Team Collaboration|Style Confirmation, Direction Discussion, Shooting & Production Independent Work|Vendor Communication, Storyboard Design, Motion Production, Music Selection


- 門市視覺廣告影片

Berry Pure Series - In-Store Visual Advertising Video

莓果視界 - 用眼睛品嚐,用味蕾感受

為推廣莓果系列手搖飲,視覺設計強調莓果新鮮與果醬濃郁質感,展 現天然美味與清新口感。畫面從莓果視角穿梭草莓田,果實漂浮後落 入鍋中,切片熬煮成果醬,光影呈現新鮮質感。最後以第一視角展示 果醬煮製、泡茶與奶蓋加入,完整呈現三款莓果飲品。

Taste with your eyes, savor with your palate.

To promote the berry-themed hand-shaken drinks, the visual design emphasizes the freshness of berries and the rich texture of jam, showcasing the natural flavors and refreshing taste. The journey begins from the perspective of a berry, moving through lush strawberry fields. The berries float gracefully before landing in a pot, where they are sliced and simmered into jam, with light and shadow highlighting their fresh texture. Finally, from a first-person perspective, the process of making the jam, brewing tea, and adding a creamy topping is presented, culminating in the showcase of three berry-flavored drinks.

分鏡 本

01, 莓果叢林特寫鏡頭 Berry jungle close-up shot.


02. 草莓在空中彈跳,水珠四濺 Strawberries bounce in the air, with water droplets splashing.

04, 近距離拍攝,呈現濃稠莓果果醬的質地,帶有柔和的 光澤和細緻的顆粒感,突顯其豐富的濃稠感

A close-up shot highlighting the texture of thick berry jam, with a soft sheen and fine granules, emphasizing its rich and dense consistency.

03. 切片的莓果落入鍋中︒

The sliced berries fall into the pot.

05, 將莓果醬倒入700cc的玻璃杯中。 picks up the cup and pours the berry jam into a 700cc glass.

10, 奶蓋緩緩倒入杯中,輕柔地覆蓋在飲品上。

From a top-down perspective, the milk foam is gently poured into the cup, softly covering the drink.

團隊協作 | 確定風格、討論方向、拍攝製作 獨立創作 | 廠商聯繫、分鏡設計、動態製作、音樂挑選

11, 畫面中呈現三杯手搖飲,桌面上散落著新鮮的莓果,背 景預留空白處,並展示飲品名稱。

Three cups of hand-shaken drinks are displayed on the screen, with fresh berries scattered on the tabletop. The background is left blank to reserve space for the drink names.

06, 近距離拍攝煮茶過程,茶葉在玻璃壺中隨著水流旋 轉,葉片緩緩展開。

A close-up shot of the tea-making process, with tea leaves swirling in the glass pot as they gradually unfurl.

09, 從俯視角度,檸檬切片與冰塊輕輕放入杯中。

Team Collaboration|Style Confirmation, Direction Discussion, Shooting & Production Independent Work|Vendor Communication, Storyboard Design, Motion Production, Music Selection

intertwine and slowly pour into the glass cup.

Globality - 產品亮點

Globality - Product Highlights

創作起源 |

需求是一個直觀且清晰的產品流程圖,通過 簡單明瞭的步驟,幫助觀眾快速理解整個產 品的使用過程,從開始到完成的每個環節都 被精確呈現。

Creative Origin |

The requirement is for an intuitive and clear product flowchart that simplifies each step, allowing viewers to quickly understand the entire product usage process, with every stage precisely presented from start to finish. Appropriate color combinations and symbol designs highlight key steps or important information, enabling viewers to easily identify the critical areas of the process. This type of product flowchart helps enhance professional image when presented externally.

成果展現 |

在影片製作過程中,我主要負責動態製作,與 團隊密切溝通以確保關鍵要點得到凸顯。我調 整每個動態元素的節奏和持續時間,以達到最 佳視覺效果,並根據音樂的節奏和情感調整動 態時間,讓畫面與音樂協調一致。當更換音樂 時,我會根據其特點調整動畫,確保影片氛圍 的完整性。此外,我也會根據影片內容的需求 調整動態元素的運動軌跡和過渡效果,使每個 過渡平滑自然,提升影片的視覺吸引力,並使 觀眾更容易投入其中。每次調整都需進行仔細 測試,並與團隊協作,確保最終成果符合預期 效果。

Result Presentation |

In the video production process, I am primarily responsible for motion graphics creation, closely collaborating with the team to ensure key points are highlighted. I adjust the rhythm and duration of each dynamic element to achieve the best visual effect, and modify the timing of the motion to align with the rhythm and emotion of the music, ensuring harmony between the visuals and the soundtrack. When switching music, I adjust the animation according to its characteristics to maintain the integrity of the overall atmosphere. Additionally, I adjust the motion paths and transition effects of dynamic elements based on the content, ensuring smooth and natural transitions that enhance the visual appeal of the video and help engage the audience. Every adjustment is carefully tested, and I collaborate with the team to ensure the final result meets the expected outcome.

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