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COVID-19 Family Satisfaction Survey

In spring 2020-21, we sent parents and guardians an anonymous survey from the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) asking about their experiences during the pandemic. A total of 15 independent schools participated in the same survey. 360 (~58%) of St. Anne's families responded. Here are the summary findings from our School.

82% "agreed or strongly agreed" that their children felt connected to other students. Peer connections was a strong highlight of the 2020-21 school year.

52% "agreed or strongly agreed" that their children felt connected to school leadership.

72% of St. Anne's-Belfield families experienced negative effects from the COVID-19 pandemic. 42% reported "moderately-great" or "great" effects, while another 30% reported "somewhat-moderate" effects.

12% lost a job or temporarily closed a business

20% took a salary cut

6% took on debt to make ends meet

15% saw negative impacts on savings or retirement

21% described mental and emotional strain from social isolation, health concerns, and issues related to remote learning or working.

Themes from Parent Comments

Parents/guardians overwhelmingly expressed a desire for their children to be in person.

There really is no substitute for the social connection and the fluidity of in person learning. I am forever grateful that school was in-person this year.

Parents were divided around homework. Said one parent/guardian:

It seems like there isn't as much homework this year and I'm worried about my child being prepared for a jump to reality next school year.

Versus another:

The amount of homework is extraordinary. I don't feel with the changes that homework should fill the gaps.

COVID was similarly divisive.

Things need to get back to normal next year. No masks on a regular basis. More interaction with other students in grade level. More gatherings of our school community.

Others wished for more restrictions.

A more stern stance for how families should limit activities is important during a pandemic.

Overall, however, most parents were grateful.

This has been an extremely challenging year and there have been so many demands on STAB staff, students and parents alike...You went over the top to make a safe and welcoming environment for our kids.

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