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I?m four monthsinto my tenure at our School, and each day I learn something newabout our people, program, and traditions. It?sbeen an extraordinary beginning and I long to have morein-person conversationswith each of you. SinceI am unableto havethe number of in-person conversationsI wish to have, I am choosing this medium to sharewith you thework I am leading at our School. You arereading theinaugural edition of aquarterly newsletter where I focuson someaspect of our community.

In light of thecurrent challengesour society facesasit relatesto Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), I think it best for meto focus my first newsletter on thismission critical subject. St. Anne?s-Belfield hasbeen devoted to diversity for many years. Our board of trusteesadopted our Diversity and Inclusion Statement in 2016 (p. 5) and adopted additional DEI-specific goals in our Strategic Plan 2017-2022. Each day my colleaguesaspireto educateour studentsto become exemplary citizensand visionary leaders(p. 6-7). And whilesomeeffortshavebeen made to accomplish thesestrategic goals, we have cometo amoment when weneed to becomemoreintentional and specific (video, p. 5).

My hopeisthat we continueto growasan inclusivecommunity, for weknowthat asenseof belonging iscritical to achild?s development. It createsthe fertilesoil for young peopleto exploretheboundariesof their mindsand theworld. Aswe go about thiswork together, I hopewe will growmoreexcellent asa community, one in which every student may reflect on their St. Anne?sexperience and feel that overall senseof belonging. I would likeyou to knowthat your sense of belonging and perspectiveisalso important to me. Yes, asit relatesto DEI, but also to the multifaceted aspectsof your relationship to the School. I will be reaching out to students, alumni, parents, teachers, and staff to get your input and advicethroughout my tenure(seeparent survey, p. 10). I hopethat when I do, you will answer that call.

Bewell, Dr. Autumn A. Graves Head of School

P.S. I am launching thisnewsletter without atitlein hopesyou will help menameit! I welcome your votesby clicking here.

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