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The chart below shows the various pathways a student may progress through our mathematics curriculum. “H” indicates Honors level. “I.M.” stands for Integrated Mathematics.


During Integrated Mathematics 1 and Integrated Mathematics 2, students learn concepts traditionally taught in an Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 sequence. Integrated Mathematics 3 is equivalent to advanced algebra/pre-calculus. Students who complete Integrated Mathematics 3 are prepared for AP Statistics and/or Integrated Mathematics 4. Integrated Mathematics 4 is a combination of data analysis, analytic geometry, and an introduction to Calculus. The honors sequence prepares students for college level statistics along with an introduction to calculus upon the completion of Honors Integrated Mathematics 3.

Integrated Mathematics 1

Prerequisite: None

Integrated Mathematics I is a course that ties algebra and geometry together. Students deepen their understanding of linear functions and inequalities, systems of equations, and inequalities through the investigation of lines, polygons, and vectors in both two and three dimensions. Right triangle trigonometry is introduced, as are circles and parabolas through a thorough study of polynomials. These concepts are reinforced through many different types of word problems and are applied to the real world through a variety of projects. Throughout the course, students will have opportunities to use tools such as graphing calculators, compasses and straightedges, protractors, and a variety of computer programs to explore concepts, analyze data, and to solve complex problems with realistic data. The focus on word problems builds algebraic skills within a context rather than from drill and practice for its own sake. The amalgamation of geometry and algebraic skills allows for a more dynamic course of study and will provide the foundation necessary for all upper level mathematics courses.

Integrated Mathematics 2

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Integrated Mathematics 1, Advanced Mathematics 8 or Mathematics 8.

This course begins with an introduction to sequences. Throughout the year, the class incorporates a review and an extension of the algebra and geometry skills developed in previous math classes. Along the way, students will build a library of parent functions that form the foundation of the mathematics program of the Upper School. The functions studied during the year include linear with two and three variables, quadratic, radical, and absolute value. Students will also explore conic sections and tie their understanding of algebraic processes to geometric properties. Rational equations, complex numbers, inequalities, function notation, and matrix algebra will be studied and used in a wide array of applications. Each concept is presented in three ways: Numerically, algebraically, and graphically. Modeling problems form the foundation of the program and realworld applications will help students to develop a deeper understanding of the material being studied. Graphing calculators are used extensively to facilitate explorations but each unit will also contain a non-calculator component.

Honors Integrated Mathematics 2

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Advanced Mathematics 8 or mastery of concepts and competencies commensurate with those in Advanced Mathematics 8

This course is designed to challenge those students who have shown a strong ability to synthesize and apply mathematical concepts in a variety of ways. Students will develop an understanding of patterns and recursion, study a variety of functions such as polynomial (including quadratics), power, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric. Students will also be introduced to relations such as conic sections and acquire geometric concepts throughout the course, including an extensive study of circles. Graphing functions and relations is heavily emphasized and applying the properties of transformations is a recurring theme throughout most units. The skills and concepts learned in early units are continually applied in subsequent units making the course inherently cumulative.

Integrated Mathematics 3

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Integrated Mathematics 2

This course will begin with an in depth study of trigonometry. As the year progresses, students will further develop their understanding of the parent functions that they began to study in Integrated Mathematics 2, and then delve into more complicated relations and functions. Some topics of study include step functions, piecewise defined functions, conic sections, compound interest, area under a curve, and sequences and series. Modeling problems will be used extensively throughout the course.

Honors Integrated Mathematics 3

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Integrated Mathematics 2 or Integrated Math 2*

This rigorous course is designed for the highly motivated, well-prepared student who relishes mathematical challenges. The curriculum for this course includes a review and extension of linear, exponential, logarithmic, rational, and trigonometric functions. New topics include natural logarithms, vectors, polar coordinates, parametric equations, and series. *Additional, independent summer work (content and competencies) is likely to be expected of students wishing to pursue Honors Integrated Mathematics 3 coming from the Integrated Mathematics 2 course.

Integrated Mathematics 4 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Integrated Mathematics 3

This course is designed to prepare the student for the study of calculus and college-level statistics. The curriculum for this course includes data analysis, probability, review and extension of linear, power, exponential, logarithmic, rational, and trigonometric functions. Students will also be introduced to polar coordinates and equations, and parametric equations.

The third trimester is designed to prepare the student for college level calculus. Students will investigate the concepts of limits, continuity, and instantaneous rates of change. Students will also develop the formal definition of derivatives and explore other aspects of differential calculus.

Advanced Placement Statistics Prerequisite: Successful completion of Integrated Mathematics 3

This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement examination in statistics. Advanced Placement Statistics is equivalent to a one term, introductory, non-calculus-based college course in statistics. It introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Through the use of the TI-83/84 calculator, Fathom software, and hands-on activities, students will be actively engaged with real data. The paper and pencil approach to statistics is minimized. Instead, the emphasis is on statistical concepts and problem solving. Good written communication skills are important.

In the spirit of our integrated approach, this advanced level course focuses on two major goals. First, Honors Statistics and Calculus will prepare students for success on the the Advanced Placement exam for statistics. Students will learn all of the material taught in a traditional AP Statistics course. Additionally, the course will present students with a level of challenge to round out a robust foundation for a successful, future study of Advanced Placement Calculus or other college level mathematics course. Students will explore limits graphically and algebraically, use limits to define the derivative, and work to gain a deep understanding of derivative and integral.

Advanced Placement Calculus AB

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Integrated Mathematics 3, Honors Statistics & Calculus and/or Integrated Mathematics 4

This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement examination (AB) in calculus, teaching them to perform computations and to solve problems in the following areas: Analytic geometry, limits, derivatives of algebraic functions and transcendental functions, applications of the derivative including curve sketching, maximum and minimum, and rate of change, integration, application of anti-differentiation including solutions to differential equations, slope fields, and exponential growth and decay, applications of the definite integral including area of a region, average value of a function, volumes of solids with known cross sections, and distance traveled by a particle in a vertical or a horizontal direction.

Advanced Placement Calculus BC

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Integrated Mathematics 3, Honors Statistics & Calculus and/or Advanced Placement Calculus AB

This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement examination (BC) in calculus. The topical outline for Calculus BC includes all topics described in Advanced Placement Calculus AB. Additional topics in Calculus BC are: Parametric, polar and vector functions, Eüler’s method, improper integrals, areas of regions bounded by polar curves, length of a curve including curves given in parametric form, logistic differential equations, series of constants, and Power Series including Taylor polynomials.

Elective Mathematics Courses are offered to students concurrently enrolled in a calculus course or to students who successfully completed a calculus course. Different courses will be offered in alternating years.

Honors Linear Algebra & Discrete Mathematics (2019 - 2020) Honors Strategic Choice & Mechanism Design (2018 - 2019) Honors Linear Algebra (2017 - 2018) Honors Differential Equations (2020-2021, 2021-2022)

Linear Algebra is a powerful field of mathematics that is used in a wide range of fields such as physics, computer graphics, cryptography, and sociology. Linear Algebra is traditionally introduced to university students after they have completed their basic Calculus courses. This abbreviated course will introduce some potent problem solving techniques. Some topics we will explore are: Vectors in a plane, matrix algebra and solving linear equations, vector spaces, determinants, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.

Discrete Mathematics is not the name of a branch of mathematics, like number theory, algebra, or calculus. Rather, it is a description of a set of branches of mathematics that all have in common the feature that they are “discrete” rather than “continuous.” Some topics we will explore are: Logic and Boolean algebra, set theory, relations and functions, sequences and series, algorithms and theory of computation, number theory, matrix theory, induction and recursion, counting and discrete probability and graph theory (including trees).

Strategic Choice & Mechanism Design will draw upon students’ knowledge of calculus and statistics to formalize and find solutions to complex real world problems. This course will pay particular attention to applications of mathematics to the fields of economics and social sciences as well as biological phenomena. Topics covered will include competitive and cooperative optimization, asymmetric information, Nash equilibria, signalling, mixed strategy solutions, predictability, combinatorics, auction theory, and mechanism design. Students will learn to develop their own models of complex systems, and will be introduced (or extend their knowledge of) computer modeling programs.

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