A single tomato can give amazing benefits to your body!

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A tomato is fully packed with nutrients and antioxidants that help in giving a fight back against many diseases and in addition, it keeps your body fit and fine.

Let’s see the wonderful benefits of Tomato:

Improves eyesight Tomatoes are fully nourished with Vitamin A, lycopene, lutein, and beta-carotene. These nutrients are powerful antioxidants which act as a guard against light related damage; helps in the development of cataracts, and age-related muscles; AMD- Age-related macular degeneration.

Better skin health

Tomato is also rich in Vitamin C which protects our skin from harmful UV rays, sun-tan or sunburn, and also safeguards cell-damaging free radicals. Tomato contains the collagen which depends on Vitamin C only. What collagen is? Collagen is a vital connective tissue of the skin, hair, nails. It helps in constant rejuvenation of skin, adds essential supplements to the skin. Vitamin C is strong anti-oxidant which moisturizes our skin. A deficiency of Vitamin C leads to scurvy which in turn leads to skin damage issues like wrinkles, fall-off skin, spots on the skin, and other unfavorable effects of the skin. Maintains blood health and protects the heart

Via: Legion Athletics

According to the studies a tomato provides us 40%of the vitamin C in a day, including vitamin A, potassium, and iron which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy blood circulation. Tomato also contains vitamin K which controls bleeding and blood clotting. Also Read: 7 Foods So Deadly They Could Kill You The fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and choline components present in tomatoes protect our heart from damage. Reduces diabetes Studies reveal that people with type 1 diabetes who take high-fiber diets have lower blood glucose levels, while people having type 2 diabetes may have their improved blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels. One cup of cherry tomatoes provides about 2 grams (g) of fiber. Constipation reliever

Via: StyleCraze Tomatoes have high water content and fiber component in it, which may help hydration and support normal bowel movements. Fiber present in tomatoes helps in reducing digestion problems. It also prevents jaundice and removes toxins from the body. PregnancySufficient intake of Folic acid is essential during the time of pregnancy,

as it protects your child against neural tube defects.

Folate is being synthesized from folic acid which is available in supplements but can also be supported by dietary methods. In pregnancy, it is recommended to a woman to take folic supplements, which of course tomato is a great source. Fights against cancer

Via: ć?œç‹? Studies show that tomatoes contain large amounts of the antioxidant, vitamin C, and lycopene, which are much effective in lowering the risk of cancer, especially lung, stomach and prostate cancers or colorectal cancers (relating to the large intestine). Also Read: Empty stomach? Eat and Avoid few things while you eat in the morning So, do you think a tomato is beneficial? Don't forget to share it with your friends and family. Get Connected To Us On Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Stackumbrella Twitter: https://twitter.com/stackumbrella Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stack_umbrella Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/1/100834695301570151387 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stack-umbrella-550758149/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/stackumbrellaa Website: https://www.stackumbrella.com

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