Do You Have Sleeping Problem Or More? Magical Saunf Is The Solution!
Do you Know? India is the largest exporter of fennel seeds which is commonly known as saunf. It just adds an extra flavor to our favorite dish to make it more delicious and yum. This is the common practice used in most households to have an addendum taste of saunf at the end of every meal. Fennel seeds are full of minerals like Copper, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin C, Iron, Selenium, and Magnesium. These seeds are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. Here are some of the great benefits of fennel seeds: Regulates Blood Pressure - According to a study, it was found that by chewing fennel seeds, it helps in increasing the content of nitrite in saliva. Therefore, it is a natural way to maintain the blood pressure levels. Fennel seeds are also a very rich source of potassium. It helps in controlling the heart rate and blood pressure. Reduce Water Retention - If you drink fennel tea then it will regularly help in removing the excess fluids as it works as a diuretic (increases the amount of frequency of urination). Fennel seed, in addition, helps in removing toxins and reduces the risk of urinary tract problems. It also has sweaty or sticky properties that trigger perspiration.
Fennel Tea for Constipation, Indigestion, IBS & Bloating
Due to the oils found in these seeds, tea is considered very useful to help in indigestion, swelling, and constipation. Fennel seeds consist of estragole, fenchone, and anethole, and these all contribute to antispasmodic and antiinflammatory properties of the plant. People suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), can really look forward to eating fennel seeds as the volatile oil found in it helps in good digestion. Fennel Seeds Reduce Asthma Symptoms
Fennel seeds help in clearing sinuses. As they have phytonutrients present in it. Fennel tea helps in getting rid of bronchitis, congestion, and cough as they have cough syrup properties. Helps Purify Blood These seeds contain the essential oils and fiber which are very useful to remove toxins and sludge (solids separated) from our bodies, which in turn helps in cleansing of the blood. Improves Eyesight
Also Read: EXCESS SALT IN YOUR DISH? SEE THIS Fennel seed is composed of Vitamin A, which is essential for eyesight. In earlier times, extracts of these seeds were used to improve the symptoms of glaucoma. Great for Acne Minerals present in fennel seeds are zinc, calcium, and selenium which are helpful in balancing the hormones and helps in maintaining the oxygen level. It gives you a cooling effect when you eat them and hence gives your skin a healthy glow. Anti-cancer agent The seeds overcome the oxidative stress and protect the body from various skin cancers, stomach, and breasts related cancer.
Benefit Breastfeeding Women
Anethole is a compound present in fennel seeds, which is a phytoestrogen that imitates the properties of the estrogen hormone and increases milk secretion in women. This is especially helpful for lactating women. Beats diabetes Fennel seeds have a good source of vitamin C, the high intake of them also found to lower blood sugar levels. Weight Loss
Boost Fertility Due to its estrogenic properties, it might promote fertility and even activate labor in pregnant women. As these seeds are highly rich in fiber, so, they help in weight loss. The seeds also are said to decrease the amount of fat storage as they improve nutrient absorption. Improve Hair Health
fennel seeds help in treating hair problems because of the antioxidants and other antimicrobial properties present in it. Enhance Sleep Quality
According to some sources, fennel seeds can improve the quality and duration of sleep as it contains magnesium compound in it. This mineral also treats sleep disorders like insomnia. Get Connected To Us On Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google Plus: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Website: