1 minute read
Industrial remnants, check. Green goldmines, check. Original cycle paths, check. Interesting (catering) stops, check. Get your calves ready – you're down for a 40 km cycling trip in Aalst and its sub-municipalities. You'll be riding via the known cycle nodes.
Nodes 34 – 37 – 28 London on the Dender
The Aalst horizon is largely distinguished by towers and remnants from the industrial past. The title of ‘London on the Dender’ is one we bear with pride.
Node 31 – Wieze
You will cross the border between Aalst and Wieze for a while. Thanks to the chocolate giant Callebaut – and if the wind is in the right direction – we can also enjoy the wonderful smell of chocolate in Aalst.
Nodes 41 – 45 Faluintjes
Welcome to the Faluintjes communities of Baardegem, Herdersem, Meldert and Moorsel. Here, you can enjoy the greenery and the hop vines growing in abundance in the spring to the full. Are you visiting the Faluintjes in the last weekend of July? Then join in the celebration of harvest festival De Pikkeling, with demonstrations of old harvest rituals, traditional music and regional gastronomy.
Node 46 – Affligem Abbey
Affligem Abbey was founded around 1062 by six reformed robber barons who settled there and joined the Benedictine monastery order.
Node 36 – Kapellekensbaan
Turn back towards the most well-known lane in Aalst – and perhaps even in Flanders: the Kapellekensbaan, which Louis Paul Boon named his infamous novel after.
Node 45 – Meldert
Taking a deeper dive into hops? In Meldert, you will discover all about the hop cultivation in the region. And Meldert's café-owners will be glad for you to enjoy the golden drink –when they can, and when that's okay. Highly recommended.
Extension – Schotte Site
On the other side of the Dender, there was once a renowned tannery. Today, the iconic factory chimney serves as a climbing wall for this modern sports and games complex. Schotte is also the home turf for first-class volleyball team Lindemans Aalst. An extra sporty challenge during your bike trip? Put your bike to one side and put on a life jacket for a kayak trip or show you can stay upright on a stand-up paddle-board or an off-road scooter.
Nodes 34 – Werfplein
Aalst's industrial skyline is looking more and more modern. You can tell from the banks of the Dender at the Werfplein: old warehouses have become creative living and working spaces.