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My Summer as an Osprey Chick

My Summer as anOsprey Chick

By: Jacob Lipton and Sue Slotterback


Osprey LogWeek 1

I just hatched! Whew! I’m very wobbly and can’t really get around. It’s a little colder, but my furry down feathers and Mom keep me warm. I opened my eyes in just a few hours and the sun was very bright - a lot different than being in that egg! Mom will keep a very close watch on me over the next few days and she will start to feed me some chewed fish - Yum! I’m always hungry!!

Osprey LogWeek 2

I’m still a little wobbly, but not as much as last week. I’ve been exploring and keeping Mom really busy as I move around in the nest. It’s starting to get a bit warmer out! Mom hasn’t needed to lay down with me to keep me warm.

My Dad is the best! He brings food to Mom and she tears bits of fish for me to eat. I’ve doubled my size in the past couple weeks and my feathers are starting to grow. Right now my feathers are dark and help me camouflage in my nest. That’s a good thing because I can easily walk all over the nest now and even see over the side of the nest! Wow! What a wonderful world out there!

(Mom gets a little uneasy when I do that though. She’s always on the look out for danger.)

Osprey LogWeek 4

I’ve been flexing my wings! They’re not strong enough for flying yet, besides I don’t have all of my flight feathers. But I’m getting stronger every day! I’m growing, growing, GROWING! Almost to the weight I will be when I am a grown-up! Mom needs energy too, just to keep up with me! Dad has to bring me 2-3 fish everyday. He’s awesome!

Osprey LogWeek 5

Phew! It’s been getting pretty hot here. Especially since I’ve been getting lots of new heavy flight feathers. I’ve been practicing and practicing every day! I can’t wait to be able to start seeing the world for myself. For now, Dad is still bringing me food, but I’m a lot better at eating my fish without help. Even though I’m still young, I am very, very, strong!

I did it! I did it! I was able to lift off from the nest using my wings…well, I didn’t get very high but it’s a start! Soon I should be able to leave the nest and learn how to catch my own fish. Boy, am I excited! It’s starting to get a little colder out. Mom and Dad seem to be getting ready to go somewhere. I’m not sure where they’re planning to go, but hopefully I’ll get to go with them!

Osprey LogWeek 7

Bye Mom and Dad! See you later!

Well, I have the nest to myself now, along side my siblings! Mom and Dad started their trip to a place where it’s much warmer than here! But while they were preparing to leave, I’ve been practicing my flying even more. It’s much easier to hunt by myself now that a lot of the other osprey have left and I don’t have to fight for my food as much. But I’m starting to get a little chilly too so maybe I’ll start my vacation soon.

Osprey LogWeek 8

Miami beach, here I come!

I think I’m finally strong enough to go to where it’s warm. I’ve learned all I can from Mom and Dad and it’s time to put all my knowledge to good use! Hopefully down south they’ll have fish as good as the one’s up here. I’m looking forward to coming back next summer and building nests of my own. I have some very exciting things in my future!

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