Regenerate the Midlands issue 17

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The Midlands

April/May/June 2011




The multi-million pound redevelopment of Nottingham’s railway station.


FORMER POTTERY WORKS TO BE RESTORED in to a first class education and refurbishment site.


THE LAND TRUST MODEL By Euan Hall, Chief Executive, the Land Trust.



IN REGENERATION Longbridge is being transformed from the home of motoring innovation into a vibrant £1billion community.


SoSo what what exactly exactly have have wewe done year? done1.this this year? Spent over 215million locally

Spent over have 215million locally So what 1.2.exactly almost 2.employed employed almost6500 6500local localpeople people we done this year? 3.3.Changed Changedaround around100,000 100,000lives lives

1. Spent over 215million locally 4.4.250,000 pounds to charities 250,000 pounds tolocal local charities 2. employed almost 6500 local people 5.5.100% commitment 100%around commitment 3. Changed 100,000 lives 4. 250,000 pounds to local charities 5. 100% commitment

wow. wow.


Thanking Clients, Residents and Thanking allof ofour ourClients, Clients, Residents and Thankingall all of our Residents and Stakeholders continued support Stakeholders fortheir theircontinued continued support Stakeholders for for their support Contractor of the Year & Supreme Award Winner 9 years in 10 Contractor of the Year & Supreme Award Winner 9 years in 10

Contractor of the Year & Supreme Award Winner 9 years in 10

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Record year and bright future ahead for the Trentham Estate The future looks bright for The Trentham Estate, which has reported achieving record visitor levels and annual tickets sales during 2010. Last year was a hugely successful year for Trentham, whose award winning Gardens, Italian Garden Tearoom, Garden Centre, Shopping Village and regular calendar of events are now recognised as one of the top tourist, leisure and shopping attractions in the UK. The year saw a 46 per cent increase in visitors paying to enter Trentham Gardens (316,000 visitors, compared to 216,000 in 2009), alongside a 63 per cent increase in annual ticket sales - demonstrating the popularity of the Estate among repeat visitors. The wide range of events held at the Estate in 2010 proved increasingly popular with a further 75,000 people attending those. In total, when all those who simply enjoy the attractive range of shops and other attractions are included, nearly 3m people visited the Estate in 2010. The Trentham Estate is St Modwen’s flagship tourist and leisure destination in Stoke-on-Trent, North Staffordshire. And Mike Herbert, St. Modwen’s regional director commented: “The team at the Trentham Estate is absolutely delighted to report yet another record breaking year. The popularity of the Estate continues to rise and we have made great efforts to appeal to a broad range of customers. We are particularly pleased with the massive support we receive from Annual Ticket holders, which give fantastic value for money. They entitle holders to discounts in many of the shops on site and can be purchased using Tesco Clubcard Reward Vouchers.”

He continued: “The Estate appeals to visitors of all ages whether they are visiting the iconic Italian Garden Tearoom, the children’s play areas, or attending one of the many varied events and performances that we host throughout the year. “All areas of the Estate performed very strongly in 2010 and we were particularly pleased to see the Shopping Village and Garden Centre bucking the national trend which saw a downturn in retail sales. New retailers have opened at the Shopping Village and we were thrilled to see Brown & Green awarded third place in the Best Retailer category of the Taste of Staffordshire Good Food Awards 2010, just six months after opening. “I believe the success of the Estate is testament to its unique combination of a major tourist attraction with leisure and shopping facilities plus a lively and interesting events calendar. It is a destination that genuinely appeals to a wide audience across a very wide area and we very much look forward to welcoming visitors old and new to the estate in 2011.” If Trentham Estate is compared with the National Trust, only four of the Trust’s many properties around the country attracted more visitors. The most popular National Trust garden according to the National Trust Annual Report for 2010, attracted 220,000 visitors compared to Trentham’s 316,000. Full details of The Trentham Estate can be found at

Clean bill of health for former landfill site A residential area that was built on a former landfill site has been given a clean bill of health after the results of soil tests carried out by Cannock Chase Council were revealed. Soil investigations were carried out on land off Greenheath Road, Pye Green, in Cannock, to determine if any contamination had taken place. The site was operated as a landfill site between 1960 and 1971 before being developed for housing. The testing involved the removal of a small soil sample from gardens across the area of investigation – and the official report reveals that no contamination has been discovered. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the Council is required to investigate sites in the District that have previously been used by industry or have been in-filled. The investigations were funded by Defra (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and carried out by environmental consultants Grontmij, who were overseen by the Council’s Environmental Health department. The full report can be viewed on the Council’s website at: Greenheath_report_15-02-11.pdf Hard copies can also be viewed during office hours at Council offices. Cllr Tony Williams, Cannock Chase Council Environment Leader, said: “Cannock Chase Council is committed to ensuring that all residents in the District can enjoy a clean and healthy environment. The purpose of the soil tests is to make sure that the health and welfare of current and future generations is assured. “Like many areas across the country, our District has a long and proud industrial heritage – but we have a duty to ensure that our environment has not been contaminated by this. “I’m delighted that no contamination has been discovered and we have written to all householders to pass on the good news. I hope it gives them peace of mind for their own health and that of future generations.” Soil tests have been carried out at nine sites across the District. Three reports have been received by the Council so far, all finding no evidence of contamination.



i54 new development plans

Top scientific firm Eurofins Laboratories has been given the green light to build a new laboratory facility at the i54 business park in Wolverhampton after securing planning permission from South Staffordshire Council. The company’s planned move from its current premises in Wergs Road, Wolverhampton to the i54 site, which is owned by regional development agency Advantage West Midlands, will protect existing jobs and offer excellent opportunities for creation of scientific jobs in the future. Eurofins Laboratories is one of Europe’s top-ranking companies specialising in nutritional and contaminant testing of food and feed products for a range of private and public sector customers. Graeme Risdon, Managing Director of Eurofins Laboratories, said: “This is a very exciting time for everyone at the firm. Our joint application with Advantage West Midlands has been approved by South Staffordshire Council and we’re looking forward to seeing the new building take shape at i54, one of the best high-tech business park plots in the West Midlands.” From l-r Fred Pritchard, CEO and Chairman; Jonathan Pritchard, Operations Director; Bob Evans, Planning and Development Director and Chris Kemp, Financial Director

Pritchard Group forges forward with regeneration plans for the future Pritchard Group plc are currently finalising their 5 year strategic plan for the future, including the regeneration prospects of Cannock Chase and beyond, in the firm belief that although the property market has changed, and will change again in the future, as the industry is cyclitical will present development project opportunities for Pritchard Group plc. The Pritchard Group’s future is a natural progression from holding investment property to carrying out more development schemes, sooner rather than later - namely Lakeside Park – Bridgtown; Avon Plaza – Cannock; Wellington Plaza – Rugeley; Edgemead Park at Bridgtown. The latter a residential opportunity rather than the others, which are commercial. Pritchards will now concentrate more on pre-let development opportunities where their skills can focus on Regeneration and added value to them and the Community, rather than the investment property scene.

Eurofins Laboratories is the second Wolverhampton firm in a matter of weeks to confirm plans to move to i54. Aerospace giants Moog are building a new facility ready to relocate to in 2012, retaining 400 hightech aerospace jobs. Mick Laverty, Chief Executive at Advantage West Midlands, said: “The planning decision is great news for Eurofins Laboratories and for the area’s economy. i54 is one of our flagship development sites in the West Midlands and we’ve worked hard with our partners throughout the recession to keep the project moving forward. As a result, Eurofins Laboratories is creating the high-tech, high-value jobs that will make a real difference to the area. The aim now is for other blue chip companies to follow the lead of Eurofins and Moog.” The 220-acre i54 scheme is a joint venture between Advantage West Midlands and Wolverhampton City Council, supported by South Staffordshire Council. Councillor Brian Edwards, Leader of South Staffordshire Council, said: "Having two businesses ready to move on site is great news for the district. This is just the type of industry we envisaged for i54 and with new local jobs being created, it's a win-win for everyone involved." Councillor Peter Bilson, Wolverhampton City Council's Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Enterprise, said: "It is extremely pleasing to see another major company giving Wolverhampton and surrounding areas a big vote of confidence and choosing to stay here for their expansion. “They clearly see the benefits that i54 offers to business. Not only are existing jobs staying where they are, but new jobs are being created which is exactly what this city wants to see."

Pritchards, the same as every other company, have made their organisation a leaner operation, so it fits the job in hand, and additional skills if needs be will be resourced as required locally and if necessary nationally. Pritchards are also re-examining their managed office space and managed workspace portfolio with the view to people who want to create their own business being able to set up easily and quickly, for we are sure not everyone being made redundant will watch the television all day – far from it. With the fighting spirit of Cannock Chase and the country, business opportunities and the work ethic will prevail and Pritchards will provide premises for them to do it in. All in all a very positive way forward and in the process Fred Pritchard will move up, as he predicted two or three years ago, to Chairman and a new CEO is to be appointed to bring additional strength to the company, particularly in the realms of Fund and Treasury functions accordingly, with all the other skills that are already on board, namely: Architecture; Town Planning; Constructional Project Management; Maintenance, Surveying Services, etc.

Cash available for sports South Staffordshire Council is supporting local sports clubs, coaches and individuals with funding through their Community Grant Scheme. Money is on offer for clubs to buy new equipment, help with gaining coaching qualifications and also financial support for individuals who are competing at county level or above. Further information and application forms are available at or contact the Community Development Officer on 01902 696533.

“This appointment will add further experience and strength to the company,” Said Fred Pritchard, “and the CEO will bring a wealth of new expertise”.



Localism pioneers to lead Regeneration Masterclass 2011 Two pioneers of the Big Society in community led regeneration will speak on the 2011 Regeneration Masterclass, as the high level programme for senior professionals enters its sixth year. Dr Dick Atkinson has been praised most recently by David Cameron for his work with the Balsall Heath Forum in Birmingham, where residents turned a run-down inner city area plagued by prostitution and crime into a safe and desirable multi-cultural neighbourhood. Peter Richmond, chief executive of the Castle Vale Community Housing Association in Birmingham, has overseen successful community led programmes since the early 1990s. They will look at what the Big Society can achieve in a time when there is little public money. The Regeneration Masterclass is a programme from the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) which attracts leaders in regeneration from around the UK. It takes place over four modules from March to June. Participants will learn from inspirational figures how regeneration programmes can survive despite cuts to major funding streams. Dr Angus Kennedy, Course Director said: “Times are hard for those working in regeneration and prospects look bleak for those living

in deprived communities. The Masterclass this year will seek to offer advice and some potential solutions from policy makers, key opinion formers and those still at the coal face. The Regeneration Masterclass is needed now more than ever”. Former delegate, Mick Leggett, Chief Executive of Cross Keys Homes said: “This is a ‘must do’ for chief executives. The calibre of the speakers is at policy formation level and this opportunity to hear and challenge personally should not be missed especially now when the world of housing and regeneration is being turned upside down.” The dates of the sixth CIH Regeneration Masterclass have been confirmed for 2011. • Module 1 - 29th March 2011 - Collective Intelligence: - what is the new normal. • Module 2 - 27th April 2011 - The Big Society- in practice, how can organisations make the best use of resources and community expertise? • Module 3 - 25th May 2011 - Financing the future - developing the role of social entrepreneurs. • Module 4 - 30th June 2011 - The future of Regeneration- what are the big ideas and will they deliver?

Speakers confirmed include: • Dr Dick Atkinson, Chief Executive, Balsall Heath Forum • Richard Ford, Pinsent Masons • Bruce Mew, Grant Thornton • David Orr, Chief Executive, National Housing Federation • Professor Michael Parkinson, John Moores University • Peter Richmond, Chief Executive, Castle Vale Community Housing Association • Sarah Webb, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Housing • Martin Willey, Immediate Past President, Royal Town Planning Institute More information is available at

27th April - The Big Society Dick Atkinson and Peter Richmond will be representing Regeneration in the Midlands

Lep backs Regional Growth Fund bids A business-led group striving to drive forward the economy in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire has backed seven commercial projects which made bids for Government funding. The Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has supported the applications to the Regional Growth Fund which could create hundreds of jobs in the area. It is the first of three bidding rounds to the £1.4bn fund, created by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills last year. The Stoke-onTrent and Staffordshire LEP has been working closely with the project bids to help to ensure they are as robust as possible. The bids total £30m. Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP chairman Jim Rickard said it was essential that the supported bids met all the criteria to have any chance of success. He added: “We have been working closely with these seven projects as they were identified as being ready to undergo the tough scrutiny they will receive by the Government department. “There are many more that we can consider for LEP support in the future but we must be realistic about focussing on those which have a chance of obtaining funding and which we believe will help to create and safeguard jobs in the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP area. “This is a highly competitive national process and we understand that the bids may only be partially successful or not at all. However there are a further two rounds where potential bids can be submitted. A lot of hard work has gone into these bids and the LEP is pleased to have lent its support in aiming to make them a success.”

The projects are: • Keele University: An expansion of the existing innovation centre to help the growth of high technology businesses • Ceramics: Development of processes to reduce energy consumption to maintain the UK’s competitive edge in the global market • Media Place (at Staffordshire University’s Stoke campus): Creating a facility that provides business start up space for the digital media sector • The development of a world class research and development centre at Alstom in Stafford • Centre of Refurbishment Excellence (CoRE): Development of a national centre for excellence in refurbishment of buildings • East West Centre Redevelopment: A major city shopping and leisure development to complement the relocation and improvement of the bus station in Stoke-on-Trent • Central Business District (phase 1): A mixed use development in Stoke-on-Trent city centre designed to attract regional and national business and professional services firms The Regional Growth Fund bidding process is highly competitive. Bidders understand that their applications may need to be reconsidered at a later stage, or that funding allocated may be less than they had applied for. Bids need to demonstrate that they meet the fund’s objectives, offer good value for money, be evidence based, attract additional private sector funding and fit well with the local economy.



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Council responds to rail network consultation

Cannock Chase Council has responded to Network Rail’s consultation on long-term investment plans for the West Midlands rail network, including the Chase Line. Network Rail’s West Midlands Route Utilisation Strategy (RUS) sets out the priorities for rail investment in the region over the next 10 years in detail to meet increased demand for both passengers and freight, but within an overall 30-year timeframe to identify strategic issues Cannock Chase Council’s response to the RUS includes concerns on a number of issues relating to the Chase Line. Staffordshire Place

New County Council HQ name announced Staffordshire County Council’s new headquarters in Stafford will now be known as Staffordshire Place. The name for the buildings has been chosen to reflect a county that is proud of its heritage and confident in its future. They will save tax payers at least £250,000 per year over 40 years. County council leader Philip Atkins said: “We’re pleased to finally give the buildings a name. People have been watching them take shape but not knowing what to call them. Staffordshire Place reflects our one council approach and a forward thinking county. It will bring far more efficient working practices to the county council that will help us meet the challenges ahead. Doing this based in our old, inefficient buildings, scattered around the Stafford area would be far more difficult and expensive. "By saving money, the new buildings will be freeing up resources which can be refocused on service delivery and outcomes. Staffordshire Place is also good for the economy. It will bring a significant number of new consumers to the town centre. Our former sites will also be made available for phased redevelopment. Some have already attracted considerable interest.” Cabinet member for performance, assets and organisation Mark Winnington said: “The name Staffordshire Place highlights the fact that these buildings are for the people of this county. They are public buildings which people will be visiting for a variety of reasons and they will provide a welcoming environment. “They will also contain a new registry office, conference and meeting rooms which the public can use. Staffordshire Place uses the latest technology and replaces outdated and inefficient buildings. This is why it offers such good value for money for residents and the county council – saving us hundreds of thousands of pounds each year.” Staffordshire Place replaces 17 inefficient buildings across Stafford. Residents can look forward to more efficient services as the people who deliver them are brought under one roof. Staffordshire Place will also provide employees with more opportunities for flexible working, cutting down on unnecessary travel costs. The building will be heated using the latest eco-friendly technology. Last month, a biomass boiler was fitted in the basement of Staffordshire Place. County councillor Winnington added: “Rocketing fuel prices are top of the news agenda, but biomass will protect the tax payers from these.” The burner will cut costs by using biomass from the county council’s own forest resource. This will dramatically reduce carbon emissions by more than 1,750 tonnes per year which is equal to the average annual emissions of nearly 50 households. It is a system that will save around £4,000 per month at current energy prices. Staffordshire Wood Fuel, which is a trading arm of Staffordshire County Council, will supply the high quality, stable and sustainable renewable energy.

The Council disagrees with Network Rail that recent improvements to Chase Line stations should mark the end of upgrade work. Cannock, Hednesford and Rugeley Town stations have received new waiting shelters, help points and CCTV. The Council, however, feels that station booking offices at Cannock and Hednesford, as well as improved disabled access at Rugeley Town and Cannock, still need to be developed. The Council has asked Network Rail to give greater priority to increasing line speed on the Chase Line, which is currently at a maximum speed of 45mph. Since the publication of the RUS, the Department for Transport (DfT) confirmed on 29th November 2010 that the Chase Line speed upgrade is now an unfunded scheme at a regional level and will have to compete for funds if it is to proceed. The Council is asking Network Rail to give greater priority to the line speed upgrade in the RUS and will now be seeking for this scheme to be actively promoted by Staffordshire County Council and Centro, so that a bid for new funding sources can be made. The Council also intends to raise the urgency of this scheme through the Staffordshire and Birmingham Local Enterprise Partnerships, of which it is a member of both. Confirmation of Network Rail’s continued support and, funding from the Network Rail Discretionary Fund for this outstanding scheme, has been sought in the consultation response. The Council has asked Network Rail to take steps to secure the extension of the final Chase Line evening service to Rugeley; the final evening service from Birmingham at 2318 currently terminates at Hednesford, due to engineering works, resulting in the last Rugeley service departing Birmingham an hour earlier at 2217. Following withdrawal of the direct Chase Line service to Stafford in 2009, changes at Rugeley Trent Valley have been required. However, the recent withdrawal of the half-hourly weekday Rugeley-Birmingham service has now resulted in long delays for connections at Trent Valley, particularly southbound. This has made the service to Stafford less attractive from Cannock, Hednesford and Rugeley Town. The document makes no reference to the recent reduction on the Chase Line of the weekday off-peak service and the resulting hourly frequency, or the offer of financial support by the Council in partnership with Centro and Staffordshire County Council, to retain the weekday evening and Saturday half-hourly services to Rugeley. Cllr Tony Williams, Cannock Chase Council Environment Leader, said: “The Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on Network Rail’s long-term plans for the development of the Chase Line. Following the recent 50% reduction in off-peak services our priority must be to restore these at the earliest opportunity. “Part of the answer relies on the need to reinstate the line speed upgrade to allow faster trains to operate over the line. We currently have a situation where the maximum line speed is only 45mph, the same as when the service was restored in 1989. Once this has been achieved, we need to restore the withdrawn services, followed by further station improvements, including staffed booking offices and – ultimately – route electrification. “The Council is ambitious to improve the Chase Line as it is an essential piece of public transport infrastructure for the District. It links our communities with the employment and leisure opportunities in Birmingham and the Black Country, and vice versa. It needs to be a first-class transport facility.”



Families move into Birmingham’s most eco friendly homes Families have moved into the West Midlands’ first affordable zero-carbon homes to be completed with Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) funding as part of a £17.1million regeneration project. Two of the region’s most environmentally friendly homes are part of the final phase of a 172 home development at Groveley Park in Northfield, Birmingham. The six year project has attracted £8.5m of funding from the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA). The homes, built on the former Nimmings Farm Estate, will be the first in the West Midlands to achieve the Government’s top environmental rating for new developments using an HCA grant. The homes reach Level 6 of the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) and have been built by WM Housing Group in partnership with Lovell. The properties will be managed by Harden Housing Association, which is a part of WM Housing Group.

Ian Cox, Director of Partnerships and Development at Thomas Vale, Debbie Griffiths, Chief Executive at Housing Plus, Matthew Ellis, Staffordshire County Council Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, Karen Armitage, Chief Executive SARH, Ursula Bennion, Director of Business Development at Housing Plus.

£1million investment in homes for disabled people A £1million project in Stafford will create eight homes for people with severe physical disabilities. The new development on Stone Road will see specially adapted homes built for severely physically disabled people in the Stafford borough who require more suitable housing. The project is the first special needs development carried out by Stafford and Rural Homes who are working in partnership with Housing Plus and Staffordshire County Council. Karen Armitage, Chief Executive of Stafford and Rural Homes, said: "SARH works hard to give people in the borough an independent life and this project will make a real difference to many people living with disabilities. "We hope this successful partnership will enable us to look at assisting customers to live independently in other parts of Stafford as we continue to provide accommodation that is high quality for people with very differing housing needs in the future." The specially adapted independent homes will include communal and 24 hour care facilities on site. There will be a residents' lounge, kitchen and garden. The NHS has also provided funding to assist in the specialist care provision needed at the homes. Allocations will be made to customers who have already been identified and for whom suitable adaptations will be made based on their needs. These allocations will be made in partnership with Staffordshire County Council. Matthew Ellis, Staffordshire County Council Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: "The development will enable each person to live as part of their local community and, with support, to have opportunities and take part in activities that have not previously been available to them.

The zero carbon homes will save energy thanks to features such as photovoltaic panels which generate electricity, rainwater recycling for flushing toilets, mechanical ventilation which recycles waste heat from kitchen and bathroom areas, eco-efficient boilers which recycle exhaust heat and improved insulation. One of the first residents to move into the zero-carbon homes is mother-of-one Kerry Johnson, who has been homeless for seven years. Thirty-two-year-old Kerry said: “I can’t believe how lucky I have been to get one of these homes. The standard of the home is amazing and I never thought I would have a home like this. I am so excited that my little girl will have her own room. “The area around Groveley Park is being regenerated so I am going to be close to lots of facilities on my doorstep. The eco measures mean that I will be able to recycle water and heat, and there are fresh air vents so there is fresh air circulated in the house which is healthier. All the appliances in my kitchen are A-grade which is more economical. It’s estimated that my energy bills will be around £90 for electricity and £180 for gas per year.” It is estimated that the Code Level 6 properties will generate a saving of £428 per year, according to a National Home Energy Rating. The final phase of the regeneration project is being built on a 1.1 hectare site, which was purchased from Birmingham City Council when it was made available following the demolition of outdated council homes in the shadow of the former Rover factory at Longbridge. The new homes are part of a wider £1billion regeneration of Longbridge which involves more than 400 acres of land set to be transformed on the site of the former MG Rover works. This phase will offer 48 affordable homes, which will be available for affordable rent and shared ownership on a part-rent, part-buy basis. The remaining 46 properties will also have environmentally-friendly features such as high-performance gas boilers, which provide heat depending on the weather conditions, and solar water heating panels. Two of these homes will reach CSH Level 4 and the remaining 44 will reach CSH Level 3. Development project manager at WM Housing Group Nick Edge said: “These first two zero carbon homes in the West Midlands using an HCA grant are a great example of the future of affordable housing. Not only are we providing high quality housing for residents but we have shown that there are many innovative ways that we can help residents save money and improve their quality of life. “I am delighted that Kerry is one of the people to benefit from these new homes.”

"Some of the people have complex needs and have lived in NHS accommodation for many years. While that managed their medical conditions, it is no longer considered an appropriate way of meeting the personal needs that everyone has."

David Gough, regional director for Lovell Midlands, added: “It has been a real pleasure to be involved in this project, in which we have used innovative technologies and bold thinking to make these two homes the first in the region to reach this level of sustainability.

The scheme is being built by Thomas Vale construction based on architectural designs by Ken Scaddon.

“The exciting thing is that they look very much like traditional homes, which proves that using this kind of technology doesn’t have to mean compromising on how a house looks.”



1waste tip sorting station

Full steam ahead at the avenue With 2011 now well underway and remediation work at the former Avenue Coking Works in Chesterfield progressing well, the project team is looking forward to some exciting milestones that are on the horizon for the coming year.

Some of the materials are then sent to the thermal treatment plant. The plant uses heat to remove contaminants and whilst not yet working at full capacity, has so far treated 3,500m3 of lagoon slurry. This is equivalent to around one and a half Olympic sized swimming pools.

The main focus for the spring and summer months will be on what to do with the site once the multi million pound cleanup operation ends in 2014. The delivery team - led by landowner East Midlands Development Agency (emda) and funding partner the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), is currently scoping out the details of an outline planning application for the site's end use.

Other materials go to the bioremediation area, where it goes through a natural micro-biological treatment where bugs break down the pollutants. Approximately 5,000m3 (or 50,000 wheelbarrows full) of dirty soil has so far been cleaned in this way.

The 98 hectares of land - equivalent to around 200 football grounds - is likely to be developed into a major residential and employment space, with a range of community facilities such as sports pitches, cycle paths, trails, wetlands and nature habitats. As Mike Fenton, emda's Project Director explained: "We've always worked hard to make sure local people can talk to us on a regular basis about our plans for transforming this contaminated site into a better place for future generations. This year will be no exception, and we will be launching a series of community events to consult with people on our proposals before the outline planning application is submitted to North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC) later this year. Further details about these events will be publicised over the coming weeks." Work on the site, which began last autumn following a series of trials, is progressing to schedule. Over 100 people have so far been involved in managing the technological processes being used.

Mike added: "VSD is making good progress on site, and the cleanup is going according to plan. We know some people are concerned about smells coming from the site as a result of the contamination being disturbed. We are making every effort to reduce the impact on residents by spraying fragrances into the air to neutralise the worst of the odours. "Some locals have also been worried about what is coming out of the thermal plant's chimney. This is mainly steam which is produced as part of the thermal process. It also contains low levels of other gases, which are all at safe levels that fall well below what is required by UK law. These are regularly monitored by the team and our regulators, to make sure there are no health or environmental issues." "If you have any concerns about what we are doing on the site, please do get in touch, as we are keen to keep the community informed and reassured about the work that's taking place." For the latest updates on the project, visit . To contact the site team, call 01246 554580 or email .

Each day, around 650m3 (enough to fill over fifty lorries) of contaminated materials from the original Coking Works' waste tip is hand sorted on site. The workers do this to decide which process is most suitable to treat the various substances.

Gleeds plays key role on Stourbridge College project Gleeds, the International Management and Construction Consultancy, are now working as Project Manager and Lead Consultant on the multi-million pound Stourbridge Further Education College scheme, just outside Birmingham. The exciting development will see a new 4,000 sq m campus built at Brierley Hill in the Black Country. With a striking design by Pick Everard architects, the new structure will become an iconic feature on the skyline and will provide state-of-the-art learning facilities for students taking visual and arts courses training, for many of the college’s 2250 students aged 16 and over. The scheme is due for completion in September 2011. The site is expected to achieve a BREEAM ‘very good’ rating by incorporating numerous sustainable features such as rainwater harvesting and mixed heating and ventilation systems. Commenting on the scheme, Managing Partner of Gleeds Nottingham, Stuart Senior said “This is another great project on which Gleeds can utilise its extensive knowledge of the education sector. The Stourbridge scheme is going to cement the college’s pivotal role in the local and wider community as a highly respected provider of further education and we are delighted to be involved with it”.

Stourbridge College


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College announces new partnership with Barratt Homes Hundreds of construction students are set to benefit from an exciting new partnership between Newcastle-under-Lyme College (NULC) and one of the country’s leading house builders, Barratt Homes. Paula Rowland, Curriculum Manager for Construction and Engineering at the College, said: “We’re thrilled to be working so closely with Barratt and very excited about the opportunities the partnership will provide for our students. “Giving young people the chance to experience working in the construction industry first hand and develop work-related skills is vital in ensuring they are well prepared for employment." Around 150 bricklaying and joinery students from the College will be taking part in visits to the Barratt Homes’ construction site in Silverdale from March onwards, where they will be shown around the development by the site manager and given the opportunity to ask questions. Students will also be given the chance to take part in the inaugural ‘Barratt Challenge’. The competition, to be held at the College in May 2011, will encompass common challenges appropriate to the house-building industry. The winner will be presented with a certificate plus trade tools to help them in their future career. Work experience opportunities for the next academic year are also being discussed. Neil Goodwin, Managing Director of Barratt Manchester, said: "The partnership with Newcastle-under-Lyme College is hugely exciting and has the potential to be massively beneficial to both our organisations. It is an example of how Barratt is working hard to leave lasting legacies in the communities in which we are building new homes. "We are looking forward to a long and productive relationship in which the students will gain valuable insight into a career in the construction industry." Newcastle-under-Lyme College currently offers full-time, part-time and Apprenticeship courses in Brickwork, Carpentry and Joinery, Electrical Installation and Painting and Decorating. Training is delivered in purpose-built workshops at the College’s £6 million Skills and Technology Centre, which is located adjacent to the main college campus on Knutton Lane. For more information about courses at Newcastle-under-Lyme College, visit, email or call 01782 254254.

SARH’s birthday gift to Walton Hall Refurbishment work on a school building within the grounds of Walton Hall has been given funding from a Staffordshire housing association. Stafford and Rural Homes donated £555 to the project at Walton Hall Community Special School near Eccleshall as part of its fifth birthday celebrations. Anna McLauchlan, Neighbourhoods Project Officer for SARH, said: “To mark SARH’s anniversary our focus has been on supporting community projects and organisations that make a difference to local people and Walton Hall Community Special School is a fantastic example of such a project.” The school is located at a 19th century country house and provides day and residential education to pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities aged between 11 and 19 years old. The Prince’s Trust-led project will see a disused house within the grounds of the hall refurbished so it can be used by the school for therapy sessions. Shev Lambert, Prince's Trust Team Leader for team 248 Stafford, which is running the project, said the work had made a massive difference to the lives of the 16 to 25-year-olds who had been involved. “When they start this course many of them do not have a lot of direction in their lives,” he said. “This project work has helped boost their confidence because they have seen what a positive difference they can make.” The money was spent on decorating materials including tile adhesive and carpet for the therapy suite. Katie Hill, community liaison officer at Walton Hall, said: “This generous donation has allowed the Prince’s Trust team to create a much needed therapy suite in the school. This area is greatly needed and will be beneficial for all our pupils. I would like to thank Stafford and Rural Homes for their support and generosity.”



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No rise in borough part of Council Tax bills Residents in Newcastle-under-Lyme have been given a financial boost by the borough council which decided not to put up its share of Council Tax bills.

Cllr. Helen Morris, borough Cabinet member for resources and efficiency, said: “Our budget has been prepared with a great deal of prudence, care and consideration.

An average Band D property will continue to pay the borough £176.93 from April despite the authority facing financial pressures. Councillors agreed to a package of savings which will reduce spending by £2.7 million in the year ahead. Further savings of just over £3 million will have to be found during the next four years. Yet despite the budget shortfalls, the borough council has taken steps which mean it will not increase its share of the financial burden on Council Taxpayers next year.

“Savings are being made and that is because local government has to play its part in reducing the national debt. There is less money to go around in the public sector. However, by careful planning and fully evaluating savings put forward, we believe residents will not notice significant changes in services.”

Council Leader Simon Tagg said: “We have tightened our belts at the council once again. A huge amount of work has gone on to review spending and identify efficiencies. By carefully planning ahead we have been able to balance our budgets, make the necessary savings yet at the same time we will continue to invest in our priorities.” Deputy Leader Robin Studd added: “We are aware that these are difficult economic times for people. Because of that, when we put our budget forward we decided to deal with the financial issues head on as a council rather than pass the financial buck to residents.” Staffordshire County Council, Staffordshire Police, Staffordshire Fire Authority and parish precepts (where applicable) have to be added to the borough council’s part of bills to get the final amount which residents have to pay. Final bills for an average Band D property for 2011/12 will be made up of:Newcastle-under-Lyme BC Staffordshire County Council Staffordshire Fire Authority Staffordshire Police Authority Parish precepts (where applicable)

£176.93 £1,028.81 £67.64 £177.61

Although the borough council will see some posts being lost in the year ahead, discussions are still going on to try and avoid compulsory redundancies and the number of posts lost will not be anything on the scale of those seen at many neighbouring councils. Savings put forward by the council totalling £1,377,000 include:• Reducing the corporate publicity budget by cutting the frequency of the Reporter and prioritisation of other publicity expenditure - £65,000 saving. • Reducing money spent on events such as the Jazz and Blues Festival and Christmas lights - £60,000 saving. • Removing posts currently vacant £248,000 saving. • Reshape park attendants and community wardens service – no job losses £130,000 saving. • Integrate the Community Recreation and Leisure teams and improve income generation - £100,000 saving.

A £170,000 “one off” grant from Government and £368,000 from the Budget Support Fund ensures a balanced budget can be set.

When all the Council Tax elements are added together, bills for an average band D home across the borough from 1 April 2011 will be:Kidsgrove £1,465.69 Loggerheads


Audley £1,468.28 Betley, Balterley and Wrinehill


Chapel and Hill Chorlton


Keele £1,469.62 Madeley








Other parts of the Borough


In addition, a budget review process has identified further savings of £740,000 from back office services in order to protect front line services. These include:• Not filling vacant posts - £310,000 saving. • Restructures in communications; assets and regeneration; ICT/customer services £250,000 saving. • Energy efficiency measures - £30,000 saving.

C&I study reveals opportunities for Sandwell economy Sandwell Council has published a study examining the potential economic benefits of developing a commercial and industrial (C&I) waste infrastructure. The ‘C&I Waste Economic Research’ study describes Sandwell as an “attractive destination” for the development of C&I waste treatment facilities and has identified investment and job creation opportunities to support the local economy. A key part of the study, which was carried out by environmental consultancy URS/Scott Wilson, is the identification of sites fit for private sector development which would be used to treat some of the two million tonnes of C&I waste produced in Sandwell each year. After providing a long list of 46 potential development sites, the study proposes 12 “attractive” locations that are not only well served by transport links and suitable for waste facility development, but also in primary locations for increasing employment and tie in with existing regeneration planning policy. Sandwell Council’s Interim Chief Executive Jan Britton said the study supported Sandwell’s commitment to prioritising ‘green industries’ as a key growth sector for the local economy. “This study has provided us with invaluable information about investment opportunities in the borough within the waste management market,” he said. “The list of 12 potential sites could be utilised, through private investment, to boost the economy of Sandwell and provide much needed employment in the region as well as contribute towards a ‘zero waste economy’.” The study also indicated specific opportunities for development in the fields of organic waste treatment, energy recovery facilities for mixed waste, and ‘niche’ facilities focusing on particular waste streams. To download the full C&I Waste Economic Research study, visit


Towers Business Park Towers Business Park Towers Business Park

WS151UW 1UW WS15 WS15 1UW AngleseyBusiness Business Anglesey Anglesey Park Park Business Park WS12 1NR WS12 1NR1NR WS12 Park Plaza ParkPark Plaza Plaza WS12 2DB WS12 2DB Lakeside Plaza WS12 2DB Lakeside Plaza

Lakeside Plaza WS11 0XE WS11 0XE Virage Park Virage Park

Prestige office / industrial space to rent on/ industrial a well Prestige office Prestige office /site industrial space to rent on a well located space tolocated rent onsite a well Rugeley WS15 located site 1UW Rugeley WS15 1UW

Rugeley WS15 1UW

Modern& & traditional units usually Modern traditional units usually Modernalways & traditional units usually available rent always available to to rent always available to rent Hednesford WS12 1NR

Hednesford WS12 WS12 1NR Hednesford 1NR

Superbly located, prestige offices Superbly located, prestige offices & managed workspaces available Superbly located, prestige offices & managed workspaces to rent available & managed workspaces available to rent Cannock WS12 2DB

to WS12 rent 2DB Cannock

Cannock WS12 2DB

Retail / leisure units available for Retail / leisure units available for rent at 4000 - 8000 sq ft on a rent at 4000 - 8000 sqsite ft on a prestigious prestigious site RetailCannock / leisure units available for WS11 0XE

Cannock WS11 rent at 4000 - 8000 sq 0XE ft on a prestigious site

Cannock WS11 0XE

WS11 0XE

Virage Park

WS11 0NH WS11 0NH High Green Court High Green Court

WS11 0NH WS11 1GR WS11 1GR High Green Court Wolseley Court Wolseley Court

Retail / industrial units available to Retail rent / industrial units available & prestige office spaceto rent & prestige office spaceTower available situated in Virage available situated in Virage0NH Tower Cannock WS11

0NH to RetailCannock / industrialWS11 units available rent & prestige office space available in Virage Shoppingsituated development at Tower the heart

Shopping development the heart on Cannock Cannock. Retail units WS11/atoffice 0NH on Cannock. Retail /tooffice available rent units available to rent 1GR Cannock WS11

Cannock WS11 1GR

Shopping development at the heart on Cannock. Retail /space officeavailable units Office / industrial Office / industrial space to rent. Flexible lease available to rentavailable to rent. Flexible lease

WS11 1GR ST18 0GA ST18 0GA

Wolseley Court Anson Court Anson Court

ST18 0GB ST18 0GB0GA ST18

The Light Works The Light Works

Anson Court

WS12 1AD WS12 1AD Chase Store ST18 0GB Chase Store

The Light Works WS11 0XE WS11 0XE Chase Space Chase Space

WS12 1AD

Chase Store

WS12 2DB WS12 2DB

& terms Cannock WS11 1GR & terms Stafford ST18 0GA

Stafford ST18 0GA

Office Office // industrial industrialspace spaceavailable available to Office / industrial space available to to rent. Flexible rent lease Flexible lease &rent terms and terms Flexible leaseST18 and terms Stafford 0GB

Stafford ST18 ST18 0GB 0GA Stafford

Fully furnished apartments & retail

Fully furnished apartments & retail units available to rent Office / industrial space available to units availableWS12 to rent 1AD Hednesford rent Hednesford WS12 1AD Flexible lease and terms

Stafford ST18 0GB

Situated 200 metres from the M6 Situated 200storage metres from M6 toll, self units the always toll, self storage always availableunits to rent available to rent 0XE Cannock WS11

FullyCannock furnished apartments & retail WS11 0XE units available to rent

Hednesford WS12 1AD

Managed workspace available to Managed workspace rent. Easy in &available easy out to rent. Easy in & easy out Cannock WS12 2DB

Cannock WS12 2DB Situated 200 metres from the M6 For enquiries please call; Chris Salmon – 07831 553236, Nick Birch – 07989 356701, Pritchard – 07831 527057 toll,Fred self storage units always For enquiries please call; Chris Salmon – 07831 553236, Nick Birch – 07989 356701, Fred Pritchard available to– 07831 rent 527057

Cannock WS11 0XE

WS11 0XE

PRITCHARD GROUP MOVE FORWARD ON ALL FRONTS Pritchard Group plc, with their new forward looking Management Structure and five year forward plan put in place at the beginning of the New Year, are all set for 2011 with a new regime, a new Chairman and a new CEO designate in the restructured group to take on the new challenges that face us.

Avon Plaza - Cannock

Orbital Plaza - Cannock

Fred Pritchard, Chairman, on the left, is seen with Charles Tippet, CEO designate, at Pritchard Group plc’s headquarters.

Fred Pritchard moves up to Chairman of Pritchard Group plc following his edict three years ago (but delayed by the latest recession) but will still work his 12 hour day rather than 14 he did when he was CEO and a new CEO designate has been brought in to reinforce the team, that being Charles Tippet, who has great experience with family property groups and the City. The Group wishes to develop the new Regeneration projects, in particular Lakeside Park, Cannock South, Avon Plaza, Cannock, and Wellington Plaza, Rugeley. It is seeking to fund these exciting developments by sales of property together with external funding and equity. This is a departure from Pritchard Group plc’s strategy for many years of basically keeping everything that they built, but one that reflects the current market place. This is a typical model of a property development and investment company whereby the one provides the funding for the other, ie the selling of completed developments pays for the next Regeneration development projects that are required. This will be a major regeneration scheme for the town centre of Cannock: Avon Plaza now boasts VUE Cinemas wanting an 8 screen operation and are ready to sign on the dotted line, along with the car parking set up, a Governmental Department, a Hotel Group, and restaurants and other facilities suitable for Avon Plaza, followed closely by Lakeside Park at Cannock Chase South. These will create major employment

particularly for the young population in retail and leisure, let alone the building and industrial requirements to build them. With this in mind Pritchards and their new found way forward as ever will adopt their company motto ‘Onward and Upward’ and search for further active Regeneration schemes that will benefit Cannock Chase, Staffordshire and the wider West Midlands. Logistics at the moment are the flavour of the month in the property world and to that end we have a property called Citygate Park which is almost 250,000 sq ft and is most suitable for distribution. This is currently partially occupied and the whole occupation can be given to a new tenant. It is ideally situated on Junction 2 M54, and boasts heating, lighting, sprinkler system, etc, and known as the Big Shed on Junction 2 and a new tenant is being sought. Planning consent exists for Hotel, Managed Office and Workspace, Self Storage, etc, and we are happy to talk to any entrepreneurial company relating to same.

business people and tourists alike with day or week conferencing, dining, staying overnight or indeed the serviced apartments, along with Flawless Clinic catering for stressed out business people with massages, aromatherapy, etc. Also on the Orbital Complex is car hire with Enterprise and Taaj Fine Dining and Mojito Bar and Grill - again a win / win situation.

Therefore, Pritchards are currently investigating and trawling through their existing portfolio of in excess of 2,000,000 sq ft and 500 letting units to see what is recyclable to pay for the new development schemes, and indeed looking at the new development schemes as the funding and tenant group that are required.

So whether or not it is work, rest, or play Pritchards will have a development scheme coming about. They still have a number of properties to let, albeit the take up on leasing has been exceptionally good at the start of the New Year but we are always looking for more tenants in all bands, be it from 200 sq ft up to 250,000 sq ft.

The Ramada Birmingham North Hotel @ Cannock - the Iconic Hotel, also a Pritchard Group plc enterprise, has a spectacular offer for

So once again it is ‘Onward and Upward’ albeit in a different form to cater now for the next decade of 2011 onwards.

16105 Regenerate the WM Adv v5:Layout 1



Page 1

– Perfectly Located for Business With many areas still reeling from the effects of the economic downturn, there are real signs of improvement in Staffordshire with new projects and investments moving forward across a range of sectors.

with Staffordshire County Council which will open up a further 27,000 sq ft of BREEAM Very Good, Grade A office space on the site. A further 4,000 sq ft of office space will open up this summer at a new Sustainability Hub at the site.

A decision by Moog to invest £15m in relocating its flight controls business onto i54 Technology Park, is a clear endorsement of the local manufacturing skills-base. Eurofins Scientific, providers of testing and support services to the pharmaceutical, food, environmental and consumer products industries, will be joining them at i54 in South Staffordshire.

Environmental technology firms are also making headway in Staffordshire with Veolia due to start construction of a major Energy From Waste recycling plant at Four Ashes, and BIFFA awaiting approval for its energy recovery facility at Kingswood Lakeside in Cannock.

Holland & Barratt has started production at its new processing and packaging plant on Centrum 100 in Burton and engineering giant Alstom has planning in place for a 350,000 sq ft Business & Science Park development in Stafford with developer partner St Modwen. Keele Science and Business Park has announced a joint project

On the retail front, John Lewis at Home and B&Q have received planning approval for stores at Ventura Park in Tamworth. Hotel capacity is also increasing with a Premier Inn and Table Table restaurant nearing completion in Rugeley. Travelodge is due to commence development at Gallan Park in Cannock and over at Drayton Manor Theme Park a new 150-bed hotel will be completed this summer.

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FORMER POTTERY WORKS TO BE RESTORED IN TO A FIRST CLASS EDUCATION AND REFURBISHMENT SITE Work is starting on the first phase of a revolutionary scheme to breathe new life into a former pottery works with a state-of-the-art demonstration learning facility. The former Enson Works, in Longton, is set to be completely transformed as a Centre of Refurbishment Excellence (CoRE) creating a unique set of refurbishment training and demonstration buildings in the heart of Longton. The CoRE project, which will create a skills and learning facility, visitor hub and will be part of a unique group of “living” demonstration buildings on the 6,000 sqm site, is designed to help work towards the Government’s pledge to create an 80 per cent reduction in UK carbon emissions by 2050. With funding from the Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), the first phase of this unique development is set to start as contractor Shaylor Group begins work on the skills and learning facility. One of the Sunday Times Top 100 companies the construction group will be building the education building which is designed to support students by providing modern learning facilities for courses in sustainable development. Councillor Mervin Smith, Stoke-on-Trent City Council cabinet member for city development (regeneration), said: “This is a unique and exciting project for Stoke-on-Trent. It means as a city we will be an exemplar location for modern and existing methods of refurbishment. The site will bring business leaders and construction professionals from across the country to Stoke-on-Trent to showcase innovative eco-friendly methods and materials being used. This is even more important for the city as it undergoes a multi-million pound regeneration plan enabling residents to be given the opportunity to train and learn new and existing skills in methods of construction – skills which will be sought after in the coming years.” The 1,500 sqm skills and learning facility, to be built on the site of the former West Range near Chelson Street, is due to be completed in time to open for the first wave of students by the end of the year. This building, which is being built in a bid to achieve the environmental rating of BREEAM Excellent, will help to educate construction workers and students in exemplar methods of refurbishment – skills which will be sought after

as the Government aims to refurbish 20,000 homes a year in the West Midlands over the coming years. Complementing features to the skills and learning facility will then be developed in separate stages including a BREEAM standard demonstration facility which will build and refurbish 1,000 sqm of space on the former Enson Works over two floors and incorporate three historic bottle kilns within the design. The facility will showcase first class eco-friendly refurbishment methods, plus manufactured products and materials new to market. Following the completion of the demonstration facility the next phase is expected to create a 250 sqm visitor hub which will have office space for CoRE staff. It is envisaged that this will act as the gateway to the project located next to the former American public house which will be rebuilt to provide a canvas for exemplar showcase products. The project is a collaboration between Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Stoke College and Building Research Establishment (BRE). It is designed to help train and develop methods of bringing historic and high carbon rated buildings up to new carbon friendly standards. Students and contractors will not only be able to train and learn new skills at the site but new methods and materials will be on show in ‘living’ demonstration buildings. It is envisaged through the work of the CoRE project 700 people a year will enhance their skills and as a result of business activities once the project is up and running approximately 400 jobs a year will be created in the region. Funding has been secured from the city council and DCSF with further funding being sought from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the next phases.



THE LAND TRUST MODEL By Euan Hall, Chief Executive of The Land Trust

When the Land Trust was awarded a contract to manage open space at the Chatterley Whitfield Heritage Park in North Staffordshire, created by Stoke-on-Trent City Council and the Homes and Communities Agency, it was a great opportunity for us to put into action some of the principles the Trust holds dear around the sustainable use of land on former brown field sites. Previously a colliery site, Chatterley Whitfield had been languishing as low-quality land, a sad reminder of an industry that was no longer the lynchpin of the local community. Once home to one of the UK’s most bustling coal mining communities, Chatterley Whitfield was in its 1900s heyday the first British colliery to mine a million saleable tonnes of coal in a single year. When the pit was closed down 33 years ago, its 67 hectares of land were deemed brown field ‘colliery spoil’. Early works on the site including refurbished colliery offices and a new access road were completed with funding from the Homes and Communities Agency’s National Coalfields Programme (NCP), then work on footpaths, cycle and horse riding paths, a new open brook, footbridges, wildflower meadows, wetlands, a community football pitch, some 30,000 new trees and a viewing platform at the top of the hill for visitors to enjoy the site’s vistas and beyond. Now through a close partnership with the community, the Council and with Groundwork West Midlands the site is well on its way to becoming a well-managed public space that’s a real asset to the local community. Brown field bad, green field good? Brownfield land and reclaimed sites are key areas for us at the Land Trust. Over the past decades, we’ve worked on sites at various former coalfields across the UK, and something we’ve seen time and time again is that after job losses, one of the most devastating impacts that the closure of collieries has on local communities is the decline in the quality of the local environment. This creates a loss of pride, if not downright despair, helping contribute to a decline in mental and physical wellbeing and myriad social ills. There are certain schools of thought that see green belt land as good, natural, fresh and wholesome while brown field land is considered dirty, wasted, contaminated, barren and man-made. But let’s not forget that huge swathes of what is classed as green belt land are former agricultural land, therefore not very ‘natural’ at all. Often, it’s been so intensively farmed that the landscape is bland and there is very little biodiversity. At the same time, brown field land can support many varied ecosystems – often because of its industrial past – as well as providing valuable habitats that are scarce or in serious decline. One obvious example is that of the skylark. Skylarks have experienced a rapid decline in numbers due to changes in farming methods, and they now have ‘red’ status as an endangered species. But on many of our former brown field sites, we find that skylarks are actually quite abundant. The grass that has colonised these former industrial sites is more natural than the grass found on the supposed green belt land. Add effective land management into the mix, and you have a protected habitat for them. Location, location: brown field sites at the heart of the community More importantly, brownfield land can often deliver massive benefits to people because of its location. Brownfield land is often found at the very heart of the community – as in the case of Chatterley Whitfield, where housing and other amenities were built next to the site for workers to live near the colliery. The community, of course, is still there. This means that sites such as Chatterley Whitfield offer wonderful opportunities for very easily accessible open space – often within easy walking distance - that local people of all ages can use regularly. Importantly at Chatterley Whitfield, the organisations involved in transforming the space have ensured local residents have been instrumental in leading changes at the site, from schoolchildren designing the logo and creating ‘time capsules’. Meanwhile, former coal miners who worked at the colliery have been consulted on how they believe the rich heritage of the site can best be maintained.


Euan Hall

all of our sites, we work hard to make sure local people have a real say in shaping the places they live – including communities considered to be deprived, where localism can be a very effective tool in building confidence. ‘Big Society’ rhetoric has included a lot of talk about Local ownership. However, when it comes to local ownership of public space there are a myriad of complexities; alongside the basic daily tasks of management, the legal owners are responsible for public liability, financial control and fundraising, preventing anti-social behaviour and managing contractors. These complexities often frustrate and perplex those paid to do such tasks. So can it be right to divest such responsibility to unpaid volunteers? The Land Trust can divest local communities of these complexities whilst still allowing them overall control and decision-making powers. Our model of appointing a local managing agent to support local communities, assisting them in their aspirations, provides the safety net necessary to allow the community to prosper and enjoy the spaces. Without the Land Trust providing support and overseeing the project, our sites couldn’t be managed properly, they risk falling into disrepair and the local community would quickly become disillusioned with the site. ‘Site blight’ would then set in, with attendant anti-social behaviour, and a whole new round of funds would be needed once again for regeneration to take place. At Chatterley Whitfield, we can avoid this cycle of dereliction and provide local ownership without the liability headache, helping break the cycle of dereliction. The bigger picture is that we’re not just looking at the regenerated areas of the future, but a true ‘big society’. Our Scarcest Resource: Land The Trust’s work helps illustrate what we see as the optimal use of land to the benefit of the local community. Well-managed public spaces mean mediumand long-term economic benefit since areas near high-quality, sustainable open space will attract investment more easily. For further information about The Land Trust’s work, visit

Together with Groundwork West Midlands, we’ll be providing a Ranger service to help look after the Park. The ranger service’s activities will include teaching local schoolchildren about the site’s wildlife and history, organising events for all age groups, overseeing further habitat improvements and wildlife monitoring, and acting as the main point of contact for local people and visitors to the site.

Boys playing at Chatterley Whitfield

The partners in the restoration of Chatterley Whitfield have also prioritised community consultation, listening to people’s concerns, establishing what the community most wanted from the site and then providing options that could be delivered within the available resources. It was also important that the community was kept properly informed of progress made, so they could see at each step that what was needed was what was being delivered. A solution to the ‘open space paradox’ ... and localism in action At the Land Trust we often come up against what we call the ‘open space paradox’. It’s widely acknowledged that public space is an asset that can provide untold benefits in terms of health, education and standard of living – but this is dependent on the open space being maintained properly, and for land owners or local authorities this means spending money year after year. Without this funding, spaces become neglected and attract anti-social behaviour, which costs more money to put right. At the Trust, our business model means it doesn’t have to be like this. We provide the framework for locally-based community-focused organisations or even the local communities themselves to be able to effectively manage public spaces. This means that the Trust’s sites can reap the benefits of local delivery without having to take on associated liabilities, or raise and manage finance, or deal with complex legal issues. While local site management is key to the ongoing success of a site, ongoing active participation from the local community is also vital. On

Chatterley Whitfield with buildings in background


FULL STEAM AHEAD FOR NOTTINGHAM RAILWAY STATION REDEVELOPMENT The multi-million pound redevelopment of Nottingham’s railway station ‘the Nottingham Hub’ into a 21st Century transport interchange is to go ahead. Work began in March this year on a new 950 space multi-storey car park in Queen’s Road, at Nottingham Railway Station. The car park will include office and retail premises at ground level, will feature anti graffiti concrete coating and is to be built by Vinci Construction. The new car park is part of the Hub project, a £60 million refurbishment which will include a new ticket office, waiting rooms, shops and cafes, as well as a new concourse. It will also connect train passengers with the extended tram network, including the two new lines 2 and 3, to Clifton via Wilford and to Chilwell via the QMC and Beeston.

NET Phase Two - Artist's Impression - Beeston Town Centre

The railway station work is due to be completed by 2014. Transport Minister, Norman Baker, during a visit of Nottingham’s public transport infrastructure says: “For many visitors and travellers, stations are the first experience they have of a place. A modern railway station with excellent customer facilities can speak volumes about a town or city. They are important gateways. The plans for Nottingham’s station are very exciting. Not only will passengers have a more pleasant experience using the station, the redevelopment will enhance the transport interchange and accessibility and kick start wider regeneration in the surrounding area bringing a welcome boost to the local economy.” Three of the key partners involved in the redevelopment - Network Rail, East Midlands Trains and Nottingham City Council have reached agreement to allow contractors to be appointed for the first stages of the redevelopment – the construction of a new multi-storey car park and highway improvement works to Queen’s Road to begin. Public realm works on Station Street were completed early in 2010 and a new cycle storage facility opened in July 2010. It is anticipated that works on the Porte Cochere (the main station entrance and existing drop off and taxi waiting area), will start in July 2012. The entire scheme is anticipated to cost in excess of £60m and should be completed by late 2014.

Broadmarsh Drury Walk Entrance

The work will also include: • Restoring Grade 2* listed buildings and creating an attractive vehicle-free Porte Cochere. • Improved passenger and operator facilities, including upgraded travel information, displays, new toilets, ticket office, shops, cafes and waiting areas. • A new 950 space multi-storey car park. • A new concourse connecting trains, trams and the car park. • An additional 830m2 of new retail space within the station. • Improved public realm around the station. • New and improved facilities for disabled people, cyclists and taxis. • The creation of approximately 40 new jobs at the station. • The release of brown field land within the station site, enabling the comprehensive redevelopment of approximately 16000m2 of mixed use development, generating approximately 900 jobs. The project will have a catalytic effect on a number of the other development sites adjacent to the station, and it has been projected that approximately 23,000m2 of office development and 1,400m2 of retail will be realised by 2020 creating over 1200 new jobs.


Broadmarsh Drury Walk Entrance

NET Phase Two - Photomontage image - Clifton and Tramlink Nottingham, have submitted bids to build, operate and maintain the extended network. A preferred bidder is expected to be announced shortly. Construction work is due to begin at the end of 2011, with the extended system complete and operational by the end of 2014. The station redevelopment is a key part of the wider regeneration of the Southside and Eastside areas of Nottingham. Recently Nottingham City Council moved in to Loxley House (the former Capital One building). The property developer, Peel Holdings, (currently developing Media City in Salford) have had proposals approved for Sovereign House, which will create 27,000 sq metres of office space, 10,000 sq metres for a 240 room hotel and 6500sq metres of retail and leisure use. A development opportunities impact assessment undertaken by project stakeholders and industry experts identified that 135,000m2 of office development and 7000 jobs will be realised sooner than would otherwise be the case. John Watson (Chair of the Hub project Board), says: “This is fantastic news and I’m delighted that all parties have found a way to take this project forward, despite concerns about local funding. Along with the extended tram network and the widening of the A453, the redevelopment of the railway station is considered by the business community as key to the future success of Nottingham’s economy. It will act as a catalyst for the regeneration of the Southside of the city and it will create many new job opportunities. With the proposals for the extended tram network, the station will become a state of the art public transport interchange and gateway to Nottingham.” Net Phase Two NET Phase Two is the name for the planned extensions of Nottingham’s existing tram network, NET Line One, to Clifton via Wilford (Line 2) and to Chilwell via the QMC and Beeston (Line 3). The scheme, worth more than £500 million, was approved by central government as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review in October last year, and two consortia, Arrow Connect

NET Phase Two - the proposed extension to Nottingham's tram network - is now within touching distance of becoming reality. During a visit to Nottingham on Friday 31 July 2010, Sadiq Khan MP (Minister of State for Transport) announced Conditional Approval for the project. That paved the way for the City Council to begin the process of selecting the companies who will build NET Phase Two and operate the enlarged network. It also demonstrates the commitment and confidence the Government has in the scheme. Councillor Jane Urquhart (Nottingham City Council's portfolio holder for Transport & Area Working) said: "This is a massive boost for Nottingham. NET Phase Two would be the largest single financial investment by government in the city. This will help steer Nottingham out of a recession by creating jobs and bringing in much needed new investment. Equally important is the fact that even more of our residents and visitors will be able to use a clean, modern and efficient tram to travel in and out of Nottingham." It is yet further proof of how well Nottingham is weathering the current economic climate. The financial backing of NET Phase Two combined with funding guaranteed for other major projects such as Building Schools for the Future (BSF), the Meadows PFI bid, the district heating and carbon reduction projects and the Future Jobs Fund, brings to over £1 billion the total Government investment in Nottingham. The Government also confirmed the Order for one of the key funding streams for NET Phase Two - the Workplace Parking Levy (WPL). As well as contributing towards NET Phase Two funding, the WPL will support the £67m redevelopment of Nottingham's railway station (The Hub) and maintain the Link bus network which transports people to and from some of the city's major employers.

However, following discussions with the Government, it has been agreed to delay charging businesses until April 2012 until the economy is healthier. This is very welcome news particularly as the Government will cover the shortfall in revenue so the programme for public transport investment will not be disrupted. It is proposed that businesses will need to be licensed, at no charge, from October 2011. Councillor Urquhart said: "The fact that we have over two years before the WPL is implemented gives us the opportunity to work with businesses to help them develop more sustainable transport policies, encourage behavioural change and reduce congestion, which has a significant impact on business. "While we welcome all of the news, we appreciate that there are some residents who will have concerns about the impact the new tram lines may have on them. We will ensure that all affected residents are communicated with fully throughout the entire process to minimise any further concerns and disruption." Connecting Eastside Connecting Eastside is the £6.8 million project to create better traffic, pedestrian and cycle links between Nottingham City Centre and the east side of the city, and to regenerate the eastside area. Work will be carried out through 2011. As part of the project, Sneinton Market will be transformed into a new high quality public square; work began on 4th January this year, and is due to be complete by the end of this year. Broadmarsh Shopping Centre A £40 million refurbishment of the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre will start this year. The work on improvements to the Drury Walk entrance on Middle Pavement was approved in January, and is expected to begin before spring. The refurbishment of the centre, which includes redesigning all entrances to the centre, is expected to be complete by spring 2012, with substantial sections complete before the end of the year.



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Birmingham School of Architecture Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD) at Birmingham City University Birmingham School of Architecture celebrated its centenary year in 2009 and has a long and proud history dating back to the end of the 19th century when Birmingham Architectural Association first held classes at the College of Art in Margaret Street. The School is renowned nationally and internationally for innovation and success, delivering professional courses fully validated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the Landscape Institute. The School offers routes to achieving RIBA Part 1, 2 and 3 exemption from its Architecture degree to MA and then Postgraduate Diploma level. The School’s programmes explore innovative approaches to design and intervention in the urbanised field which will shape life Programmes in thePostgraduate 21st century. Teaching staff are active in practice, teaching and research, and haveBirmingham served at the most senior level at the Royal Society of Architects in Wales, School ofRIBA, Architecture and the Landscape Institute. Postgraduate Course Director, Ruth Reed, was elected the first female President of the RIBA.

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The School has longstanding and well-established connections with the best local architectural, landscape architecture and urban design practices in the region. These links help to find appropriate work experience whilst studying and M.Arch instudents Architecture MA Architectural Practice employment after graduation. Students are encouraged to combine experience of (RIBA Part II Exemption) 1 year part-time the practical world of architecture and landscape architecture with creativity and 2 years full-time innovation in the studio.

Graduate Diploma Landscape Architecture

Students benefit from studying in a design-based environment, and the choice MA Architectural Design 1 year part-time of courses on offer prepare them for practice at the highest level. The School has 1 year full-time outstanding employability rates of 92% of students in employment or further study six months after graduation. The School is proud of PGDip/MA the successfulLandscape careers of its Architecture graduates, go on to be leaders in their fields, many of them designing landmark PgDipwho Architectural Practice 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time buildings, establishing their own practices in Birmingham and beyond, and winning (RIBA Part III Exemption) prestigious awards. Several are directors of Associated Architects, hailed by RIBA as 1 year part-time “probably the best architectural practice outside London”. Graduates Jimmy Moore, Jamie Rodgers and Peter Jenkins have recently been nominated for this year's RIBA Presidents Medals by the Birmingham School of Architecture, in recognition of their excellent work. Peter Jenkins was shortlisted for the Silver Medal awarded to Part 2 For more details and for a full course listing visit or call 0121 331 5595 students from an entry of 109 international students. Visit to see the students’ work.

Architecture / Landscape Architecture Postgraduate Programmes Birmingham School of Architecture September 2011 Start M.Arch in Architecture (RIBA Part II Exemption) 2 years full-time MA Architectural Design 1 year full-time PgDip Architectural Practice (RIBA Part III Exemption) 1 year part-time

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For more details and for a full course listing visit or call 0121 331 5595

A REVOLUTION IN REGENERATION Longbridge is being transformed from the home of motoring innovation into a vibrant £1billion community The regeneration of Longbridge is a £1 billion project covering 468 acres and aspires to a total jobs target of 10,000 for the whole development through a diverse range of industries, together with 2,000 new homes, a new town centre for Longbridge with a range of retail, leisure and public facilities and new parks and public open spaces... Plans for New Homes Underway The first 115 homes to be built on the former Rover car plant site in Longbridge are now underway. The Homes and Communities Agency was joined by developers St. Modwen and Birmingham City Council to mark this significant milestone for the city. The new homes, just off Lickey Road, are part of the wider £1 billion regeneration of Longbridge which involves more than 400 acres of land set to be transformed by St. Modwen on the site of the former MG Rover works, delivering a sustainable community with the creation of 10,000 new jobs and up to 2,000 new homes. These first 115 homes will comprise two, three and four bedroom houses, including a mix of terraced, semi-detached and detached designs. Plans also include 12 two bedroom apartments, housed in a three-storey apartment building. Supported by £3.7 million of Kickstart funding from the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA), work is now underway on site with the first new homes expected to be released to the market in June 2012. John Dodds, West Midlands regional director for St. Modwen, said: “In an economic climate which has seen developers across the UK mothballing new residential developments, St. Modwen is forging ahead with plans to create a new residential community at Longbridge with the support of the HCA. This proactive approach to development not only shows our determination to progress with revitalising this area of Birmingham, it also signals our confidence in the strength of the regional property market. “This new development is set to boost the provision of quality new homes in Longbridge, creating a highly desirable new residential community in a prime location off Lickey Road, which is well regarded locally as the gateway to the Lickey Hills Country Park. We believe this first phase of new homes will raise the bar for the standard of future residential development in the area and will have an impact with a range of homebuyers, tapping into the pent-up demand for well-designed properties in and around Longbridge.” Amongst its many regeneration projects, St. Modwen’s Midlands’s office includes the regeneration of the former Goodyear plant in Wolverhampton into a £150 million urban community. Paul Spooner, director for the HCA West Midlands said: “It is fantastic to see work now starting on site here. Longbridge has continued to be a priority for the local community and the city of Birmingham and we are delighted that our investment has enabled these first homes to get underway.


An Artists impression of the regeneration scheme

“Our investment will also unlock the wider regeneration of the site, helping to safeguard and create jobs, complement the commercial redevelopment and support the city’s overall economic growth.” Mark Barrow, strategic director of development for Birmingham City Council, added: “That this scheme is continuing to push ahead in these difficult times is great news for the city, its people and the local economy which will support the building programme. Not only will construction of these new homes help tackle housing needs, but this project also sends out a very clear message that the city and its economy is still very much ‘open for business’ and seeking to pursue growth opportunities where they remain prudent and to the wider benefit.” For the Youth of Today Planning permission for a new £5 million youth centre was granted in January 2011 The multi-million pound centre will provide a wide range of innovative and muchneeded services to 14 -19 year olds in the Longbridge area. The proposals were made possible after the Council secured a grant from the Government’s Myplace programme, a Big Lottery Fund scheme to invest in iconic facilities for young people across the UK Located off Longbridge Lane, the proposed new centre for young people will address the lack of dedicated facilities for young people in the area. The location of the new centre was selected for its proximity to Longbridge rail station and new Longbridge town centre site, maximising its accessibility. The £66 million Bournville College campus is situated opposite, on part of the new Longbridge town centre site. The building has been designed by Associated Architects and will feature multifunctional rooms, performing arts space, and a theatre/ sports hall/ conference room. It will also include an ICT suite, media centre, workshop area, outdoor multi-use games area, café and garden. The facilities will support a range of sporting activities, creative and performing arts, active citizenship and volunteering, youth business and social enterprise and guidance counseling such as health services, education, training and career advice. For more information visit

An Artists impression of the regeneration scheme

The Benefits-Summary The £1 billion redevelopment of Longbridge Town Centre is aimed at benefiting the residents, local businesses, the city as a whole and the wider region, resulting in significant economic regeneration and a vibrant local economy providing a range of jobs and new opportunities. At the heart of the vision is a commitment to deliver high quality design, creating a real sense of place, a strong identity and distinctive character, encouraging people to live, work, visit and invest in Longbridge. At the inception of this project, eight objectives were originally identified as critical to the successful redevelopment of Longbridge. Regional Setting – to ensure usages of land on the site enabling Longbridge to make a contribution to the regional economy by making such land the first choice location for key businesses in the promotion of the A38 Central Technology Belt and to maximise the potential of the site to attract regional investment. Economy/Employment – to create a target of 10,000 jobs across a range of skills and types through protecting existing employment, creating new employment opportunities that secure economic diversification and business growth, and providing a sustainable long-term job environment. Community/Facilities – to provide Longbridge with a heart that will give a sense of place and provide better opportunities for retail, leisure, health facilities and education opportunities. Housing – to provide additional housing, including affordable housing, with a high standard of design and sustainability. Environment – to maintain and enhance the ecological balance and landscape value of the area and to create opportunities for wildlife habitats where possible; by retaining and improving open spaces including formal parkland, Green Belt and waterways. To ensure that all new development provides a safe environment and is of a unified and high quality of design that adopts local distinctiveness.

(Left to Right) Mark Barrow, strategic director of development for Birmingham City Council, Paul Spooner, director for the HCA West Midlands and John Dodds, West Midlands regional director for St. Modwen

A new Longbridge Town Centre After six months of working closely with BCC officers, in February 2011 St. Modwen submitted their planning application for the new Longbridge town centre development. The proposed 5 year, phased development of the new town centre will comprise a new 7,900 sq meter supermarket, 24 new retail shops and restaurants, hotel, 40 apartments, parking facilities and an urban park. New college campus The purpose built 250,000 sq ft Bournville College will bring together the existing three campuses and be prominently located on the junction of the A38 Bristol Road South and Longbridge Lane. The six storey educational facility will have capacity for over 15,000 students and will feature new state of the art facilities. The £66m campus will occupy 4.2 acres and will be the first phase of the proposed new Longbridge Town Centre. In November 2009 Shepherd Construction commenced an 88-week build programme devised to ensure the college receives its first intake of students in September 2011.

Transportation – to improve public transport provision, including the provision of a park and ride site, the improvement of Longbridge Station and the provision of new footpaths and cycle ways. To improve the existing highways network to provide safer and easier access with possible future strategic transport routes including a rapid transport link to Frankley. Deliverability – to ensure that proposals are viable and deliverable within an agreed timescale and to ensure development can commence early to secure regeneration. Sustainability – to ensure that all of the development adheres to the principles of sustainable development to ensure that Longbridge has a long-term future as a thriving community founded on a wide range of social and employment opportunities. These objectives have been inherent in the development of the planning strategy of Longbridge and also the development of this Town Centre Management Strategy that will ensure both the delivery of the development through its construction phase and its longer term ongoing day to day operational management. These have now been complemented by operational objectives. Operational Objectives • To progress the regeneration of Longbridge to deliver an operational and sustainable development that is integrated into the City’s sustainability strategy. • To deliver the Longbridge brand, with its own strong identity and distinctive character. • To ensure that the development supports the local community through the delivery of services and facilities which meet the needs of its stakeholders. • To ensure that the development is managed and maintained to ensure its enduring success and that it fulfils its growth potential.



TRANSFORMATION Stratford-on-Avon District council are focusing their regeneration for 2011 on a purely business basis with an aim to rebuild and improve the retail aspect of the town centre making it an enjoyable and pleasant town for not only existing residents but for visitors alike. The concentration to give support and funding into small businesses welcomes a positive change to the area, helping the small shops be transformed into inviting retail outlets. This project is set to involve a whole community effort raising hopes and aspirations along with outside companies being given the chance to offer grants means of help to boost the regeneration of this exciting up and coming town... Southam Town Centre As part of their planning conditions, Tescos made a Section 106 payment to Stratford District Council as a town centre improvement contribution. The funding is intended to help reduce the impact of the opening of their edge-of-town store upon the main retail area of Southam. The total funding has been split between a number of projects including business support grants (existing and new start-ups), shopfront improvement grants, the trialling of new events and festivals, extensive support for the Farmers Market and streetscene improvements.

A significant part of this will be the creation and development of a town centre partnership for Southam. This will be focussed mainly on supporting the businesses (including tailored business workshops and reviews) but will also bring together Southam residents, community groups, local authority officers/members and support services to look at the town centre from all perspectives and then work together to raise footfall, improve the visual impact of the area and address priority issues affecting the town centre now. It will be led and driven by Southam people with appropriate professional support.

Southam Bakers is one of the first recipients of an Existing Business Support grant and will use the cash to improve deliveries and widen its market by way of a new van. Next door, the empty premises will become Preens Beauty & Holistic Centre in April.

The partnership will initially be created and developed by consultants from Action for Market Towns/Retail Revival. They are currently engaging key stakeholders and collecting benchmarking data to show how Southam is currently performing against other market towns of a similar size and nature.

Stratford-on-Avon District Council recently invited small business across the District to apply for funding to help support improvements which would help to promote their business.

This is going to be a time of exciting change and growth in Southam which we all need to embrace and make the most of! The Pharmacy was originally Southam's Manor House and was externally renovated by Dudley Taylor Pharmacies in 2007 to restore it to it's original glory. Charles I stayed there before the Battle of Edgehill at the start of the Civil War. The Olde Mint is a 14th century pub where the townsfolk minted their own trade tokens for use in the town in the 17th century.


Preens received a New Start-up Business Support grant to help them do vital internal alterations. Previously, the building had been empty for three years. Mind Your Own Business – Helping Small Shops to Make BIG Changes

The 29 successful applicants had to demonstrate that their business supports *local producers and suppliers, was in need of improvement by providing photographic evidence and that improvement works would be undertaken by a *local contractor. One of the successful applicants, The Art Depot in Bidford-on-Avon, has recently completed improvements to the business which has had a very positive impact. Steve Haywood from The Art Depot: “The funding granted has made such a vast difference to our business and how people see and find our premises. We spent the money wisely on signs for the front to our shop

and people have commented on how it has given the high street a new lease of life. We also purchased a new A-board which has increased our footfall. “Other people the District Council has helped in the high street have commented on how positive the help has been. Shop owners are all out with their paint brushes and I feel a renewed hope which can only help our poor high streets become a better shopping experience. I really do believe that supermarkets have their place in any economy and get a lot of blame for the demise of high street shopping but they can't do what small shops owners can do; the personal touch. All we needed was a little help to make it a level playing field.” Councillor Mike Brain, Community Services Portfolio says: “I am delighted that through the small amount of funding available, we have been able to support a wide range of improvements to small businesses right across the District. Promoting economic vitality in the District by funding projects supporting economic growth and recovery is crucial in the current economic climate. Local businesses shape the character of our community and the more support local Councils can provide now, the better the prospects for businesses will be in the future.” *local definition – must be within a 30 mile radius

"Fantastic to know that Stratford district council supports small businesses as being an independent is a tough world to operate in." Cana at Bank Chambers, Harbury

"The canopy has really freshened up the look of the shop and has helped promote the cafe. I have noticed a significant increase in new customers." The Coffee Cup, Southam

"We have had lots of positive comments and without this funding opportunity we would not have been able to make the change to our signage. We used a local artist who had been commissioned to do similar signs in the village." Village Shop and Post Office, Preston-on-Stour

Other successful applicant across the district are: Alcester


Alcester Carpet & Curtains Tiggy's Pet Shop Bonner's Jeweller's The Welcome Café Vera Giles Interiors Karen Verena Designer Gowns The Fine Food Emporium Justin Neales Antiques The DVD Shop Bidford-on-Avon Art Depot Riverside Florist Bidford News Harbury Cana Import The Fragrant Room Henley-In-Arden Torquil Henley Antique Centre Henley Ice Cream Café 34 Henley Bakery Long Marston The Poppin Store Middle Tysoe Lillian’s @ The Post Office

Preston Village Shop & Post Office Shipston-on-Stour E. H. Spencer Shipston Natural Health Snitterfield Snitterfield Village Stores Southam The Coffee Cup Café Stockton Stockton Post Office & General Stores Welford-on-Avon The Wardrobe Elegance Hair & Beauty


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Birmingham Cityscapes An Urban Research Conference

Saturday 18 June 2011 9am - 5pm followed by evening reception Birmingham Cityscapes, organised by Birmingham City University, is for anyone with an interest in urban regeneration and research, the conference will explore a number of angles, including: • • • • • • •

the use of urban spaces community relations in the city urban regeneration and development representations of the city in the media crime and deviancy urban art and design urban language and city narratives

Keynote Speakers Dr Mike Beazley, University of Birmingham Paul Slatter, Chamberlain Forum

Bookings and Information Image:

Advert in the event programme Logo rolling on the big screens

Squad signed commemorative ball* £2500 +VAT (per table)

2. VIP Package Champagne Reception Table of 10 including a CURRENT player 4 Course Banqueting Menu VIP table position in the room Squad signed commemorative shirt* £2000 +VAT (per table)


3. Platinum Package Champagne Reception Table of 10 including a FORMER player 4 Course Banqueting Menu Platinum table position in the room Squad signed commemorative pennant* £1500 +VAT (per table)


Kings Hall, Stoke on Trent. Monday 16th May 2011 Call 01782 592 211 or visit

Premium Grand Balcony Seating Private Balcony Bar Optional Prize draw including the chance to win a signed shirt/ ball/ or co-present an award Post awards bar available in the Windsor Suite & a chance to meet the winners £50 Members (inc Vat) £55 Non Members (inc Vat)

Grand Balcony Seating

Presentation of Award to winner

Pre event buffet in the Suite with Cash bar available

5. Jubilee Hall Package - 300 people max Pre event buffet in the Hall with Cash bar available Grand Balcony Seating Private Balcony Bar Optional Prize draw including the chance to win a signed shirt/ ball/ or co-present an award Post awards bar available in the Jubilee Hall & a chance to meet former players £35 Members (inc Vat)

Grand Balcony Seating

Prime table position in the room

4. Windsor Suite Package - 80 people max

£40 Non Members (inc Vat)

6. Ticket Only - 120 people max Private Balcony Bar Balcony Seating £15 Members (inc Vat) £17.50 Non Members (inc Vat)

Event Sponsor

Grand Balcony Seating

4 Course Banqueting Menu

Premium Floor Level Seating

Table of 10 including a CURRENT player

Premium Floor Level Seating


Champagne Reception

Premium Floor Level Seating

1. Sponsors Package

The Izaak Walton Hotel D ovedale ,

nr .

A shbourne , D erbyshire . DE6 2AY.

Conference in Dovedale The Izaak Walton Hotel is perfectly located for one-to-one interviews, board meetings through to Annual General Meetings, with spectacular surroundings and a relaxed atmosphere you and your delegates are more likely to get the necessary work done away from the office. The conference packages are priced from £50.00 including lunch per person or extend your meeting to incorporate team building activities in the local area. From £145.00 per person this includes overnight accommodation, dinner and breakfast and full day meeting with lunch, private dining is subject to availability.

Leisure Breaks

Finish your meeting and have family join you to change your experience here at the Izaak Walton Hotel from work to leisure. Weekend Packages from £175.00 per night (double occupancy). You can dine in our tranquil award winning Haddon Restaurant. The following morning take a stroll down to the Dovedale Stepping Stones, or walk to the top of Thorpe Cloud. Relax and recharge those batteries ready for the week ahead. Our dedicated Conference & Events Co-ordinator will work with you to arrange a tailor made package to meet your requirements in the best possible way.

Contact our conference office for further information or request a brochure Tel: 01335 350555 / Fax: 01335 350539 Email:

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