Celebrating Staff Success Brochure 2023

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WED 11 OCT 2023


12.30pm Arrival at King’s Hall - venue opens to attendees, afternoon tea served

2.00pm Welcome

Professor Martin Jones, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive

2.10pm Presentation of Awards Part One

Professorial and Associate Professorial Conferments

Next Generation Environment: University Innovation and Transformation Award Inclusion Award Cultural, Health & Safety and Wellbeing Impact Award Sustainable Development Award

HEA Fellowships Qualification Successes

Next Generation Engagement: Research and Innovation Impact Award Civic and Community Impact Award Enterprise and Business Engagement Impact Award

Next Generation Experience: Outstanding Contribution to Learning and Teaching Award

Next Generation Education: Academic Portfolio Innovation Outstanding Course of the Year

3.30pm Interval

3.45pm Presentation of Awards Part Two

Living Our Values Award Long Service Award

Catalyst for Change: Outstanding Newcomer Award

Outstanding Leader Award School or Service of the Year Award

People’s Choice Award Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Contribution

I am delighted to welcome you to the King’s Hall in Stoke-on-Trent. We are here today to recognise the amazing difference that staff make to the life of Staffordshire University. Now in its 16th year, our Celebrating Staff Success Awards event remains one of the most important dates in our calendar.

It’s an opportunity to mark the outstanding contributions that colleagues have made to improving life for our students, local communities and the wider region. We can also look back and reflect on all that we’ve achieved together over the last 12 months.

This year’s nominations were full of inspirational individuals and team - staff brimming with ideas and enthusiasm.

We were looking for individuals and teams who embraced our key values. These values include being fair and inclusive, curious and daring, innovative and enterprising, and ambitious and inspirational.

It wasn’t hard to find staff who fitted the bill. But it was hard to pick the winners as we had such a fantastic set of nominees. Altogether, we have included 15 categories.

The awards cover staff who have made a step change to our business engagement and enterprise activities, delivered an indelible impact through their research, and have been a catalyst for change within our wider communities.

They also recognise staff who have delivered an outstanding experience for students, those who have become role models for inclusion, and staff who have championed innovation in the curriculum and other aspects of our work.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your hard work and support. It has been a privilege to witness your valuable contributions and to see the impact on student achievement and services across our University.

Our staff remain our greatest asset. The work you have been doing – both within our University and surrounding communities – is central to our future success. I hope you enjoy this afternoon.

Best wishes,

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Professorial Conferments


The award of the title of Professor recognises staff members whose activities have brought prestige to the University through demonstrated quality and impact in their field. The criteria adopted by the University are intended to demand a level of achievement no less than that traditionally expected within British universities, although the nature of the achievement need not be confined to those activities traditionally recognised by a professorial title and reflects the vision and mission of Staffordshire University.

These are the three criteria on which candidates are assessed:

• Research and Knowledge Transfer

• Teaching Excellence

• Academic Leadership and Professional Citizenship

Paul Bowie

Professor of Human Factors for Health and Social Care

Paul is a chartered human factors expert with over 30 years of experience in care safety research and educational development in the UK and internationally. He has a portfolio career and was recently appointed as Professor of Human Factors for Health & Social Care. Paul is also Programme Director (Safety) with NHS Education for Scotland and is Senior Investigation Educator with the Health Services Safety Investigation Body.

In 2004, Paul gained his doctorate in significant event analysis from the University of Glasgow. He has published over 160 articles in peer-reviewed healthcare journals and co-edited a book on primary care safety.

Paul is Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow, Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Royal College of General Practitioners; a Registered Member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors; and a Clinical Human Factors Group Ambassador.

Dr Annabel Kiernan Professor of Higher Education Leadership

Professor Annabel Kiernan is Pro Vice-Chancellor - Academic where her focus is delivering on the University’s strategic priorities, specifically around next generation education and experience.

Annabel joined Staffordshire University in May 2021. She previously worked at Nottingham Trent University, Sheffield Hallam University, University of the West of Scotland and at Manchester Metropolitan University. She has a PhD in policy making theory from the University of Warwick.

She is committed to improving access and inclusion in education, innovative teaching, and the student experience, whilst helping to raise the profile of Staffordshire University nationally through workstreams with the Purpose Coalition, Million Plus, Universities UK, ResPublica and the Department for Education.

Annabel is leading the University’s development of microcredentials in collaboration with Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce and SMEs and is helping to position Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice (SCoLPP) as a sector influencing pedagogic research and evaluation group.

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Associate Professorial Conferments

Associate Professors

Associate Professors are defined by their growing distinction, standing and leadership in their subject, discipline and/or practice. Through their research and scholarship, external engagement and teaching, Associate Professors contribute to the advancement of the University’s reputation.

The criteria for the appointment of Associate Professor is the same as the criteria followed for full Professors, but the applicants for an Associate Professor will need to demonstrate significant achievement in two of the three conferment criteria.

Dr Kate Cuthbert

Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching

Dr Kate Cuthbert (PFHEA) began her career in health research, completing a PhD exploring health beliefs in eight CIS-nations. Later, as the Interprofessional Learning lead at the University of Derby she introduced service improvement experiences into four curricula and was seconded to the NHS Institute of Innovation and Improvement contributing to national programmes for patient safety learning. At the Higher Education Academy, she developed a national portfolio of educational consultancy and internationally with educators in Bahrain.

Having led the professional recognition scheme at Nottingham Trent University for five years she joined SCoLPP in October 2022. Over the last year she has provided co-leadership to a QAA-funded project, exploring the value and implications of embedding phenomenon-based learning into higher education.

Kate was also a member of the project team, funded by TASO to develop a typology, and an understanding of the current and potential landscape in achieving racial equality in UK Higher Education. Kate has also been commissioned by AdvanceHE to curate institutional case studies to understand a range of techniques, approaches and lessons learned from current work about student outcomes interventions that are driven by or largely feature ‘third space’ colleagues supporting activities outside the classroom.

Marek Hornak

Associate Professor of Enterprise and Knowledge Exchange

Marek has over 15 years of enterprise and knowledge exchange experience developing strategic partnerships with businesses and public and private organisations. His work focuses on regional development with emphasis on collaborative R&D, innovation, and workforce skills development where he actively influenced the local socio-economic plans. Marek’s research and influence embeds university as a focal point in local and national innovation systems driving growth and high value jobs creation.

His work and leadership of the Innovation Enterprise Zone created a nurturing environment for startups, SMEs and generated enterprise and knowledge exchange opportunities across innovation planning, advanced manufacturing, intelligent transport, and mobility and flexible microcredentials pathways. Marek’s portfolio generated over £7million of income for the university as well as piloted a model of embedding students in regional innovation system creating high value jobs and supporting innovation-led growth.

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Dr Patrick O’Connor Associate Professor of Philosophy

Patrick is a philosopher, podcaster and an award-winning teacher with a record of academic leadership, grant capture and founding thriving research networks. His scholarship has made a significant contribution to understanding the role of atheism and secularism in the philosophical disciplines of Phenomenology, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Education, and Philosophy of Literature. He is the author of three books: Derrida: Profanations, Atheism Reclaimed, and most recently, Cormac McCarthy, Philosophy and the Physics of the Damned.

He has published many peer-reviewed contributions in leading international journals such as Irish Studies Review, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Journal of Social Work, and Journal of Cultural Research, and chapters in edited collections. In addition, he has written several opinion pieces, encyclopaedia entries, book reviews and public engagement pieces in venues such as The Conversation, Unknown Magazine, Open Democracy and 3am Magazine. He is the host of the Thales’ Well podcast.

Sarah Page Associate Professor of Social Justice and Social Learning

Sarah has worked as an academic in HE since 2008 and prior to this worked in a strategic management role in the NHS, helping partnerships to work more effectively together to tackle poverty and health and social inequalities and also crime related issues. Sarah continues to input into strategic partnerships through research to inform action planning and service development and design. She contributes to the Staffordshire Collaborative Network and has been involved in developing cross-organisational mentoring at leadership level within the voluntary and public sectors.

She has commissioned and championed mentoring projects that addressed issues in society and within HE to support student and staff development. Sarah has been pivotal in training police tutors across the West Midlands region in mentoring new apprenticeship students.

Sarah is the mentoring lead for the Centre for Crime, Justice and Security and her cross-disciplinary research links to other University research centres such as CHAD, C3 and SCoLLP and she is an innovator for SCoLLP, working on engaging students in professional research activities and building mentoring capacity. Sarah has been a principal investigator on local, regional and national projects and has supported international teaching and research projects.

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of Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact

Jackie’s career spans 17 years in academic and professional services roles. She has always prioritised knowledge exchange and impact, often working in partnership with artists to co-produce research outputs that engage with the widest possible audiences. Through the use of creative and participatory research methods, impact has been an integral part of most of her research. She was Keele’s first Public Engagement (with Research) Fellow and in 2014 co-founded the Live Age Festival to create impact from research into the benefits of creativity in later life. Live Age formed part of a Keele University REF 2021 impact case study.

As Staffordshire University’s inaugural Research Impact Manager, Jackie has designed and led a wide range of initiatives and strategies to transform our approach to planning, developing, and evidencing research impact. She successfully led the impact case study element of REF2021 and is passionate about supporting researchers of all career stages to achieve the goals that matter most. She developed a novel programme called Research Impact Coaching Cohorts and is now leading a series of sector-wide webinars aiming to further embed impact coaching in Higher Education. Jackie is Chair of the Midlands Impact Group and Co-Director of the C3 Research Centre.

Dr Alun Thomas Associate Professor of Eurasian Studies

Dr Alun Thomas is a historian of modern Russia and Central Asia with research experience in archives in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. His first monograph Nomads and Soviet Rule: Central Asia under Lenin and Stalin (I. B. Tauris) was awarded the Alexander Nove Prize for scholarly work of high quality in Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet studies by BASEES for the year 2018. In this and related publications, Alun’s work has touched on themes including state-building, economic change, modernisation and indigenous practice. He argues that identity-based political emancipation can often have deleterious consequences for those at the margins of a postcolonial society.

More recently, Alun’s research and public engagement work has turned to contemporary politics in Eurasia. Alun has done consultancy work for Ministry of Defence clients, the American Foreign Services Institute, and recently attended a policy roundtable at the House of Lords.

Alun is a member of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) committee and its R&D sub-committee. He is co-convenor of the BASEES Eurasian Regions Study Group and co-editor of the public-facing digital humanities project ‘Peripheral Histories’.

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Associate Professor of Gender Based Violence

Laura’s research has focused on Gender Based Violence (GBV) for over a decade, and she has always endeavoured to make a very sensitive and challenging subject matter accessible to all.

In 2017 she was awarded a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship to explore best practice in sexual offence examinations across North America and Canada, which led to her presenting her findings at the International Association of Forensic Nurses Annual Conference and the International Association of Forensic Sciences Conference. She was also invited to present at Westminster Briefings on ‘Confronting Sexual Violence, Reducing Offending and Supporting Victims’. She leads the Staffordshire University Violence Against Women and Girls (SUVAWG) Hub, alongside Dr Em Temple-Malt. The Hub is a collaborative network designed to enable organisations involved in supporting victims/survivors of domestic abuse and sexual offences to connect, learn, collaborate, and share ideas. She also leads the GBV Research Group (alongside Dr Em Temple-Malt and Dr Samantha Spence) focusing on interdisciplinary approaches to tackling GBV, as well as creative methods to support victims and survivors of GBV.

More recently, her leadership of the development and delivery of the Peter Coates MSc Entrepreneurship programme has evidenced her innovative approach to academic leadership and disruptive entrepreneurial education.

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Next Generation Environment

University Innovation and Transformation Award

This award recognises the individuals or teams that are making an impact on our future as a leading University, by spotting an opportunity and leading or working with others to transform our approach, always ensuring a relentless focus on the customer, and to improve their day to day experiences at the University. These teams or individuals will demonstrate their innovation and how this transforms the staff or student experience and could act as a catalyst for change more broadly across the University.

Individual Nominations

Laura Allen Marketing, Communications and PR

Marie Barlow Academic Quality and Development

Joanne Burgess Digital and Technical Services

Abigail Caiger Estates and Commercial Services

Dr Megan De Ste Croix Academic Quality and Development

Megan Hadley Student and Academic Services

Daniel Haynes Digital and Technical Services

David James School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Imran Mohammed School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Ema Talam

Davin Ward

Ben Williams

Clare Wilson

Team Nominations

Academic and Student Administration

Applicant Beacon Development Team

CRM Team

Curriculum Management Team

DTA MOD Admin Team

Estates and Commercial Services

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Patrick Callaghan, Emily Kelly, Jessica Shaw, Jane Sheldon, Louise Steadman

Owen Carr, Paul Donnelly, Natasha Finney, Gareth Hall, Sean Johnson-Hargreaves, Yannick Vidal

Lyn Devine, Gay Higgins

Marie Barlow, Steph Bates, David Cooper, Georgina Flanagan, Chris Hanks, Sean Johnson-Hargreaves, Liz Myatt, Jo Phillips, Lucy Turner, Emily Walthall-Thomas

Patrick Callaghan, Gitana Duka

Michael Barker, Christopher Harvey, Gwenda McFadyen, Tom Meredith, Steph Potts, Cheryl Pritchard, Jessica Renshall, Paul Smith

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First Line Anaylysis & Action Group (FLAAG)

Julie Adams, Judith Blackband, Kirstie Brookes, Paul Donnelly, Erin McAvoy, Omar Medina, Judy O’Brien, Steve Sutton, Neil Trubshaw, Louise Yarwood

Graduate Team in Careers Vicky Cook, Holly O’Rourke, Rory Turnbull

Human Resources and Organisational Development WPF Group

Level of Detail vodcast team

Library and Academic Skills team

Library Systems Team

Library Systems Team and Library Academic Skills Team

Midwifery Team

Residential Services

Student Loan Tracker Working Group

Student Support and Experience (Transition and Belonging) Team

Technical Services; Photography; Student Recruitment

Tile Hub

Anna Green, Saima Hussain, Kieran Mcdonald, Bethany Moore, Helen Pugh, Sarah Woodwark

Amy Platts, Professor Chris Headleand, Chris Leese, David ‘Deej’ James, Liam Kelsall, Maria Scrivens, Matt Lewis, Nathan Riley, Shaun Reeves

Timothy Birch, Kay Coverdale, Arran Dickson, Jodie Heap, Eleanor Johnston, Hazel Mycock, Suzzanne O’Brien, Alison Pope, Alison Rowley, John West, Liz White Louise Yarwood

Julie Adams, Sarah Beighton, Mark Birchall, Andrew Little, Hazel Myock, Suzanne O’Brien, Alison Rowley, David Sayer, John West

Julie Adams, Sarah Beighton, Timothy Birch, Mark Birchall, Kay Coverdale, Arran Dickson, Angela Evans, Jodie Heap, Eleanor Johnston, Andrew Little, Hazel Myock, Suzanne O’Brien, Alison Pope, Alison Rowley, David Sayer, Hannah Trzoska, John West, Liz White, Louise Yarwood

Paula Adams, Alexandra Birch, Lynne Coton, Bee Haddrell, Rut Leftwich, Michelle Mckay, Rachel Meredith, Maria Orellana, Keely Shires

Sophie Bradley, Frederica Burns, Lisa Evans, Megan Hadley, Deborah Healy, Ben Price, Natalie Robinson, Elise White

Helen Ascroft, Stephanie Bates, Kirstie Brookes, David Cooper, Natasha Finney, Gareth Hall, Rob Oakes, Elain Oldham, Sarah Pye, Yannick Vidal

Chelsey Redfern, Danielle Yewdell

Rick Barkes, Catherine Dineley, Samantha Evans, Matthew Evans, Luke Fawsitt, Qira Jewkes, Jamie Leese, Alexandra Morley Hewitt, Richard Mortimer, Paul O’Leary, Deborah Sanderson

John Hendy, Simran Cheema, George Hill, Anshui Lau, Robin Ray, Rowan Walker

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Gemma Smith, University Innovation and Transformation Award winner 2022

Next Generation Environment Inclusion Award

This award recognises the contribution made by an individual or a team to being ‘consciously inclusive’ in all that they deliver within the University. This can be demonstrated in many different ways: initiatives that increase inclusion for colleagues and students in the delivery of services or teaching and learning; acting as a role model or ally in championing and building inclusion; creating an inclusive culture by challenging inequalities, barriers or bias and redeveloping the way we think, act and work for the inclusion of all.

Individual Nominations

Judy O’Brien Marketing, Communication and PR

Saima Hussain Human Resources and Organisational Development

Adam Walker Staffordshire University London

Niall Sloane Digital and Technical Services

Team Nominations

Career Readiness Team

Careers Be-Inspired Team

Careers Mentoring team

Connected Communities Team

Continuous Monitoring

Team - Academic Quality Service


Claire Bashford, Teresa Bridgwood, Samantha Levitt, Gemma McCann, Jane Pearce, Sally Smith, Sally Thompson, Zoe Thorton, Cheryl Williams

Storm Barratt, Gareth Cowlin, Clair Hameed, Chelsea Lloyd, Cath McCabe, Colin Mottram, Nigel Turner, Fiona Wilson, Dot Wiernikowska

Lucie Brown, Laura Cope, Dr Fiona Cust, Dr Sandi Kirkham

Dana Jundi, Ryan Fox

Andrea Jones, Gina Jordan, Rebecca Penny

Scott Allcock, Ian Blachford, Iain Bracken, Matthew Coombe-Boxall, Paula Cottrell, Kasia Debinska, Laura Ellerton, Hannah Gibbard, Anna Green, Ross Hancock, Saima Hussain, Alison Laithwaite, Kieran McDonald, Bethany Moore, Niamah Muhammed, Helen Pugh, Fiona Robinson-Williams, Jane Russon, Natalie Taylor, Jade Tonkinson, Sarah Wood

Library and Academic Skills team

MSc leadership of Policing Team

POLI-Admin Team

Julie Adams, Tim Birch, Kay Coverdale, Arran Dickson, Angela Evans, Jodie Heap, Eleanor Johnston, Alison Pope, Hannah Trzoska, Liz White, Louise Yarwood

Jim Holyoak, Michael Mathura, Dr Riz Mustafa, Carl Ratcliffe, Andrea Reynolds

Jess Shaw, Ella Nicholson, Charlotte Bradbeer, Beth Winder

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Team Nominations

Science Technical Team

Sarah Appelbee, Tom Bird, Simon Cooper, Saxon Costello, Alison Davidson, Liz Deakin, Saima Hanif, Vicky McQuillan, Amy Osborne, Robin Parsons, Aimee Simmill, Leah Taylor, Suzy Walley, Jade Williams

Staffordshire University Work Based Education Officers

Mary Adams, Elizabeth Boden, Helen Butters, Saara B Byrne, Samantha Carless, Sally Challoner, Andrew Clowes, Emma Colclough, Natalie Dale, Joyce Everall, Suzanne Flint, Shona Forrester, Dawn Fowler, Louise Greensmith, Hayley Hallsworth, Helen Ibrahim, Wendy Johnson, Danielle Johnson, Sophie Lai, Caroline Mattock, Reanon Rushton, Jennifer Rutter, Rebecca Slinger, Sarah Smeilus, Megan Smith, Lee Smith, Lisa Tien, Jo Uncles, Kimberley Waesch, Natalie Walker, Anna West, Andrew Whalley, Su Wright-Lewis

Student Inclusion Team

Student Support & Experience (International) Team

Student Support & Experience (Money & Guidance) Team

Student Support and Experience

Violence Against Women and Girls

Ryan Baddeley, Dylan Copeland, Nicky Forrester, Gemma Robinson, Kerrie Shingler, Jenny Stephens, Rachel Stuart

Cat Chitu, Gareth Green, Erin McAvoy, Matthew Ryding, Beth Walton

Leah Cameron, Lucie Carr, Dave Langley, Kate Rowe, Kim Tapson, Rachel Thompson

Leah Cameron, Lucie Carr, Cantinca Chitu, Gareth Green, David Langley, Erin Mcavoy, Chelsey Redfern, Kate Rowe, Matthew Ryding, Kim Tapson, Rachel Thompson, Tracy Walker, Beth Walton, Danielle Yewdell

Dr Emma Temple-Malt, Dr Laura Walton-Williams

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Next Generation Environment

Cultural, Health and Safety and Wellbeing Award

This award recognises the individual or team leading the way in creating a safe and healthy work environment, impacting positively on our culture as an exemplar of what is possible through the Staffs Makes Staffs cultural development programme, at either an individual level, team level, school or service level. A healthy and safe culture manifests itself from a healthy approach to the way we work together, so through this award we look to celebrate the advancements that individuals or teams are making in creating a culture that benefits the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff.

Individual Nominations

Majid Ali Digital and Technical Services

Susan Hambleton Institute of Education

Alastair Dawes School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Nick Dearden Academic Quality and Development

Sarah Greenwood School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Nicola Griffiths School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Gill Horwell Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Julia Morse Student and Academic Services

Naimah Muhammed Human Resources and Organisational Development

Stephen Webley School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Team Nominations

JSS School Admin/PA Team Julie Evans, Mary Leese, Linda Wilson

Operating Department Practitioner Teaching Team

Organisational Development Department

Res Life

Residential Services, ResLife

Stephanie Cox, Wendy Johnson, Stan Mills, Dawn Sharman, Kelly Wilton, Ben Woodrow-Hirst, Rebecca Wright

Matt Coombe-Boxall, Alison Laithwaite, Natalie Taylor

Lisa Evans, Megan Hadley, Debbie Healy, Natalie Robinson

Sophie Bradley, Frederica Burns, Lisa Evans, Megan Hadley, Deborah Healy, Ben Price, Natalie Robinson, Elise White

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School of Justice, Security and Sustainability - School Management Team

Science Technical Team

Dr Nick Howe, Dr Duncan Parker, Dr Simon Dr Smith, Carol Southall, Dr Joanne Turner, Dr Laura Walton-Williams, Dr John Wheeler

Sarah Applebe, Dr Tom Bird, Simon Cooper, Saxon Costello, Alison Davidson, Liz Deakin, Saima Hanif, Vicky McQuillan, Amy Osborne, Robin Parsons, Aimee Simmill, Leah Taylor, Suzy Walley, Jade Williams

Security Team

Shaukat Ali, Peter Ashley, Gordon Champ, Ben Chell, Alan Ewart, Brian Gray, Dave Grosvenor, Craig Holmes, David Howells, Jed Humphries, Sid Kelly, Jordan Lahey, Stephen Lee, David MacMillan, Ben Malbon, Debbie Manley, Thomas Meredith, Joe Muir, Kudawashe Munjodzi, Neil Preseton, Christine Prince, Chris Statham, Lewis Swindail, Caterina Tarallo, Adam Thomas, Mark Tomlinson, Alex Wilson, Danielle Worrell, Janet Wynne

Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre

SRAP Social and Wellbeing Group

Student Connect (Development Culture)

Woodlands Nursery Team

Craig Brough, Debbie Cave, James Craig, Joseph Emery, James Kell, Joseph Krinks, Kate Lang, Jonathan Pace, Shelly Pointon, Matthew Screen, Richard Sinclair, Sam Stevenson

Chris Alcock, Gill Horwell, Jamie Leese, Becky Patten, Sally Ward

Kirstie Brookes, Sharon Bible, Judith Blackband, Connor Davidson, Vicky Harper, Tracy Ingle, Magda Lytvynenko, Omar Medina, Elaine Oldham, Nicola Palmer, Sara Pye, Issac Simmonds, Terri Stanway, Liam Turnock

Jessica Bailey, Tracy Barlow, Kerry Beardmore, Amanda Bolger, Victoria Cartwright, Sian Green, Susan Hambleton, Sundas Hussain, Eloise Jones, Kimberley McCardle, Simone Newton, Alice Olszewski, Alexxia Penk, Nicola Philips, Laura Rowe, Macaulay Seadon, Amanda Sherratt, Chloe Thorley, Annette Twyford, Amy Witton

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Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding Team, Cultural and Wellbeing Impact Award winner 2022

Next Generation Environment Sustainable Development Award

In recognition of the contribution made by an individual or a team towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 SDGs recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. Through teaching and learning, research, innovation, student engagement, or civic or employer engagement, an individual or team will have made a significant contribution to make sustainable changes for the better. These might relate to providing access to quality education, building sustainable cities and communities, reducing poverty, fighting inequality, upholding justice, achieving sustainable consumption, or taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Individual Nominations

Helen Rutherford Estates and Commercial Services

Dr Jane Robb Institute of Education

Paul Ottey School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Professor Claire Gwinnett School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Samantha Spence School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Team Nominations

Carbon Literacy training team

Connected Communities Team

Digital ID and Student Card Printing Methodologies Group

Staffordshire University Catering Team

Woodlands Day Nursery

Paul Barratt, Janet Wright

Ryan Fox, Dana Jundi

Judith Blackband, Kirstie Brookes, Tracy Burrows, Natasha Finney, Yannick Vidal

Louise Chatfield, Craig Key

Jessica Bailey, Tracy Barlow, Kerry Beardmore, Amanda Bolger, Sian Green, Susan Hambleton, Eloise Jones, Kim McArdle, Simone Newton, Alice Olszewski, Alexxia Penk, Nicola Philipps, Laura Rowe, Macaulay Seadon, Amanda Sherratt, Chloe Thorley, Annette Twyford, Amy Witton, Farkhana Yasar

Celebrating Staff Success 15

Higher Education Academy Fellowships

The University has made a commitment that all teaching staff will achieve a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. This will ensure that these staff are being developed in line with national standards and will impact positively on the student experience. To this end, the University has introduced a ‘Routes to Fellowship’ scheme. Working in partnership with the HE Academy, this allows teaching staff to build a portfolio of evidence of their ongoing practice and development, culminating in the achievement of either an Associate Fellow, Fellow or Senior Fellow.

HEA Senior Fellowship

Tina Allen

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Alexandra Birch School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Fiona Graham School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Dr Linda Harty School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Stephanie Jones School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Priscah Kennedy School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Rizwan Mustafa School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Sarah Page School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Samantha Spence School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Amanda Wilford School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

HEA Fellowship

Moses Agaawena Amagnya School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Joanne Anderson School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Yetunde Ataiyero School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Joideep Banerjee School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

James Banton School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Emma Boyden School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Chelsea Braithwaite School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Christopher Bye School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Kirsty Chevannes School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Patience Chinyenze School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Derek Colley School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Rebecca Colthup School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Professor Aron Cook School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Phil Cooke School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Sara Cowlin School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Dawn Critchley School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Stephen Cunningham School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Nicholas Davies School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Jaimie Ditchfield School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

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Matthew Duddington Digital and Technical Services

Wael Elzanaty School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Itoro Ekpo School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Thomas Evans School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Joshua Ferguson School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Aidan Flynn School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

James Foster Staffordshire University London

James Gent School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Saeed Shiry Ghidary School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Victoria Gilbert School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Richard Gilmartin School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Chathurika Goonawardane School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Bee Haddrell School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Carl Hallbrook School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Joe Hazzam School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Frances-Marie Hitchen School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Michelle Hogg School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Steve Hollyman

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Alexander Hough School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Jennifer Hughes School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Natalie Hulme

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Anika Jakhu School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Jacqueline Jouannet School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Rebecca Jenkins Morris School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Sophie Kempshall School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Muddasar Khwaja School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Rosiemae Langham School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Gary Lee School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Marie Leeland School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Samantha Levitt Academic Quality and Development

Lorna Lockley School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Charlie Lovatt School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Amir Mansaray School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Keeley Marshall School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Justin Mason-Spanner School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Anthony Mckeown School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Rachel Meredith School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Stanley Mills School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Celebrating Staff Success 17

Holly Nancarrow-Hassall School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Adam Newberry School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Pantaleon Lutta Odongo School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Love Onuorah School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Maria Orellana Condeminas School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Samuel O’Brien School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Sean Paley

Karen Pirrie

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Samantha Rasiah School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Peter Reynolds School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Charlotte Rigby School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Om Vasu Salamkayala School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Jillian Salt School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Keeley Shires School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Baljeet Sidhu School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Eleanor Slade School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Mairi Smith School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Megan Smith

Sally Smith

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Academic Quality and Development

Manikandan Soundararjan School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Amy Stanton

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Simon Stewart School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Ema Talam School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Sally Thompson

Zoe Thornton

Academic Quality and Development

Academic Quality and Development

Redent Tonna School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Ermelinda Trinder School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Molly Turton School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

James Vernon School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Jack Whalley

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Sean Wheatley School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Andrew Whelan School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Andrew Wilkinson School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Ben Woodrow-Hirst School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Su Wright-Lewis School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Zoe Yeomans School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Ali Sadegh Zadeh School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

18 Celebrating Staff Success

Qualification Success

Academic Professional Apprenticeship

Barbara Edwards

Lorna Lockley

Advanced Mentoring Module

Professor Peter Kevern

Project Management Professional

Cath McCabe

Biosafety Practitioner Level 1 (Foundation)

Victoria McQuillan

Carbon Literacy

Emily Hampson

Certified Digital Marketing Professional

Kathie McInnes

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

Linzi Sheriden

Tim Sillito

Dante Level 3 (2nd Edition) Certification

Ed Matthews

Level 3 Award in Undertaking End-Point Assessment

Vicky England

Kay Leigh

John Lynch-Warden

Craig Naylor

Mark Tolley

Level 3 Food Safety

Sheree Adams

Jane Dallison

Lesa Gratton

Donna Severn

Level 4 Food Safety

Rachel Burgess

Joanne Grannon

Level 5 Award in Terrorism Prevention and Management

Simon Marsh

Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management

Jason Cooper

Cheryl Pritchard

Level 6 Data Analytics

Donna Copley

Celebrating Staff Success 19

Qualification Success

Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance (DipCG)

Teresa Bridgwood

Jane Pearce

Cheryl Williams

MA Education

Lynne Coton

MA Social Welfare Law, Policy & Advice Practice

Jillian Salt


Richard Shepherd

MBA Senior Leadership

Steve Hargreaves

Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert

Neil Wright

MSc Clinical Human Factors and Patient Safety

Gavin Johnson

MSc Medical Education with Distinction

Jenny Bate

PhD in Forensic Science

Dr Thomas Bird

PhD in Law

Keith Wharton

Postgraduate Certificate in Higher and Professional Education (PgCHPE)

Moses Agaawena Amagnya

Chris Bye

Sara Cowlin

Victoria Gilbert

Mandy Gunter

Dr Joe Hazzam

Sophie Kempsall

Sam Levitt

Lorna Lockley

Rachel Meredith

Sally Smith

Sally Thompson

Zoe Thornton

20 Celebrating Staff Success

Postgraduate Certificate in Higher and Professional Education (PgCHPE) with Distinction

Love Onuorah

Zoe Yeomans

Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education

Amy Stanton

Postgraduate Certificate in Simulation Education

Aron Cook

Prince2 Agile Foundation

Diane Light

Production Chef Apprenticeship

Kristopher Corrigan

Samantha Perry

Strengths Practitioner Certificate

Holly O'Rourke

Rory Turnbull

QSys Level One Certification

Ed Matthews

Celebrating Staff Success 21

Next Generation Engagement Research and Innovation Impact Award

The award celebrates teams or individuals who are delivering research with impact, recognising their outstanding contribution in developing our research profile and presence. We are looking for teams or individuals who can demonstrate their innovative research is benefiting our students and their studies, our communities and transforming lives together with enhancing the University’s overall research profile and reputation.

Individual Nominations

Luke Haslett School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Kieran Hicks

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Professor Esther MacCallum-Stewart School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Associate Professor Rebecca Nunes

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Professor Geoff Pugh School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Jackie Reynolds Research, Innovation and Impact Services

Dr Jessica Runacres School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Dr Samantha Spence School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Team Nominations

Gambling and Criminal Justice research team

Staffordshire Centre of Learning & Pedagogic Practice (SCoLPP) Innovators

SUL Computing

Sarah Page, Sarah Plimley, Dr Jo Turner

Dr Jo Basford, Gareth Barrett, Francesca Brown-Cornwall, Matt Coombe-Boxall, Alyson Jolley, Karl McCormack, Tyrone Messiah, Sarah Page, Dr Sarah Rose, Amanda Tayler

Dr Al-Shaikhli Dhuha, Dr Zolfaghari Mahsa, Dr Shahpasand Maryam, Dr Heydari Mohammad, Dr Dawarka Viraj

22 Celebrating Staff Success

Next Generation Engagement Civic and Community Impact Award

This award is to recognise those colleagues or teams who connect with others to act as a catalyst for change for our wider communities. Through their external collaborations they are supporting the University’s desire to connect with our city and region, to connect and engage with employers, to connect digitally and connecting globally through partnership. We are looking for teams or individuals who can demonstrate perhaps through an education network, research project, business engagement, enterprise or cultural exchange that we are transforming society.

Individual Nominations

Jennifer Amphlett Community and Commercial Engagement

Rebecca Boswell Research, Innovation and Impact Services

David Edwards School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Dr Dave Skingsley School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Paul Dobson School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Tracey Horton School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Ema Talam School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Team Nominations

Community and Commercial Engagement Team

Connected Communities Team

Education Studies and Early Childhood Studies Lecturers

Jenny Amphlett, Deb Sanderson, Samantha Evans, Alex Morley-Hewitt

Ryan Fox, Dana Jundi

Dr Jo Basford, Heather Brammer, Francesca Brown-Cornwall, Alyson Jolley, Sarah Shelton, Manda Tayler

Nana Agyeman, Iftekhar Ahmed, Moses Amagnya, Annie Andronov, Jalilu Ateku, Scott Banks, Victoria Bell, Elizabeth Boden. Dominic Bratt, Clare Brennan, Clare Biscoe, Helen Butters, Saara Byrne, Samantha Carless, Sally Challinor, Andrew Clowes, Rebecca Drury, Yasmine Ezzedine, Shona Forrester, Adrian Freakley, Suzanne Gadsbey, Colleen Gaynor, David Giles, Jennifer Glover, Adam Greenslade, Carl Hallbrook, Hayley Hallsworth, Nawaz Hanif, Philippa Harley, Nick Heywood, James Holyoak, Helen Ibrahim, Mohammed Imran, Danielle Johnson, Jackie Jones, Sunghwan Kim, Albert Kyei-Poakwa, Sophie Lai, John Lamb, Philip Lee, Marie Leeland, John Maher, Michael Mathura, Caroline Mattock, Phillipa Mckelvie, Nicholas Mills, Rizwan Mustafa, Sean Paley, Phillip Parkinson, Rob Peace, Sean Phillips, Karen Pirrie, Sarah Plimley, Samantha Rasiah, Carl Ratcliffe, Joel Rawlin, Andrea Reynolds, Peter Reynolds, Reanon Rushton, Linzi Sheridan, Baljeet Sidhu, Rebecca Slinger, Rob Smallwood, Sarah Smeilus, Craig Smith, Lee Smith, Sacha Smith, Mick Spellman, Emma Spencer, Abbeygail Standen, Martin Steventon, Lisa Tien, Stephen Tonks Christopher Topping, Phil Wagg, Natalie Walker, Darren Walsh, David Webb, Cate Webb-Jones, Anna West, Sheryl Wheeler, Andy Whelan, Kay Woolrich

Library and Academic Skills team

Library; SCONUL and Alumni Membership

TEDx team

OPAdmin Team

Julie Adams, Romy Cheeseman, Arran Dickson, Alison Pope, Hannah Trzoska, Gerald Worland, Louise Yarwood

Julie Adams, Sara Beighton, Judith Blackband, Kirstie Brookes, Paul Mahoney, Elanie Oldham, Alison Pope, Sara Pye

Lucy Adams, Laura Allen, Mary-Ann Astle, Hannah Lovatt, Maria Scrivens, Klaudia Tomkowiak

Victoria Dale, Saskia Jones, Emma Longshaw, Louise Pearce

IoP Team
Celebrating Staff Success 23

Parking Team

Post 16 Partnerships Team

The ‘SSTRETCH’ project team


Jenny Holdsworth, Neil Johnson, Megan Mayer, Susanne Turnerw Tracey Burrows, Janet Clewlow, Gemma Kelly Rebecca Boden, Derek Chebsey, Dr Fiona Cust, Rhiannon Evans, Lauren Thompson Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Hub Dr Samantha Spence, Dr Emma Temple-Malt, Dr Laura Walton-Williams
24 Celebrating Staff Success
Ravinder Kaur, Civic and Community Impact Award winner 2022

Next Generation Engagement Enterprise and Business Engagement Impact Award

This award recognises teams or individuals that are focused upon delivering a step change in our business engagement and enterprise activities. Nominations may reflect the growth of enterprise, business engagement and knowledgerelated commercial development within their area, including bidding for external enterprise grants, increasing income generation from work-based learning including apprenticeships, CPD and microcredentials or growing income by delivering significant growth in commercialisation activities and opportunities such as student and graduate start-ups and spin-outs.

Individual Nominations

Tina Allen School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Joanna Roberts School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dawn-Marie Sharman School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Davin Ward School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Dan Williamson Digital and Technical Services

Team Nominations

Apprenticeship Recruitment Team

Connor Brady, Katy Chesters, Maria-Louise Feenan, Maighread Hegarty, Jack Holmes, Levi Marshall

Apprenticeships Team

Apprenticeships TeamBusiness Development Function

Community and Commercial Engagement Team

Mark Beeston, Suzanne Cartmale, Jodie Cataldo, Charlotte Clewes, Diane Light, Elizabeth Myatt, Jo Philllips, Joe Tilstone, Kay Woolrich

Connor Brady, Katy Chesters, Maria Feenan, Jack Holmes, Levi Marshall

Samantha Evans, Alex Morley-Hewitt, Deb Sanderson, Martin Tideswell

IOE placements Team Chloe Chambers, Bethany James

Celebrating Staff Success 25

Next Generation Experience Outstanding Contribution to Learning and Teaching Award

This award recognises the academic team who have delivered an outstanding academic student experience for their students, at undergraduate level, or postgraduate level (taught or research), through a traditional route, apprenticeship, or an emerging new route such as microcredentials. The winner of such an award will have had a demonstrable impact though evidence such as retention, progression, satisfaction, achievement and employability and have some great case studies from the students on what made this an outstanding course.

Individual Nominations

James Banton

Stuart Butler

Karen Castle

Ian Davies

Dr Megan De

Ste Croix

Human Esmaeili

Jayne Evans

Joshua Ferguson

Joe Gronow

Dr Joe Hazzam

Phil James

Karl McCormack

Joanne Pugh

Oliver Rippon

Dr Sarah Rose

Dr Vahid Tafreshi

Cameron Vanloo

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Academic Quality and Development

Staffordshire University London

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Staffordshire University London

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Staffordshire University London

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Tom Vine Digital and Technical Services

Lynne Williams

Team Nominations

Academic Development

Academic Professional Apprenticeship (APA) team

Academic Quality Development

Business Postgraduate Team - ICP 2026

Children’s Nursing Team

Computer Science and Cyber Security Team

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Sam Dent, Dr Megan De Ste Croix, Sarah Rhodes

Joyce Everall, Dr Duncan Hindmarch, Tina Richardson, Dr Amanda Ross

Ashley Cotton, Dr Sam Dent, Dr Jill Hanson, John Hendy, Caroline Merritt

Rebecca Penny, Carolina Salinas

Dr Itoro Ekpo, Dr Joe Hazzam, Dr Ahmad Mlouk, Fatimah Moran, Khaoula

Omhand, Children’s Nursing Team, Rebecca Boden, Dr Fiona Cust, Michelle De Souza, Louise Hulme, Sophie Kempshall, Liz Lloyd Martin, Jo Pugh, Lauren Thompson, Gemma Williams

Rebecca Boden, Dr Fiona Cust, Michelle De Souza, Louise Hulme, Sophie Kempshall, Liz Lloyd Martin, Jo Pugh, Lauren Thompson, Gemma Williams

Dr Dhuha Al-Shaikhli, Dr Viraj Dawarka, Dr Maryam Shahpasand, Dr Vahid Tafreshi, Dr Mohammad Tafreshi, Dr Mahsa Zolfaghari

26 Celebrating Staff Success

Education Liaison Team

Nursing Team

Institute of Policing Research Cadre Coaching Team

Institute of Policing, Work Based Education Team

Nursing Apprenticeship Team

ODP Team

Paramedic Science Team

Sport and Exercise Psychology Team

Lydia Derbyshire, Juliette Platts, Rhys Rychter, Sally Ward

Louise Hulme, Elizabeth Lloyd Martin

Scott Banks, Elizabeth Boden, Clare Brennan, Helen Butters, Saara Byrne, Samantha Carless, Sally Challoner, Andrew Clowes, Shona Forrester, Hayley Hallsworth, Helen Ibrahim, Danielle Johnson, Sophie Lai, Caroline Mattlock, James Rose, Pete Reynolds, Reanon Rushton, Sarah Smeilus, Lee Smith, Lisa Tien, Cate Webb-Jones, Anna West

Elizabeth Boden, Helen Butters, Saara Byrne, Samantha Carless, Sally Challoner, Andrew Clowes, Shona Forrester, Hayley Hallsworth, Helen Ibrahim, Danielle Johnson, Sophie Lai, Caroline Mattlock, James Rose, Reanon Rushton, Sarah Smeilus, Lee Smith, Lisa Tien, Anna West

Natalie Dodge, Sally Downie, Shelley Howles, Catherine Hulse, Clare McGroatry, Jim Sullivan, Gemma Williams

Stephanie Cox, Stanley Mills, Dawn Sharman, Kelly Wilton, Ben Woodrow-Hirst

Rebecca Colthup, Aron Cook, Amy Halck, Rebecca Morris, Sarah Postles, Sean Wheatley

Dr Joe Dixon, Dr Karla Drew, Dr Paul Mansell, Dr Antony Miller, Tsvetelina Nenkova, Professor Matt Slater, Dr Stephanie-Romano Smith, Dr Katie Sparks, Dr Andrew Wilkinson, Hope Youngs

SUL Computing Team Dr Vahid Heydari

Technical ServicesCHI Team

Technical ServicesScience Team

Visual Communication Group (Graphic Design and Illustration) Team

Josh Burston, Elizabeth Lewis, Mark McDonagh, Sophie Rutherford, Jo Simmonds

Thomas Bird, Saima Hanif, Victoria McQuillan, Amy Osborne, Robin Parsons, Aimee Simmill, Leah Taylor, Jade Williams

Matt Buckingham, John Hudson, Richard Mellor, Sam Owen, Sarah Rushton, Molly Turton, Jim Williams

Celebrating Staff Success 27
Davin Ward, Outstanding Contribution to Learning and Teaching Awards winner 2022

Next Generation Education Academic Portfolio Innovation

This award recognises those individuals or teams who have been central to developing the academic portfolio, through the identification of an exciting new opportunity in the student recruitment market place, or the reshaping of an academic area to reflect the future needs of society, evidenced by traction in the student applications, acceptances and enrolments.

Individual Nominations

Mike Beardwood School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Ant Martin School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Robin Oldham School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Sarah Postles School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Team Nominations

Academic Quality and Development, Libraries and Partnerships

Esports departmentcourse revalidation team


Esports Recruitment Team Maddy Daniels, Phil Cooke

Media, Performance and Communications

MSc Entrepreneurship Team

MSc Simulation-Based Education Team

Transformation Plus Business School

Mark Brown, Stephen Griffiths

George Bettany, Sally McGill, James Routledge, Susan Sisay, Carol Southall, Dr Laura Walton-Williams

Joseph Nataello, Amanda Wilford

Storm Barratt, Amanda Payne

Kay Dawson, Lucy Harding, Eleanor Johnson, Gemma Kelly, Sophie Khalid, Lydia Naylor, Daniel Tapley, Simran Virdee Cooke, Madeline Daniels, Joshua Ferguson, Joshua Jarrett, Cameron Vanloo, Ross Wilson
28 Celebrating Staff Success

Next Generation Education

Outstanding Course of the Year Award

This award recognises the academic team who have delivered an outstanding academic student experience for their students, at undergraduate level, or postgraduate level (taught or research), through a traditional route, apprenticeship, or an emerging new route such as micro credentials. The winner of such an award will have had a demonstrable impact though evidence such as retention, progression, satisfaction, achievement and employability and have some great case studies from the students on what made this an outstanding course.

Team Nominations

Apprenticeship Team (RNDA & TNA)

BSc Children’s Nursing Team

Business School Apprenticeship Team


Apprenticeship Nursing Team

Emma Colclough, Natalie Dodge, Sally Downie, Jayne Evans, Dawn Fowler, Shelley Howles, Catherine Hulse, Clare McGroarty, James Sullivan, Gemma Williams

Rebecca Boden, Dr Fiona Cust, Michelle De Souza, Louise Hulme, Sophie Kempshall, Liz Lloyd Martin, Joanne Pugh, Lauren Thompson

Tina Allen, Mary Adams, Will Burton-Hancock, Kieron Chadwick, Jennifer Rutter, Kimberley Waesch, Katie Watson, Sue Wright-Lewis

Tina Allen, Karen Castle, Itoro Ekpo, Dr Jennifer Gale, Andrew Hanks, Fran Hitchins, Karl McCormack, Khaoula Omhand, Katie Watson, Lynne Williams

Emma Colclough, Natalie Dodge, Sally Downie, Jayne Evans, Dawn Fowler, Shelley Howles, Catherine Hulse, Clare Mcgroarty, James Sullivan, Gemma Williams

Digital Apprenticeships Team

Jo Anderson, Benhur Bakhtiari Bastaki, Dan Campbell, Dr Russel Campion, Andy Cartlidge, Al Dawes, Suzanne Flint, Janet Francis, Louise Greensmith, Mohammad Hasan, Chris Hawkins, Kelvin Hilton, Bob Hobbs, Tharaka Ilayperuma, Phil James, Anne Jenkins, Dr Sandi Kirkham, Alistair Mcloughlin-Goldstraw, Anisa Mkuwu, Robin Oldham, Professor Mohamed Sedky, Jonathan Westlake, Paul Wheeler

Esports Teaching Team

Games Design and Programming Team

Healthcare Science Apprenticeships Team

Healthcare Scientist Practitioner Apprentice Teaching Team

International Relations and History Team

Phil Cooke, Maddy Daniels, Thomas Evans, Josh Ferguson, Dr Josh Jarrett, Cameron Vanloo, Ross Wilson

Luke Barsby, Tom Oliver, Davin Ward, Ben Williams

Carol Atherton, Grace Atobatale, Maryam Behjat, Ian Davies, Trust Diya, Ahmad Haidery, Rich Halfpenny, Aimee Pinnington, Dr Dave Skingsley, Jo Uncles, Andrew Whalley

Ian Davies, Jo Uncles

Dr Tony Craig, Dr Sarah Irving, Dr Anthony McKeown, Dr Fiona Robertson-Snape, Dr Simon Smith, Dr Alun Thomas

Celebrating Staff Success 29

IoP PEQF Programmes

Nana Agyeman, Iftekhar Ahmed, Moses Amagnya, Annie Andronov, Jalilu Ateku, Scott Banks, Victoria Bell, Elizabeth Boden, Dominic Bratt, Clare Brennan, Clare Biscoe, Helen Butters, Saara Byrne, Samantha Carless, Sally Challinor, Andrew Clowes, Rebecca Drury, Yasmine Ezzedine, Shona Forrester, Adrian Freakley, Suzanne Gadsbey, Colleen Gaynor, David Giles, Jennifer Glover, Adam Greenslade, Carl Hallbrook, Hayley Hallsworth, Nawaz Hanif, Philippa Harley, Nick Heywood, James Holyoak, Helen Ibrahim, Mohammed Imran, Danielle Johnson, Jackie Jones, Sunghwan Kim, Albert Kyei-Poakwa, Sophie Lai, John Lamb, Philip Lee, Marie Leeland, John Maher, Michael Mathura, Caroline Mattock, Phillipa Mckelvie, Nicholas Mills, Rizwan Mustafa, Sean Paley, Phillip Parkinson, Rob Peace, Sean Phillips, Karen Pirrie, Sarah Plimley, Samantha Rasiah, Carl Ratcliffe, Joel Rawlin, Andrea Reynolds, Peter Reynolds, Reanon Rushton, Linzi Sheridan, Baljeet Sidhu, Rebecca Slinger, Rob Smallwood, Sarah Smeilus, Craig Smith, Lee Smith, Sacha Smith, Mick Spellman, Emma Spencer, Abbeygail Standen, Martin Steventon, Lisa Tien, Stephen Tonks, Christopher Topping, Phil Wagg, Natalie Walker, Darren Walsh, David Webb, Cate Webb-Jones, Anna West, Sheryl Wheeler, Andy Whelan, Kay Woolrich

MBA Team

MSc Computer Science Teaching Team

Nursing Apprenticeship Team

ODMA Apprenticeship Course Team

Operating Department Practitioner Team

Operations, Departmental Management Apprenticeship

Paramedic Team

PGCertificate in Professional Development Practice Team

Professional Policing Course Team

Social Worker Apprenticeship Team

Dr Bharati Singh, Dr Ema Talam, Dr Andy Hanks, Dr Syed Zaidi, Dr Joe Hazzam, Dr Wasim Ali, Carol Southall, Kieron Chadwick

Dr Rakan Aldmour, Dr Ange Aly, Dr Tomasz Bosakowski, Dr Mohammad Hasan, Kelvin Hilton, Chris Howard

Emma Colclough, Natalie Dodge, Sally Downie, Jayne Evans, Dawn Fowler, Shelley Howles, Catherine Hulse, Clare Mcgroarty, Jim Sullivan, Gemma Williams

Tina Allen, Kieron Chadwick, Kim Waesch, Lynne Williams, Su Wright-Lewis

Wendy Johnson, Stanley Mills, Dawn Sharman, Kelly Wilton, Ben Woodrow-Hirst, Rebecca Wright

Tina Allen, Dr Karen Castle, Karl McCormack, Mohammad Wasim, Lynne Williams, Susan Wright Lewis

Kirsty Apps, Laura Birkett, Colin Bishop, Rebecca Colthup, Aron Cook, John Durham, Rachel Grant-Smith, Amy Halck, Ben Hallam, Sarah Haynes, Gavin Johnson, Rebecca Morri, Sarah Postles, Tina Spittle, Amy Stanton, Sean Wheatly, Nigel Williams

Vicky Cook, Samantha Levitt, Dominique Powell, Lynne Williams

Ian Ackerley, Justin Mason-Spanner, Dr Lauren Metcalfe, Dr Leanne Savigar-Shaw, Associate Professor Jane Sawyers, Sarah Watson

Sarah Brain, Stephanie Jones, Megan Smith, Andrew Whalley

30 Celebrating Staff Success
Celebrating Staff Success 31


Our community of colleagues have been busy sharing and engaging with posts on Workvivo again this year. It is always a pleasure to look back over your annual highlights, and we’d like to take this opportunity to reflect on some of our favourite moments from the last academic year.

In October, students and members of our local Hindu, Jain, and Sikh communities joined our staff in a celebration of Diwali – over 300 people in total came together for the magical community event in our brilliant community space within The Catalyst.

Staff generosity was on display in November, with food bank collections exceeding expectations for Su WrightLewis, who organised the collection on behalf of the University. The month also saw our Autumn Awards take place, our Career Connect team reached out to students and graduates at Connected Futures, and the International Agent Conference 2022 took place, where Annabel Kiernan and Gemma Smith welcomed our guests arriving from Pakistan, Hong Kong, India, South Africa, Nigeria, South Korea, Canada, Malaysia, Ireland and within the UK.

December saw our campuses become overrun with elves, as colleagues dressed up to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society, and gingerbread houses created by talented staff in the annual advent calendar competition. The Blackheath Lane Choir of Angels came together at the annual carol sing song at the Centre For Health Innovation, Stafford, and hundreds of us joined in with our Pro Vice-Chancellor - Digital Transformation at the Staff Christmas Party.

In the new year, staff were keen to share their Sustainable New Year Tips on the app, and our nursery staff helped our youngest community members get creative in the snow. The Student Recruitment and Partnerships team encouraged staff to take a mindful moment away from their desk with their Reason To Smile campaign. Meanwhile, a large-scale simulation event took place over at the Centre for Health Innovation, Stafford, and the University Catering Team tackled food waste head on with the launch of the Too Good To Go scheme on campus in support of the University Cost Of Living campaign.

Random Acts of Kindness week took place in February, and our Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding Team took the opportunity to spread kindness across our campus

with their ‘pay it forward’ scheme, where colleagues could choose to pay for an additional drink for a random customer during the day. Our Catering Team over in Dudley’s were feeling the love during Valentine’s Day, while staff from all sites got involved with our #LoveStaffs competition, nominating deserving colleagues for a chance to win a prize bundle. Our pancake challenge also saw lots of staff sharing their batter creations, and was ultimately won by Ema Talam.

March saw over 350 people come together within The Catalyst building to celebrate IWD, including staff, students, alumni, local businesses and community groups, and pupils from the Excellence Girls Academy in Shelton. More than 400 Iftar bags were organised by our Chaplaincy and placed around campus for staff and students to help break their fast while studying on campus during Ramadan. The month also saw the successful launch of YOURCareer@Staffs, and the Values and Behaviours Framework, and the introduction of free period products on campus as part of our Cost of Living campaign.

April saw a well-deserved nomination for our University Catering Team, when they were shortlisted for the U Dine awards Campus Hospitality Award. To mark the end of Ramadan, over 200 people attended our Eid Celebration event in The Catalyst to celebrate with us.

There were wellbeing walks taking place around the nature reserve throughout May to promote mindfulness and staff wellbeing. And Pride Month was celebrated in Hanley Park with colleagues joined the Students’ Union to promote and support inclusion at the University.

The Summer Learning and Teaching Festival took place in June, as well as the Research Innovation and Enterprise Conference, StaffsRIEConf2023. In July, our Unitemps Staffordshire University team scooped ‘branch of the year’ at the annual Unitemps Awards 2023, yet again our annual Summer Awards took place at the King’s Hall in Stoke.

With the new academic year beginning in September, staff from every area of the University were busy delivering support and fun activities for our new and returning students, and it will soon be time for us to come together once again at the Autumn Awards ceremonies next month.

32 Celebrating Staff Success

December will bring the University Christmas Carol Service on 5 December, a Staff Conference on 13 December, and our annual Staff Christmas Party on 14 December, so save the dates and keep an eye out for further details on Workvivo to get involved in those,

and other exciting activites throughout the year. And remember, keep sharing your updates and images on Workvivo for a chance to be included here in next year’s brochure!

Celebrating Staff Success 33

Living Our Values Award

This award recognises those individuals who excel in the contributions they make within the University. Often hidden from view but working tirelessly to do the best they can in their role, living the values and making a positive impact on the University’s position, locally and globally. Staffs is part of their DNA. We’re looking for individuals who reflect our core values and are: Curious and Daring in their day-to-day life at University; Ambitious and Inspirational members of our community; Brilliant and Friendly with everyone they engage with; and above all, Proud to Be Staffs.

Mary-ann Astle

Marie Barlow

Dr Claire Barlow

Marketing, Communications and PR

Academic Quality and Development

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Dr Benhur Bastaki School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Nadia Begum School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Emma Berndt Institute of Education

Justina Blinston Health, Science and Wellbeing

Sophie Bradley Student and Academic Services

Helen Butters

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Abigail Caiger Estates and Commercial Services

Patrick Callaghan Student and Academic Services

Lucie Carr Student and Academic Services

Janet Clewlow Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Matthew Coombe-Boxall Human Resources and Organisational Development

Jason Cooper Estates and Commercial Services

Paula Cottrell Human Resources and Organisational Development

Samantha Creedon Student and Academic Services

Stephen Cunningham

Dr Fiona Cust

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Emma Davies Research, Innovation and Impact Services

Mark Downie

Sally Downie

Rebecca Drury

Martin Dunn

Matthew Evans

Corporate Services

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Business Engagement

Digital and Technical Services

Digital and Technical Services

Amy Fegan-Shakespeare Institute of Education

Sandra Fallows Estates and Commercial Services

Luke Fawsitt Digital and Technical Services

William Fedoroff Digital and Technical Services

Adrian Freakley School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Suzanne Gadsbey School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

34 Celebrating Staff Success

Tendai Goronga

Sarah Greenwood

Saima Hanif

Chris Hanks

Chris Hawkins

Lorraine Henshaw

Gill Horwell

Christopher Howard

David Howells

Deana James

Sophie Kempshall

Lynn Machin

Levi Marshall

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Digital and Technical Services

Academic Quality and Development

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Estates and Commercial Services

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Institute of Education

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Clare Mayer Corporate Services

Kieran McDonald Human Resources and Organisational Development

Tom Meredith Estates and Commercial Services

Bethany Moore

Lisa Morgan

Human Resources and Organisational Development

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Elizabeth Myatt Business Engagement

Jamie Nicholas

Nicola Palmer

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Student and Academic Services

Jane Pearce Academic Quality and Development

Stephanie Potts

Benn Price

Helen Pugh

Oliver Rippon

Joanne Roberts

Dr Fiona Robertson-Snape

Natalie Robinson

Kairen Roche

Dr Sarah Rose

Kate Rowe

Jennifer Rutter

Kathryn Shenton

Sarah Smeilus

Emily Smith

Nicola Smith

Megan Smith

Holly Smith

David Spedding

Jenny Stephens

Estates and Commercial Services

Student and Academic Services

Human Resources and Organisational Development

Staffordshire University London

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Student and Academic Services

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Student and Academic Services

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Executive Office

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Staffordshire University London

Estates and Commercial Services

Student and Academic Services

Celebrating Staff Success 35

Molly Swift

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Kim Tapson Student and Academic Services

Rachel Thompson

Liam Turnock

Student and Academic Services

Student and Academic Services

Tracy Walker Student and Academic Services

Dr Laura Walton Williams

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Sally Ward Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Elise White Student and Academic Services

Rev Mick Williams Student and Academic Services

Kay Woolrich

Su Wright Lewis

Business Engagement

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Louise Yarwood Student and Academic Services

Farkhana Yasar

Institute of Education

36 Celebrating Staff Success

Long Service Award

Long Service Award

40 Years

Professor Torfeh

Sadat-Shafai School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Julie Alcock Student Recruitment Admissions and Partnerships

Long Service Award

30 Years

Rachel Burgess Estates and Commercial Services

Tanya Stokes Estates and Commercial Services

Nicola Jones Executive Office

Tracy Barlow Institute of Education

Amanda Welch Research, Innovation and Impact Services

Anna Mawson Research, Innovation and Impact Services

Michael Whitehead School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Martin Brown School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Ann Grainger School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Susan Fisher Student and Academic Services

Jayne Francis Digital and Technical Services

Mark Bailey Digital and Technical Services

Long Service Award

20 Years

Andrew Worden Digital and Technical Services

Edward Matthews Digital and Technical Services

Paul Smith Estates and Commercial Services

Emma Davies Research, Innovation and Impact Services

Adrian Tooth School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Christopher Wayman School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Alison Griffiths School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Carolin Bauer

Emily Buckley

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Claire Barlow School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Caroline Ferguson Student and Academic Services

Mark Young Digital and Technical Services

Celebrating Staff Success 37

Catalyst for Change Outstanding Newcomer Award

This award is to recognise our new talented people who recently joined our University (within their first year). They already stand out as ‘one to watch’, with the potential to be influential in the future of Staffordshire University, as they clearly demonstrate their ability to be a ‘catalyst for change’ through their values and behaviours, delivering positive impact.

Mia Abbott

Mary Adams

Scott Allcock

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Human Resources and Organisational Development

Jenny Amphlett Community and Commercial Engagement

Dr Monireh Astani

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Lisa Bach Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Luke Barsby School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Dylan Bateman Digital and Technical Services

Mark Beeston Business Engagement

Nadia Begum

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Sharon Bible Student and Academic Services

Leah Cameron Student and Academic Services

Kim Chadwick-Reaney

Sally Challoner

Dr Megan De Ste Croix

Matt Dalgleish

Brad Davis

Michelle De Souza

Lydia Derbyshire

Dr Jodie Dunnett

Thomas Evans

Leigh Evans

Yasmine Ezzeddine

Emma Fallows

Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Academic Quality and Development

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Staffordshire University London

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Amy Fegan-Shakespeare Institute of Education

Georgina Flanagan

Jon Furmedge

Donna Graham

Anna Green

Katie Griffiths

Isabel Hammond

Marketing, Communications and PR

Digital and Technical Services

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Human Resources and Organisational Development

Student and Academic Services

Student and Academic Services

38 Celebrating Staff Success

Chris Hawkins

Dr Kieran Hicks

Frances-Marie Hitchen

Naimah Muhammed

Dr Tharaka Ilayperuma

Deana James

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Human Resources and Organisational Development

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Qira Jewkes Digital and Technical Services

Emily Kelly

Katlyn Luo

Magda Lytvnenko

Dr Paul Mansell

Rachel Meredith

Juan Mullor

Amanda Payne

Student and Academic Services

Research, Innovation and Impact Services

Student and Academic Services

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Academic Quality and Development

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Alexxia Penk Institute of Education

Helen Pugh

Joel Rawlings

Sarah Rhodes

Tom Rush

Human Resources and Organisational Development

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Academic Quality and Development

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Sophie Rutherford Digital and Technical Services

Matthew Ryding

Jill Salt

Keely Shires

Jo Shufflebotham

Paige Simcoe

Natalie Taylor

Lauren Thompson

Jamie Tranter

Student and Academic Services

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Research, Innovation and Impact Services

Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Human Resources and Organisational Development

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Rory Turnbull Academic Quality and Development

Annette Twyford Institute of Education

Kimberley Waesch

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Steve Waterworth Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Sarah Watson

Gemma Williams

Lisa Woodhouse

Danielle Yewdell

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Student and Academic Services

Celebrating Staff Success 39

Catalyst for Change Outstanding Leader Award

The Outstanding Leader Award is an opportunity for any colleague to nominate a leader, from any level of the organisation, who inspires them with their exceptional leadership reflected in their commitment and drive to support the core strategies of the University.

Andie Alker Student and Academic Services

Tina Allen School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Helen Ascroft Student and Academic Services

Mary-ann Astle Marketing, Communications and PR

Dr Jo Basford Institute of Education

Alexandra Birch

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Ian Blachford Executive

Rebecca Boden

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Kirstie Brookes Student and Academic Services

Stuart Butler School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Thomas Callow Estates and Commercial Services

Dr Russell Campion School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Kim Chadwick-Reaney Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Katy Chesters Business Engagement

Donna Copley Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Stephen Cunningham

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Nick Dearden Academic Quality and Development

Dr Samuel Dent

Natalie Dodge

Academic Quality and Development

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Craig Draper Student and Academic Services

David Edwards

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Jayne Evans School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Matthew Evans Digital and Technical Services

Professor Christopher Gidlow School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Adam Greenslade School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Keeley Guest School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Dr Linda Harty School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Professor Chris Headleand School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Dr Ruth Hudson Institute of Education

Catherine Hulse

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

David James School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

40 Celebrating Staff Success

Sapreena Kumari

Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Alison Laithwaite Human Resources and Organisational Development

Dawn Lawrence School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Phil Lee

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Diane Light Business Engagement

James Mathers Business Engagement

Kieran McDonald Human Resources and Organisational Development

Dr Lauren Metcalfe

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Richard Mortimer Technical Services

Jonathan Pace

Sarah Postles

Estates and Commercial Services

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Stephanie Potts Estates and Commercial Services

Cheryl Pritchard Estates and Commercial Services

Sara Pye

Student and Academic Services

Natalie Robinson Student and Academic Services

Heidi Robinson Digital and Technical Services

Dr Fiona Robinson-Williams Human Resources and Organisational Development

Milen Rodriguez Staffordshire University London

Caroline Rowe

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Cathy Rutherford Institute of Education

Carolina Salinas Academic Quality and Development

Rebecca Slinger

Alison Smith

Carol Southall

Ceri Surdon

Martin Tideswell

Anna Tomlinson

Dr Jo Turner

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Community and Commercial Engagement

Business Engagement

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Tracy Walker Student and Academic Services

Dr John Wheeler

Kelly Wilton

Tracy Windridge

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Dr Sarah Woolley Institute of Education

Celebrating Staff Success 41

People’s Choice

This award gives members of staff the opportunity to nominate a colleague or colleagues who go the extra mile to deliver excellence to our students or partners, or who can always be counted on to support their colleagues, and who makes a difference to the University.

Richard Amor Allan Digital and Technical Services

Jason Baldwin Estates and Commercial Services

Tracy Barlow Institute of Education

Gareth Barrett School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Jayne Bartrop Institute of Education

Rebecca Boden

Stu Butler

Stephen Cahill

Samantha Carless

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Matthew Coombe-Boxall Human Resources and Organisational Development

Kathryn Cottis School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Tim Deville Marketing, Communications and PR

Sharon Duckworth Business Engagement

Thomas Evans

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Amy Fegan-Shakespeare Institute of Education

Beth Finley

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Paul Gallimore Digital and Technical Services

Meg Goodwin

Academic Quality and Development

Lesa Gratton Estates and Commercial Services

Megan Hadley Student and Academic Services

Gareth Hall Digital and Technical Services

Jane Hancock

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Philippa Harley School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr Joe Hazzam

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Deborah Healy Student and Academic Services

John Hendy Academic Quality and Development

Dr Kieran Hicks

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts

Dave Howells Estates and Commercial Services

42 Celebrating Staff Success

Wendy Johnson

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

David Langley Student and Academic Services

Levi Marshall Business Engagement

Kieran McDonald Human Resources and Organisational Development

Tom Meredith Estates and Commercial Services

Joe Muir Estates and Commercial Services

Elizabeth Myatt Business Engagement

Rob Oakes Digital and Technical Services

Jane Pearce Student and Academic Services

Gary Pickerin Estates and Commercial Services

Caroline Rowe School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Alison Scattergood Student and Academic Services

Rebecca Sherratt Institute of Education

Professor Matt Slater

Abbeygail Standen

School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Rachel Thompson Student and Academic Services

Alex Threlfall Financial Services

Klaudia Tomkowiak Marketing, Communications and PR

Heather Turney Estates and Commercial Services

Ligia Vieira Estates and Commercial Services

Tracy Walker Student and Academic Services

Dr Laura Walton-Williams School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Katie Watson

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Jayne Weston Student Recruitment, Admissions and Partnerships

Cheryl Williams

Academic Quality and Development

Lisa Woodhouse School of Health, Science and Wellbeing

Su Wright-Lewis School of Justice, Security and Sustainability

Celebrating Staff Success 43 43 Celebrating Staff Success

Catalyst for Change (Staff Makes Staffs Cultural Development) – School or Service of the Year

This award recognises the School or Service who transformed their culture as measured through the “Staff Makes Staffs” cultural development survey, working to shape and develop this culture to drive the team forward.

Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Contribution Award

The Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Contribution Award is a prestigious award category that recognises the extra responsibility and commitment that goes hand-in-hand with higher education.

Presented by Vice-Chancellor Professor Martin Jones, this award celebrates as individual or team that lives and breathes the Staffordshire University vales, and has made a fundamental, positive and permanent impression to our ever-growing community of students, staff and external partners.

44 Celebrating Staff Success 44 Celebrating Staff Success
Apprenticeships OfSted Team, Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Contribution Award winner 2022

Roll of Honour

Woodlands Day Nursery and Forest School

Staffordshire University’s Woodlands Day Nursery and Forest School was named winner of the Construction Project of the Year at the Construction Employers Federation Excellence Awards. Opened just a year ago, the University’s first carbon neutral building also scooped the Sustainability award at the West Midlands Insider Property Awards 2022.

Centre for Health Innovation – one year on

The £5.8m Centre for Health Innovation, part funded via the Government’s Getting Building Fund, is the first institute in Europe to be recognised for its healthcare simulation standards by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. It was also named as one of just six Centres of Excellence worldwide to be recognised by medical simulation training product provider CAE Healthcare. As well as being the study base for more than 2,000 students, the centre has so far helped more than 500 healthcare workers on specialist simulation-based short courses.


Staffordshire University hosted its inaugural TEDx event at the University in February on the theme “thinking through making”. Based on the success of the event, which included a stellar line up of creative minds from the University and the wider community, we have secured a licence to host a second event in May 2024 on the theme “back to the future.” You read it here first!

Best Education Initiative at the TIGA awards

Staffordshire University won Best Education Initiative at the TIGA games industry awards last November for its 1UP placement scheme. This year, the University is shortlisted in six categories including for the Level of Detail vodcast – an excellent cross university project which aims to throw an entertaining spotlight on the University’s games expertise. Games created by students through the award winning 1UP scheme have also made the finals.

Staffordshire University launches Business Awards and Your Heroes

The inaugural Staffordshire University Business Awards was held at The Catalyst in September. The campaign launched in January with the support of 14 sponsor organisations and businesses and more than 130 entries were published on a dedicated website. More than 330 guests attended a dinner and awards ceremony at The Catalyst where accolades were presented in 11 categories, including Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Growth and Innovation.

Last week the judging took place for the Your Heroes Awards, a community awards campaign organised by the University in partnership with numerous local organisations and businesses. Categories recognise Children of Courage, Future Stars, Charity Champions, Volunteers, Community Groups, NHS Heroes, Inspirations in Education, Carers, Uniformed Heroes, individuals and organisations demonstrating Civic Pride plus Sporting Icons. Winners will be announced at a star-studded dinner in November.

A conference first!

The First International Conference on Delivery and Policy of Degree and Higher Apprenticeships took place at the University’s Stoke-on-Trent campus in June. It was hosted by Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Raheel Nawaz, who was last year made a National Teaching Fellow in recognition of his work on degree apprenticeships. The conference was first inclusive gathering of key players from the UK and overseas and featured speakers from Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), Institute for Apprentices and Technical Education (IfATE), the Quality Assurance Agency for HE (QAA), Universities UK (UUK), MillionPlus, University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC), Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) and Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB). Early findings from the QAA collaborative project on pedagogies in Degree Apprenticeships, led by Raheel, was also shared with conference delegates.

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Celebrating Staff Success 45

League table highlights

Staffordshire University has seen nine of its subject areas ranked in the Top 10 of the Guardian University Guide 2024. The University Guide was published in September and saw the University climb five places to joint 63rd overall. However, the University also ranked considerably higher in some of the subject tables including 2nd place for Criminology, 3rd for Drama, 4th for Children’s Nursing and Product Design and 5th for Fashion. The University also ranked 6th for Media, 8th for Forensic Science and Mental Health Nursing and 10th for Fine Art.

Elsewhere the University ranked joint 71st in the first ever Daily Mail University Guide. This measures 12 key performance indicators including the proportion of First Generation students – the proportion of students whose parents or carers did not go to the university. Staffordshire University ranked 5th in this social inclusion measure.

The University also rose 13 places to joint 93 in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide.

Best scientists in the world

Two Staffordshire University researchers now feature in the 2023 Edition of Best Scientists in the world. Professor Chris Gidlow and Vice-Chancellor Professor Martin Jones have been included in the Research.com rankings list, which is based on a D-index metric for papers and citation values. Professor Jones is ranked #659 in the world ranking and #107 in United Kingdom in the area of Political Science. His studies combine topics in areas such as economic growth, performance studies, globalisation and Public administration, also integrating fields such as politics and relational space. Professor Gidlow is ranked #4954 in the world ranking and #824 in the United Kingdom in the area of Social Sciences. His scientific interests cover health improvement and health inequalities, with a growing interest in multiple disadvantage and homelessness.

Biomedical Scientist of the Year

Senior Lecturer Ian Davies won the prestigious title Biomedical Scientist of the Year for his pioneering work on degree apprenticeships. Ian, from the School of Health, Science and Wellbeing, was announced as winner of the prestigious award at the Advancing Healthcare Awards which celebrates the passion, dedication and innovation of allied health professionals. Ian is course leader for the Healthcare Science degree apprenticeship which is helping to develop apprentices from over 25 NHS Trusts and which is supporting graduates into careers as registered biomedical scientists. Building on his own career as a biomedical scientist with the NHS, Ian has also worked with employers and professional bodies to revolutionise access to educational opportunities and boost the biomedical science workforce.

Celebrating our Professors

Professor Nachiappan Chockalingam, Director of the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies, received an Honorary Fellowship from the Royal College of Podiatry at an event in the House of Lords. This fellowship is conferred upon individuals who have made a substantive and significant contribution to the advancement of the podiatric profession in clinical practice, education, service management or research. Earlier this year, Nachi was named a fellow of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) at their 29th global meeting in Fukuoka, Japan. This fellowship recognised his distinguished professional achievement in biomechanics, support for young researchers and his work to promote inclusive research amongst allied health professionals.

Earlier this year Professor Liz Boath was presented with the Harvey Baker Award for Excellence in Research by the International Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) at their annual conference in Baltimore, USA. Liz is an Accredited Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner and leading researcher in the field of EFT. The prestigious award recognises her significant contribution to EFT research and recent book.

Professor Claire Gwinnett was invited to share research on microplastic pollution at an event celebrating the world’s leading explorers. The National Geographic Explorers Festival 2023, hosted at the National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington D.C, showcased pioneering research to protect the planet and create a sustainable future. Claire joined the exclusive event to talk about microplastic pollution in our oceans after taking part in a National Geographic Meridian grant funded expedition ‘From the Shore to the Abyss’ last year.

Prestigious appointment

Dr Julie King, Executive Dean for the School of Digital, Technologies and Arts at Staffordshire University, has been appointed as the new chair of the Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry (ASBCI). Previously Events Director for the ASBCI, Julie takes charge of the ASBCI at a time of rapid change for the fashion and textile sector, and she will focus on the continued development of the association as a centre of technical excellence and knowledge sharing within the UK industry. Her expertise in digital technologies will help guide the ASBCI’s ongoing digital journey and evolution of its activities to ensure a rewarding and relevant membership experience.

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