DIGITAL AT OUR CORE When we hear the word ‘digital’, we tend to think of technologies at the leading edge of what is possible. Nowhere is this truer than at Staffordshire University, where we are continuously exploring, shaping and implementing new innovations to enhance the student experience.
More recently, we became the first UK university to move to the cloud, we were the first to introduce a digital assistant for our students in the form of Beacon, and we were first to market with both undergraduate and postgraduate Esports courses. Inaugurated at the beginning of the 2019/20 academic year, the Staffordshire University London Digital Institute has further strengthened our digitally enabled Estates masterplan, representing the latest in a long list of milestones on our journey to becoming the foremost Digital University.
Perhaps more surprising, however, is the fact that ‘digital’ has been part of our institution’s DNA for more than half a century. We were the first UK university to launch a computing degree in the 1960s and we have never looked back.
Whilst our Connected Curriculum places digital skills front and centre, our commitment in this area goes beyond traditional education. It would be more accurate to describe ‘digital’ as a way of life for Staffordshire University. From our day-to-day operations to our stateof-the-art facilities and everything in between, our entire organisation is underpinned and empowered by our transformative digital agenda.