DRIVING RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND ENTERPRISE Research, innovation and enterprise continue to represent key focuses for Staffordshire University. Following on from the £8 million award for The Catalyst in the 2017/18 academic year, our institution has continued to move from strength to strength. Indeed, alongside that initial investment, we have witnessed a sustained increase in research and innovation income over the past three years.
RESEARCH GUIDED BY TALENT Staffordshire University’s research grant-getting performance has improved considerably during the past 12 months, when compared to the previous two years. Encouragingly, more than half of the research grants and contracts secured during the 2019/20 academic year were attracted by new academic appointments, demonstrating that our targeted investment in research staff is delivering early returns on investment. Awards have been granted to a broad range of academics across all our Schools, including a £500,000 European Union Horizon 2020 project that aims to develop an ophthalmology research network; a £260,000 health Foundation grant to focus on workforce retention issues amongst nurses and paramedics; and a £150,000 Newton Fund grant for the development of polymeric solar cells to be used as an alternative renewable source of power generation in Egypt.