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Designed, wrote and created by Stephanie Jimenez

Beulah: Woman’s magazine

CONTENTs Volleyball Benefits


My Financial Goals


Ballet and Hip Hop


Complain Letter


Response Letter


Persuasive Essay


Integrated Writing


Independent Writing


Writing Task 1 IELTS 16 Writing Task 2 IELTS

17 20

Effects Essay


PARAGRAPH 1 VOLLEYBALL BENEFITS “something you should know”

Volleyball is an integral sport that body, by comparison with other specific parts of it. To begin with, that in a complete training, we can muscular mass. Secondly, volleyball coordination hand-eye and also our volleyball helps our circulatory the most recommended sports for all why I would support that volleyball healthier and active in a short period

Volleyball helps us developing our handeye coordinatio n and also our flexibility.

produces benefits for our whole sports that just use some scientists have demonstrated work at least the 80% of our helps us developing our flexibility. Moreover, system; that is why it is one of ages. These are the reasons is the best alternative to be of time. -Stephanie Jiménez



MY FINANCIAL GOALS My financial goals are clear for me since a long time ago because for me they are an important part of the future that I want to have. The first thing that I have planned to do is my Master Degree in Education; therefore, I will be able to have an excellent job abroad, which is going to help me to support my family. While I am working, I am going to save enough money to invest into a recognized technology company.



Then, with the profit of my investments, I am going to be an associate in a college here in Colombia. Finally, I am going to direct the college and also teach English until I decide that I need to take a rest. Definitely these are the things that I want to do with my finances. By: Stephanie JimĂŠnez

Compare and Contrast BALLET AND HIP HOP By Stephanie Jiménez

In spite of their apparent distance, hip hop and ballet are two types of dance that can be compared and contrasted. On the one hand, ballet seems to be elegant and classical. On the other hand, hip hop gives the impression of energetic and modern; so, can they be similar? First of all, ballet likewise hip hop requires dedication; if someone has the ambition of becoming an excellent dancer, practice is fundamental. Secondly, both dances have gymnastic bases; figures and pirouettes have to be performed cleanly, and the flexibility of the dancer is essential for the harmony of dance. Finally, ballet, the same as hip hop, can be presented individually or in groups: it depends on the piece that is going to be danced.

However, the differences between ballet and hip hop are evident. For example, ballet is learned in childhood while hip hop can be learned at any stage of life. Also, ballet’s outfit, that includes leotards and tutu dresses, is different from hip hop’s outfit, that includes many sportswear styles and colors. Another difference between hip hop and ballet is the kind of music that is danced; ballet is performed with classical music but hip hop instead, needs music with strong beats as hip hop music or jazz funk. Last but not least, these dances’ origins are completely different. Ballet was created as a movement in the renaissance, surrounded by luxury and dance academies. On the contrary, hip hop is a combination of Afro-American dances created in New York streets. Definitely, these two styles are singular and unique. Although they have some things in common, their differences are the perfect complement for dance.


Complain Letter

Calle 29 A 07 sur Candelaria BogotĂĄ, Colombia 0057 February 25th, 2015

Claro Colombia Carrera 30 N°3-02 Bogotå, Colombia 0057

To whom it may concern:

My name is Laura Triana; I have been one of your costumers for five years now, and I am upset about some issues with your signal service. For the past several months I have noticed that at times, when I try to call someone or send a message, the signal is not strong enough to complete the action. This is a big problem for me since this is the only means I have to communicate. Could you please give a solution to this difficulty? I deserve a good service on account of the payment that I have to do per month. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Laura Triana


Response Letter Carrera 30 #°3-02 Bogotá, Colombia 0057 February 25th, 2015 Laura Triana Calle 29 A 07 sur Candelaria Bogotá, Colombia 0057

Dear Madam:

Giving an answer to the letter you wrote to us; we checked all information related to the service given to you and we found some irregularities. At this moment, your signal service must be running well if you are in the city. We already have more than half million antennas to give you an excellent coverage. We also noticed, the first way you found was this. Just remember we have a regular way to solve your problems. For a next time, call to our service line at the number *611, option 9, for getting help from one of our assessors. However, we love what we do and we want our customers to be comfortable. That is why you will be compensating you with 20% discount of your next month bill. Do not forget Claro is always with you.


Claro Colombia S.A.




Beauty Is Made Of More Than Appearances Stephanie Alexandra JimĂŠnez Casas Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Beauty is Made of More than Appearances Physical appearance is one of the most common worries in our society. No matter the age you have or the qualities you possess, it is always going to be something about your body that you would like to change. Plastic surgery is an alternative that promises beauty and perfection behind a knife but, is it possible to be physically perfect? Does the sacrifice and the pain worth to fit in a world made of illusions? Definitely beauty is made of more than appearances. According to the expert psychologist Machel Shull (2004), the principal cause of physical discontent is the feeling of not fit in the society’s beauty standards. Another expert in the field of psychology (Shah 2014), says that although people passed through a surgery, the “beauty expectations” are not filled with one procedure. In despite of all the sacrifices, the procedure is never going to fill people’s expectations. In contrary, the person is going to become addicted to reach the unachievable dreamed body through never ending cosmetic procedures. Plastic surgeries can also be a risk. According to the Mayo Clinic1, all surgeries carry multiple risks, but cosmetic implants and liposuction are often more dangerous because of the invasive materials that they use inside the body. By nature our immunological system will react against external elements, but for some people the reaction can be a complete disaster. No matter how the procedure ends, once a person has a cosmetic procedure, the body is never going to be the same.


Cosmetic Surgery Risks. “Test and Procedures”.

The only way in which I can think about a cosmetic surgery is for a reconstructive matter. I believe that these kinds of procedures are more appropriated for people that are suffering a missing or a huge defect in some body parts. I cannot judge a woman that has passed through a breast cancer and wants to have breast again, or children with birth malformations who needed a surgery to have a normal life; in those cases, cosmetic procedures have a completely different purpose. Surgeries in all these cases have been used for the right objectives: to improve life quality and health, reconstructing something that was missing or broken. In all these cases we have to know that plastic surgery is not just a trending topic, our life can be in danger if we do not realize what beauty really is. According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, beautiful as an adjective, is used to indicate that a person has qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction, delighting senses and mind; beauty goes inside. If you are not comfortable with your body, try to think about the alternatives that do not destroy yourself. Remember that you are unique, and no matter how you look on the outside, the things that you have in your heart, those are the most important.

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.� Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

References Beauty [Def 1] (n.d.).In Merriam Webster Online Retrieved April 10, 2015, from Cosmetic surgery. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from Shah, Y. (2014, August 7). 4 Good Reasons To Never Get Plastic Surgery. Retrieved April 10, 2015, from Shull, M. (2014, February 20). Why You Should Say NO To Plastic Surgery & Botox. Retrieved April 10, 2015, from


INTEGRATED WRITING Explain how the principles of New Urbanism propose to solve the problems of urban sprawl discussed in the lecture. Include examples from the town of celebration to support your explanation.

Anti sprawl movements are more common nowadays; they are created to reduce urban sprawls by making big changes in cities’ structures and in the society interaction. When a city is growing, there are not enough plans about the area that it is going to occupy in the future and the consequences that the expansion causes to both nature and society. Taking these problems into account communities as Celebration (Florida), have been developing new project ideas that are based in the principles of New Urbanism, to aim social and environmental goals in their environment. The first principle that has to be developed in the New Urbanism movements is the city’s structure design in order to reduce traffic and take advantage of space. For example, high rise offices and apartment buildings are a better option to build in a small geographic area

than huge constructions that only waste space. These structures, built in an intelligent design, will reduce traffic jams encouraging people to walk or ride a bicycle instead of using cars. Secondly, New Urbanism movements have considered the socialization between neighbors as one of their aims. With the construction of a better structure, as single and multifamily residences, people will have the possibility to interact in common spaces as parks and stores. The community of celebration has included a centralized market Street district and the placement of apartment buildings and houses are located close to downtown, to encourage social contacts. Also, New Urbanism movements are designed for environmental preservation. Reducing the geographical space of big cities, wildlife animals that inhabit near from urban areas are going to be protected. Celebration community, for example, is surrounded by a 4,700 acre greenbelt that respects native wildlife and animal’s space. Also, in order to minimize environmental impact, New Urban movements are using energy-efficient cooling and electric systems that are less damaging. Taking the example of Celebration and other cities as Atlanta and Houston, urban sprawl is going to be reduced. Definitely these cities have shown that a change is possible if things are planned with conscience and wishes of improvement. By Stephanie Jimenez


INDEPENDENT WRITING It is better to grow up with siblings than without. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay. THE ONLY CHILD To grow up without siblings is better than grow up with them. In my case, I am the only child in my family, and definitely everything has been perfect in terms of familiar relationships; all the things I know right now are the good ones. The first reason why, being an only child is great, is because the privileges. Your parents’ attention is going to be on your life only. You do not have to be worried about the others, because you are the center of the house. Everything your parents do is going to be for your good being and happiness, including amazing presents, whims satisfied and extra love. This kind of attention gives you a better relationship with your mother and your father; they are going to be your family but also your friends when there is no one else to be worried about.

Secondly, all the internal family problems are reduced. There are few troubles when you do not have to deal with others’ opinion or attitude. There are not going to be discussions about sharing responsibilities, space and stuff. For me, the space is a fundamental thing in my life, I do not like to share everything, and I need some freedom in my house. I have known about other families’ discussions, and the problems begin when brothers cannot coexist in the same house. Finally, the priceless advantage of being an only child is the freedom of dressing as you like. There are not going to be inherited things in your life. You can have the clothes you are comfortable with, everything in your size. There is not something worse than inherit that ugly uniform or jacket that your brother used to wear at your age, believe me, without siblings all the things you wear are made just for you. To sum up, the idea of having siblings is not a good one. I really like to be an only child and no matter what others say; to have my own space and life is definitely something that I would not change for the company of a brother: that is why friends exist! By Stephanie Jimenez


WRITING TASK I This is the first section of your IELTS Academic Writing test. You should spend about 20 minutes on it. Take a look at the graphics and complete the task below.



Task 1 The graphs above give information about computer ownership as a percentage of the population between 2002 and 2010, and by level of education for the years 2002 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

The graphs give information about the percentage of computer ownership between 2002 and 2010. The first graph shows the data in terms of years and the second one shows the data in 2002 and 2010 compared with the level of education of the owners. Both graphs show that the percentage in computer ownership has increased thought 2002 and 2010. The increase on the percentage of computer ownership is directly proportional to the level of education. The graphs show the increase as constant. The first graph portrays the increase in computer ownership while the other shows the increase of computer ownership viewed from the variable of the educational level of the owner. The second graph shows the percentage of computer ownership through 2002-2008 in terms of level of education of people. Owners without a diploma are the low percentage of computer ownership; however, people with a postgraduate qualification are the high percentage of computer owners. People with college incomplete are in the half of the percentage. However, the level of education, computer ownership is increasing constantly through the years.


WRITING TASK 2 IELTS You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Across the years, car ownership has increased in a fast way. Just in Britain approximately more than a century after the first car was introduced to the world, the amount of vehicles has increased in almost 29 million, and the quantity goes on. To restrain this tendency, people should take in consideration new solutions to avoid this problem to before it becomes in something bigger. In my opinion, the introduction of new laws in controlling car ownership and the use of different alternatives of transportation will definitely create a positive impact reducing the number of vehicles in the world. First of all, there is not a clear law about car ownership. If a person has enough money to afford the costs of the vehicle itself and its maintenance, then he has the opportunity to buy 20

a car, no matter if it is needed or not. New laws would help to reduce this problem by controlling the limit of car sales and introducing taxes in order to discourage car ownership. For example, if someone wants to buy a car, this person will think about it first, because the taxes are going to be demanding if the car ownership is not a necessity but a luxury.

Secondly, the use of alternative ways of transportation is definitely an option. For example, public transportation can be the best alternative for a person that commutes alone. Also, if a car owner has extra place in his car, the possibility of sharing is going to be more worthy and comfortable. If the person is one of those who do not like to share with others, the use of a bicycle or a short walk can be a better way to avoid car ownership.

To sum up, car ownership has become into a problem that has to be solved soon in order to avoid huge consequences for the world, in terms of mobility and life quality.

Written by Stephanie JimĂŠnez



Effects of Foreign Mining Policies in Colombia Stephanie Alexandra JimĂŠnez Casas Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Effects of Foreign Mining Policies in Colombia Colombia is one of the richest countries around the world; its lands are covered of treasures and life. The territory is willing to give us all its products if we are conscious about their importance and we protect the land. However, the benefits are bad administrated, and are given to others that just want to destroy the land; the unsustainable mining policy in Colombia is taking more victims. The policies of mining are inexistent nowadays. Foreign companies come to our land, explode the resources and destroy everything in their way without being damaged; in contrary, the government gives them thanks and invites them to return in the future. But what is happening now in our land? What are the consequences of this awful administration of the resources? Nature and humans are taking the worse part. First of all, the government is not accomplishing the promises they made in past administrations, of defending all the natural areas that are in risk for mining; in contrary, all the protectors of the nature as reserves and natural parks are being sanctioned for acting against mining: “The mining code (Article 34) makes provision for authorities to remove the environmental protection awarded to national forest reserves for the purpose of miningâ€? (ABColombia, 2012). As a consequence, places that are in danger cannot be protected by the locals and all the resources are being contaminated due the machinery and exploitation. The administration is giving priority to economical recognition instead of the well being of the land itself. Secondly, natural resources are being affected in a direct way; that is the case of the most important source of drinking water, the paramo. Colombia has the 49% of the paramos of the world and they satisfy at least 70% of the water that the country needs (VĂĄsquez, 2011).

These sources are unfortunately located in zones where the founding of gold and coal have been more frequently and the contamination in superficial and subterranean waters with mercury and cyanide, atmosphere contamination and lost of biodiversity are increasing at the same time. Finally, the communities that live near mines have been seriously damaged. The level of poverty increased; for example in ChocĂł, where the obtaining of gold has risen, the 82% of the inhabitants are lacking of a decent place for a living. Other bad consequence of mining are Health problems; the north coast of the country is suffering cancer, kidney stones and learning problems that are associated with the release of acid drainage in the sources of water. Also, violence has increased because illegal groups want to exploit the zones where the communities have their living and steel the production. (Silva, 2014) To sum up, mining is a procedure that only can bring problems to the country. If the administration does not improve the mining policies system, the country will be damaged without reversal: “I have no doubts; Colombia is on the verge of an environmental collapse without precedent in our historyâ€? (Comptroller General Sandra Morelli 2012). Definitely Colombia is a country that has a lot of potential and riches but, it is not valuated by its owners.


REFERENCES ABColombia (Ed.). (2012, November 1). Giving it Away: The Consequences of an Unsustainable Mining Policy in Colombia. Retrieved June 9, 2015, from Silva, S. (2014, January 16). La minería en Colombia: La Maldición de los Recursos Naturales. Retrieved June 9, 2015, from Vásquez, A., & Buitrago, A. (Eds.). (2011). El Gran Libro de Los Páramos. Bogotá: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt.


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