Community News (Incorporating Recycling News) March 2012

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Recycling News


Your vote counts District voters go to the polls on Thursday 3 May 2012 to elect 18 district councillors. You can only vote if you are on the register of electors. You can register up to 18 April. You can also apply to vote by post, or to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. Electors will receive a poll card showing voting arrangements and their polling station. There are some new polling stations this year – full details are available at Nominations for candidates close on Wednesday 4 April. There are no elections in Colney Heath and Sandridge wards this time round. For further information, contact the Electoral Services team on 01727 819545 or visit Community News is published by St Albans City & District Council

Your Council Tax Your Services See inside for council tax details We are not publishing a separate council tax leaflet this year as part of our economy drive. Information about your council tax can be found on pages 4-5.

Information tailored to your address just enter your postcode The Council has a new web service where you can view detailed information specific to your home. See the planning history of your house and details of neighbouring properties, overlay maps, check your next waste collection date – it’s all there at the click of a mouse. Visit http://gis.stalbans. and just enter your postcode. To tell us what you think and let us know what else you want to see on the site, please contact, 01727 819324.

Take Part Latest Consultations

Webcast meetings

We have a new consultations page on the Council website where you can check out current consultations and see results and comments from past ones. See

Did you know? You can view many Council meetings either in person at the Council offices or from the comfort of your own home, via webcam. From Overview and Scrutiny sessions to meetings of Council and Cabinet – you can see them all, either live or after the event. More information at webcasts

Do it... online You can save lots of time and avoid the queues by paying your council tax, business rates, council rent and all sorts of payments online or use direct debit. Follow ‘ways to pay’ at

Mayor’s Pride Awards Thursday 26 April, 6.30pm, Alban Arena mayorsprideawards All are welcome at this FREE event celebrating the District’s heroes. The Mayor’s Pride Awards return in April, providing a fabulous night out with live entertainment and inspirational guest speakers. And it’s all free for local people. Tickets are limited and available by reservation only. Call 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.

A to Z of local services (in brief) Anti-social Behaviour To report: • Abandoned Vehicles • Bonfires • Fly-tipping • Fly-posting • Graffiti • Litter Call the Cleaner District Hotline 0845 125 8000 Community Safety The Council works with the police to reduce and prevent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour. Contact the Community Safety team on 01727 819538 Housing & Benefits Housing 01727 866100 Benefits 01727 819460 Benefit Fraud 01727 819596 Leisure & Sports Centres Abbey View Golf and Track 01727 868 227 Batchwood Golf and Tennis Centre 01727 844250

2 Spring 2012

Harpenden Sports Centre 01582 767722 or 460683 Harpenden Swimming Pool 01582 460683 London Colney Adventure World 01727 822447 Redbourn Recreation Centre 01582 626202 Westminster Lodge Leisure Centre 01727 846031 Libraries 0300 1234040 Markets St Albans Market – Wed and Sat Farmers’ Markets (monthly): St Albans – 2nd Sunday Wheathampstead – 3rd Sunday Harpenden – 4th Sunday 01727 836781 Museums Verulamium Museum 01727 751810 Museum of St Albans 01727 819340 Noise Nuisance 01727 819406 Out of hours hotline

(Fri, Sat nights only) 01727 811155 District, Town & Parish Councils Colney Heath 01727 825314 Harpenden Rural 01582 762875 Harpenden Town 01582 768278 London Colney 01727 821314 Redbourn 01582 794832 Sandridge 01727 831871 St Albans City & District 01727 866100 St Michael 01727 854080 St Stephen 01923 681443 Wheathampstead 01582 832541 Parking Parking, permits, car parks, penalty charge notices, enforcement. The Parking Shop, Drovers Way Car Park, St Albans 0845 601 7803 Pest Control 01727 819440

Public Transport Bus and train information Travel line 0871 2002 233 Recycling & Refuse Collection 01727 819285 wastemanagementservices@ wasteandrecycling Road Maintenance 0300 1234 047 Tourist & Information Centre 01727 864511 Harpenden Information Point 01582 768278 Voting 01727 819545

St Albans City & District Council Community News

District crime at record LOW

Horse patrols against fly-tipping and arson Horse riders will become one of the District’s first lines of defence in the fight against arson as a new scheme is rolled out across the District.

Community Horse Patrol (CHiPs) riders will carry log books and have a direct line to report any fly-tipping which could provide arsonists with an opportunity to light a fire.

Fake charity collection warning Hertfordshire Trading Standards is urging householders to be wary of bogus clothing collections. Some charities mark bags with their charity number, which can be checked with the Charity Commission – 0845 300 0218, Others rely on royalty deals with

New support service

Confused about the range of support offered by different organisations in the District? If you feel you need help with everyday living but don’t know where to turn, contact HertsHelp on 0300 123 4044,, www. They can help you find the practical support, guidance and information you need.

private companies who give them a small percentage of profits, usually less than 5%. Some leaflets come from bogus collectors, who give the impression they are collecting for charity when they are actually profitmaking businesses. If you have concerns, contact Trading Standards via Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06.

Crime for the 10 months to December 2011 is at a record low, falling 7.5% against the same period last year. Overall, there have been 455 fewer crimes across the District. Operation Crystal is working to keep drugs out of our communities and combines covert and behind the scenes activity to bring drug dealers to justice. Local people can help by reporting drug dealing and drug misuse to Crime Stoppers or by calling the Police non emergency number 101. The use of SmartWater kits has helped reduce burglary and more anti-theft signage is being used to warn thieves to keep away. The District has one of the lowest rates of anti-social behaviour in Hertfordshire but we understand that when it does happen, it can have a severe effect on people’s lives. The Council treats all reports of antisocial behaviour seriously and has a successful record in resolving cases. You can contact the Community Safety Team on 01727 819538,

New Sheltered Housing Scheme in Park Street Rosewood Court in Park Street is the first of the Council’s sheltered housing schemes for elderly people to be remodelled and redeveloped as part of a major programme across the District. Run by North Hertfordshire Homes, the complex is built to a high

specification and is fully wheelchair accessible with extensive communal space and landscaped gardens. Each apartment has its own balcony or patio area. For more information contact 01727 819382. 3

Your Council Tax explained Your Council Tax where it goes For every £1 you pay in Council Tax

Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire County Council gets 76p Total £68.7m St Albans City & District Council gets 11.5p Total £10.4m Hertfordshire Police Authority gets 10p Total £9.0m Parish Councils get 2.5p Total £2.3m

St Alb Districans City & t Coun cil

ncils h Cou Paris e y hir rit ds utho r o rtf A He olice P

On average, you pay just £3.23 a week for all the services provided by your District Council including: • Refuse and recycling services • Parks, play areas, leisure centres and sports activities • Street cleaning • Markets • Tackling crime and nuisance like flytipping, noise and dog mess • Special events like St Albans Festival • Museums • Elections • Planning and building control • Public toilets • Car parking and parking control • Housing and benefit advice • Sustainability initiatives • Food, health and safety inspectors

Council Priorities Our vision and aims

Our commitments

•T o contribute to a high quality of life for all residents •T o deliver excellent services to residents •T o support a cleaner, greener and safer District •T o represent the entire District and deliver localism by working closely with residents, community groups and Town and Parish councils

• Protecting the vulnerable • Planning for the future • Delivering for young people & families • Attracting more business and tourism • Delivering sports and leisure facilities • Delivering transport improvements • Keeping the District clean, green and safe • Ensuring value for your money and excellent customer service

How Council Tax is calculated The Council’s funding comes from a number of sources including Council Tax. The Council gross expenditure of £26m is the main determinant of the level of Council Tax, after allowing for expected income.



Net Expenditure £m Council Tax Band (D) £ Net Expenditure £m Council Tax Band (D) £

St Albans City & District budget before fees, charges, sales, rent Plus contribution to reserves LESS income from fees, charges, sales, rent, grants

£26.6m £434.10 £26m £420.55 £0.4m £5.77 £0.6m £9.91 -£10.8m -£175.61 -£10.6m -£172.27

St Albans City & District Council net budget





LESS funding from elsewhere Revenue Support Grant Re-distributed National Non-Domestic Rates Balance transferred from Collection Fund

-£1.4m -£22.02 -£0.4m -£5.89 -£4.3m -£71.25 -£5.1m -£82.24 -£0.1m -£2.28 -£0.1m -£1.78

Total funding from elsewhere





Council Tax – St Albans City & District Council





PLUS Parish Precepts Hertfordshire County Council Precept Hertfordshire Police Authority Precept

£2.2m £36.20 £68.7m £1,118.83 £9.0m £147.82

£2.3m £37.20 £68.7m £1,118.83 £9.0m £147.82

Total Council Tax



4 Spring 2012



St Albans City & District Council Community News

Your total bill includes Council Tax for: PARISH


• Hertfordshire County Council (HCC)* • Hertfordshire Police Authority • St Albans City & District Council (SACDC) • Town and Parish Councils


% Change from last year

St Albans City

£965.88 £1126.85 £1287.84 £1448.81 £1770.77 £2092.73 £2414.69 £2897.62


Colney Heath

£988.38 £1153.11 £1317.84 £1482.57 £1812.03 £2141.49 £2470.95 £2965.14

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH -0.67%

Harpenden Town

£997.23 £1163.43 £1329.64 £1495.84 £1828.25 £2160.66 £2493.07 £2991.68

SACDC -1.25% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH 3.05%

Harpenden Rural

£956.69 £1116.13 £1275.59 £1435.03 £1753.93 £2072.82 £2391.72 £2870.06

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH -0.90%

London Colney

£989.57 £1154.50 £1319.42 £1484.35 £1814.20 £2144.06 £2473.92 £2968.70

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH 4.05%


£997.11 £1163.30 £1329.49 £1495.67 £1828.04 £2160.41 £2492.78 £2991.34

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH 2.89%

St Michael

£951.98 £1110.63 £1269.30 £1427.96 £1745.29 £2062.61 £2379.94 £2855.92

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH 4.73%

St Stephen

£987.83 £1152.47 £1317.11 £1481.75 £1811.03 £2140.31 £2469.58 £2963.50

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH 3.49%


£982.64 £1146.40 £1310.18 £1473.95 £1801.50 £2129.04 £2456.59 £2947.88

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH 0.34%

Wheathampstead £996.57 £1162.66 £1328.76 £1494.85 £1827.04 £2159.23 £2491.42 £2989.70

SACDC 0.0% HCC 0.0% POLICE 0.0% PARISH 6.27%

* The HCC precept includes a levy on behalf of Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (Gross Expenditure (2011/12) £16.8M, (2012/13) £18.3M; Levy (2011/12) £12.0M, (2012/13) £11.7M) and on behalf of the Environment Agency (Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee) (Gross Expenditure (2011/12) £86.5M, (2012/13) £86.5M; Levy (2011/12) £10.0M, (2012/13) £10.0M).

Parish Council spending

2011/12 Parish Council Spending

2012/13 Parish Council Spending

Cost per Band Cost per Band PARISH Leisure Other Total D Property Leisure Other Total D Property Colney Heath £107.3k £52.5k £159.80k £64.56 £52.7k £107.3k £160.00k £64.13 Harpenden Town £329.0k £568.1k £897.10k £65.52 £405.6k £523.4k £929.00k £67.52 Harpenden Rural N/A N/A £3.75k £16.74 N/A N/A £3.75k £16.74 London Colney £115.0k £97.9k £212.90k £59.49 £189.6k £33.5k £223.10k £61.90 Redbourn £65.8k £106.6k £172.40k £69.79 £63.4k £114.1k £177.50k £71.81 St Michael N/A N/A £2.50k £9.09 N/A N/A £2.60k £9.52 St Stephen £198.6k £169.1k £367.70k £57.27 £205.7k £175.3k £381.00k £59.27 Sandridge £97.1k £118.7k £215.80k £43.59 £87.4k £128.7k £216.10k £43.74 Wheathampstead £69.0k £120.7k £189.70k £64.25 £72.0k £132.2k £204.20k £68.28

Statement of budget changes in St Albans City & District Council’s estimated expenditure between 2011/12 and 2012/13

Charges, and why they vary between areas

St Albans City & District Council collects Council Tax on its own behalf, and on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council, Hertfordshire Police Authority and the Town and Parish Councils in the District. £m £m The actual charge for each band varies from area to area. This is 2011/12 Net Budget £10.4m because certain services are provided by the District Council in some Increases: areas, but by the Town or Parish Council in others. District, Town and Parish Reduction in Government support* £0.2m Councils all make different charges (know as special expenses or precepts) Service improvements and changes £0.7m for the services they provide, so the amount you pay depends on where you Revenue effect of capital programme £0.3m live. For a more detailed explanation, please visit Inflation £0.5m (click on ‘Council Tax’ in the A-Z index), or telephone 01727 819204. Total increases £1.7m Revenue expenditure and income summary Less reductions: 2011/12 2012/13 Efficiencies and savings -£1.0m Income from Council activities £10.8m £10.6m Increase in New Homes Bonus Grant -£0.7m Contribution to reserves £0.4m £0.6m Total reductions -£1.7m Net budget requirement £15.8m £15.4m 2012/13 Net Budget £10.4m Total Gross Expenditure for Council Activities £27.0m £26.6m

*Minus one off grant.


Councillors’ allowances frozen

Savings made to deliver 0% rise in Council Tax Changes to the QEII hospital’s A&E services For ADULTS, the A&E service at QEII continues to be available between 8am and 8pm every day, but overnight the service will treat minor injuries only. For CHILDREN aged between 12 months and 16 years, the QEII A&E service treats minor injuries needing urgent attention 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Children with more serious conditions should go to their nearest specialist children’s emergency department e.g., Watford, Luton and Dunstable, or Lister (Stevenage).

The Council is faced with tight budgetary constraints but has made savings where we can so that residents do not face an increase in the District Council’s element of Council Tax this year. We have made savings of £1 million to hold the District’s share of Council Tax at 2011/12 levels. The figures take into account a special one-off government grant. Longer term, the general economic outlook for the country is uncertain and the Government has indicated that austerity measures will need to continue, and a grant next year is by no means certain. We will be making additional savings where we can to offset this, but there may be pressures to increase council tax in 2013/14.

The Council has decided to withdraw allowances for the vice chairmen of eight committees and to freeze basic allowances for all councillors. The number of Cabinet members was reduced to 6 last May saving £19,000.

Planning Guidance Pre planning application informal information & advice

Drop in service at the Civic Centre Mon 1-4pm, Wed 9am-12.30pm Telephone service – 01727 819344 Wed 1pm-5.15 pm Technical support – completing an application Daily 2–4pm, Tel 01727 819347 Submitted applications information & advice Daily 2–4pm except Wed
 Tel 01727 819344

For BABIES under 12 months, please go to the nearest specialist children’s emergency department. If your condition is felt to be serious or life-threatening, please call 999 or go to the nearest hospital with a 24/7 emergency department. If you are suffering from a mild illness you should still see your GP as normal, or contact the GP out-of-hours service at night or weekends by calling 03000 333 333. Alternatively you can call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47. See www. for your nearest medical services. 6 Spring 2012

Batchwood sports facilities Tennis, bowls and golf enthusiasts are to get new sports facilities at Batchwood after last summer’s devastating fire. If everything goes according to plan, we will be rebuilding the tennis centre and the bowls and golf clubhouses – all lost in the fire – by 2013. Our insurers will fund a like-

for-like replacement but we hope to be able to provide improved facilities in conjunction with the Lawn Tennis Association. Meanwhile the bowls green has been returfed ready for the summer season, covered tennis courts are up, and with true St Albans District spirit the intrepid golfers play on.

St Albans City & District Council Community News

GREEN ISSUES The great compost give away

Sunday 25th March

From 10am - 3pm (or until stocks run out) Enterprise Depot Ronsons Way, St Alb ans (near Household Waste Re cycling Centre)

The refuse and recycling team has organised another compost give away. To claim your free compost, the product of residents’ green recycling efforts, all you will need is a shovel and some bags to fill. Please bear in mind that this is a do-it-yourself activity, at your own risk, and there are limited supplies, so first come, first served.

Household Waste Recycling Centres Open every day except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. • Dark Lane, Harpenden 10am – 6pm • Ronsons Way, St Albans 8am – 4pm (winter), 8am – 6pm (summer) • Waterdale, A405, Bricket Wood 8am – 6pm

2012 District in Bloom Keen gardeners are invited to enter this year’s District In Bloom competition, celebrating the hard work and dedication that local people, businesses, schools, allotment holders and organisations put into keeping the District beautiful. This year, the competition, sponsored by Ayletts Nurseries, is putting a big emphasis on sustainable gardening. So as well as beautiful blooms and brilliant beds, judges will be looking out for evidence of water conservation, recycling, organic gardening, biodiversity and all manner of green gardening techniques. Categories and entry forms will be available at www.stalbans., from the Council’s reception or on 01727 819329, from the end of March.

Keeping St Albans City & District Clean and Green If you spot a problem with...

What’s in our waste? This winter, as part of our drive to get recycling rates above 60%, the Council has been analysing the District’s waste. Waste going to landfill has been selected at random and the contents analysed to see what might have been recyclable. None of the waste audit findings can be linked to specific homes – it is entirely anonymous. The

idea is to gather information to help the Council understand what waste residents are putting in the black bins that could otherwise be recycled. This will help us to target improvements to the recycling service and to direct future investment to where it will have the biggest impact. Initial findings show food waste, nappies, paper and junk mail are key problems.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Abandoned vehicles Illegal or litter Dog fouling or stray dogs Dumped rubbish Illegal Overgrown hedgerows Spills from refuse collection Accumulation of leaves Pest control Damaged street furniture Street cleaning required Drugs paraphernalia Trees (overgrown/obstructing highway) Empty/derelict property Air pollution (bonfires/fumes)

...please contact

✆ The Cleaner District Hotline: 0845 125 8000


Together, for a Cleaner Dis 7

What can I recycle? Green wheeled bins...

RECYCLING REMINDERS • No plastic bags in your green waste please, including biodegradable bags, to avoid having the consignment rejected at the recycling plant. • No waterproofed or shiny cardboard, Tetrapak or tape in with your green waste please – this makes the consignment unusable. • Food waste goes in your green bin, meat tightly wrapped in paper. • On plastics, we are currently able to take plastic bottles only for recycling. We are looking into the possibility of taking other plastics. • To be sure of your collection, please put your bins and boxes out by 7am. • Fill you bins (lids closed), but please note our contractors are not able to take extra waste. In areas with purple sacks, we can take up to 4 sacks each time. • Bulky items can be taken to the Household Waste and Recycling Centres (see page 7). A collection service is also available for up to 6 items (fee applies). Landfill is bad for the environment and costs £64 per tonne. Please try to recycle as much as possible. 01727 819285

Black wheeled bins...

are emptied fortnightly on the same day and the same week as your recycling boxes.

are emptied fortnightly on the same day but alternate week to your green wheeled bin.

Garden waste, natural cardboard, cooked and uncooked food waste, shredded paper, paper bags, envelopes (plastic windows removed).

Waste that cannot be recycled or reused.


Recycling boxes... are emptied fortnightly on the same day and the same week as your green wheeled bin. Please separate your materials as shown below. Newspapers, paper, junk mail, magazines and Yellow Pages.

Squashed plastic bottles and tops, cans, aerosols and aluminium foil.

Clear and coloured glass bottles and jars.

Now on Twitter @StAlbansCouncil Have your say... We welcome anything you have to say about our services.

St Albans City & District Council Civic Centre, St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts AL1 3JE Website: Email: 8 Spring 2012

Opening hours: Mon-Thurs 8.45am-5.15pm, Fri 8.45am-4.45pm Customer Service Centre opening hours: Mon-Thurs 8.45am-5pm, Fri 8.45am-4.30pm Housing Repairs: 01727 819256 Refuse & Recycling: 01727 819285 Council Tax: 01727 819204 Benefits: 01727 819476 Cleaner District Hotline: 0845 125 8000 Switchboard: 01727 866100 Textphone: 01727 819570

Harpenden Town Council Information Point Town Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm Telephone: 01582 768278 Alternative formats: If you want to receive this newsletter in an alternative format, such as Braille, or in another language, please call 01727 819572. See for information about access to local facilities.

St Albans City & District Council Community News

Printed on recycled paper.

We hope you enjoy reading Community News. If you can spare a moment, please email or call 01727 819572 and let us know your views and what else you want us to include.

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