Community News Spring 2013

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Recycling News


a r o f t e Get s

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Special Saturday Opening The Council offices will be open on the following Saturdays between 10am and 2pm to help with queries about Council Tax and rent payments and welfare benefit changes: • Saturday 16th March • Saturday 23rd March • Saturday 6th April


Your Council Tax Explained

See centre pages for details

Easier ways to pay your Council Tax You can make payments such as Council Tax online at, via your bank, at the post office or at any shop showing the Pay Zone sign. There is also an automated telephone payment line – call 0161 7853880.

Community News is published by St Albans City & District Council

What’s on at the


Folk In Focus (Exhibition) Until the end of March, Museum of St Albans Tots Tales 2nd Wednesday of the month, 11am-12pm, 1:30- 2:30pm, Museum of St Albans. £1/ child. Storytelling for children aged 2-4. Storytelling Workshop Mon 1 April, 1-3pm, Museum of St Albans. Free. Ages 13-18. Part of the Lion Under The Stairs Storytelling competition. Magical Mayhem Holiday Club Tue 2 - Fri 5 April, 10:30am-12:30pm – Museum of St Albans. £5/session or £20/ week per child. Children aged 8 and over.

a r o f t e Get s r of fun!


s to fabulou e id u g r u s Yo d festivitie n a s t n e v e is spring on offer th er. and summ


St Albans MusicCity Sat 15 - Sun 24 March, various venues. Bands, artists, music across the district.

Larks in the Parks Sunday 30 June – Various locations Fabulous fun and games in the parks


Urban Beach Weekend Sat 25 - Sun 26 May, Verulamium Park. A fun weekend of beach sports.


Summer in the City Various dates and locations during August, bringing the streets alive with music, art, theatre and performers.


Storytelling Workshop Wed 3 April, 1-3pm, Museum of St Albans. Free. Ages 8-12. Part of the Lion Under The Stairs Storytelling competition.

Music in the Parks Six Sundays during June and September, various locations. Summer afternoons with music, picnics and friends.

Fabulous Pharaohs Holiday Club Mon 8 - Fri 12 April, 10:30am-12:30pm, Museum of St Albans. £5/session or £20/ week per child. Children aged 8 and over. Become an Egyptian and explore mummies and gods, and our Egyptian collection.

St Albans Half Marathon Sunday 9 June – Starts in Verlamium Park Including charity half marathon, walking half marathon and fun run.

Sunday Stories 24 March, 28 April, 19 May, 30 June, 3-4pm, Museum of St Albans. Free. Storytelling for children under 7. Storytelling Sat 4 May, 2-3pm, Clock Tower. £3. Sat 11 May, 2-3pm, Sopwell Nunnery. £3. Sat 18 May, 2-3pm, Verulamium Museum. £3. Part of National Share a Story month.

Alban Street Party Sunday 23 June – St Albans City Centre Mega summer party.

Magna Carta Festival Sat 3 - Sun 4 August – Verulamium Park Magna Carta, 800 years anniversary – celebrating the city’s pivotal role in the development of British democracy. Olympic Legacy Festival Saturday 10 August – Verulamium Park Sports, music and entertainment one year on from London 2012.

For a full list of events visit

The official visitor website for St Albans

Museums at Night Fri 17 May, 6-11pm, various venues. Torchlight guided tours at the Museum of St Albans. £5. Late Night Opening of the Clock Tower. £3. Roman Night Life at Verulamium Museum with Roman theatre performance, board games and wine. £10. Evening pass: £15.

For visitor information on St Albans and surrounding towns and villages, visit

Magna Carta 1213: The Journey Starts Here (Exhibition) Sat 1 June - Sun 15 Sep, Museum of St Albans

St Albans Tourist and Information Centre The Town Hall, Market Place, St Albans, AL3 5DJ. 01727 864511,, Mon-Sat: 10am-4.30pm (closed on bank holidays).

All events are subject to possible change. 2 Spring 2013

• Things to do • What’s on • Where to stay • Eating & drinking • Travel & maps St Albans City & District Council Community News

at St Albans Museums You may have spotted the Council’s museums team running Manga Carta workshops. Inspired by Japanese Manga comics, the workshops encourage people to draw their own responses to the heritage of Magna Carta. 2013 marks the 800th anniversary of the pivotal meeting in St Albans that would eventually lead to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215. The Manga Carta project is just one of many exciting projects planned. More details at www.stalbansmuseums., 01727 751815.

Your vote counts Changes to Hertfordshire County Council elections take place on Thursday 2 May. To vote, you must be on the register of electors. If you have moved house during the year you can register up to Wednesday 17 April 2013. You can also apply to vote by post or appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. Nominations for candidates close at noon on 5 April. See www.stalbans. for details, or contact 01727 819294, elections@

housing benefit Housing benefit is changing in April for working age tenants in council and housing association properties. Benefits will now cover the size of property the rules say you need, rather than the size of property you are in. For some people it will mean a reduction in Housing Benefit of up to 25% of their weekly rent. For information or advice please contact your landlord.

Defy car thieves Some vehicles are stolen by opportunists who spot keys left in the ignition. The driver may have stopped for fuel, or to use a cash point for example. Police advice is always to lock your car. Thieves casing a property often look out for car keys and may steal the car to get away. Police advise people to keep keys hidden when at home.

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More residents ‘satisfied’ with council performance Almost 70% of residents are ‘very’ or ‘fairly’ satisfied with the way that St Albans City & District Council runs services according to the 2012 community survey. This is a 16 percentage point increase in residents’ satisfaction levels since 2010. The survey results also show that 94% of residents are satisfied with


the local area. A high proportion of residents, 74%, feel that they strongly belong to their neighbourhood. However, the proportion of residents agreeing that they can influence decisions has fallen to 26%, the 2008 level. If you have any ideas to help improve this, please let us know. Email communications@stalbans., or call 01727 819572.



ase in this area. theft is on the incre CATalytic converter ation about this crime If you have any inform ly. stoppers anonymous call the charity Crime £1000. to up d rewar a cash You could even earn

‘CAT’ thefts registered charity. Crimestoppers is a

There has been an increase in the theft of catalytic converters from cars. Thieves steal them for their scrap metal value. Independent charity Crime Stoppers is advising people to mark their ‘CATs’. It is cheap and may reduce your insurance. A sign in your window saying your ‘CAT’ has been marked may deter thieves. If you spot anyone behaving suspiciously, please let the police know. You can call them on 101, or 999 in an emergency. 3

Your Council Tax explained

St Albans City and District Council’s element of the Council Tax is frozen for the fifth year running For every £1 you pay in Council Tax Hertfordshire County Council gets 76p Total £65.6m St Albans City & District Council gets 11.4p Total £9.9m Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner gets 10p Total £8.7m Parish Councils get 2.6p Total £2.3m On average, you pay just £3.23 a week for all the services provided by your District Council including: • Refuse and recycling services • Parks, play areas, leisure centres and sports activities • Street cleaning • Markets • Tackling crime and nuisance like fly-tipping, noise and dog mess • Special events and festivals • Museums • Elections • Planning and building control • Public toilets • Car parking and parking control • Housing and benefit advice • Sustainability initiatives • Food, health and safety inspectors

Hertfordshire County Council

St Alb Districans City & t Coun cil ncils h Cou Paris ire me sh Cri er d r o nd n rtf a sio He olice mis P om C

Council Commitments •P rotecting the vulnerable •P lanning for the future •D elivering for young people and families •S upporting businesses and developing the visitor economy •D elivering sports and leisure facilities •D elivering transport improvements •K eeping the district clean, green, healthy and safe •E nsuring value for money and excellent customer service

How Council Tax is calculated The Council’s funding comes from a number of sources including Council Tax. The Council’s gross expenditure of £25.7m is the main determinant of the level of Council Tax, after allowing for expected income.



Net Expenditure £m Council Tax Band (D) £ Net Expenditure £m Council Tax Band (D) £

St Albans City & District budget before fees, charges, sales, rent PLUS contribution to reserves LESS income from fees, charges, sales, rent, grants

£26m £420.55 £25.4m £433.83 £0.6m £9.91 £0.3m £4.70 -£10.6m -£172.27 -£11.0m -£187.72

St Albans City & District Council net budget





LESS funding from elsewhere Central Government and Business Rates Balance transferred from Collection Fund

-£5.5m -£88.13 -£4.7m -£81.68 -£0.1m -£1.78 -£0.1m -£0.85

Total funding from elsewhere





Council Tax – St Albans City & District Council





PLUS Parish Precepts Hertfordshire County Council Precept Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Precept

£2.3m £37.20 £68.7m £1,118.83 £9.0m £147.82

£2.3m £38.52 £65.6m £1,118.83 £8.7m £147.82

Total Council Tax



4 Spring 2013



St Albans City & District Council Community News

Your total bill includes Council Tax for: Parish


• Herts County Council (HCC)* • Herts Police & Crime Commissioner (HP&CC) • St Albans City & District Council (SACDC) • Town and Parish Councils


% Change from last year

St Albans City

£965.22 £1,126.08 £1,286.96 £1,447.82 £1,769.56 £2,091.30 £2,413.04 £2,895.64

SACDC -0.54% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish N/A

Colney Heath

£992.97 £1,158.45 £1,323.95 £1,489.44 £1,820.43 £2,151.42 £2,482.41 £2,978.88

SACDC -0.28% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 11.38%

Harpenden Town

£996.17 £1,162.19 £1,328.23 £1,494.25 £1,826.31 £2,158.37 £2,490.42 £2,988.50

SACDC -0.98% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 0.0%

Harpenden Rural

£956.51 £1,115.91 £1,275.34 £1,434.75 £1,753.59 £2,072.42 £2,391.26 £2,869.50

SACDC -0.28% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 0.0%

London Colney

£993.80 £1,159.42 £1,325.06 £1,490.69 £1,821.96 £2,153.22 £2,484.49 £2,981.38

SACDC 0.91% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 7.96%


£998.95 £1,165.41 £1,331.92 £1,498.40 £1,831.39 £2,164.36 £2,497.35 £2,996.80

SACDC 0.25% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 3.25%

St Michael

£952.50 £1,111.24 £1,270.00 £1,428.74 £1,746.24 £2,063.74 £2,381.24 £2,857.48

SACDC -0.28% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 12.71%

St Stephen

£991.95 £1,157.26 £1,322.60 £1,487.91 £1,818.56 £2,149.21 £2,479.86 £2,975.82

SACDC 2.05% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 4.99%


£986.01 £1,150.33 £1,314.67 £1,479.00 £1,807.67 £2,136.34 £2,465.01 £2,958.00

SACDC 2.92% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 0.61%

Wheathampstead £998.83 £1,165.27 £1,331.76 £1,498.22 £1,831.17 £2,164.10 £2,497.05 £2,996.44

SACDC -0.02% HCC 0.0% HP&CC 0.0% Parish 4.98%

The HCC precept includes a levy of behalf of Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (Gross Expenditure 2012/13: £19.5m, 2013/14: £20.6m; Levy 2012/13: £11.7m, 2013/14: £11.5m), and on behalf of the Environment Agency (Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee) (Gross Expenditure 2012/13: £84.6m, 2013/14: £74.6m; Levy 2012/13: £10m, 2013/14: £10.5m).

Parish Council spending

2012/13 Parish Council Spending

2013/14 Parish Council Spending

Cost per Band Cost per Band PARISH Leisure Other Total D Property Leisure Other Total D Property Colney Heath £52.7k £107.3k £160.00k £64.13 £59.7k £107.3k £167.00k £71.43 Harpenden Town £405.6k £523.4k £929.00k £67.52 £431.3k £474.2k £905.50k £67.52 Harpenden Rural £3.75k £16.74 £3.95k £16.74 London Colney £189.6k £33.5k £223.10k £61.90 £21.8k £196.0k £217.80k £66.83 Redbourn £63.4k £114.1k £177.50k £71.81 £92.0k £77.2k £169.20k £74.14 St Michael £2.60k £9.52 £3.10k £10.73 St Stephen £205.7k £175.3k £381.00k £59.27 £195.2k £187.6k £382.80k £62.23 Sandridge £87.4k £128.7k £216.10k £43.74 £75.0k £130.0k £205.00k £44.01 Wheathampstead £72.0k £132.2k £204.20k £68.28 £64.0k £140.2k £204.20k £71.68

Statement of budget changes in St Albans City & District Council’s estimated expenditure between 2012/13 and 2013/14

Charges, and why they vary between areas

Total reductions

Net budget requirement

St Albans City & District Council also collects Council Tax on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council, Hertfordshire Police and Crime £m £m Commissioner and the Town and Parish Councils in the District. 2013/14 Net Budget £10.4m The actual charge for each band varies from area to area. Increases: This is because certain services are provided by the District Council in some areas, but by the Town or Parish Council in others. District, Reduction in Government support/share of business rates £0.7m Town and Parish Councils all make different charges (know as special Service improvements and changes £2.2m expenses or precepts). The amount you pay depends on where you Inflation £0.4m live. For a more detailed explanation, please visit Total increases £3.3m uk/counciltax, or telephone 01727 819204. Less reductions: Revenue expenditure and income summary Efficiencies and savings -£1.9m 2012/13 2013/14 Increase in New Homes Bonus Grant -£0.6m Localisation of Council Tax Support Grant -£0.7m Income from Council activities £10.6m £11.0m Money from Council reserves -£0.6m Contribution to reserves £0.6m £0.3m -£3.8m

2013/14 Net Budget




Total Gross Expenditure for Council Activities £26.6m

£25.7m 5

Batchwood gets planning go-ahead Planning permission has been granted for a new tennis and judo facility at Batchwood, following the fire in 2011. The site will also be the location of brand new golf and bowls pavilions. Money from the fire insurers will help cover the cost. Building works are expected to begin this April and if all goes according to plan the facility is scheduled to open within the year.

LOCAL SERVICES The following organisations are working together at St Albans Civic Centre.

Monday, Wednesday – 10am to 2pm Tuesday, Thursday – appointments only

Take part, influence and comment Curious about council meetings? Want to have your say on issues affecting the district? You can browse the latest meetings and consultations online at Many meetings are webcast and you can view them live or afterwards from the comfort of

your own home, or in person on the night. Everyone is welcome. You can contact your ward councillors at any time. More information at uk/councillors. To contact Council officers, see back page for details.

Monday to Thursday – 1.30 to 4.30pm Friday – 1.30 to 4pm

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 10am to 1pm

Monday to Thursday – 8.45am to 5pm Friday – 8.45am to 4.30pm

War memorials restoration The Government has granted listed building consent for restoration work on the war memorial in St Peter’s Street in St Albans. This work will be the first part of a restoration programme for the war memorials in the Council’s care. The Council is committed to honouring those who died in the service of the country and to the preservation of the City’s war memorial heritage. 6 Spring 2013

Do it all online

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 9am to 1pm

You can avoid the queues and pay your council tax, make a benefits application, pay or challenge parking fines and a host of other things online at We also have a map-based information site that you can tailor to your address. You can search for planning applications, find out who your local councillors are, check your waste and recycling collection day and lots more.

Wednesday – 10am to 1pm

Aldwyck Housing Group – available alternate Thursdays – 10am to 1pm from 29 November Opening times for all organisations may vary during school holidays.

St Albans City & District Council Community News

GREEN ISSUES Coming soon – recycle more plastics Residents will soon be able to recycle a wider range of plastics. The new collection arrangements, part of the Council’s plan to get recycling in the district up to 60%, are being rolled out gradually. You will be advised of the changes as they are implemented in your area.


compost Sunday 24th March, From 7.30am (until stocks run out) Enterprise Depot, Ronsons Way, St Albans (near Household Waste Recycling Centre) To say thank you for all your recycling efforts, we are again offering residents free garden compost. This is a DIY event so please bring your own bags (max 2 per car) and a spade. It’s always very popular so get there early to avoid disappointment.

Second cycle route open The east/west stretch of the new cycle path in Verulamium Park is open. Stage one included works to make the path useable over the winter months. Signs, bollards, a new pedestrian path, speed restrictions and a new entrance to the children’s play were completed in December. Finishing touches will be made once the spring weather arrives, including drainage and edging works.

Green deal

The Green Deal is the Government’s new scheme to help people improve the energy efficiency of their properties at no upfront cost. Around 45 different measures are included such as insulation, heating, draught proofing, double glazing and renewable energy like solar panels. For details see:

Go green with real nappies Have you thought about switching from disposables to cotton nappies? Details of a free trial offer and cash back scheme are available from Louise Palmer on 01727 819428. Lots of information is available at

Transport improvements Network St Albans transport partners are working together to improve public transport locally. One of their improvements is the St Albans BUSnet, a unique multioperator bus ticket. You can buy a ticket on the first bus you board and use it for other local bus travel too. A handy pocket guide, network maps, clearer bus stop-specific timetables and real-time information have also been introduced. See 7

Fly tippers beware Fly tipping is a costly menace that leaves a nasty blot on our lovely landscape. If you spot anyone dumping rubbish, please make a note of their vehicle details. A photo could give us the evidence we need to prosecute. Make sure you take your waste to a local authority waste disposal

site or if you are a business use a waste carrier registered with the Environment Agency. You are responsible for what happens to your waste even after it has left your premises. You could be fined up to £50,000 or go to prison for up to 5 years if the waste is dumped. To report fly-tipping, contact the Cleaner District Hotline (see right).

Cheaper energy? Market dates St Albans Market every Wednesday and Saturday St Albans Farmers’ Market 2nd Sunday of the month Harpenden Farmers’ Market 4th Sunday of the month

Keeping the District Clean and Green If you spot a problem with... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Abandoned vehicles Illegal or litter Dog fouling or stray dogs Dumped rubbish Illegal Overgrown hedgerows Spills from refuse collection Accumulation of leaves Pest control Damaged street furniture Street cleaning required Drugs paraphernalia Trees (overgrown/obstructing highway) Empty/derelict property Air pollution

...please contact The Cleaner District Hotline: 0845 125 8000 Email: Together, for a Cleaner District Now on twitter: @StAlbansCouncil

Hertfordshire County Council has joined a scheme to help residents save on energy. Residents are invited to register their interest. Suppliers bid the lowest price to supply energy to those signed up – up to 2 million across the UK. Registered residents then have three weeks to confirm whether they want to switch. At the last bid residents saved on average £120. Details at www.hertsdirect. org/readytoswitch.

Now on Twitter @StAlbansCouncil

We hope you enjoy reading Community News. If you can spare a moment, please email or call 01727 819572 and let us know your views and what else you want us to include. St Albans City & District Council Civic Centre, St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts AL1 3JE Website: Email: 8 Spring 2013

Customer Service Centre opening hours: Mon-Thurs 8.45am-5pm, Fri 8.45am-4.30pm

Harpenden Town Council Information Point Town Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden

Housing Repairs: 01727 819256 Refuse & Recycling: 01727 819285 Council Tax: 01727 819204/819205 Benefits: 01727 819476 Cleaner District Hotline: 0845 125 8000 Textphone: 01727 819570

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

All Other Enquiries: 01727 866100

Telephone: 01582 768278 Alternative formats: If you want to receive this newsletter in an alternative format, such as Braille, or in another language, please call 01727 819572. See for information about access to local facilities. St Albans City & District Council Community News

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