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Carrying Out Creativity

Senior Has Lifelong Goal Of Creating Comic Book

Starting his journey when he was 14, senior Daniel Skillman has an ambition to publish his own comic book.


Skillman’s interest in comic books sparked when he was in elementary school. He said he had always found superheroes and cartoons fascinating, so much he wanted to create his own.

“I've always been a fan of comic books and things of that sort, and I've always liked superheroes,” Skillman said. “When I was 8, one time I was drawing something in a notebook I had, and my dad recommended that I make my own superhero.”

His dad's suggestion worked out that day because once Skillman started creating superheroes, he didn't want to stop.

“There was a period of time I was making a whole bunch of superheroes,” Skillman said. “I was drawing them out. I was coming up with names and abilities.”

Skillman said the comic book is about the salvation and restoration of a certain group of people.

“The plot centers around the characters journeying to restore their kingdom, which has been overtaken,” Skillman said.

He created the main character and the supporting characters for his story on his own.

“The main character is named Damal. He is the leader of a group of characters, their names of which I will not disclose,” Skillman said.

The idea to create his own characters prompted a whole universe of characters, which was the catalyst for the comic book. Skillman said the longest process of this project is staying organized with his ideas.

“The beginning of it I still haven't fully sorted out,” Skillman said.”And every so often there's a new idea, so it's like I'm not sure where to stop and be like, ‘OK, this goes here, and this goes there.’”

Skillman said his next step is to study and learn about new things so he can put in ideas that go past his current knowledge and that can improve his project.//

Written by Peighton Rector

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