Staley Talon, Volume 9, Issue 2, Election edition

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Staley High School Kansas City, Mo. Volume 9, Issue 2 November 2016

#neitherhillaryortrump restaurant week: 4

garden for change: 6-7

fall sports wrap up; 14-15

table of Contents

Table of contents

pg. 4

pg. 5


Restaurant Week Reporters Experience Local Restaurants

Dump Trump or Hill No? Voters Disappointed in Presidential Choices

2. Garden for Change

pg. 6-7

ELL Leadership Class Comes Together to Build Community Garden

4. pg. 8-9



pg. 10-11



pg. 12-13

#NeitherHillaryorTrump People Share Their Political Opinions

Running for Running Water Student Runs K.C. Marathon

10 Under $10 Drugstore Makeup Finds

1. During the first round of district play on Oct. 17 against Platte County High School, junior Francesca Pollina serves the ball during the first set. The team won the first set 25-10 and went on to win the match. Photo by

on the cover With the election coming up, on the cover is a picture of the U.S. flag with a cloudy sky. Photo by Emilie Kerr


Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon

Maddy Benda 2. On Oct. 14, Staley hosted the blackout game at the District Activities Complex and won 50-7. Senior Isaac Esquilin stood on the sidelines making huge bubbles to get the crowd excited. Photo by Emilie Kerr 3. Varsity cheer stunt group juniors Serene Brenneman and Delaney Kretsinger and seniors Madelyn Thompson and Gracen Himmelburg practice on Oct.19 in preperation for state competition on Nov. 5. Photo by Kyla Gaines 4. On Oct. 20 during senior night for boys soccer, Fort Osage High School won with a score of 5-3 from penalty kicks during overtime. Senior Andrew Morley walked on to the field for the last time escorted by his parents. Photo by Hannah Zank 5. The clothing and fashion class works on their garments on Oct. 17. Sophomore Lonyae Coulter was sewing a dress. Photo by Haylee Roberts 6. During the halftime football performance on Oct.14, the Diamonds had their senior night. Junior Rosaria Greenberg hugs senior Sarah Galloway. Photo by Emilie Kerr 7. Junior Quinten Milhon competes at Gladstone Community Center in a swim meet on Sept. 6. The boys swam against Belton High School. Photo by Angel Newman

pg. 14-15

Falcon Fall Wrap Up 2016 Fall Sports Seasons Close

Miss Staley

pg. 16

Underclassmen Sponsor Pagent

Table of Contents

LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Dear Readers, We are so excited about our second issue. During the first issue, we were teaching our new staff members the ropes and learning how to be editors as well. We decided to make the centerfold all about the election. And this is a big election year. This election cycle is full of controversy about the nominees

and how the country ended up with two unpopular candidates out of the millions of people who live in the United States. The English Language Learners class has started a community garden, and the information about that and the background story can be found on pages 6-7. Also one of our very own ran a marathon. Read all about her and her journey on

pages 10-11. We hope you all enjoy this issue. If you have any stories you’d like to be told or have any questions or concerns, we are more than happy to listen. Sincerely, Emilie Kerr and Maddy Benda Editors-in-Chief

Editorial: Miss Staley The newest fundraising plan from the freshman and sophomore classes is a female scholarship pageant, Miss Staley. You might assume this pageant will be the female version of Mr. Falcon, comical and not serious, but you’d be wrong. Miss Staley is being called a scholarship pageant, not a beauty pageant, but isn’t the Miss America pageant called that, too? Girls are expected to heavily prepare for the pageant. There will be an interview, just like a job interview, with the rotary club that is 30 percent of the contestant’s score. Where is the career readiness portion for Mr. Falcon? There will be an on-stage academic question based on the girl’s grade level, but Mr. Falcon contestants are asked what their idea of a good date is. For Miss Staley contestants, these parts of the pageant will take heavy preparation, the same amount as a job interview or studying

for a test. The girls will also compete in talent, evening wear and team and activity apparel. These categories are being taken seriously for Miss Staley, where for Mr. Falcon the talent portion is taken as a complete joke. For example, last year at Mr. Falcon, Saul Armendariz-Lobera’s armpits were waxed by his girlfriend as his talent. If any girl went on stage to be waxed as her talent, would she win? The talents that contestants are expected to perform in Miss Staley are legitimate talents. When boys prepare for Mr. Falcon, they are able to throw their act together the day of rehearsals. The point of Mr. Falcon is to be funny, and people attend because they know the boys will be entertaining. It is always the big talk at school the next day. Female comedians are just as funny as male comedians. Girls and boys have the same abilities to be equally entertaining. Why

at Staley High School in the 21st century are we still treating boys and girls differently? Mr. Falcon and Miss Staley should have the same expectations and be judged the same. Looks don’t matter in either pageant. Brains don’t matter in either pageant. The only thing that matters is how the contestants represent the school and themselves. Miss Staley’s planners should reconsider how they will be running this pageant. Having one pageant involve more preparation and be more time consuming based on gender is unethical. Pageant planners should consider taking out parts of the Miss Staley pageant to match the Mr. Falcon pageant, such as making the talent portion a less serious act. Then, the female contestants could show more of their personality. There is still time to make changes since the Miss Staley pageant will not take place until Dec. 1.

TALON STAFF Editors in Chief: Maddy Benda Emilie Kerr

Staff: Kelsey Bennett Kyla Gaines Mason Hanson Alexis Howard Jen Hulen Jessica Jordan Amber Lewis Haylee Roberts Rita Sargent Christopher Spry Leidy Venegas Jade Wiley Hannah Zank

Adviser: Cherié Burgett

Talon is published quarterly during the school year. Talon will accept letters to the editor in CR202 or at Before the letter is published, we will need to verify the writer’s identity with a photo identification. Letters may not exceed a length of 350 words. We will not publish letters that are libelous, obscene or that may cause a verifiable disruption of the education process of Staley High School. Letters must be signed. Anonymous letters will be discarded. Advertisers may contact the adviser at, (816) 321-5330 or at 2800 NE Shoal Creek Pkwy, Kansas City, MO, 64156-1313. Opinions expressed in Talon do not express staff’s endorsement of the products or services.

Talon is a member of NSPA, CSPA, MIPA, MJEA and Quill and Scroll. Talon is affiliated with JEA and JEMKC.

Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon



Restaurant Week Reporters Experience Different Local Restaurants Reviews and Photos by Leidy Venegas and Hannah Zank Graphics by Maddy Benda







Old Chicago

El patron

Kc sushi

Town Topic


I was indecisive on what to order because everything sounded so good to me. It was my first time eating there, but I had heard positive things about the newer restaurant already. The menu was pricey, but it was totally worth it with how delicious the pizza was. With the welcoming and outgoing environment, Old Chicago would be a great place to go grab food with friends or watch a big game. -- reporter Hannah Zank

El Patron is definitely a place to try out. Although the atmosphere of the place was darker and attracts more of an adult crowd rather than teenagers, the food was still delicious. I really enjoyed the tacos and the salsa that came with them. It tasted fresh. They were a little bit overpriced for the quantity of tacos, but the quality was worth it. -reporter Leidy Venegas

My personal favorite place we went to was KC Sushi. Leidy and I came to the right place at the right time because it was also happy hour. At first walking into the restaurant, I didn’t expect the inside of it to be so vibrant. One tip on trying out restaurants is to not judge the inside based on the outside. My favorite food is sushi, so the restaurant easily exceeded my expectations with the tastes and plating of the dish. I attempted to eat with chopsticks, but you can guess how that turned out. -- Hannah

Town Topic was a restaurant I’ve been wanting to try for a while. It has a really good price for really good burger and fries. The place was different. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of it, although at some point it did get too overcrowded. What I loved was that we could watch our food being made right in front of us. -- Leidy

Tuscan Chicken with Spinach $10.29

Tacos de Carne Asada $9.99

California Roll $4.00 Philadelphia Roll $5.50

Double Cheeseburger

Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon


Q39 was my favorite from restaurant week. My favorite type of food isn’t even barbeque, but this restaurant changed my mind. The atmosphere felt very modern and welcoming. I loved it. The price was reasonable, and the food topped my expectations. Overall, the restaurant is definitely a must visit in Kansas City. -- Leidy

Honey Glaze Q Spare Ribs $12.00


DUMP TRUMP OR HILL NO? Voters Disappointed in Presidential Choices The presidential election has caused tremendous tension between Republicans and Democrats, and many Americans are unhappy with the options they have for candidates. Republican candidate Donald Trump is running against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Both of the candidates are unfit to be the commander in chief.

Trump is experienced in business, but has no experience or knowledge on how to lead a country. Clinton has been a U.S. senator for New York and was Secretary of State. She has previous knowledge in politics, but she cannot be trusted. She has been accused of hiding tens of thousands of emails from the public and deleting even more. Trump has bragged about groping and kissing women. When asked about it, he said, “It was just locker room talk.” Then he later said that he didn’t sexually assault any women and said he would sue his accusers. Someone who is accused of sexually assaulting

women is unfit to run a country. Since the video of him talking about groping and kissing women came out, several women have claimed to be victims of sexual assault by Trump. Americans cannot trust someone who has refused to release his tax returns and has admitted to using loopholes to get past the system. Trump won’t answer questions about his taxes or allegedly sexually assaulting women. When interviewed and people ask him why he did something, he will avoid the question and say that they’re “wrong.” Clinton has claimed that she has never lied, and there is video proof of her saying that during an

Most Likely To Win In Each State

Key Source: 270townin

Red states for trump Blue states for Clinton

interview. “I don’t believe I have, and I don’t believe I ever will,” Clinton said in an interview with Scott Pelley from CBS News on Feb. 19. How can you trust someone who has lied repeatedly but doesn’t admit to any of them? We need someone who actually knows what they’re doing in office. Trump and Clinton are not suitable for this task. They do not have the right type of experience to lead the United States. America is at the point of now having to vote for either one of them, choosing between someone who is accused of sexually assaulting women or someone accused of lying to Americans. Written by Christopher Spry

49% CLINton 42% trump 9% other Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon



On Sept. 28 during Falcon Time, senior Ramla Mohamed fills a garden bed with dirt. The ELL leadership class built a community garden for their semiannual project. “I love that I’m doing something else with my hands, and it’s going to benefit not just Staley, but the environment,” senior Ramla Mohamed said. Photo by Leidy Venegas


Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon


Garden for change ELL Leadership Class Comes Together To Build Community Garden The English Language Learners class decided to make this year’s leadership project one that would bring all types of people, departments and communities together to work on something that would benefit everyone. Every other year, ELL juniors and seniors come up with a project and carry it out on their own. If they need a sense of direction or a leader, ELL teacher Travis Mauzey helps. “My kids will be splitting up into teams and taking the leadership for this. They will not be responsible for maintaining the garden themselves but being responsible for getting the pieces in place so that it is being maintained -- like getting volunteers to help and promote,” Mauzey said. The garden is a chance to bring something new to Staley that everyone can become a part of. “I’m most looking forward

to starting a new tradition that doesn’t involve just ELL, but the school in general,” senior Melissa Dominguez said. They decided to make their project happen next to the tennis courts. It all started last year when Mauzey watched a documentary called “Cowspiracy” and came up with the idea of building a garden on school grounds. He then proposed the idea to his class the next day, and they said they loved the idea of making that their upcoming leadership project. The theme for this year’s ELL class is sustainability and the importance of a carbon footprint. The benefit of having a garden is that it allows students to learn patience and working together as a community, he said. Mauzey said he wanted to bring all departments together. He wanted the business and marketing department to help market and promote the garden.

The foods department would be asked to help make recipes with the produce being grown to give ideas to the community of what to make. “The part I’m excited to be a part of is coming up with recipes that go along with the produce we will be growing,” senior Awin Karim said. The sports and clubs would help out by taking a day for team bonding to help pick the weeds and vegetables and water the plants. Life skills students deliver flowers that are donated by another company to classrooms. With the garden, ideally they could help with the whole process such as planting, growing and raising the flowers themselves. The woods and engineering department would be asked to help with building a shed, a fence around the garden and come up with something to trap water and store rain water.

On Sept. 28 during Falcon Time, the ELL class headed over to the field next to the tennis courts that would soon become their garden. An employee from Kansas City Community Gardens came to lend the class an extra hand on filling the dirt beds. The students filled the wheelbarrows from a mound of dirt with shovels, while others steered the dirt to the beds. Other students distributed the dirt evenly throughout the beds. “I love getting my hands dirty and getting out of my comfort zone of the usual pen and paper work,” senior Ramla Mohamed said. They said they loved the idea of the project being hands-on, and they spent their Falcon Time filling the beds. The garden is a chance for the community to come together to make something that benefits everyone. Written by Leidy Venegas

Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon




%$@!#*& *&%$@!

Graphic by Kelsey Bennett

If you could choose one person to be president, who would it be and why? Photos by Jen Hulen


Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon

Jennifer Clark his mom "She's a teacher, so she's used to dealing with young annoying people all of the time. And she's steel under pressure," said junior Jake Clark.

Social Media smackdown

Election 2016 People Share Political Opinions The looming 2016 election has caused controversy because the race is so close, and there are so many undecided voters. Many voters said they are undecided because they dislike and distrust the candidates, and they believe they are unfit to be president. Many voters are planning to vote Independent or third parties because those candidates correspond more closely with their views. According to the Pew Research Center, more millennials identify as Independent than as Democrat and Republican combined. This lack of support for either candidate comes with the overexposure of candidates personal lives and will play a major role in the election, according to The Huffington Post. “I think that one of the big differences is that social media has played a huge part in getting information,” U.S. History teacher Melissa Wilt said. The access to personal information through social media has given people the opportunity to form judgements about the candidates based on things that may not be related to

the campaign. The candidates’ controversial behaviors have left many people undecided. Both candidates have been involved in scandals, which have furthered America’s distrust with the debates. Trump has been accused of sexual assault as well

"I'm a little disappointed in the American system of government, and the way we elect our leaders shouldn't be a joke." -- junior Jake Clark as been filmed saying degrading things about women, while Clinton has been involved in an email scandal. During the debates, the candidates have spent more of their time attacking one another rather than addressing the issues facing America, which has led

to the debates as well as the candidates being viewed as a joke by many and turned into viral memes. “To be honest, I’m a little disappointed in the American system of government, and the way we elect our leaders shouldn’t be a joke,” junior Jake Clark said. Along with the scandals, there has been a heavy focus on the personal lives of the candidates. Clinton has remained under attack for being a female as well as for her husband’s actions as president. Trump has not only been under attack for his actions in today’s media, but also for his business and reality television background. “Neither of them are really cut out for it,” Skyler said. Teacher Bob Buck’s College Government class held a mock election during lunch on Nov. 1. Donald Trump won by 50 out of 396 votes over Hillary Clinton. This election gave students the opportunity to experience voting even if they aren’t old enough, as well as share their voice about the upcoming election. Written by Jessica Jordan

Michelle Obama first lady "She isn't a puppet. She's the type of woman leader that I would like to see as president," social studies teacher Missy Wilt said.

Neil Degrasse Tyson scientist "America could really benefit from someone who isn't going to pretend climate change doesn't exist," junior Skyler Clark said.


While crossing the finish line at the Team World Vision marathon on Oct. 15 in downtown Kansas City, Mo., junior Chloe Childerston raises her arms to celebrate. Childerston trained for four months with friend Jacob Burns and took first in the female division for ages 17 and under, even after her hip popped fully out of place on mile five and back into place at mile 10. “All the pain had paid off, and kids were going to have clean water. It was the best feeling in the world,� said Childerston. Photo courtesy of Chloe Childerston


Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon


running for running water Student Runs K.C. Marathon $379,248.28 While the number 26.2 might not be an important number to most, to junior Chloe Childerston it is the exact number of miles she ran in the Kansas City Marathon to provide running water for children in Africa. On Oct. 15, she ran her first full marathon equaling 26.2 miles, or 42K. Although she doesn’t run cross country or for recognition, Childerston’s church partnered up with an organization named Team World Vision which sponsors running to raise money for running water. “I enjoy running more whenever I have a purpose other than just to win,” said Childerston. For every $50 raised, running water is provided for a child in Africa. Childerston became involved last year and ran the half marathon, but this year she decided to go all the way for the full marathon. Overall, Team World Vision raised $379,248.38

and provided water for 7,584 people. “It’s just really cool because we watch all of the videos and sponsor the kids. Every time we do this, there’s more water that gets over there,” said Childerston. She started training four months ago and has had support from her church and her friends. Jacob Burns, a junior at Smithville High School, also decided to run and train with Childerston. They both ran for the same purpose and raised money together. “He pushed me and helped me get through,” said Childerston. During training they ran five times a week, Saturday being their long group runs at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. The marathon took them about five hours to finish, and Childerston placed first in her division. “There was cheering from each side. It was a rush of adrenalin and pain all at once,” said Childerston.







RAISED PER MILE Source:Team World Vision

Written by Kyla Gaines

Just after running the Team World Vision marathon on Oct. 15, junior Chloe Childerston poses with church friend Jacob Burns. The marathon started and ended at the downtown Kansas City Western Auto building, and it was Burns’ and Childerston’s first marathon. “I dragged him into it because no one else would run the whole marathon instead of the half,” said Childerston, who ran a half last year. Photo courtesy of Chloe Childerston

Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon



10 Under $10 Drugstore Makeup Finds Written by Alexis Howard Photos by Kyla Gaines


For a quick and inexpensive way to get rid of a pimple fast, skip the DIYs and use the Clean & Clear advantage acne spot treatment for $5.69. Apply a layer on the troubled area and leave it on overnight. In the morning, the pimple should be less noticeable and easier to cover.

5 9

To get that defined look of cheekbones without spending a lot of money, buy the Maybelline Face Studio Master Contour for $8.99. It comes with a bronzer to contour with, blush and a highlighter, and an angled brush is also included to apply the shades.

Despite it being “No Shave November,” for both girls and guys wanting shaving creams that moisturize while giving a closer shave, use EOS shaving cream for $3.44 and Gillette shaving gel for $2.74. Lather the shaving cream on before and start shaving to get rid of unwanted hair. Both should leave your skin smoother long after shaving.


Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon


For hair that needs help controlling flyaways or to beat the humidity, use TRESemmé extra firm control hairspray. After styling your hair, spray TRESemmé’s hairspray for all-day hold and a salon-quality look only for $5.99.


4 8 7 6 10 Don’t want to spend $20 on the original beauty blender but still want a streak-free foundation look for cheap? Buy the Target brand up & up for $4.99. The sponge helps blend foundation after applying it, and the blender can even be used to contour your face.


The e.l.f Kabuki face brush for $4.99 is a good quality inexpensive makeup brush to apply makeup and is a good alternative for not wanting to spend the money on overpriced professional brushes. Use the brush to apply multiple products like powder, foundation and blush to create a flawless look.

For a cheap but high quality highlighter, buy the Wet n Wild Rose Champagne Glow shimmer palette for $5.99. Apply the highlighter to cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, cupid’s bow and brow bone for a glowing complexion that makes the glow look like it came from a professional palette.

To keep your face from getting oily throughout the day, use the NYX matte setting spray. This helps your makeup stay on all day and keeps your face shine-free. At Target, it’s only 7.99 a bottle. After finishing your makeup, spray the setting spray all over your face and wait until it’s dry.

When running late to go somewhere and having no time to take a shower, use Batiste dry shampoo to freshen up your hair. For $5.99 at Target, it’s a quick fix for day-old hair to add some volume, mask any oiliness and also have your hair smell like it was just washed.

For a cheap matte lip, buy the NYX Lip Lingerie lipstick to create a bold lip for any makeup look. The lipsticks are only $6.99 to get the look of matte lips. It glides onto your lips as a liquid then turns matte without feeling like your lips are dried out.

Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon



FALCON FALL WRAP Up 2016 Fall Sports Seasons Close 1. During the varsity softball game on Sept. 28 at home, sophomore Paige Shelley hits the ball. The softball team won the district championship, but lost to Liberty North High School 7-8 the following week. “I know that every game no matter who we faced, every girl gave 110 percent. That’s why we are such a successful team,” said Shelley. Photo by Kelsey Bennett

4. Pushing down the final stretch at the KU Classic on Sept. 24, senior Merriam Haydaripoor finishes the race with one last surge. The girls cross country team won conference. Seniors Katelin Fiorino and freshman Alexandra Hamre ran at state on Nov. 5. “We trained harder this season, and I expected better results,” said Haydaripoor. Photo by Haley Anne

2. Sophomore Charlie Duffy swims at Gladstone Community Center for a meet held on Sept. 6. The team was conference champs, and seven went to state. “This season was different because it was the first month I didn’t change times, and at one of our invitational meets, I dropped multiple seconds in all of my events which was a big deal to me,” said Duffy. Photo by


Angel Newman

3. After scoring a point against Platte County High School at Park Hill South High School on Oct. 17, the Varsity volleyball team celebrates. The team defeated the Platte County Pirates 25-10 the first set and 25-16 the second set in the first round of district play. The team moved on to the second round, but lost to Park Hill High School 19-25 the first set and 23-25 the second set. “I wish we could have ended the season as district champions, but we had some really tough competition this year. But a girl can’t complain about being conference champions,” said junior Britlyn Sparks. Photo by Maddy Benda

3 14

Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon




5. At the KU Rim Rock Farm Cross Country Classic on Sept. 24, freshman Jack Warner runs. The boys were conference champions and placed third at districts. Junior Tyler Rodvelt and sophomore Preston Wheeler ran at state in Jefferson City, Mo., on Nov. 5. “We did good as a team. All of us made improvements, and that is what matters,” said Warner. Photo by Haley Anne Mahusay





The girls cross country team runs down North Oak Trafficway. The teams ran the game ball to the stadium on Oct. 14. “I think it is a great way to spread the word about the kids that aren’t as fortunate as us,” said freshman Alexandra Hamre. Photo by Emilie Kerr

While leading the boys and girls cross country teams, freshman Luke Winkler and senior Casey Flynn carry the football game ball. It was the seventh year that the teams ran six miles Oak Grove Park to the District Activities Complex. “I think it was a good experience, and I am looking forward to being involved in the upcoming years,” said Winkler. Photo by Emilie

6. At senior night on Oct. 20, senior Jasmin Tahirovic blocks a player from the opposing team from trying to steal the ball. The varsity boys’ soccer team ended the season with 14 wins and 9 losses. “I feel like we really came back better than ever, especially since how last year went,” said Tahirovic. Photo by Hannah Zank


7. On Aug. 26 at the District Activities Complex, Staley played Liberty North and won with a score of 34-0. The team created a competitive environment during the off season which helped them work better together as a team during season and get them through to Districts. “We have team challenges where the offense would face the defense and we would keep score which is scored on a point system so at the end of the week whoever had the most points would win,” said senior Logan Hartman. Photo by Amber Lewis 8. Following through with her swing, sophomore Julia Hagen plays golf against Park Hill High School on Sept. 14. The golfers were conference champions and placed second at districts qualifying for sectionals as a team. Hagen ended her season by qualifying for state and placing 48 out of 89 scoring a 91 in the first round and an 89 in the second round. “At the beginning, I got off to a slow start, but the state experience was awesome. But once I got there I didn’t care what else I did. Whatever I scored was what I scored,” said Hagen. Photo by Lindsey Norby

Blackout for a cause Facts About The Annual Blackout Run HOW IT BEGAN: In 2010, Allie Altenhofen, class of 2011, said she felt blessed to be involved in a sport that required both physical and mental abilities. She felt strongly about giving back to those who have experienced health problems such as cancer. So she decided to find a way to raise money on a larger scale, coming up with the idea for the Blackout for Cancer Run.

WHO: Staley Boys and Girls Cross Country WHAT: Run six miles from Oak Grove Park to the District Activities Complex, relaying the football game ball, adorned with a yellow ribbon, from runner to runner as they make their way through the streets of the Northland prior to the game.

WHY: To spread awareness of Childhood Cancer through the streets of the Northland and to raise money by selling t-shirts to the student body and in the community.

HOW MUCH IT HAS HELPED: This was the 7th Annual Blackout Relay for Childhood Cancer, and since 2010, the cross country team has donated about $10,000 to Children’s Mercy Hospital.


Volume 9 Issue 2 Talon


miss Staley Underclassmen Sponsor Pageant Brains? Check! Poise? Check! The ability to perform under pressure? Check! These are some of the requirements for the soon-to-becrowned Miss Staley and Miss Junior Staley. The new Miss Staley pageant, held in the Performing Arts Center on Dec. 1, will showcase different talents the competitors have in and out of the classroom while raising funds for prom. Contestants will be asked an academic question from one of the four core classes, perform a talent and be judged on their evening and activity apparel. The girls, from freshmen to seniors, will participate in an interview process with the rotary club. The points will be divided up as follows: 30 percent talent, 30 percent interview, 20 percent evening or activity apparel and 20 percent on-stage academic question. “Sophomores and juniors have to start saving for their prom, and since the boys have Mr. Falcon, the girls should have a Miss Staley pageant,” Spanish teacher Jennifer Newman said. “We will have representatives from different clubs and sports at the school participate so they can represent who they are through what they do here at school.” Class sponsors Newman and science teacher Dawn Hefner are charge of the pageant. “We wanted to do something similar to Mr. Falcon but not necessarily a beauty pageant. We are putting them into a more professional environment by interviewing them like a job interview,” said Hefner. A junior Miss Staley winner from the underclass competitors and a Miss Staley winner from the junior and senior competitors will be crowned. The overall winner for the talent portion will also be recognized.

“This is a fun way to raise money for their proms. It’s a good opportunity for the girls to show their talents. Mr. Falcon is always a lot of fun, so I think this will be entertaining as well,” said junior Brianna Counts. Written by Jen Hulen

Purpose: Fundraiser for Prom

Crowns Awarded: Junior Miss Staley Freshman-Sophomore

Miss Staley Junior-Senior

Competitions: Activity Apparel Evening Wear Academic Questions Rotary Club Interviews

Graphic by Kelsey Bennett

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