Volume 9, Issue 3, Talon magazine, February 2017

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Staley High School Kansas City, Mo. Volume 9, Issue 3 February 2017

Date Night Dining: 4

women’s march: 11

Wrestling ranked NO. 2; 14

table of Contents

Date Night Dining

Inside this issue...

pg. 4

pg. 5

Valentine’s Dinners for Every Budget

If I Could Sum Up The March Student/Teacher March for Women

From Teacher to Tittone


pg. 6

Klinginsmith Debuts on the Big Screen

2. pg. 7

Movement For Meditation All-School Meditating Sessions?

4. pg. 8-9



pg. 1o

pg. 11


7. 1. Raising his hand in victory on Feb. 1 in the fieldhouse is sophomore Blake Barryman after winning his wrestling match against Liberty High School. Photo by Haylee Roberts 2. On NCAA signing day on Feb. 1 in the performing arts center, senior Kendra Holt commits for softball to North Central Missouri College. Photo by Leidy Venegas 3. During leadership on Jan. 31, junior Britlyn Sparks paints a poster for the glow out dance.

on the cover On this cover is a picture of a disco ball at a low shutter speed. Photo by Emilie Kerr

Photo by Christopher Spry 4. During a swim meet at Gladstone Community Center on Jan. 26, senior Maddie Kovarik competes in a relay. Photo by Christopher Spry 5. In the fieldhouse on Feb. 1, freshman Rocky Elam takes on Liberty High School in a wrestling match. Photo by Haylee Roberts 6. In the performing arts center on Feb. 1, seniors pose for a group picture after signing for their colleges. Photo by Leidy Venegas 7. In Leadership class on Jan. 31, seniors Justin Abramovitz and Esha Riaz paint a heart poster for Valentine’s Day. Photo by Christopher Spry

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon

Formal Turns To Glowout

What’s In School Lunches? Find Out What’s In School Food

#StrongerTogetherKC Women’s March Comes to Kansas City

Makeup Love

pg. 12-13

pg. 14

pg. 15

Valentine’s Day Makeup

Journey To The Top Wrestling Ranked Second In State

Lane To State Swimmers Qualify To Compete At State

Remembering Alayna

pg. 16 2

Forming Informal

Loved Ones Share Memories

Table of Contents

letter from the editors Dear readers, Here’s to a new year. We have made a few changes to our magazine in this issue. There are two guest writers -- sophomore Ramsey Haley and teacher Tracey Wasinger -- sharing their experiences from the Women’s March on Washington in Kansas City. Their columns can be found on pages 5 and 11.

Along with the guest writers, our favorite food crititcs are back. Hannah Zank and Leidy Venegas gave suggestions on where couples can eat for Valentine’s Day with their significant other. You will also find all the coverage on the first “Informal Glowout” on pages 8 and 9. Find out exactly what you

are eating when buying a school lunch on page 10. You may be surprised. As always, we are open to any and all suggestions you may have to better our publication. Sincerely, Emilie Kerr and Maddy Benda Editors-in-Chief

mental health acceptance In 2016, 49 percent of teens were diagnosed with a mental illness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Mental illnesses are defined as disorders that affect someone’s mood, thinking and behavior, such as depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, among others. Although the handbook says that a student can have an absence due to a “medically documented illness,” it never specifies what kind of illnesses are allowed under that. Although a few clubs are starting to take mental illnesses more seriously, it is still something that needs to be addressed. Some

teenagers shy away from this topic, but it shouldn’t be something to be afraid of. In January, student council held the first annual “Mental Health Week.” Every day of the week, Student Council shed some light on a different mental illness. The days were devoted to stress, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, drugs and alcohol, suicide awareness and physical and mental abuse. Student Council decorated the halls, bathrooms and classrooms with uplifting words on Post-Its. “You can do this,” “You look beautiful today,” and other phrases were among the messages. If the school leadership groups can start to take mental illnesses seriously,

then the student body can start taking it seriously too. If the handbook addressed the mental health issue, students might start feeling more comfortable around that topic. Some students don’t know how to help or even talk to other students about mental illnesses because they aren’t as educated on the topic, making them feel uncomfortable, according to school social worker Tammy Slauson. Administrators should educate students more on the topic so students don’t feel as uncomfortable, even writing in the handbook what kinds of accommodations they can make for students with mental illnesses.

TALON STAFF Editors in Chief: Maddy Benda Emilie Kerr

Staff: Kelsey Bennett Kyla Gaines Alexis Howard Jen Hulen Jessica Jordan Haylee Roberts Christopher Spry Leidy Venegas Hannah Zank

Adviser: Cherié Burgett

Talon is published quarterly during the school year. Talon will accept letters to the editor in CR202 or at cherie.burgett@nkcschools.org. Before the letter is published, we will need to verify the writer’s identity with a photo identification. Letters may not exceed a length of 350 words. We will not publish letters that are libelous, obscene or that may cause a verifiable disruption of the education process of Staley High School. Letters must be signed. Anonymous letters will be discarded. Advertisers may contact the adviser at cherie.burgett@nkcschools.org, (816) 321-5330 or at 2800 NE Shoal Creek Pkwy, Kansas City, MO, 64156-1313. Opinions expressed in Talon do not express staff’s endorsement of the products or services.

Talon is a member of NSPA, CSPA, MIPA, MJEA and Quill and Scroll. Talon is affiliated with JEA and JEMKC.

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



Date Night Dining

Valentine’s Dinners for Every Budget By Leidy Venegas and Hannah Zank Graphics by Kelsey Bennett and Maddy Benda


Home Cooked

Fast Food

Casual Dining

Fine Dining

After Dinner

At Home

Steak ‘n Shake

Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse

Trezo Mare


If you’re looking to stay in for the night but still want to make the night special, try home dining. Buy ingredients to make a heart-shaped pizza. Although it was a little difficult to make the dough into a heart shape, the rest of the process was really simple. It is a cheap but thoughtful way to spend Valentine’s Day.

Wanting to go out but not wanting to spend a lot on dinner? Try Steak n’ Shake! The retro diner-like atmosphere creates a fun, comfortable location to take a date. Most locations are open late, and the service is fast and convenient. With this inexpensive and detailed menu, it’s an easy place to take a date.

Messy, but fun is definitely the best way to describe this dining place. From making your food right in front you, to having shrimp being tossed in the air and trying to catch it in your mouth, Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse is different than the rest by balancing out a romantic dining feel as well as a relaxed atmosphere. This is the perfect dinner spot.

This place gives out just the right and classic Valentine’s Day atmosphere that’s perfect for a date. Trezo Mare provides an upscale cozy dining experience and an opportunity to dress up. They’re even offering a Valentine’s Day menu for a special night, and their food is well worth the price.

After your meal or if you are wanting to just get a sweet treat, Yogurtini provides a “do it yourself” setting perfect for a date. With a big topping bar and a variety of frozen yogurt flavors, anyone can pick out something that’s to their liking. Eat inside or out on the patio, or take it on the go. It’s convenient and worth the price.

Pepperoni Pizza $12

Double Cheese Steakburger with Fries and Chocolate Milkshake $6.98

Hibachi Steak and Shrimp $21.95

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon

Lobster Mac and Cheese $20

Red Velvet Frozen Yogurt with Strawberries, Cheesecake Bites and Chocolate Chips $5


IfStudent i could sum up the march Shares Women’s March Experience Our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country. About 10,000 people showed up for the Women’s March on Washington in Kansas City to send a strong but peaceful message to the president that women’s rights are human rights. The love that was swarming around us all was so welcoming and peaceful. It felt less like a protest and more like a display of our dignity. This truly shows that when we care about something, we are able

to come together and they felt about Donald prove ourselves. If I Trump being elected as could sum up the march president and the actions in one word, I would say he has taken since. unity. If we don’t “I march for the back down, women of today and together we will soon to come.” succeed in bettering -Ramsey Haley our society. With the people who showed When I walked into up and the signs they the streets, they were brought with them to the filled with people of all march, I could see that ages and genders. Not we were in it together, one violent outbreak and everyone was not occurred throughout afraid to express how the entire day, and with

that, I feel like we could have another successful march in the future. I march for the women of today and soon to come. I want equality and not one woman to be left out or feel abandoned or judged about who she is or how she looks. Our women today don’t deserve to be talked to like animals or to feel they aren’t just as good as anyone else. Written by sophomore Ramsey Haley

Why did i march? Teacher Shares Perspective on Women’s March To the student body, Why Did I March? On Saturday, Jan. 21, people from around the world came together to remind us of our duty to humanity. Our duty to pass on a better world to our children. It wasn’t about just one person, though there were those in attendance who may have felt that way. For myself, it was a reminder that the world outside my protected little bubble NEEDS me. It needs me to think broader. It needs me to think of those outside my classroom and this school. It needs me to speak up when I believe that we as a nation could be going down the wrong path. The leaders of the Kansas City March on

Washington understood the fear that has been that we all come with progressively worse our own story. No two for her and her friends. stories are alike. They A Jewish rabbi spoke did not expect that we eloquently on why he would all agree or hold was there, missing his the same collection of Sabbath. A woman who beliefs. Their purpose in was blind spoke about gathering us all “For myself, it was together a reminder that the was to say that world outside my even when protected little bubble we don’t agree, we NEEDS me.” commit to -Tracey Wasinger, working together. Special Education We commit Teacher to treating others with respect and love. advocating for those with Speakers at the disabilities. There were March were varied. A several speakers who student leader from a spoke of horrific personal Muslim group at Kansas experiences that brought University spoke on me to tears. The Mayor

of Kansas City and a city councilwoman spoke and encouraged the crowd to enter the political ring and make a difference in our communities. The final speakers were advocating a higher minimum wage. I left with a feeling of great hope for our country. There is so much good in this world. I am sure that whatever comes over the next few years, we can work together and solve our problems. If we all try, we can make this world a better place. Hokey? Maybe Naive? No. I believe in the goodness of people. Written by Tracey Wasinger, Special Education Teacher

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



From teacher to tittone Klinginsmith Debuts on the Big Screen

Students have the opportunity to have a movie director and actor as a teacher. English teacher David Klinginsmith has recently directed, produced and starred in a movie called “Top Coat Cash,” about a professional MMA fighter who went home after losing a fight. Once he was home, he reunited with a father and son duo who asked him to participate in their bank heists. The movie, which took between four and five months to film, was released Jan. 13, and Klinginsmith walked the red carpet with his wife Hannah in Los Angeles on opening night of his


Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon

second movie. His first movie was called “Subdued,” and it came out Feb. 15, 2014. “I’ve wanted to do this my whole life,” said Klinginsmith Like many others in the movie industry, Klinginsmith goes by a stage name. His stage name is “David Tittone.” “Tittone is my mother’s maiden name, and I wanted to keep the two names separate,” said Klinginsmith. His movie was one of the few foreign movies selected to be shown in China. “In China, they only accept about 25 foreign movies a year,

and his got accepted this year,” said assistant principal Kevin Kooi. Klinginsmith wrote this script with his father. “When we had the idea, we knew it had the potential to hopefully become something,” said Klinginsmith. Although Klinginsmith said he loves acting and directing, he said he would not stop teaching. “I love teaching, and I wouldn’t want to stop doing it. I have the summer to work on my movies and have the school year to teach. I wouldn’t move away either because my family lives here, and my wife wouldn’t want us to move,” said Klinginsmith.

Some of his students and former students know about his acting and directing career. “I think it’s really cool that we have a teacher at our school who has been on the red carpet and has directed and starred in a movie. I’ve never heard of a teacher having such an interesting second job,” said junior Lauren Bennett. “Top Coat Cash” can be purchased on Amazon and Playstore. Written by Jennifer Hulen Photos courtesey of David Klinginsmith


Movement for meditation All-School Meditating Sessions? Meditation has been proven to help reduce anxiety and stress, and that is the main reason Spanish teacher Anna MakiBirchler wants to start offering allschool meditating sessions. Students who are unaware of how to deal with anxiety and stress could find a way to deal with it through the practice of meditation, which helps relax and clear the mind as well as helping to improve the heart and body, according to Maki-Birchler. “Something has to be done. We need to teach our students the life skill of dealing with anxiety. I have students come back from college and tell me, ‘I still meditate before taking a

test,’” said Maki-Birchler, who also sponsors Yoga Club. People are often misinformed about the concept of meditation or simply don’t take it seriously. Meditating is sometimes viewed as strictly religious or spiritual, but in reality it’s up to the person’s beliefs as well as their own mind and body. “If you’re new to meditating, I would definitely say to take it seriously, breathe deep and focus. It’s really beneficial,” said senior Bailey Ferrera. Meditation has been proven to increase academic performance by helping with memory and reading comprehension, according to the Association for

Psychological Science. Not only does meditating help improve academics, but it also benefits the body by increasing empathy and compassion. A study done at Harvard Medical School indicated that participants who joined in an eight-week program of meditating an average of 27 minutes a day showed changes in the brain that dealt with memory, stress and self-awareness. Schools around the nation have begun to implement meditating sessions because it’s been proven that meditation benefits a person’s mental health and academic performance. “If there were little techniques like taking deep breaths, and

focusing in on something like that was a technique that all teachers could just remind kids of, I think that is where I can see schoolwide implementation,” said assistant principal Kevin Kooi. Community Council, a group of teachers from all departments, and administration have been considering and discussing introducing school-wide meditation time and techniques to students, according to principal Clark Mershon.

Written by Leidy Venegas

2. Find a quiet and peaceful place to meditate. 1. Set a certain time during each day to meditate.

Tips to

4. Close your eyes and spend a few moments to focus and relax your mind.

3. Begin with a comfortable but straight posture.


5. Concentrate on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

6. Start on slow and easy stretches while still focusing on your breath. Graphic by Leidy Venegas and Kelsey Bennett Source: The Art of Living

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



Forming Informal Formal Turns to Glow Out Leadership and Student Council gave the winter dance a complete makeover. It was originally a formal, but it had low attendance. With Student Council’s goal of changing the school culture, they felt the formal needed a change, too. Courtwarming has been changed to a glow out.

Student Council has hired a company to come in and change the small gym to a black-light rave. If students choose to wear neon or white, their clothes will also glow when they are dancing with friends. The dance is being held on Feb. 10 from 9-11 p.m. and costs $5. The reason for holding the dance on a

Friday night instead of a Saturday is to raise attendance for the basketball game. Varsity boys’ basketball will play Ruskin High School at 7 p.m. at home. Directly following the game, students head straight to the glow out dance. Written by Maddy Benda

Meet the King Candidates


Shale Hoth

Tim Lawson

Nicolo Voltan

Activities: Basketball, NHS, Student Council Plans for after High School: Go to college and get a business degree Favorite High School Memory: “My favorite moment was coming back 17 points in 3.5 minutes against Oak Park at home my junior year.”

Activities: Choir, Student Council President, Theater, Leadership, Junior Assembly Plans for after High School: Attend the University of Central Missouri to major in something with music Favorite High School Memory: “Getting my first lead role in our high school musical “Grease” my freshman year.”

Activities: Tennis, Soccer, Leadership, Student Council Plans for after High School: Finish High School in Italy and go to college in the United Kingdom to study mathematics Favorite High School Memory: “The first day of school at Staley. It’s completely different. It was pretty amazing. High school in the United States is like the movies in Europe.”

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon


In preparation for winter informal, juniors Kylee Sally and Britlyn Sparks paint posters on Jan. 31. The purpose of the poster was to inform the student body of the dress code. “I was assigned to be on Tim’s committee which meant we were in charge of poster making and spirit days,” said Sally. Photo

What to Wear

by Christopher Spry Sitting in the middle of the poster, senior Alyssa Day was tracing out the backdrop for the winter informal dance on Jan. 31. It is Day’s second year in leadership, and they have been in charge of blood drives and different community service opportunities including Adopt-a-Family. “We put the top five boys names on the poster, and I tried to keep the theme of the dance by doing paint splatters, and their names will be graffitied on it,” said Day.

By wearing a white or neon shirt, you will glow under the black lights at the dance. Also by wearing Staley Hoops shirts, you can support the basketball team as they play Ruskin High School.

Eli Ross

Ryan Walker

Activities: Football, Baseball, Basketball, Track, Junior Assembly, FBLA, Student Council, Adaptive PE Plans for After High School: Play football at Northwest Missouri State University and get a degree in computer science Favorite High School Memory: “Making it to the semi-final game in football my senior year.”

Activities: Baseball, Choir, NHS, Stuco, Leadership, Junior Assembly Plans for after High School: Attend Missouri State, undecided major Favorite High School Memory: “Touring Austria with choir my junior year.”

White shoes will work the best under the blacklights because they will give off a glow while you’re dancing. Heels are not allowed at the dance because they damage the gym floor.

A final touch you may want to add to your winter formal outfit is paint. You can put handprints on your arms and legs, and some people like to put one big handprint on their face. Another popular paint design is dots over the top of one eye and under the bottom of the other eye. Photos by Christoper Spry

Photos by Maddy Benda

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



what’s in school lunches?

We asked twitter

Find Out What’s In School Food How healthy or unhealthy school lunches really are may be a surprise. The meals have a variety of nutritional values ranging from pizza to a salad bar. Each one of the squares below represents one of the following school lunches offered throughout the week. During the week, the main choices vary from mashed potato bowl to mac and cheese. After evaluating the spicy chicken tenders, the noodle bowl, mac and cheese with little smokies and the mashed potato bowl, the highest calorie count is the spicy chicken

tenders with 847 calories. The lowest calorie count is the mac and cheese with little smokies at 339. The spicy chicken tenders, at 20 grams, have the highest fat content, and the lowest fat content is the mashed potato bowl at 4.8, with potato and cheese. The highest carb count out of the four was the mashed potato bowl without corn or cheese, and the lowest was the mac and cheese. Written by Kyla Gaines

Daily Recommended Calories AGE 15 16 17 18 MALE 2,600 2,800 2,800 2,800 FEMALE 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

Mashed Potatoes:


Spicy Chicken Tenders:

Serving Size: 1 CUP Calories: 267 Total Fat: 3.81 g Saturated Fat: 0 Cholesterol: 0 Sodium: 1220 g Carbs: 57.18 g Sugars: 2.29 g

Serving Size: 1/2 cup Calories: 67 Total Fat: .99 g

Serving Size: 4 each Calories: 847 Total Fat: 20 g Saturated Fat: 3.33 g Cholesterol: 33 g Sodium: 520 g Carbs: 22.67 g Sugars: 1.33 g

Noodles: Serving Size: 1 CUP Calories: 180 Total Fat: .90 g Saturated Fat: 0 Cholesterol: 0 Sodium: 0 g Carbs: 36 g Sugars: 1.80 g

Alfredo: Serving Size: 2 OZ. Calories: 71

Teriyaki: Serving Size: 2 OZ. Calories: 101

Chicken: Serving size: 3.4 OZ. Calories: 122

Mac & Cheese: Little Smokies: Serving Size: 2/3 CUP Calories: 226 Total Fat: 9.55 g Saturated Fat: 5.23 g Cholesterol: 32 g Sodium: 440 g Carbs: 23.50 g Sugars: 2.66 g

Serving Size: 4 each Calories: 113

Photos and graphics by Emilie Kerr and Kyla Gaines Sources: NKC Schools Menus and UDSA.GOV


Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



Womens March Comes to Kansas City

Kansas City united with the nation and the world in the Women’s March on Washington to stand up for the rights of all women on Jan. 21. Several local news sources reported that there were 10,000 people in attendance, and police chief Darryl Forté confirmed there were more than 5,000 people in attendance. Some Staley students were in the crowds that filled the streets of downtown. “There were a lot of different causes and different signs. There was also intersectionality, where black people were for gay rights, white people for Muslim rights, everyone for healthcare rights,” said junior Milkise Yassin. The march gained popularity through the Women’s March on Washington in Kansas City Facebook page and @kcmarch2017 on Twitter, where they shared information about the event and shared different perspectives from the march through the hashtag #StrongerTogetherKC.

A main focus of the march were the speakers who focused on different topics affecting women today. Some of the topics included sexual harassment, LGBTQ+ equality and disability rights. “They were all very informative, and the audience seemed to love it. Their speeches were all very inspirational,” said senior Alison Overcash. The march was peaceful, according to local news sources. “Amazingly, as many people that showed up in Washington Park, there were no arrests,” said Sgt. Kari Thompson of the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department. The marchers brought signs, and news coverage focused on the signs and chants. Overcash attended the march with her grandmother, who was also a part of the protest against the Iraq war in 2003. “When we were getting ready, she gave me

her old sign that said ‘Peace is Patriotic,’” said Overcash. “She said I could use the back of it to make my sign. It felt really special because we had both stood up for what we believed in.” While many marchers participated to stand up for their personal beliefs, Yassin attended the march to experience history being made. “My dad knew that this was a historic event, so he wanted me to experience it firsthand even if I wasn’t advocating for a certain cause,” said Yassin. The Women’s March on Washington took advantage of the democratic freedoms of the United States to stand up for the beliefs and freedoms of women throughout the country. It was organized as a way to protest the recent election, rhetoric and actions coming out of Washington.

Senior Andrea Ridout making her sign before the march

Seniors Alison Overcash and Andrea Ridout’s view while at the march

Seniors Alison Overcash and Andrea Ridout with their signs from the march

Written by Jessica Jordan Photos courtesy of Alison Overcash

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



Date Night DRessing Going Out

If you’re going out for a nice Valentine’s Day dinner, you will want to keep warm and comfy the whole night. By wearing an oversized simple sweater, you give off a warm vibe. Different colored jeans or jeggings, such as the green pair junior Hannah Asper is wearing, add a pop of color to your outfit. Depending on where you will be going for dinner, heels could make your outfit more formal. If you do decide to

Staying In

Valentine’s Day Playlist le Ade – ” Love y M el ie u Fe cé o Y – Ell e n ” k o o a y D “M ” – Be You o e l k i a L “H Me e v Iver o n o “L end ”–B lding Gou ny Love ohn Leg homas J n ”–T “Ski f Me” – n a M o tina ppy “All s a i r H h a C s” – “Die r a e 5 Y tt oon Rhe ousand r a M h – “A T ed” – v o L i Perr Will Be autiful” t e Blun er “She g and B s e m n nd “You Del Ray iful” – Ja vie Wo e t Lana re Beau ly” – St y Gaga e d ’ “You She Lov ns” – La o ’t “Isn on Reas i l “Mil

If you’re taking a more laid-back approach to Valentine’s Day, you can take on an athletic look. A simple t-shirt or sweatshirt , such as the dance team one junior Alli Mullins is wearing, will keep you warm while watching movies or making dinner at home. To go along with a comfy shirt, you also need comfy pants or leggings. If you do have to leave home, athletic shoes to run out of the house would be perfect. Simple necklaces add a dainty touch to a simple at-home look. By Maddy Benda Graphic by Kelsey Bennett


Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon


Makeup Love

Valentine’s Day Makeup By Maddy Benda

Junior Francesca Leber started out by clearing all leftover makeup using the Lancome Bi-Facial Cleanser with a Q-tip. She then primed her eyes with the Urban Decay Naked Concealer. She started with a light base shade from the Morphe 350M Palette. Next, she covered her lid with another neutral brown. She then built up her crease with pink/ mauve shades from the Morphe Katleen Lights Palette and NYX Eyeshadow in “Sunberry.” To cut her crease, she used the Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer with a flat brush. She spread it on her whole lid but not all the way out to her outer corner. With her finger, she pressed a foiled peach shimmer shade from the Morphe 350S Palette and used it all over her lid. She finished her eyeshadow by blending with a mauve shade.

She then highlighted her brow bone with a light shimmery shade. Then she applied High Beam by Benefit to strobe her cheeks. With the Tarteist Clay Paint Liner she created a dramatic wing. She used both the Perfekt Mascara and the Loreal Volominous Mascara. Eyebrows were done using the Anastasia BH Brow Definer.

All that was left for her to do was her face makeup. She applied the Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation, concealed with the Tarte Shape Tape and the Urban Decay Naked Skin. She contoured with the Anastasia BH Cream Contour Kit. She used the Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in “Glisten” on the apples of her cheeks. She used the Stila Liquid Lipstick in “Carmello” on her lips along with the Anastasia BH Glided Lip Gloss in “Brillant à Lèveres.”

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



Journey to the top Wrestling Ranked Second In State The varsity wrestling team is ranked second in the state and 17th in the nation. “It’s a pretty big deal because you have teams like Neosho and other teams that have won six straight titles, and Smithville that has also won a couple straight titles. It is nice that this happened through all classes,” said wrestling coach Gary Mayabb. The state ranks are not done by class the way other sports are. It is an overall ranking, so all wrestling programs in the state are compared. The team has been working in the weight room as well as the wrestling room to be in the best shape that they can. “I am motivated by winning and the success of the team. I want our

team to be at the top of the podium making the upset that I know we

“We got to this place through hard work and dedication to each other and trying to better ourselves as wrestlers and people.” -senior wrestler Charley Genisio can do,” said freshman wrestler Kekoa Grace. The team got where they are by practicing several days a week, including weekends, but they still had to prove themselves. They beat Smithville High School in

Preparing to start the second period of his match against Liberty High School on Feb. 1, freshman Khyler Brewer walks to the middle of the mat. This is Brewer’s first year wrestling for Staley and his seventh year overall. “It feels good being on varsity as a freshman. I can’t wait for the next years to come for me, and I aiming for a state championship this year,” said Brewer.

a dual on Jan. 4 and lost a close dual to the No. 1-ranked Park Hill High School on Jan. 11. “We got to this place through hard work and dedication to each other and trying to better ourselves as wrestlers and people,” said senior wrestler Charley Genisio. The program also has depth on the JV team, and that makes the varsity team better as well. The younger classes helped make an impact on the program mixed with the talent of the older, more experienced athletes. “I feel confident in where we stand as a team and know we have everything we need, we just have to apply it,” said Genisio. Written by Haylee Roberts

Missouri Programs

Photo by Haylee Roberts

Source: Coach Elisha Bears


Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon

Source: MissouriWrestling.com


Lane to State Swimmers Qualify To Compete At State As the girls swim season comes to an end, more and more swimmers are getting their state cuts and dropping time. Stoaktown is a combined swim team of Staley, Oak Park and North Kansas City high schools. They are all from different schools in the same district but practice and attend meets together as one. “Putting in the yards and time is easier when you have such a great group of girls pushing each other and having fun,” said junior

Rachel Janiak. Qualifying for state in swim is different from other sports. Someone could get last in a race, but if they hit a certain time, they go to state. “Swim isn’t like football where going to state is based off of winning games. For swim, you have to meet a certain time requirement to go,” said sophomore Chase Kirby. The team placed first in the white division of the Suburban

Conference. Freshman Ella McMahon earned first in diving with an All-American score, while senior Keely Carnes earned second. Kirby made her first state time at the first meet of the season in the 400 free relay and has added the 200 medley relay, 100 free and 200 free relay to her list of state races. This is Janiak’s third year qualifying for state. She met four of her individual state cuts this

year, along with breaking her old conference time and is seeded sixth going into the state meet. “It still is so exciting, and the feeling of looking at the scoreboard and seeing that time is indescribable,” said Janiak. The state qualifiers will travel to St. Peters, Feb. 17 and 18 to compete. Written by Haylee Roberts

At swim practice on Jan. 31, some state qualifying athletes, prepare for conference. Freshman Bridget Hoth, Sophomores Chase Kirby and Abby Hall, Junior Rachel Janiak and Senior Maddie Kovarik Photo by Christopher Spry

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon



Remembering Alayna Loved Ones Share Memories Freshman Alayna Shelley was funny, smart and had a great love for cats. She was born on June 12, 2002, along with her triplet sister and brother, Emma and Jack. She left behind a legacy of love, compassion and bravery. She fought a battle against acute lymphoblastic leukemia from March 10 to Dec. 22. She left behind Emma, Jack, her younger sister Amanda, parents Tim and Liana and her beloved cat Sydney. “It’s just a lot different without her,” said Emma. Emma and Alayna were very close, sharing a room in their basement and doing almost everything together. They were involved in gymnastics up until eighth grade and were in the same class until middle school. Alayna was obsessed with cats. Before she got sick, she got a camera because she loved taking photos, and she took countless pictures of her cat. There were pictures of Sydney in her hospital room, and when Facetiming her family from the hospital, she would ask about her cat and want to put it on the phone. “Sydney was the love of her life, I would say,” said Alayna’s

mom. Because of her diagnosis, Alayna could not start her freshman year at Staley with her siblings and close friend Taylor Kolbe, who spoke at her memorial on Jan. 2, and her other lifelong friends. Alayna and Kolbe were friends since the sixth grade, where their seating chart in choir put them next to each other. When they met in sixth grade, Kolbe didn’t know that Alayna was a triplet and didn’t find out until a year and a half later. Then, all four of them became close friends. “Alayna was a bit shy until you got to know her, then she was a lot of fun,” said Kolbe. Alayna was in remission and had enrolled in classes for second semester, but she had a stroke and passed away on Dec. 22. Junior Britlyn Sparks has known the triplets for nine years, going back to elementary school. They used to walk home together, and now Sparks takes them home after school. “She was the sweetest girl I have ever met,” said Sparks. Written by Emilie Kerr Photos courtesy of Liana Shelley

Volume 9 Issue 3 Talon


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