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Jesuits in Britain - 400 Years
The Jesuits in Britain marked their 400th Anniversary with a Mass earlier this year at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street. The Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, and the homily was delivered by the Provincial Superior of the British Jesuits, Father Damian Howard SJ.
The congregation heard the premier of the new motet, ‘Precious in the eyes of the Lord’ by Sir James MacMillan, performed by the Farm Street choir. St Aloysius’ College staff and pupils brought up the Offertory gifts. It was a wonderful celebration and we were so honoured to be part of it, with Mrs. Erskine, Mr. McBride and Jessica (S6) and Eva (S6) attending.
Retreat Days College News

Year group day retreats for Primary 3 – Primary 7 were held at Schoenstatt in Campsie Glen during the season of Lent. This year, our chosen theme was “Care for Our Common Home” where, acting on the inspiration from Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’, the children participated in workshops to encourage them to “Stop! Look! Give thanks!” The children also enjoyed the opportunity to pray outside and Fr Gerard Mitchell SJ led the children in reflections on the Stations of the Cross. Each day concluded with the celebration of Mass, celebrated by Fr Gerard.

Junior School Choirs Win Big

On Tuesday 14th of March, 122 pupils from Kindergarten to Primary 7 competed in the Glasgow Music Festival.
The 4 choirs, conducted by Laura Bain and accompanied by Ann Archibald sang beautifully and were each adjudicated with comments on their excellent discipline, wonderful in-tune singing for such a young age, and attention to detail receiving exceptionally high marks of 87 and 88 taking first place across the board!
Well done to everyone who took part - we are looking forward to hearing you sing again soon.