2 minute read
SECTION ONE | Christian Formation

Jesuit education has at its core the principle of cura personalis –care for each person so that they may flourish academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Here in St. Aloysius’ College Junior School, every member of sta plays a key role in getting to know every child as an individual. In doing so, we are able to support, encourage and challenge our children in their journey of growing up in today’s society.
The Junior School Chaplaincy programme promotes the relgious and spiritual formation that is integral to Jesuit Education. It plays a central role in fostering the spiritual development of our children, families and the church. We welcome children of all Christian traditions, and other faiths, encouraging them to play as full a part as they can in the spiritual life of our school.

Children in the Junior School have regular opportunities to encounter with the person of Jesus through prayer and worship in the Manresa Room. Teachers can take their class to the room for a quiet time to reflect, to do the Examen, personal prayer or for a liturgy service. Throughout Lent and Advent, members of staff volunteer every day to lead a prayer service. Eucharistic Services are made available for those pupils who wish to receive the sacrament.

Your child is at the beginning of their life journey and the development of the whole person is at the core of our Jesuit principles. You will hear and see words and phrases that will echo throughout the school and will soon see that Religious Education and formation does not only take place during RE lessons.
The Jesuit Pupil Profile articulates the qualities of character that Jesuit schools seek to develop in their pupils. These virtues are rooted in the gospel values of Jesus Christ and in the spirituality of St Ignatius but they are also fundamental human values, shared by people of all faiths and none. We encourage all our children to seek these qualities throughout their lives, not only in the people they see around them, but in their own actions and relationships with others. In every piece of work that they do, the children scribe A.M.D.G. (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) reminding them that everything they do is, quite simply, ‘for the greater glory of God’. For our children, to live Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam is a way of being that permeates every thought, every deed, every action, and to ask them to contemplate the meaning of everything they do.

Your child will also participate in the Examen, which is used throughout the Junior School as an instrument for reflection. It creates a rich tradition for listening and being heard—which is helping all of us learn how to hear and speak not just to one another, but also to God.