201 8 edition
graphic design illustrator product design
P o r n n a tc h a (S ta m p) S a n g s u k- i a m D esigner cur rently based in Bangkok ,T hailand Cont act st ampsangsukiam@gmail.com TH + 66 81 55 75624 st ampyst amped.wixsite.com/st ampsangsuk-iam Educat io n 2014-201 8
Bachelor of industr ial design, depar tment of industr ial design, facult y of architect ure, chulalongkor n univer sit y Science D epar tment, Mater D ei School
Skills sol f wa re adobe illustr ator adobe photoshop adobe premeier pro r hinocerous photopr aphy
technical illustr at ion water colour pop-up paper cer amic photogr aphy
Exper ience present
freelance, illustr at ion, potr ait
201 8
Bangkok Object Exhibit ion, D esign Plant, Bangkok design week 201 8 2 9 re - d e s i g n Ban g ko k o b j e c t f ro m 2 9 d e s ign er ' T h e Fo otp ath e r ' , wal l h an g e r & h o m e d e co r at io n
201 7
Moreover D esign g r a p h i c & p ro duc t d e s i g n i n te r n s h i p
201 7
Chula Expo 201 7 I n du s tr i al D e s i g n ' s G r ap h i c Te am
201 7
“Cr af t X Object” Exhibit ion Singapore design week201 7 i n co l la b o r at i o n b e t we e n Si n gap o re Po l y tec h n ic a n d Chu la l o n g ko r n Un i ve r s i t y ' I n s h ad e' la m p & h o m e d e co r at i o n
201 6
"REUNTHAITAY " Annual Magazine of Facult y of Architect ure, Chulalongkor n Univer sit y co lu m n i s t , “ Tay n ay m e sud ”
Achivement s 201 6
Ageing societ y innovat ion, D epar tment of Interect ual Proper t y 201 6 2 n d Awa rd "Ad d - o n Ca n e" , a l te r n at i ve can e fo e e l d e r ly
201 6
1 00 design award, Siam Discover y 1 00 se l e c te d wo r k, s h o p p i n g b ag d e s i g n
bachelor 's thesis project 04,05,08,09
graphic design 06-07
packaging design 08-1 2
product design 14-1 5
01 -03
I love to play music. For me, sounds that come out of instr ument directly is more special than other sounds. When you play music the sound that come out depends on you , fast or slow, loud or quiet. It makes the sound suit the sit uat ions and become special. Music can br ing happiness to ever y sit uat ion and even br ing back happy memor ies. Wouldn't it be good if we could br ing this special sound to create happiness ever ywhere we want and wear them as a jeweller y ?
0 bachelor 's th /product desig
1 hesis project gn x branding/
02 bachelor 's th /product desig
2 hesis project gn x branding/
T his is a cont inuous project f rom Happies, jewelr y from my ha ppy moment. In contr ar y, from previous project in this collect ion I want to f ind the sound that makes ever yone feel happy. From research, Nat ure sound link with us from the beginning of t ime. For inst ance, r ain or bird are the symbol of Fer t ilit y so when our ancestor hear this sound they will feel relaxed because there are plent y of food and safe place to live. But nowadays it is harder and harder to hear nat ure sound for us who live in the cit y. We have to wor k hard live fast which make lot s of us become ner vous. So our br ain have to f ind a way to relax which we know it as f idget ing. Just like the sound of nat ure f idget ing help us to feel relax. From this research i want to use act ion of f idget to make nat ure sound for the user to feel Happies! So i exper iment to f ind mater ials that can capt ure the sound of nat ure by easy act ion of f idget and here are the result, Happies Nat ure Collect ion , a f idget jeweller y set that will br ing you happy sound of nat ure .
03 bachelor 's th /product desig
3 hesis project gn x branding/
CU EXPO Arch Chula Expo 201 7 " D oor s " เ ปิ ดป ร ะ ต สู่ สถาปั ต ย์ ศ ตวร ร ษ หน้ า
Industr ial D esign B oot Facualt y of Architect ure, Chulalon gkor n Univer sit y
6 D oor s, 6 mater ials ID, We st udy to under st and mater ials in order to design innovat ion. T his door s show making process of each mater ial
04 graphic
4 design
D oor s
E X H I B I T I O N 1 5-1 9 March 201 7 Facult y of Architect ure Chulalongkor n Univer sitt y
05 graphic
5 design
Tea fr iends will sur pr ise you! T he out side of each tea fr iend's package looks the same but you'll f ind different char acter s inside. By folding the package in opposite direct ion, you'll have a fr iend hanging with your mug while enjoying your tea.
0 packagin
6 ng design
01 Pick up your favor ite tea.
02 Open the package and see which tea fr iend is visit ing you.
03 Dr ink tea with tea fr iend
04 Many more fr iends is wat ing to visit you. See you on nex t tea t ime!
1 00 sel ec ted wo r k from " 1 00 des ig n awa rd",
Si a m Di scove r y
0 packagin
7 ng design
T his shopping bag designed from theme of Siam Discover y which are explore and lifest yle lab. Looking at the bag gener ally, It is just a plane shopping bag but if you look at it closely, you will f ind it 's alphabet stencil det ail. Stencil det ail on the bag allow you to create words, patter ns or symbols that suit your lifest yle by tear ing the alphabet out. Af ter tear ing out the alphabet, the shopping bag won't be just a nor mal shopping bag but it will com municate and t ur n valuable to both receiver and giver.
Get Br ic is a group class project. It 's all begin with one problem of lego. When classic lego have been played for ser ver al t imes, ever yone get bored and play with them no more. Even you might got a box of lego that had been sitt ing st ill for ages! Classic Lego is good for ever yone, it 's a way of expressing your creat ivit y, improve your skill of dimensional relat ions and for the children, it make small muscles in their hand stronger But how could Lego makes you feel excit ing ever y t ime you play ? We did the research and came out for the board game solut ion that can play with your old box of Lego. B oard game is mult iple player s game so ever y t ime playing thegame, it is different and challenging t o win the opponent s. B oard gameis also a physical game play just like Lego so you get to st ack legos like used to We design the game play to increase uniqueness of playing lego , creat ivit y, diment ional relat ion and hand skill. But the game doesn'tend yet. T here are themes and addit ional box for you to explore!
08 product design x user exp
8 perience x graphic design
09 product design x user exp
9 perience x graphic design
Peel is a st at ionar y set that incor por ates the concept of peeling fr uit skins into it s design. Peel's pencil case is peeled out into one long str ip when opened. It s color pencil uses peeling instead of shar pening. T he er aser 's paper can be peeled out easily when the er aser becomes small.
10 product
0 t design
Pear / Apple / Or ange
ADD ON CANE What do you think of when you see a cane? Senior it y of cour se! T he elder ly also thinks so too. No one want s too look old! B ecause of this 65% of the elder ly uses umbrellas instead of canes, however umbrellas weren't design to be used as a canes.T his makes elder ly su ffer from walking diff icult ies. Add-On Cane are add-on par t s that will t ur n your old umbrella into a new proper cane!
11 product
LOWER PART " Tur n your old umbrella in to a proper cane" Add-On cane comes in t wo par t s,the upper par t and the lower par t. You can put it on any kind of umbrella or even put it on a cane to make it more eff icient.
Add-On cane will expand your umbrella's base for better balance and will st ick to the floor while walking.
On this par t elder ly can put str aps on to the umbrella making the umbrella more easier to hold f ir mly. T he str aps can also be used to str ap the umbrella to a bag, which helps the elder ly to remember to pick it up.
12 product
Another big problem in using an umbrella or even a proper cane is using it incor rectly. Using the cane incor rectly has no benef it to it, and is even a burden to the elder ly 's body. In order to use the cane cor rectly, user has to hold the cane on opposite side of their weak leg. T his will make the movement nat ur al when tr ansfer r ing weight through cane, like when we swing our hand while walking. Add-on cane has a gr ip par allel to the hand that elder ly uses to hold the cane, making sure that the elder ly holds the cane in the r ight hand. ( lef t for r ight weak leg, r ight for lef t weak leg). But holding the cane cor rectly st ill doesn't conf ir m that elder ly is walking cor rectly. Add-on cane has a checking st ick that can be t ur ned down and use as a checker by walking. If the st ick touches the elder ly 's leg when wor king it means they are walking cor rectly.
group project with: T hunr adee Sr iudompor n, Chalipa Project Advisor : Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pr ima Isr asena Na Ayudhaya Award: 2nd award , design for ageing, ageing societ y innovat ion, D epar tment of Intellect ual Proper t y 201 6
L a L a L and ( 201 7)
L a L a L and ( 201 7)
Never Let Me Go ( 201 0)
13 illustr
3 raion
T he Gr and Budapest ( 2014)
Little Miss Sunshine ( 2014)
Random Gir l from pinterest
Water Colour Pencil Colour on paper IG: card.me
15 illust
5 raion