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Gustaf Engstrรถm 56-59

Anthony Mills 50-53

Nina Shahin 48-49

Christoffer Bilebo 42-47

Mona Kealah Elboghdady 34-39

Ajja P. 26-31

Gregory Rousson P. 22-25

Taylor Stewart P. 16-21

Tilda Kjerrulf P. 10-15

Music 68-69

Leah Costa 64-61

Shingo Brown 62-63

Victoria Hansson


k jerrulf

+ 9 0 8

Who are you Well i usually just answer “cool” if I get that question. Love “she’s cool” Favorite color Right now it’s yellow, clear yellow. Like a lemon. Describe your art I do different kind of art. But mostly i work with color pens and digital, like photography. When your not painting what do you do I’m in my bed looking at tv shows eating BBQ chips and drinking Pepsi Max. Favorite tool Pens & Photoshop. What do you want to be when you grow up Self supporting farmer. Have a house in the countryside. Have an art collective and own a goat. When did you start with art I’ve always done art. I know it sounds cliche but it’s true. Started drawing in kindergarten. I remember I always went down to the recycling in the basement to build sculptures. Best this week That would be when I escaped from a sailing boat in a city called Sassnitz in Germany. Love “see that’s cool”

f i t t o r n a

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stewa r t


Taylor Stewart is a graphic artist currently working out of Ypsilanti, Michigan. She will be receiving her Bachelors of Fine Arts from Eastern Michigan University in December 2015. Currently, she is employed for both Eastern Michigan University’s Galleries and Campus Life division as a graphic designer. Working within the commercial design world, Taylor focuses on branding of events, print design, publication interior and cover design. Through art Taylor explores ideas of female sexuality within current pop culture.

Vulva, Mirror, Landscape: Study Six

Who are you An african american sexioligist Favorite color Orange, burnt orange. Inspiration Usually my friends and conversations I have with people. Describe your art My art is very personal studys of my sexually identeti as an african american woman. when you’re not painting what do you do Well then i’m smoking and talking politics i guess, haha. Probably school comes somewhere in between to. Favorite tool I like these marker from Michels, these ink pens. They are really easy to steal and really nice to use. Best this week Damn, this has been a good damn week! I

slept on najas couch. probably the most comfortable couch ever. What do u want to be when you grow up I never want to grow up. But if i have to i want to make an impact on the community in some way. I really want a cat. But i really don’t feel like i’m grown up for that yet. When/how did you start with art Actually i started drawing because my brother was super good and I wasn’t so I always got super jealous of him. So i just started practising until I good at it. How can one find you The batman sing in the air or my webbsigt and follow me on instagram: @olive.afro.oyl

Vulva, Mirror, Landscape: Study Two

Notes hit. Melt Baby




Who are you My name is Gregory Rousson Favorite Color I want to say that my favorite color is blue but it’s not though. It’s like a 1950s homemaker pink. Inspiration I draw inspiration from a desire for personal worth. Rationally, I know I innately possess personal worth but that doesn’t stop me from constantly seeking approval through the things that I do. And I feel like there’s no higher source of approval than doing something someone wants to fuck you for. Tell me about your current project I’m currently trying to make the leap from short 5 minute fictional videos to a feature-length film. It’s about a hairdresser looking for love through internet dating, combing her way through the losers and fuckboys trying to find... well, whatever it is we’re all trying to find. How did you start with art If I have to be honest, and I don’t, I think I started art for real when this girl, Anna, mistook me for a writer. That was just the general impression she had of me. And I allowed her to have that impression. Then I began to cultivate that kind of cool and actually started to write. It ended up being a fake it till you make it kind of thing. I mean, I’m still faking it. What do you wanna do when you grow up I don’t wanna grow up. Favorite tool My favorite tool is other people’s opinions. People will project all sorts of stuff onto you and your work and if you keep your mouth shut some of it makes you look really good.

I’ve never really considered myself an artist. Like so many before me I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no inherent meaning in existence. And while it’s up to me to create this meaning, most of the time I choose resentment, at having to wake up everyday and be somebody, with an identity and all its hassles. But I guess the fact that, through this hopelessness and despair, I choose to do something, when it’s so much easier to do absolutely nothing, might qualify me as an artist. In that case, here’s my statement: Anna Delamer, you broke my heart.

The portraits reflects the questions I have in my head and what’s important in my life.


F O T O :



Who are you What do you say when someone ask you that? Hmm, I’m a person that gives people the desire to create. Favorite color Purple. Describe your art My art is a spiritual mix of photo realism, abstract, and graphics. Many colors with a low and strong undertone of stock. Inspiration Life, in life I get most inspiration from nature, kind people, conversations, and dance. And then energy by the joy of life. When you don’t paint what do you do Everything in my life has to do with painting. Everything. But I can also appreciate music, film, dance, and writing. I have a hard time reading. You know sitting still and concentrating. Maybe I’ll learn that when I get older. I would love to learn how to fly, like a charming airplane. Favorite tool Liquid watercolor. And then spray paint of every color that exists. Air brush, oil pastels. What do you want to be when you grow up Artist. And I want to own a farm, somewhere like here, Österlen. I want to be a pilot, lover, old, and I want to leave a heritage. Something that generations can get life happiness from. Best this week Being with all these amazing friends at street art Österlen. I’m looking forward to lighting up my smoke bombs and filming it. But the best part has to be that the summer finally came! The summer and the heat.

The photo, in the bottom--it’s taken by me in fall 2014 in a warehouse I call“Hangaren” at Ystadsgatan 53 in Malmö. It’s open for the the public every Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. The painting is about 8 meters tall and 10 meters wide. This painting is the painting that is my biggest priority to show and talk about because it’s my masterpiece. I don’t have pictures from 4 years of painting because of a bad ex-boyfriend etc., so I wanted to take a break and build up myself again. This painting took one year’s time and the painting reflects the process of my development from late teen to adult. The portraits reflects the questions I have in my head and what’s important in my life. The painting became very existential. Science is on the left side of the painting, and the right side has religious light. In the middle is a man and a woman naked. Behind them is the movement through time caught in a moment. Under them it’s a magical bubbling cauldron of color that releases fumes that represents spirits. All my paintings come to the conclusion of me as a creator, the artist. /Ajja

d o yo u d ec id e w hat a r t is?





”5m*40*” OMEGA

Who are you I am Mona Elboghdady (Mona Kealah is my art name). I am an Egyptian artist, was based in Cairo and currently I’m active in Simrishamn. I’m resident in Osterlenskolan for art and design, such an inspiring and beautiful school. Favorite color My favorite color is turquoise. Inspiration I get my inspiration from anything around me, from nature, from a character, from other artists. Life itself is a dynamics of inspiration for me. Describe your art My art is always an exploration of what is inside through looking and observing the outer environment. I paint portraits, nature, but it’s all still a projection of my subconscious. It is a journey of both types of exploration: exploration of the world and self-exploration happening

t r i n i t a s

simultaneously. I experimented so far in many kinds of media, I do paintings, illustrations, comic art, and recently street art. What do you do when you’re not painting When I don’t paint I do Japanese calligraphy What do you want to be when you grow up When I grow up I wanna to do art for the rest of my life without having to work as a pharmacist (my college degree) haha. When did you start with art I started doing art since I was very little, I used to paint and draw a lot during my school years and organizing the exhibitions (in my college years too). It is throughout my life basically. Favorite tool My favorite tool nowadays is Aquarelle. Best this week watching Gorilla koko communicating with humans.

r e m e m b r a n c e


Be safe


fe r

bil le bo

Through images, and the image of images, I’m working with the contingencies of the human hand and mind. The gap that appears inbetween the perceived reality and fiction, the analog and the digital. There is a midpoint where these two can affect each other. Where you find unanticipated grey areas, where the lost gets visible and valuable loses it value. I never consider myself as a good painter. The clumsy brushstroke. Predetermination does not exist. Process and digestion is the ongoing result, failing in painting opens up for alternatives. Images morph between abstraction and object, pausing in the two dimensional. When the painting freezes at the surface, its physicality expands.

Outdoors, far away. When did you start with art. When I quit sports

Non Art Favorite color. Gli Azzurri blue Describe your art. Through images, and the image of images, I’m working with the contingencies of the human hand and mind. The gap that appears inbetween the perceived reality and fiction, the analog and the digital. What do you want to be when you grow up. Mario Lemieux Favorite tool. The double barreled brush Best this week Next week Where can one find you.

Who are you. Christoffer Billebo, Painter born 1986 in Värmland, Sweden. Inspiration.



Who are you. I am the confused daughter of two hard working immigrants, the strong sister of two lost boys, the resilient thinker, the vessel. Favorite color. It depends on what colors are around. I am more interested in color schemes than specific colors, but if I had to pick one I would say Olive Green or a sunny Yellow-Orange. Inspiration. I am inspired by everything around me, like nature and the people in my life, but my work is driven by the concepts of marginalization, womanhood, fear, culture, and war. I am currently in the works of getting rubble from the demolished homes in Gaza shipped to me, so that I can make cabochons out of the crushed cement blocks and turn them into jewelry. The pieces will be very industrial and muted, and the proceeds from selling the jewelry will go to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. Describe your art. Theres a lot of color play. Most of my artwork consists of self-portraits. I use my paintings as a way of self preservation. This is what I looked like at this time, and this is how I felt, and now I can keep those feelings in this painting. People say that healing crystals tell stories, you just have to listen. My paintings do the same thing. When you’re not doing art, what do you do. I like to spend time at the local coffee shop watching people. Ypsilanti is a funny place, and the people are very entertaining to watch. I also spend a lot of time with thinkers, people trying to make change, and it is very inspiring. Always spend time with people who are trying to change things, you will learn a lot. Favorite tool. My hands What do you want to be when you grow up. I dont really know yet, I just want to be good at it, whatever it is. When/ how did you start with art. My father, my grandfather, and my sister are all artists, so I always knew it was something to explore. However, it was my elementary school art teacher, Steve Coron, that inspired me to pursue my passions, and he still pushes me till this day! Painting was my introduction into the art world, but I am now focusing on silversmithing and metal working.

ant hony mills

Who are you. Who am I? I’m a beast. Favorite color. Pink. How did you start with art. My mother is an artist and she had a behavior worth wanting to copy and imitate you know. Describe your art. My art is like a mix of cultures: African origins, slave trade, and how my ancestors got to america. My work stems from that. Inspiration. My inspiration is effortless. When your not painting what do you do. Conceptualising. But i’m alsow a producer, writer, dj and singer. What do you want to be when you grow up. Same thing I did when I was a child. Best this week. When I witness some evolution in my kids.

un m a rked kol l e kt i ve Unmarked Kollektive is a design studio based in MalmÜ, founded by Lina Bo Birk and Ian Milembe Harrysson. We strive to be a studio which creates design accessible for everyone, no matter where you’re from, your physical capabilities or your sexual orientation. As a studio we offer young and new-thinking design, working with both motion and graphic design.

Ian Milembe Harrysson Lina Bo Birk




work i paint. --ish like that. Favorite tool. My favore tool is my iphone It helps me hugely in the creation. Absolutely incredible and limitless tool for an ex-graffiti artist and a creative artist.

range of photo realists. What do you do when you’re not painting. When I’m not painting i work, when i not

rather a performance. like a game Inspiration. Inspiration gathered from old reference books on a bookshelf, popular culture in general; film is of course a great inspiration area. Loved Geiger as a child (Alien). The Cartoonist John Byrne probably thought me the most about drawing figures. I also like a

good painter. Describe your art. My art is very electric. It doesn’t always follow a habitual track, it often adopts a already existent form and style. Art is a way for me to express thoughts. Not very original. A kind of paraphrasing and imitative. Art is not fatal serious for me,

Favorite colore. Hmm i believe every color that gives some kind of contrast or monochrome scale interests me. Color is usually not my common spectrum when it comes to painting. I mostly work with different shades of gray, because i’m not a particular

basically do everything with it. Best this week This week i’ve been free from everything and haven’t created at all. I have periods in my life when i’m not able to draw a line. Best this week was probably a drunken appearance I made on an Asian karaoke. I imitated Freddy Mercury and sang an extremely inlevelsefulll version of ”We are the champions”

with that When did you start with art I have always drawn, i think i did my first drawing as a 7 year old. The drawing was, and is in a was the foundation of my existence. And actually I’m more of a draftsman than a painter. When the graffiti wave came and swept one with in into the hiphop culture i got stuck. Paintinh with spray paint is the the coolest thing ever. I have been hooked sense the first time i tried it. Fantastic tool, you can

What do you want to be when you grow up When I grew up I wanted to be an actor . My parents didn’t think it was a lucrative career so it never really happened something

Who are you I’m Shingo Brown. 33 years old, currently living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Inspiration My inspiration comes from my environment. I love colors and textures. Music also has a huge role in my drawings. What do you want to be when you grow up What I want to be is always changing because I’m constantly experimenting with different mediums. However, my dream is to open an art store that doubles as an art gallery where I can have bi-weekly events and have workshops on the weekends. Favorite tool

My favorite tool currently is a Rhodia Dot pad and a nice variety of microns and brush pens.

What made you start with art My family is very artistic. My grandmother was a water color painter, my mom and her mom were traditional Japanese dancers, my dad plays guitar. I’ve always been drawing since I was a tiny thing. I’m still doing it! I did take a break though because I was unsure of what I was doing with my life. I went the graphic design route but sitting in front of a computer and taking instructions by clueless clients was not very enjoyable. I wanted to have fun again and spend my time doing something I really love doing so I’m back to doing art! Describe your art My artwork is always changing like how my life is. I focus on authenticity and being genuine with my art. I want people to feel me when they look at something I’ve made whether it’s a shibori piece or a mural I’ve painted or even a little doodle of some butts.



leah Who are you Who? I’m a fluid human, i’m a designer, i’m queer, i am curios Inspiration Like nature architecture, people, . I’m inspired by everything around me. Most i’m inspired by things that doesn’t get much attending. Like looking in to things that doesn’t get recognition. Favorite Color neutrals, mostly worm. I like colors you can find in nature, not necessary brown and creams, but natural pigments. Describe your art describe my art… I feel my art seeks to reflection what i experience, my own expiriens in society but not myself independent. myself in a broder context . i like to comment on distortion, and how things develop over time, i think a lot about time. also identity. What do you want to be when you grow up a kid. Favore tool My hands and my brain (and adobe) I really like working with things i can get instant result

costa from. I think using less is harder than constentlly adding. I mean that formatting speaking. When did you start with art I don’t thing i ever started, I always did it. I always was a designer i remember as a kid probably kid i reattached my chair or bed all the time and how that effects my mood. Were can one find you Everywhere. I never stay in one place to long, except Ypsi, i live in psi but o’m always running around, the coffee shop, my studio, apartment or just walking around. Or you can find me in my head, i’m always there Best this week That show we went to last night at vitae! I like dancing and live music. I had a really good class to my pchycologi sex class, we touch a lot of subjects.


yo u sh o u l d l i s t en to o


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