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Driving lessons are expensive but there are a number of ways you could try to save money with driving lessons. 1) Book for 5 lessons or more to get the quantity discount, i.e. block booking. Most of the driving schools offer this service, so you can book driving lessons in advance and get discounts. You can still choose the time and date but it all depends upon your availability and your driving instructor's availability. The downside of block booking is that if you are not happy with your instructor for some reason, you might get stuck with him/her until you have taken all the hours. The solution is to take 1st lesson and if you are happy with the instructor pay him/her for the block booking and get discount, your instructor would be more than happy to do that. 2) Read the Highway Code thoroughly to understand the rules and explanation, which the examiners are particularly interested to see that you understand. Highway Code rules and explanation are very easy to understand, do not just keep the book on the shelf, read it thoroughly. You can get one from your local book store, it only cost few pounds but this book is a necessary tool for anyone who is driving or learning to drive. Most students have this misconception that because they are the rules, they are written in legal language, they are written in simple English and easy for you to understand. Even if you do have any problem understanding them, ask your driving instructor to explain. As long as you read the Highway Code thoroughly and acquire knowledge of the rules, you can put them in practice during your driving lessons. This way you would have a better chance of passing your driving test easily and also saving money with driving lessons. 3) After every lesson write down in detail What you have learnt? What were your mistakes? What you have improved? And what you practiced during the lesson? It is also important to revise it before the driving lesson so you will be better prepared for your lesson, this way you would be able to save time and thus lots of money. Easily said then done for most students. If you are taking one lesson every week it is very easy to forget, what you have learnt in the last lesson. Do not be lazy about writing it down, as soon as you finish your lesson; write it down in detail about your lesson. Your aim should be to write your mistakes, and what you have improved as well as what new you have learnt in the lesson. Your driving instructor would be more than happy to help you with the recap before and after the lesson.
4) Lastly, if you have some one in your family or friends, who has got a license for more than 3 years they might be able to help, they can sit with you in a car while you practice your driving skills. You need to get the insurance for this purpose. This way you would be able to save a lot of money with your driving lessons. The downside is not everyone has the patience to teach, and driving instructions do require a lot of patience. Also an experienced driver might pass on driving skills which might not be approved by the driving standards agency and the examiners. Learning to drive could be very expensive but it is an investment for life and it does open a world of opportunities for everyone including you.
Saad Saleem writes on a variety of subjects including learning to drive and safe driving for life. All his articles may be reproduced provided that an active is included to [http://www.saldrivingschool.co.uk]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Saad_Saleem
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