Dear Starbucks Store Manager: I am a conscientious Starbucks customer and a supporter of’s Better Cup Campaign. Six years ago, Starbucks set a bold goal when it said it would serve coffee in recyclable cups and increase the amount of coffee served in reusable cups from less than 2% to more than 25%.1 While Starbucks has talked a lot about these promises and its environmental commitments, it has failed to deliver. Sadly, most Starbucks cups still end up in the landfill. The over four billion disposable paper coffee cups that Starbucks serve every year, and the forests destroyed to make those cups, exact a huge toll on our climate. I can’t accept that, and neither should you. It’s time for Starbucks to introduce a better cup. Please contact Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz and urge Starbucks to work with to help protect forests, communities and our climate. Sincerely,
P.S. For more information, visit www.BetterCup.Earth or contact at