They’ve got the power, they’ve got the money, they’ve got the resources.
So why are we winning?
Being attacked: it’s a good thing. Nothing proves you’re having an impact more than having your opponent call you names and try to shut you down. We’ve never been more effective. And we won’t stop now. We’re ready to thwart new attempts to silence our voice – and yours. Most importantly, we’re ready to forge ahead with our campaigns to stop tar sands expansion, pipelines and tankers, fracking in some of our wildest, most valuable places, and to protect the Boreal forest.
To do this, we need your help.
Stand with us. Add your voice, and your courageous spirit. Make a donation. Become a part of something remarkable. Become a part of ForestEthics.
Start with courage, strategy, and a jaw-dropping track record For the last five years, ForestEthics has focused on stopping the expansion of Canada’s tar sands – the source of the world’s dirtiest oil. This massive open-pit mining and industrial complex is spreading across North America’s spectacular Boreal forest. Canada’s Boreal is one of North America’s most critical resources: it cleans our air, provides fresh water, helps regulate our climate, and is home to millions of birds and animals. No organization is better equipped than ForestEthics to protect big places from big threats: since 1999, we’ve secured the protection of more than 26 million hectacres/65 million acres of endangered forests. How? By convincing Fortune 500 companies to stop buying products made from those ecologically essential forests. And by working collaboratively with First Nations, the people indigenous to Canada, and governments to make sure protection measures stick. Now we’re applying our successful model of corporate change to stop the expansion of the tar sands. The path-blazing commitments we’ve obtained from some of the biggest names in corporate America,
along with our campaign to stop a pipeline proposal by oil giant Enbridge Inc., have caused quite a stir in the tar sands industry – and the Canadian Prime Minister’s office. In fact, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has aggressively targeted ForestEthics with a campaign of intimidation, slander and obstruction intended to shut us down. Why? Because so far, we’ve convinced 16 major US companies, including Walgreens, and Whole Foods, to take action to move away from fuel that comes from refineries using tar sands. Our work, along with that of our allies, has inspired thousands of citizens like you to speak out against the devastating impacts of tar sands development and pipelines on animals, people and the environment.
And the momentum keeps building.
Why is Goliath calling David names? When the Canadian Government goes out of its way to brand a small Canadian-initiated organization like ForestEthics as “radical foreign saboteurs” and puts us on an enemyie list of adversaries, we know we’re doing something right. And Canada’s Harper government is doing much more than name-calling — it’s carrying out a full-scale assault on the country’s environment. From gutting longstanding environmental laws (experts say rolling back environmental protection more than 50 years) to redefining what constitutes charitable work and interfering with citizens’ rights to free speech against resource development projects, the government’s actions are having a chilling effect on many who would otherwise stand up and be heard.
When we convinced some of the biggest buyers of fuel to stop buying it from refineries that use tar sands, the government did more than take notice: it took action. Government records, recently made public through an ‘access to information’ request, confirm that the Canadian Government has been deploying diplomats to meet with major US companies in an attempt to reverse and undermine ForestEthics’ successful work.
But that hasn’t stopped ForestEthics. And nothing will.
Some day—when the tide has swung back against [the Canadian] government and its staggering betrayal of the environment—many people and politicians will want to say they stood up and spoke out the way ForestEthics is presently.
— James Allodi, Canadian Director and Actor
What Canada needs now is not less advocacy for the environment but more. It needs more speech not less speech. It needs ForestEthics.
— Clayton Ruby, Order of Canada Recipient, LL.B., LL.M., One of Canada’s leading lawyers and ForestEthics Advocacy board member
It’s the money. It’s always the money. Singlehandedly, we’ve moved millions of dollars in demand from US refineries using tar sands to refineries that don’t. That poses a big threat to the oil industry and Canada’s federal government, who have both staked their economic future on the dirtiest, most energy-intensive industrial enterprise on Earth. That’s why Big Oil and its supporters want us out of the way. And why now, more than ever and stronger than ever, ForestEthics is here to stand for your—and the environment’s—rights. That a courageous little organization like ForestEthics is drawing the ire of such a powerful, moneyed combination of Big Oil and Government is a testament to the power of the truth
and impact of our work. Despite being smack in the bull’s eye of Canada’s federal government and Big Oil, and being massively outspent by their PR budgets, ForestEthics’ campaign to stop tar sands expansion continues to gain momentum, national media attention, and public support. What’s going on in the tar sands is not good for North America or the world.
It’s not smart energy. It’s an environmental disaster on an unprecedented scale.
San Francisco One Haight Street San Francisco, California 94102 415.863.4563
Bellingham 1329 North State Street , Suite 302 Bellingham, WA 98225 360.734.2951
ForestEthics Advocacy Association 163 West Hastings Street, Suite 350 Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1H5 604.331.6201
Advocacy • Solutions • Action ForestEthics and ForestEthics Advocacy are made up of people from all walks of life who are dedicated to protecting endangered forests, the wildlife that live in them, and the human well-being they engender. We believe that the basic qualities of a good life spring from the forest—the air we breathe, the water we drink, and many life-saving medicines, for starters.