Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
District Created Unit Unit Planning Organizer Common Core Standards Plus Lessons – Listed in Green on Pages 2‐4 Subject: ELA Unit: 1
Grade: 3 Length of Unit (Include Buffer Days):
Unit Name: Exploring Expository Text
6 weeks
Rationale: This is an introductory unit to expository/informational text, research, note‐taking and summarizing. The skills will be used in units 3 and 5. The unit is designed to use the science text as your main resource. Presentations could be on other areas than science; ex. Cooking, art, etc.
Engaging Scenario Congratulations! Welcome to third grade where you get to show what you know! Over the next 6 weeks, we are going to create our own show called, “Kids Did It”. Together, we will learn how to write steps for demonstrations. First, we will watch videos of other people doing amazing demonstrations and learn to take notes while watching them. Notes will then be written into an expository paragraph. Finally, you get the chance to teach your class the steps for doing something that you know how to do really well! *TEACHERS‐ It is suggested that student presentation boards should include written steps, illustrations and other features of text, as well as a completed expository paragraph.* Page 1 of 18
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Priority Standard(s) 1. W 3.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. a. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of information. d. Provide a concluding statement or section. Common Core Standards Plus Lessons Writing Lesson 9 (W.3.2a) – TE Page #: 458 Writing Lesson 10 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b) – TE Page #: 460 Writing Lesson 11 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 462 Writing Lesson 12 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 464 Writing Evaluation 3 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 466
Writing Lesson 13 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2c, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 468 Writing Lesson 14 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2c, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 470 Writing Lesson 15 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2c, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 472 Writing Lesson 16 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2c, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 474 Writing Evaluation 4 (W.3.2a, W.3.2b, W.3.2c, W.3.2d) – TE Page #: 476
Writing Performance Task #11 (W.3.2) – TE Page #: 478
2. RI 3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as a basis for the answers. Common Core Standards Plus Lessons Reading Informational Text Lesson 1 (RI.3.1, RI.3.3) – TE Page #: 360 Reading Informational Text Lesson 2 (RI.3.1, RI.3.3) – TE Page #: 362 Reading Informational Text Lesson 3 (RI.3.1, RI.3.3) – TE Page #: 364 Reading Informational Text Lesson 4 (RI.3.1, RI.3.3) – TE Page #: 366 Reading Informational Text Evaluation 1 (RI.3.1, RI.3.3) – TE Page #: 368 3. RI 3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. Common Core Standards Plus Lessons Reading Informational Text Performance Task #7 (RI.3.1, RI.3.3) – TE Page #: 370 4. SL 3.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace. Page 2 of 18
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
5. SL 3.6 Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification. 6. L 3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking a. Explain the functions of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences b e. Form and use simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses (b is regular & irregular plural nouns) c f. Ensure subject‐verb and pronoun‐antecedent. (c is use abstract nouns) d i. Produce simple sentences. (this is part of L.3.1i – produce simple, compound and complex sentetences) Common Core Standards Plus Lessons Grammar & Usage Lesson 1 (L.3.1a) – TE Page #: 130 Grammar & Usage Lesson 2 (L.3.1a, L.3.1b) – TE Page #:132 Grammar & Usage Lesson 3 (L.3.1a, L.3.1c) – TE Page #: 134 Grammar & Usage Lesson 4 (L.3.1a, L.3.1b, L.3.1c) – TE Page #:136 Grammar & Usage Evaluation 1 (L.3.1a, L.3.1b, L.3.1c) – TE Page #: 138
Grammar & Usage Lesson 5 (L.3.1a, L.3.1d) – TE Page #: 140 Grammar & Usage Lesson 6 (L.3.1a, L.3.1d) – TE Page #: 142 Grammar & Usage Lesson 7 (L.3.1a, L.3.1a, L.3.1d, L.3.1e) – TE Page #: 144 Grammar & Usage Lesson 8 (L.3.1a, L.3.1a, L.3.1d, L.3.1e) – TE Page #: 146 Grammar & Usage Evaluation 2 (L.3.1a, L.3.1a, L.3.1d, L.3.1e) – TE Page #: 148
Grammar & Usage Lesson 9 (L.3.1a, L.3.1f) – TE Page #: 150 Grammar & Usage Lesson 10 (L.3.1a, L.3.1f) – TE Page #: 152 Grammar & Usage Lesson 11 (L.3.1a, L.3.1f) – TE Page #: 154 Grammar & Usage Lesson 12 (L.3.1a, L.3.1f) – TE Page #: 156 Grammar & Usage Evaluation 3 (L.3.1a, L.3.1f) – TE Page #: 158
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Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Supporting Standard(s)
1. RI 3.5 Use the text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. Common Core Standards Plus Lessons Reading Informational Text Lesson 13 (RI.3.5) – TE Page #: 402 Reading Informational Text Lesson 14 (RI.3.5) – TE Page #: 404 Reading Informational Text Lesson 15 (RI.3.5) – TE Page #: 406 Reading Informational Text Lesson 16 (RI.3.5) – TE Page #: 408 Reading Informational Text Evaluation 4 (RI.3.5) – TE Page #: 410 2. L 3.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use sentence‐level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless, heat/preheat). c. Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., company, companion). d. Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases in all content areas. Common Core Standards Plus Lessons Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 1 (L.3.4a) – TE Page #: 220 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 2 (L.3.4a) – TE Page #: 222 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 3 (L.3.4a) – TE Page #: 224 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 4 (L.3.4a) – TE Page #: 226 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Evaluation 1 (L.3.4a) – TE Page #: 228
Priority Standard Connection
W 3.2
RI 3.1
Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 5 (L.3.4b) – TE Page #: 230 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 6 (L.3.4b) – TE Page #: 232 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 7 (L.3.4c) – TE Page #: 234 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Lesson 8 (L.3.4c) – TE Page #: 236 Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Evaluation 2 (L.3.4a, L.3.4b) – TE Page #: 238 3. L 3.6 Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain‐specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships Page 4 of 18
L 3.1
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Unwrapped Priority Standards Standard #1 (use number/code only, e.g. W2):W 3.2 Skills
Topic and a group related information
Topic with facts
Linking words and phrases
Ideas within categories
Concluding statement or section
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4‐Extended Thinking
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Unwrapped Priority Standards
Standard #2 (use number/code only, e.g. W2):RI 3.1 BLOOMS
Skills ASK
Understanding of text
To text as proof
3‐Applying 2‐Understanding 3‐Strategic Thinking 3‐Applying 3‐Applying
Unwrapped Priority Standards Standard #3 (use number/code only, e.g. W2):L 3.1 Skills
Conventions of standard English grammar
Functions of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives
Simple sentences ensuring subject‐verb and pronoun‐antecedent
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2‐Understanding 2‐Understanding 3‐Applying
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Unwrapped Priority Standards
Standard #4 (use number/code only, e.g. W2):RI 3.3 Skills
The relationship between a series of scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. Language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
Unwrapped Priority Standards Standard #5 (use number/code only, e.g. W2):SL 3.4 Skills
On a topic or text Clearly at an understandable pace
2‐Understanding 2‐Skill/Concept 1‐Remembering
Unwrapped Priority Standards Standard #6 (use number/code only, e.g. W2):SL 3.6
In complete sentences appropriate to the task
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Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Reading Foundation Standards (K‐5 Only)
Print Concepts
Phonological Awareness
Phonics and Word Recognition
3. Know and apply grade‐level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words both in isolation and in text. CA a. Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. b. Decode words with common Latin suffixes. c. Decode multisyllable words. d. Read grade‐appropriate irregularly spelled words.
4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a. Read on‐level text with purpose and understanding. b. Read on‐level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings c. Use context to confirm or self‐correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
Kinder and 1st Standard
Kinder and 1st Standard
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Open Court Green Section Also connect to Standards: o L.3.4
Guided Reading AR Decodable
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Essential Questions & Big Ideas
Essential Question(s)
Big Idea(s)
1. W 3.2 Why do I write an informational paragraph that conveys my ideas clearly? 2. RI 3.1 Why do I ask questions that relate to the text? How do I use information in the text to answer questions?
1. Good writers write reports to teach people about topics and share information. 2. Good readers determine what is important in text by recounting the details and explaining how they support the main idea while reading, so that they can communicate and explain what they read.
3. RI 3.3 Why is it important to use specific language to list steps in a logical 3. A good reader can describe relationships between a series of events, ideas or order? concepts using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. 4. SL 3.4 and SL 3.6 What makes a presentation “great”? “What I say” versus “how I say it”, does it really matter?
4. Presentation of knowledge and ideas is enhanced through appropriate organization and style for an audience via the use of visual displays, technology, and the appropriate use of language.
5. L 3.1 Why do the rules of language matter? Communicating clearlyL What does it take?
5. Effective communication of ideas when speaking or writing relies on the appropriate use of the conventions of language.
Academic Cross‐Curricular and Content/Domain Specific Vocabulary Unit Vocabulary Words Academic Cross‐Curricular Words
Text Topics
Content/Domain Specific Vocabulary Parts of speech Syllabication Verbal Practice frame Grammar connection
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Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
21st Century Skills
The knowledge, skills, and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life in the 21st century. Teaches 21st century skills discretely in the context of core subjects and 21st century interdisciplinary themes Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st century skills across content areas and for competency‐based approach to learning Enables innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technologies, inquiry– and problem‐based approaches and higher order thinking skills Encourages the integration of community resources beyond school walls Creativity & Innovation—think creatively, work creatively with others, implementation innovations Critical Thinking & Problem Solving—reason effectively, use systems thinking, make judgments and decisions, solve problems Communication & Collaboration—communicate clearly, collaborate with others Information, Media & Technology Skills—access and evaluate information, use and manage information, analyze media, create media projects, apply technology effectively Flexibility & Adaptability—adapt to change Initiative & Self‐Direction—manage goals and time, work independently, be self‐directed Social and Cross‐Cultural Skills—interact effectively with others, work effectively in diverse teams Productivity & Accountability—manage projects, produce results Leadership & Responsibility—guide and lead others, be responsible to others
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Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Authentic Performance Tasks
Task #1
DOK Level: 2‐
Duration: 1 Weeks
Essential Question(s) 1. RI 3.1 Why do I ask questions that relate to the text? How do I use information in the text to answer questions?
Big Idea(s) 1. Good readers determine what is important in text by recounting the details and explaining how they support the main idea while reading, so that they can communicate and explain what they read.
Standards Priority: RI 3.1 Supporting RI 3.5, L 3.4
Concepts Questions; understanding text; text as proof
Full Description of Task #1 Before you can show what you know, we will be watching demonstration videos to familiarize you with the process. This week, we will watch several videos and use a variety of texts to take notes to perfect our understanding of how to do a demonstration! In order to be proficient a student must: At least 4 notes are taken Notes are written as key words and phrases Notes are organized, bulleted, and neat Notes are related to topic In order to be advanced a student must also: Notes define key words that are topic specific and not generally understood by peers
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Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Scoring Guide Task 1
Meets all of the "Proficient" criteria plus: Notes define key words that are topic specific and not generally understood by peers
At least 4 notes are taken Notes are written as key words and phrases
Meets 2 of the "Proficient" criteria
Notes are organized, bulleted, and neat Notes are related to topic
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Beginning Meets fewer than 2 of the "Proficient" criteria
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Authentic Performance Tasks
Task #2
DOK Level: 2‐
Duration: 2 Weeks
Essential Question(s) 1. W 3.2 How do I write an informational paragraph that conveys my ideas clearly? 2. L 3.1 Why do the rules of language matter? Communicating clearlyL What does it take?
Big Idea(s) 1. Good writers write reports to teach people about topics and share information. 2. Effective communication of ideas when speaking or writing relies on the appropriate use of the conventions of language.
Standards Priority: W 3.2, L 3.1 Supporting L 3.6
Concepts Informative/explanatory narrative; topic and group related information; illustrations; topics with facts; linking words and phrases; ideas within categories; concluding statement or section
Full Description of Task #2 Now that you have an understanding of demonstrations and note‐taking, we will use our knowledge to write an expository paragraph! To make our paragraphs great, we will include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, transitions, topic and concluding sentences while using CUPS to make it perfect! In order to be proficient a student must: Topic sentence is stated in a complete sentence Contains 3 steps Uses 2 or more transitions. Paragraph has a concluding sentence No more than 3 errors in capitalization and/or punctuation No more than 3 errors in grammar or spelling. In order to be advanced a student must also: Contains more than 3 steps At least 2 sentences contain adjectives and/or adverbs At least one sentence is compound or complex Page 13 of 18
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Scoring Guide Task 2
Advanced Meets all of the "Proficient" criteria plus: Contains more than 3 steps At least 2 sentences contain adjectives and/or adverbs At least one sentence is compound or complex
Progressing Meets 5 of the "Proficient" criteria
Paragraph for demonstration includes: Topic sentence is stated in a complete sentence Contains 3 steps Uses 2 or more transitions. Paragraph has a concluding sentence No more than 3 errors in capitalization and/or punctuation No more than 3 errors in grammar or spelling.
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Beginning Meets fewer than 5 of the "Proficient" criteria
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Authentic Performance Tasks
Task #3
DOK Level: 2‐
Duration: 1 Week
Essential Question(s)
Big Idea(s)
1. RI 3.3 Why is it important to use specific language to list steps in a
1. Informational text tells the reader how to achieve a particular goal or how to
logical order when reading informational text?
follow a set of procedures.
Relationships, language in informational text.
Standards Priority: RI 3.3 Supporting L 3.6
Concepts Full Description of Task #3
Over the last 3 weeks, you have worked so hard to master your skills of note‐taking and writing expository paragraphs for a demonstration assigned to you. Now it’s your turn to choose your own activity or skill you would like to demonstrate! Your next task is to take notes and write the steps in an expository paragraph that you will need to perform your demonstration. Use your knowledge of CUPS to edit your writing. In order to be proficient a student must: Steps are in logical order to perform demonstration. Transitions are used in correct sequence. Steps are easy to read and understand. No more than 3 errors in spelling or grammar In order to be advanced a student must also: At least two supporting sentences are used to clarify steps
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Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Scoring Guide Task 3 Advanced
Meets all of the "Proficient" criteria plus:
Steps are in logical order to perform demonstration At least two supporting sentences Transitions are used in correct are used to clarify steps sequence.
Meets 3 of the "Proficient" criteria
Steps are easy to read and understand. No more than 3 errors in spelling or grammar
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Beginning Meets fewer than 3 of the "Proficient" criteria
Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Authentic Performance Tasks
Task #4
DOK Level: 2‐
Duration: 2 Weeks
Essential Question(s) 1. SL 3.4 & SL 3.6 How do I effectively present my ideas orally?
Big Idea(s) 1. To be successful, I need to be able to present ideas in an organized manor effectively.
Standards Priority: SL 3.4 SL 3.6 Supporting
Concepts Complete sentences; topic or text; a story or experience, informative/explanatory; presentation; ideas around a main idea
Full Description of Task #4 Over the next two weeks, you are wrapping up the demonstration unit! You will be spending time creating your presentation board that has different text features, practicing your speech, and ultimately doing your demonstration in front of your class! In order to be proficient a student must: Makes eye contact with audience Loud clear voice Perform demonstration as outlined in their written procedure Has all materials needed for demonstration, including the presentation board Speaks in complete sentences In order to be advanced a student must also: Presentation board is labeled neatly and laid out in sequential and logical order Speech includes an attention‐grabbing introduction
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Updated 3/27/2014 ELA K‐5
Scoring Guide Task 4
Advanced Meets all of the "Proficient" criteria plus: Presentation board is labeled neatly and laid out in sequential and logical order Speech includes an attention‐ grabbing introduction
Makes eye contact with audience Meets 4 of the "Proficient" criteria Loud clear voice Perform demonstration as outlined in their written procedure Has all materials needed for demonstration, including presentation board Speaks in complete sentences
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Beginning Meets fewer than 4 of the "Proficient" criteria