1 minute read
First Impression
Touch point two
Brand Ambassador
Oncethe gorgeous window draws a guest in to our store, an associate is there to greet her. A Brand Ambassador uses her body language, personality, energy, and smile to givethe guest an amazing experience.
C ontinue to the next part of your Brand Ambassador training by going to building block 3!
Think about it- go to Brand Ambassador Touch Point 2 Survey

Think about a time you had a shopping experience that was an A+ or a total fail. What made it so good or so bad? How did body language, personality, energy, and smile contribute to your experience?
Head back to building block 3 and test your skills!
Tell us about it
Now that you've checked out the on-line training. What are three changes that you will make to your body language, attitude, energy, and/or smile? Give an example pf how you'll do one of these things to your Leader.