1 minute read
• Process your nightly workflow scans BEFORE your nightly scan.
• Scan the RESERVE workflow for all outbound SFS, BOPIS and any outbound shipments NIGHTLY. This includes any transfers and Job Outs.
• Process separate workflows for DAMAGE and RESERVED. DAMAGE scans will be permanently removed from your inventory, RESERVED workflows will be removed for 14 days.
• Scan anything that is too damaged to place in a SFS or BOPIS order under the DAMAGE workflow. This includes all items that you may still sell at the damaged discount in store. The sellable item will remain on your floor but will be removed from your SFS/BOPIS inventory.
• Use the GEIGER function for all SFS/BOPIS orders and to locate all items for markdowns and/or misplaced tags.
• Spend a little extra time with the nightly jewelry area scan. Spin the spinners, wave the wand a little slower and closer to the items, fan out the pegs that are too full.
• Ensure all pieces are plugged in and charging when not in use.
• Store the extra stickers in a metal file cabinet.
• Pair the handheld with the corresponding sled (matching stickers).
• Process the RESERVE/DAMAGE workflow scans AFTER the inventory scan.
• Complete scans in the AM
• Process RESERVE or DAMAGE workflow scans near the backstock.
• Walk throughout the store with an active scanner during the workflow process.
• Contact SML for issues, always contact the help desk.
• Wait until you are out of stickers to reach out. Please let us know on your store supply order form when you are down to ¼ roll.
• Forget to process damages through X-Store. The workflow process ONLY removes the items from the SFS available inventory, not from your physical inventory.
• Sit on damaged equipment, IMMEDIATELY notify the help desk for assistance or replacement.
• Over pack the jewelry fixtures to ensure that we get an accurate read.