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Letter from Head of Secondary
Head Students
Through the good times and the bad, we have achieved the goals previously thought to be unattainable. As a united trio, we persevered throughout the year and introduced new dynamics in school, proving that “many hands make light work”.
Taking into account the global pandemic and its impact on our school life, such as remote learning and social distancing, we had to learn at school using the ‘bubble system’ but we did not let it drown our spirits. Instead, we were galvanised by these hardships and the legacy of our predecessors to become better leaders and continue to drive the school forward.
Despite the delayed start to the year, we were able to capitalise on opportunities to hold events for both primary and secondary, with our first initiative being the provision of the head students social media account as a means of communication with our secondary students. This proved to be more accessible than the suggestion boxes used in the previous years and with the help of the student council, we were able to identify the desires of the students. Thanks to our prefects, we were able to organise and carry out successful events such as the Talent Show, the Easter Egg Hunt, the Secondary Trivia Quiz and the Primary Football Competition.
This year we have finally completed the long process of developing new school sweaters. This has been a project long overdue that had been delayed by Covid-19 and the issues that went with that. As this had been our number one goal to achieve by the end of the year and this was our proudest accomplishment.
Our journey as Head Students of Green Valley has been one of excitement, progress and dedication and we are delighted to have represented our peers and lead them through another challenging year.
Benyapa Teekayuko (Opal), Koustav Bhasin & Charlie Cronin
It has been a busy year for student council. Back in term 1 council members got together to make posters for the lunchtime movie fundraiser. Members also made an electric fan with the help of the DT department. Student council also played a huge role in the poppy appeal, organising appeal walks and costing donations. The highlight of the student council’s year was the launch of the brand new sweatshirts!
Overall it has been a great opportunity for students to work with the others, collaborate on projects and see ideas come to fruition.
I had the opportunity to manage the talent show in term 2 with another entertainment prefect, thus I learned to work collaboratively with other people. I think being a prefect is a good opportunity to create more events in our school and entertain our students. -Lydia
It was a great experience creating activities for the students and seeing them enjoy it. For me it’s all about students having fun and enjoying their time at school - Punchy
I got the opportunity to organise the Secondary trivia quiz for year 7-8 and also worked with Student Welfare prefect to brainstorm ideas for questions and categorised them together. I thought that it was a great opportunity for me to work collaboratively with other prefects and to provide an activity for younger students. - Keira
I especially enjoyed being able to interact with younger students and to create some fun opportunities for learning. In collaboration with the Student welfare prefect, the academic prefects held a Secondary trivia competition for years 7 and 8. I think that this was a great and beneficial experience for all parties involved. -Florence
Student welfare
This year, I had the opportunity to work with the academic students to create the Secondary trivia quiz for years 7 and 8. It was the best moment seeing the younger students enjoy the quiz. It was a great opportunity to work cooperatively with others prefects and this was a beneficial experience for everyone. - Nonny
Primary liaison
What I have achieved this year is the Easter Egg hunt with the activity prefect. It was a great experience to work with everyone and it was my honour to be in this team
Island community coordinator
I helped organise the Island Community football competition for primary students during lunch. It ran over two days and it went really well. It was an opportunity, set up by Koustav, that gave students a chance to run around and be active after a long period of home learning.
I organised our school community to donate their old clothes over a period of two weeks, then in the final week of school before the April break, we had a clothing sale. Overall, we made over 5,000 baht in one day which was very impressive. The proceeds are then going to the Boon Choo Foundation for handicapped children.