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School Fee Structure
Academic Year 2023-2024
Section 4 – General Deposits
This deposit is used to compensate for loss or damage to school property, including, but not limited to, library books, educational equipment, etc. This deposit will be refunded when the student leaves the school if no damages occur.
Section 5 - English as an Additional Language (EAL) fee
Additional support for ‘English as Another Language’ (EAL) will be charged to the students for whom English is not their first language and/or below the School’s standard.
Section 6 – Learning Support (LS) Fee
Learning Support for a student will be charged as appropriate depending on the agreed support required after assessment.
Section 7 – Morning Snack and Lunch Fee (Optional)
For Snack and Lunch fees, the parents may contact the Canteen Manager (khun Penny Bilinsky) directly at her email pennyb@standrews-schools.com.
Section 8 – Transportation Fee (Optional)
The transportation fees are as follows:
Note: For one-way transportation fee, 75% of fee per term shall be applied
St. Andrews International School- School Fee Structure