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IGCSE Options for Examinations in May 2024
The (International) General Certificate of Secondary Education, otherwise known as (I)GCSE is a two year course undertaken in Years 10 and 11. The subjects are studied concurrently and final assessment is made towards the end of Year 11.
For the 2024 examination session St Andrews Green Valley will be offering examinations through two examination boards: Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and Pearson EDEXCEL, both based in the UK. We have taken a great deal of care to select the best courses available that are the most appropriate to you.
(I)GCSE options are an opportunity for you to specialise in certain subjects that particularly interest you, while maintaining the core curriculum.
At times, two or more subjects will be taught at the same time so it is important to begin planning the timetable for next year.
The best starting point is to tell you of the subjects that are available and then ask what you would ideally like to study. This enables us to do our best to plan classes in a way that minimises clashes.
It is impossible to guarantee that every student will get their first choice of options, but we will do everything in our power to give you the opportunity to study what you want.
To help you decide if you would be interested in a particular subject, this booklet describes each course that we may be able to offer. Please read it carefully and discuss your ideas with your parents and teachers.
You will then be required to complete an 'initial options' form that will be used to plan next year. It is important that you recognise there may be occasions when we may not be able to offer your first choice, either because there are not enough students who wish to study the course or because there would be a timetable clash. This is why you are asked for alternative choices, just in case.
You will see that some subjects are compulsory. This is to create a balanced curriculum that will not disadvantage any student regardless of the subjects they choose. The compulsory subjects are Maths, English, Science Careers and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and a second language.
Should you or your parents have any questions about IGCSEs please make an appointment to meet with Mr McGee.