19 minute read
St. Andrews’ Mission Statement
To develop independent, confident lifelong learners. To this end the school supports the Learner Profile from the International Baccalaureate. These outcomes are the driving force behind each and every classroom interaction. The aim is to develop internationally minded people who recognise their place in the world and their need to make it a better place.
They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions. Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.
They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well being for themselves and others. Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.
They develop their natural need to ‘try out’ and ‘be what they can’. They are not afraid to experiment with media and to place themselves in differing situations that drive their abilities to express and perform.
We are an English medium school that broadly uses the English National Curriculum as its basis in Years 7, 8 and 9. This is modified to reflect the diverse international community at St Andrews. All students use English to unlock this curriculum. Students are supported in their English development with the key purpose of accessing and interacting with the curriculum. In Years 10 and 11 our students study a range of subjects leading to external examinations offered by either Cambridge or the EDEXCEL organization, based in the UK. These (I)GCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) Examinations are widely accepted throughout the world as a reliable indicator of a student’s ability. Our students usually study between 7 and 10 subjects at this level, depending on ability and interest. In years 12 and 13 our students study for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) offered by the International Baccalaureate Organisation. Success at IBDP level allows our students access to high quality universities throughout the world.
Summary of Subjects taught within the Secondary school
English English is the common medium in which our students operate. It permeates the entire school day. Students learn English, learn through English and learn about English. Our curriculum includes both verbal and written communication. All students of Secondary age must understand English to a high enough level to allow them to access all subjects. Intermediate Level and Advanced Level support are offered to students in Years 7-9 by our EAL department at additional cost. Levels of English are assessed before a student is accepted into the school and additional English support may be a condition upon entry. The majority of our students take IGCSE English as a Second language 2 years early in Year 9. Their success has enabled the vast majority of our students to be studying First Language English and Literature during Years 10 and 11. At IB level students either study English A1 ( First Language) or English B ( Second Language.)
Mathematics Mathematics is viewed as a way of thinking and a language for understanding and constructing meaning. It gives students another way to think and another language to use. There are six strands in our Mathematics curriculum which have equal importance and are necessary for the development of the whole child. These strands are data handling, measurement, number, pattern and function, space and shape and working mathematically. Maths is a compulsory subject for all year groups.
Science Students study a range of units which encompass all three of the sciences; biology, chemistry and physics. In Y79 each unit lasts approximately 2-3 weeks and we cover about ten units a year.
Students also engage in scientific investigations by making accurate observations, handling instruments, recording and comparing data, and formulating explanations using their own scientific experiences and those of others. Students will gain experience in testing their own hypotheses and think critically about the perspectives of others in order to further develop their own ideas. Science is a compulsory subject for all year groups, with separate sciences being offered at IB Diploma level in Y12 and 13.
Geography Geography at St. Andrews looks at many contemporary issues that face the world and how we can deal with them. It teaches students that we are part of a global community and that we can play a vital role in molding the future. We look at environmental, human and economic changes in in the planet and understand why this is happening and how it will affect communities in the future. Geography is compulsory for students in Y7 to Y9 and is then an optional subject in Y10-13.
History In order for students to understand about the world and their life today it is important for students to know how the world developed and where they came from. History gives students the skills in order to do this. Our History course deals with not only historical content, but perhaps more importantly the transferable skills necessary for piecing together and analysing what happened in the past. History is compulsory for students in Y7 to Y9 (unless they are studying EAL) and is then an optional subject in Y10 to 13.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) An essential element in the development of a young person – where students understand their own physical development as well as making sense of the social and emotional issues facing them as they grow into young adults. PSHE is compulsory for students in Y7 to Y11 (unless at student is studying advanced EAL in years 7 – 9).
Physical Education Through PE students are able to build their self-esteem, confidence, cooperation and fitness. They are all included in activities that build skills, knowledge and understanding that can be transferred to their own physical interests outside of the school programme. PE is compulsory for students in Y7 to Y9 (3 lessons / week), Y10 and 11 (one lesson / week) and there is also an optional IGCSE PE subject in Y10 and 11. All students throughout the school are encouraged to participate in sports activities and this is supported through our extensive activities programme.
Visual Art Visual Art aims to encourage a personal response by stimulating imagination, sensitivity, conceptual thinking, powers of observation and analytical ability. It is hoped that students will gain confidence and enthusiasm as they develop technical skills in two and three dimensional form and learn to identify and solve visual design problems. The creative process aims to show students how to develop ideas from initial attempts to final solutions. This subject is obviously concerned with the development of visual perception and is an essential form of communication and a means of expressing one’s ideas and feelings. Art is compulsory for students in Y7 to Y9 and is then an optional subject in Y10 to Y13.
Drama and IB Theatre Students have the opportunity to develop self awareness and self confidence through action in Drama. The subject helps students to think logically and develop ways in which to communicate their ideas to others. All students in years 7 to 9 study Drama and it is an optional IGCSE subject in Y10 and 11. IB Theatre has now been introduced as an option for Year 12 and 13 students.
Music Music is studied through practical-based performance, composition and listening activities and plays a vital role in the personal development of the student. It encourages self-discipline and develops self-esteem, creativity and teamwork. It also promotes problem-solving and analytical skills and aids gross and fine motor development. As an integral part of cultures, past and present, Music helps pupils to understand the world around them. Music is compulsory for students in Y7 to Y9 and is then an optional GCSE subject in Y10 and 11.
Computing and Computer Science ICT is a tool which facilitates and enhances learning so it is incorporated into all curriculum areas by the teachers. In addition to this, students also receive specific computing lessons from specialist teachers to further develop their skills. In years 7-9 students have a double lesson per week called computing and in years 10-11 they have the option to study the IGCSE Computer Science course. In Years 12 and 13 students have the option to study IB Computer Science. The school has 2 ICT labs and additional computers in subject areas which are all networked and connected to the internet.
Additional Languages Apart from English, there are four languages taught at St Andrews. Your language choice will depend on your nationality and background.
Thai Thai is offered at three different levels; for those new to Thai (Thai as a Modern Foreign Language), those with some Thai (Thai as an Additional Language) and those who are native Thai speakers (Thai as a First Language). Thai is taught following Thai government guidelines. Under current Thai Law, Thai is compulsory for Thai students.
French French is offered as a foreign language and recommended as a possible choice for students who do not have Thai as a native language. This class allows students to obtain fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as introducing everyday useful phrases that would be conducive for basic communications in French. Lastly, it serves to inspire, motivate and encourage students to study French further, whilst consolidating the foundation of their study in French to adequately prepare them for future pursuits of the language. French is studied from Y7 – 13.
Dutch These lessons are available for Dutch or Belgian students for whom Dutch is their first language. The lessons are offered to students from Reception through to Secondary School. The Dutch lessons are structured according to the benchmarks for Dutch language set by the Dutch Government and Inspector of Education. Our aim is to provide lessons that will enable your child to read, write and comprehend the Dutch language. To enable the Dutch Department to achieve these standards, a Dutch specific classroom is located in teaching block 2. For more information you can contact the Dutch Department, by sending an e-mail to: dutchstream@standrews-schools.com.
Mandarin This class includes the handling of Mandarin phonetics and the system of hanyu pin-yin. This class allows students to obtain fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as introducing everyday useful phrases that would be conducive for basic communications in Mandarin. Lastly, it serves to inspire, motivate and encourage students to study Mandarin further, whilst consolidating the foundation of their study in Mandarin to adequately prepare them for future pursuits of the language. Mandarin is studied from Y7 – 13.
Design and Technology (DT) This very practical and interesting subject was introduced in August 2019 and can now be studied in Years 7 11. All Year 7 - 9 students will have the opportunity to study DT whilst IGCSE DT is an option subject in Years 10 and 11.
Professional Development of Staff St. Andrews is committed to the professional development of their staff be they teachers or support staff. To this end, Teachers attend workshops locally and internationally. Some of this development happens on noncontact days, some when students are on holidays and some whilst school is in session.
Library /Media Resource Centre The library supports the information and recreational reading needs of the school community. The library is based in the CORE building.
The six guiding principles of the library are:
Information Literacy: to develop students’ skills in finding and using information independently Reading: to develop confidence and enjoyment of literature Access: to access information within and beyond the school via online resources Service: to ensure that library users are supported and welcome Information Resources: to provide a wide variety of information resources including extensive use of ICT Place: to offer a stimulating and comfortable environment for the school community to share
A main goal of the library is to build upon its collection and range of books. We continue to add stock to the library on a regular basis, especially in relation to research material required for older students. Parents are asked to help their children to be responsible borrowers by encouraging them to keep books in a set place and return them on time. Any book that is not returned to the library within seven days becomes overdue. Notices are sent out regularly from the library to remind borrowers to return the item before new books may be borrowed. Users will be charged for the replacement cost of any lost book/s.
Book Clubs Helping students learn to read and love reading is a team effort. In order to do this we use Baker Books. They provide good quality books to families through a mail-order system. Baker Books orders are distributed through the library staff.
Form groups Each Secondary school student is placed in a form group which meets every morning for 20 minutes.
Form Tutors Each form group has a teacher who acts as their form tutor. Every morning the form tutor meets with the class to undertake administrative tasks such as marking the register, as well as pastoral duties such as checking student planners, setting targets and discussing current events etc. The form tutor is the first person that both students and parents should contact when there are issues that affect a child.
Assemblies At specific times (usually first thing on a Monday morning) assemblies are held where all Secondary students or groups of students meet together to share experiences and celebrate achievements.
Whole School Assemblies These involve everyone from Nursery through to Year 13. These assemblies happen at Loy Krathong and Songkran, Christmas and at the end of the school year.
Reporting Procedures and Parent/Teacher Conferences We believe that all students, parents and teachers are partners in education. We all work together to make sure our students attain their benchmark expectations. Reporting on student progress takes place continually as part of the teaching and learning process and teachers work, as an integrated part of their teaching, with students to evaluate successes and plan new goals.
In addition to providing regular, valuable feedback to students, a schedule of regular reports ensures that parents remain informed about their child’s progress. Teachers also contact parents to report on achievement or to inform parents of concerns or changes in their child’s progress.
We encourage discussions about learning to occur with the teacher, child and parent together as this encourages responsibility and continued learning. However, parents are welcome to arrange an appointment with their child’s teacher at any time should they wish to talk about their child’s learning alone. We ask that parents do not ask for a meeting without prior arrangement in order to allow teachers to focus on teaching and learning during the school day.
In addition to meetings requested by parents and teachers the following are scheduled reporting times: Settling-in Reports – After approximately one month at school each new child to St Andrews receives a settling in report. This report tells you how your child has adapted to the new schooling situation. No academic grades are shown on this report as it is usually far too early for us to be able to show academic achievement accurately within such a short period. Term one and term two reports- teachers complete a grade card assessment of each child’s progress indicating effort and attainment. Term 1 narrative comments are also provided for Year 7 parents so that they can fully assess how their child is settling in to secondary school. Term 1 and 2 reports are followed up by a conference with each child’s parents. A non-teaching day is used to complete this task. This gives both teachers and parents the opportunity to interact freely. Term three reports a narrative report is completed by teachers with comments and grades. This report reflects on the child’s development throughout the year and is invaluable when transferring schools. Leaving Reports – are completed upon request for a child who leaves mid-term. This report gives an upto-date picture of the child’s development. Leaving reports can only be completed if the school receives written notification that a child is leaving well in advance of the departure date.
Attainment and Effort Rubric for Termly Reports Year 7 - 11 students receive report grades in line with the rubric below. IB students in Years 12 and 13 are graded from 1 to 7 with 7 being the highest grade.
Year 7 - 13 students all receive effort grades on their report cards using the effort rubric below.
Exceeding Expectations +
Meeting Expectations =
Excels at independent learning in or out of the classroom, and often seeks out additional learning opportunities. Always fully engaged with and focused on classroom tasks. Always takes an active and appropriate part in lessons. Excellent communication skills. Works to the best of their ability in every lesson. Exemplary: always comes to class on time and prepared in every way needed, and accomplishes this independently. Homework is always completed to the very best of their ability and handed in on time.
Stays engaged with and focused on classroom tasks. Contributes to discussions and activities. Good communication skills. Follows instructions willingly and thoroughly. Seeks additional learning opportunities occasionally.
Comes to class on time and prepared in every way needed. Homework is completed to a good standard and handed in on time.
Working Towards Expectations <
Usually engaged with and focused on classroom tasks, but sometimes needs reminders. Can communicate effectively through speech and writing, but is inconsistent. Usually willing and ready to learn. Sometimes comes to lessons late and/or unprepared, e.g. forgetting books or equipment. Homework is inconsistent.
In The Playground The playground is a learning environment as important as the structured activities we provide for students in the classroom. We promote opportunities for students to experiment with things they have learned and to problem solve. This can occur using sports equipment, through the creation of imaginative games or through social interactions during break and lunch times.
When students engage in these activities they might end up grubby, they might also end up with bumps or bruises. This often comes as a result of exploring the limits of their own experience. Through a strong commitment to the Learner Profile, we support students as they explore, learn and negotiate their way through experiences on the playground and with their peers. Teachers are outside on duty before school (from 8am) at break time and lunch.
Home-School Communication
Parent Advice/Permission Letters or emails from parents are required regarding: A child’s absence from school or if they need to leave school early A child not taking part in school activities Students going on field trips. Children cannot participate in a field trip without parental permission. Parents requesting the nurse to give medication to their child during the day. Informing school of any temporary issues relating to uniform
Correspondence between Teachers and Parents Student Planners
These books move from class to class and between home and school on a daily basis. Both Teachers and Parents can communicate using this book, although most parents prefer to use email. Students also use this book to record their homework. Please check these books periodically and sign them to show this. Form tutors will do the same.
Termly Curriculum Information (topic lists and assessments) Information about topics covered in each subject and how students will be assessed is uploaded on to Firefly online learning platform near the start of each term. This information gives you an idea of what your child will study over the next few months and how their work will be assessed in each subject area.
Firefly (online learning platform) Firefly (vle.standrews-schools.com) is the schools on line learning platform. Firefly contains a lot of information about student work and important information in general about St Andrews Green Valley. The students access this on a daily basis to get homework, tasks and see grades for assignments. Parent will also have login codes to view this data.
Google Classroom Many teachers also use Google Classroom as a way of sharing class content with their students. Google Classroom is a fast and efficient way for teachers and students to work together.
Website and Social Media The school website www.standrewsgreenvalley.com. Please have a look on a regular basis. We also regularly post updates on school events and activities via our Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and LINE.
Looking after Belongings From as early as nursery, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their belongings. Nevertheless items often end up in lost property and we don’t know who they belong to. All items that come from home are required to be labeled clearly with the child’s name. Remember, all white socks look the same when they are off a foot!
All students of secondary age are allocated a locker. This is for them to store their books etc and to help them become more organized. Lockers are also the only place where valuable items such as phones etc should be kept.
Personal Items at School
Students get excited when a new craze starts and they may wish to bring items to school to share with their friends. When these items come to school they are sometimes lost, broken or swapped unwisely. Teachers then have to spend time trying to resolve these issues instead of teaching your child. Often there is no resolution to these problems and it causes undue stress both at school and at home.
It is preferable that these items stay at home. The school, will not be able to take responsibility for them, so the student will be responsible for any loss or damage.