12 minute read
English as an Additional Language
Green Valley staff are committed to safeguarding our school community. Safeguarding means; Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment Preventing harm to children’s health or development Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all adults have a duty of care to keep students safe from harm. Laura Kerr (lkerr@standrews-schools.com) is our Designated Safeguarding Lead and a number of staff are also trained to an advanced level. If you have a concern about the safety of a child, please do not hesitate to contact Laura Kerr or a member of Senior Management.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
We currently have up to one fifth of our students (both primary and secondary) on the EAL register. These students are classified into Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced users. Four teachers are employed to meet the needs of the school population. Bill Minty is the EAL coordinator and he works along-side teachers supporting these students. He can be contacted at wminty@standrews-schools.com if you wish to discuss any issue in regard to EAL. Within the Secondary School, where there is a need, students may be taken out of a particular subject such as History or PSHE to give them extra EAL support.
Learning Support
Learning Supports caters for students who are: Educationally able – Gifted and Talented Students who need support to achieve benchmark expectations. The numbers of students registered continually changes as does their need for support. Laura Kerr is the Learning Support coordinator lkerr@standrews-schools.com and works along-side teachers supporting these students.
There is a specific process that teachers are required to follow in regard to learning support and parents are involved once several intervention strategies have been tried with little success.
Within the Secondary School, where there is a need, students may be taken out of a particular subject such as History or PSHE to give them extra learning support.
The School Canteen
Khun Penny pennyb@standrews-schools.com operates the canteen. She provides morning snacks and lunches to all students and adults who wish to purchase meals from her. At morning break students may purchase their snacks from the canteen. At lunch time the students go to the cafeteria to eat lunch. The canteen is located in the centre of the school. The students line up and select their food, then sit with colleagues to eat. There is always a teacher on duty in the canteen to supervise the students whilst they eat. Billing is between each family and Khun Penny. The school does not participate in this process. Khun Penny is available in the school cafeteria each morning so that cafeteria bills can be paid. Parents are encouraged to pay these bills in person as sending money with students can sometimes be problematic, or there is an option to pay online. Vegetarianism, allergies and specific food requests can be catered for on an individual basis. Please make sure that Khun Penny is aware of your child’s preferences as soon as possible. Using the canteen is not compulsory. You may choose to send food to school with your child if you wish. Your child will still be able to eat with their classmates.
The school provides transportation if this is required. We manage the mini bus service and maintain a high quality of provision. In an attempt to make this accessible to all students the school does not charge an additional fee for the management of the bus service. The cost of the transportation depends upon the area covered by each bus.
The current list of transportation charges is available from the school office. These and any other enquiries regarding buses should be directed to Khun BC. bc@standrews-schools.com We aim to provide a door to door school bus service that is safe, reliable and efficient.
Each bus has a Driver and a Bus Monitor. The bus should not leave without both members of the team. Bus Monitors are in mobile phone contact with the school at all times. Students are expected to show respect to both members of the bus team. All buses are air-conditioned, have seat belts and television/video/DVD players. We are happy for students to take it in turns to bring their own videos for viewing however only movies rated
suitable for children are permitted.
Students are expected to wear a seat belt whenever they are on a bus. Bus Monitors are required to make sure they are fastened safely when leaving home/leaving on a school trip/ leaving school. Students are not permitted to unbuckle during the journey.
Students are expected to wear a seat belt whenever they are on a bus. Bus Monitors are required to make sure they are fastened safely when leaving home/leaving on a school trip/ leaving school. Students are not permitted to unbuckle during the journey.
Leaving home in the morning
You will be given a pick-up schedule. Please make sure your child is ready and waiting for the bus. If you are late then everyone on that route is late. Bus Monitors will log the time your child gets on the bus. If your family is continually late for the bus we will call you and ask for an explanation. Continued lateness may mean that we are no longer able to provide a service for your family.
Arrival at School
Buses arrive near the hard court. They will start arriving from about 8.00am.
A clinic staffed by a registered nurse (nursegreenvalley@standrews-schools.com) is located on the ground floor of the administration building. A log is kept of all treatment and parents are notified of every visit a child makes. If an accident or injury occurs, the nurse will call you as soon as possible.
We are concerned about your child’s health and safety at all times. We try very hard to make sure they have a safe environment in which to work and play. We would also like St. Andrews to be a healthy place to work and we ask you to keep your child at home if they are ill or have a fever. Any infectious diseases or any change in your child’s health status should be communicated to the school.
Please make sure that all absences from school are communicated in written form – both notes and email are acceptable.
The School Nurse will call parents in the event that a child needs to go home due to illness or injury. In the event of a serious injury or illness, the nurse will contact you so that your child can be transported to hospital for further attention. (Bangkok Pattaya or Bangkok Rayong) If necessary, the nurse or designated person will accompany your child to the hospital and meet you there.
Medication at School
The School Nurse must administer all medication during school hours. Please make sure this advice comes in a written note with your name clearly stated at the bottom including your signature. All medicines must be in their original container, clearly labeled in English/Thai with your child’s name and dosage to be given. A few over-the-counter medications (i.e. Panadol, Ibuprofen) are available and can be given if parental permission is on file.
Medical Records
It is very important that the School Nurse has complete, updated medical records for all students. Please complete and submit the medical forms with your enrolment forms and keep us updated of any new conditions or immunisations. Also, be sure to keep the school updated with work, home and mobile numbers of parents/guardians and emergency contact information.
Illnesses and Exclusion from School
St. Andrews exclusion for the following illnesses are: Measles 7 days from the appearance of rash German Measles 5 days from the appearance of rash Chicken Pox 5 days from the appearance of rash Mumps 10 days from onset of symptoms School Sores Must be fully covered and approved by nurse
Ring Worm Head Lice Must be fully covered and approved by nurse Until treated
Virus Above 37.5 degrees Celsius
Sun Sense
A small amount of sun can be healthy but too much can lead to painful burns and sun-stroke. All students are encouraged to have a hat to wear outside and to carry a water bottle from lesson to lesson and at break times. Your child may drink at anytime and there are times when we will ask them to drink to prevent dehydration. These two items are considered to be the major preventers of sun-stroke.
Student Leadership Head Boy, Head Girl and School Prefects
Students are elected to these positions on a yearly basis. Elections take place in term 1 each year.
Student Council
The Student Council has representatives from Year 7 through to Year 13. These students make decisions on behalf of the students in the school. Their decisions are fed to the Management Team for notification and ratification before they are acted upon. They also run assemblies from time to time and drive their collective initiatives.
Behaviour Management
At St. Andrews International School it is our aim to develop independent, confident learners. We work to nurture well-balanced, mature individuals who take responsibility for their actions and who grow into caring, respectful members of the international community. Respect includes • Respect for self • Respect for others • Respect for the environment • Respect for school rules • Respect for learning • Respect for other cultures and languages We believe that by asking people to be safe, caring, respectful, responsible and honest, we are covering all elements of social cohesion and supporting the social and emotional development of our school community Students have the right to be safe in school. They have the responsibility to respect others rights to safety, to treat others with the same kindness they would expect themselves and to obey school rules. Students have the right to learn and be free to express their opinions, feelings and ideas. They also have to be responsible, to work hard, do their best, complete assignments on time and respect others’ opinions, feelings and ideas. Students have the right to be treated with understanding and respect. They also have the responsibility to respect others and to treat them with understanding. Students have the right to hear and be heard but should also be respectful of quiet times for learning and studying. They have the responsibility to listen to others, to wait their turn to speak and to be respectful of quiet times. Students have the right to bring materials they need to school [although valuable belongings should be kept at home]. They have the responsibility to look after their own possessions and to be honest and respectful regarding the property of others. Students must also demonstrate academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism [copying] are regarded as serious offences both within the school and IBO.
Students have the right to hear and be heard but should also be respectful of quiet times for learning and studying. They have the responsibility to listen to others, to wait their turn to speak and to be respectful of quiet times. Students have the right to bring materials they need to school [although valuable belongings should be kept at home]. They have the responsibility to look after their own possessions and to be honest and respectful regarding the property of others. Students must also demonstrate academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism [copying] are regarded as serious offences both within the school and IBO.
The School should:
Create an environment where common sense is the most important guide and within this context all members of the community feel happy, respected and are respectful Allow individual staff members to establish their own boundaries within the learning environment they create, whilst providing consistency across the whole School
Teachers should:
Provide students with a simple, but effective code of behavior for their classroom and then to apply it consistently and fairly Use positive reinforcement to create a positive learning environment Use positive examples of behaviour to set good examples Use rewards, sanctions and punishments to help teach correct behavior Use the school planner for communication with parents Keep the form tutor up to date on any behavior issues with a child within their form group. Meet a child’s parents if a problem is specific to their subject area
The Tutor should:
Check and sign their tutor groups planner Keep a central record of any behaviour issues for members of their form group Initiate contact with parents when behaviour issues become more frequent or if a more serious incident occurs Involve the Key Stage Coordinator or Head of Secondary when behaviour issues become more frequent or if a more serious incident occurs
Students should:
Clearly understand how they are expected to behave Treat all other members of the school community with respect and dignity Follow the school behaviour policy Actively encourage other students to follow the school behaviour policy.
Parents should:
Actively encourage their children to uphold the school behaviour policy Regularly communicate with teachers through School Planners, email, phone calls or visits.
Home School Agreements
Each year the school will send home a home school agreement for students and parents to sign regarding behavior and ICT usage. These agreements help to make sure that rules are clear and easy to follow.
Class Placements
Teachers’ professional judgment is sought in placing students in classes for the new academic year. As many perspectives as possible are considered when placing students. Elements that are taken into account include: EAL needs, SEN needs, Behaviour of each child, Ethnicity, Sex, Friendship groups
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Established procedures exist for staff and students to follow in the event of a need to evacuate the school buildings. In such circumstances, the safety of all community members on campus is of paramount importance.
Emergency evacuation procedures are laminated posters found in each classroom. All members of the community are expected to follow them once the alarm bell has been rung. Please proceed to the designated assembly points and wait for instructions.
Students and Teachers regularly practice these procedures in case of an unlikely event occurring.
Cleaning and Cleaning Staff
The Head of the cleaning staff is Khun Seesa-ang. Any concerns and issues regarding cleanliness should be sent to Khun Seesa-ang directly (seesaangt@standrews-schools.com) . Cleaners start work at 7.30am and finish at 5.00pm.
Teachers are responsible for getting students to clean obvious debris from the floors and surfaces at the end of the school day. Students are expected to tidy up after themselves at all times. This includes washing paint brushes and cleaning up general spills.
Cleaners are available all day. They have lunch after classes resume at lunch time. This is for 1 hour. There is always a cleaner available. Most cleaning happens after school once students have left for home.