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All members of the school community must NOT:

• engage in bullying behaviour • engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviours motivated by hate or bias • encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person

The school will employ a range of consequences and strategies in response to discipline problems.

Sensitivity and mutual respect are basic values of the St. Andrew’s College community. Specifically, SAC prohibits, in all its programs, discrimination against or harassment of any individual or group based upon factors including, but not limited to, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, colour, sexual orientation, national origin, or religion.

Mutual Respect – Process and Consequences

What can you do?

If you are a victim, know someone who is a victim, or see behaviour you feel may be discriminatory or harassing: • if it is safe to do so, tell the person to stop • write down what happened; include names, how often it has happened, time, date, location, any witnesses, names of anyone else you have told, and if you know of anyone else who may have experienced similar conduct • if you are a student, speak to a St. Andrew’s College facilitator to determine the appropriate next step

If you are unsure if what you witnessed or experienced is considered discrimination, harassment, violence, bullying, or abuse, or if you are not comfortable telling the person to stop, speak to a St. Andrew’s College facilitator. All reports are taken very seriously and will be handled in a timely and respectful way for everyone involved. If, for any reason, you do not wish to go to a designated St. Andrew’s College facilitator, please report the incident to an adult you trust, either at home or at the school. You may also file a complaint directly with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

Students have access to the following trained facilitators:

Faculty Facilitators for Mutual Respect Complaints

Middle School Upper School Mr. Scott Lewis Mr. Michael Carroll Mr. Jeff LaForge Mr. Claudio Numa

The Role of a St. Andrew’s College Facilitator

A facilitator will: • explain the options available to you • provide support and help you talk with the person involved if you wish to do so. • arrange for a mediated discussion to resolve the issue • help you make a formal complaint • provide access to counselling and other support as needed

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