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• advise students of their right to inform their parent(s)/guardian(s), legal counsel, and/or the Ontario Human Rights Commission

Facilitators will guide complainants through an informal resolution, mediated discussion, or formal complaint process depending on the nature of the complaint. A full outline of this process can be found in our Mutual Respect Policy .

Consequences of Mutual Respect Violations

The intent of discipline is to teach and to guide. Consequences will vary according to the individual and the circumstances. In the event of repeated offences, the process may require disciplinary action. Consequences may include, but are not limited to: 1. Formal warning and communication with parents. 2. Removal from a school activity, program, or classes for a period of time. 3. Requiring the harasser to apologize in writing and/or in person. 4. Counselling of the perpetrator on the effect and consequences of harassment and bullying. 5. Requiring participation in an internal or external counselling program approved by St. Andrew’s College; the student must participate and show progress in the counselling program. 6. Escalating levels of disciplinary action are warranted by the seriousness of the offence and according to the disciplinary policy of the school. This may include a suspension or expulsion. 7. Contacting the police where conduct may constitute a criminal offence.

School Rules – Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Nicotine Products, Vaporizers, ECigarettes, AWOL, Unsafe Practices, Theft

School rules arise out of the need to maintain the health, safety, and legal responsibilities of the members of the St. Andrew’s College community. These basic expectations must be present in our lives to ensure the proper environment for study and healthy social interaction. It is a privilege to be part of this school, and we expect all students to observe the basic rules for maintaining order and decorum while they are enrolled. We hope such adherence to the rules of citizenship at SAC will encourage good citizenship throughout their lives. Violations of any of the following major school rules are typically adjudicated by the discipline committee.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Purchase, possession, distribution, or use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia

It is the position of SAC that drug and alcohol use by students has no place in the school community. The school aspires to be a drug- and alcohol-free community in this regard. The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or abuse of prescription drugs by students in connection with life at SAC is inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the school; can place students, staff, and the school at risk; and is illegal. Any purchase, possession, distribution, use of or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia, or abuse of any other chemical substance is prohibited by the school and may result in a mandatory medical leave, suspension, the removal of the student from our community, or expulsion. If there is reason to believe a student has violated the Drug and Alcohol Policy, he may be tested.

Note: Drug testing can aid us in counselling situations. In a confrontation, a test can confirm or deny suspicions of drug or alcohol use. When a student is required to have

random testing, an administrative response has been made to assist the student in preventing further drug or alcohol use. These tests are also viewed as a counselling tool to support the student’s general health and safety, as well as to help the student live within the rules of the school. It is important to note that voluntary self-referral to the Health and Wellness Centre will result in medical support

Scope of Prohibition Regarding Drugs and Alcohol

The preceding prohibition of drugs in relation to students and student life includes the following:

1. Requirements of students on the St. Andrew’s College campus:

The purchase, possession, distribution, use of, or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs, drug paraphernalia, or abuse of drugs or any other chemical substance is strictly prohibited at all times while anywhere on the campus.

2. Requirements of students off the St. Andrew’s College campus:

The purchase, possession, distribution, use of, or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs, drug paraphernalia, or abuse of drugs or any other chemical substance is strictly prohibited in connection with all SAC-sponsored or SAC-related activities, regardless of whether these occur on SAC premises or other premises. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this prohibition includes the following: all social

functions, dances, sports events, field trips, Complete Weekend, school-sponsored travel, conferences, student competitions, etc.

Tobacco, Nicotine Products, Vaporizer, and E-Cigarette Policy

(Purchase, possession, distribution, or use of tobacco, nicotine products, vaporizers, ecigarettes, or vaping paraphernalia)

It is the position of SAC that tobacco, nicotine products, vaporizer, or e-cigarette use by students has no place in the school community. St. Andrew’s College complies fully with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. Research has demonstrated the serious health hazards of tobacco, vaporizer, and e-cigarette use, particularly during adolescence. The policy for dealing with such use is meant to demonstrate a standard of “excellence of care” for the students, their families, and all representatives of St. Andrew’s College. It is intended to set guidelines that initiate a caring response while emphasizing the responsibility students must take for their action(s). In addition, if there is reason to believe a student has violated the Tobacco, Nicotine Products, Vaporizers, and E-Cigarettes Policy and Alcohol Policy, he may also be tested.

Scope of Prohibition Regarding Tobacco, Nicotine Products, Vaporizers, and ECigarettes

The foregoing prohibition of tobacco, nicotine products, vaporizer, and e-cigarettes in relation to students and student life includes the following:

1. Requirements of students on the St. Andrew’s College campus:

The purchase, possession, distribution, or use of tobacco, nicotine products, vaporizers, ecigarettes, or smoking/vaping paraphernalia is strictly prohibited at all times anywhere on the campus.

2. Requirements of students off the St. Andrew’s College campus:

The purchase, possession, distribution, or use of tobacco, nicotine products, vaporizers, ecigarettes, or smoking/vaping paraphernalia is strictly prohibited in connection with all SAC65

sponsored or SAC-related activities, regardless of whether these occur on SAC premises or other premises. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this prohibition includes the following: all social functions, dances, sports events, field trips, Complete

Weekend trips, school-sponsored travel, conferences, student competitions, etc.

In summary, this prohibition includes all school-related or school-sponsored activities, regardless of their location or venue.

Note: Given the dangers of fire and explosion from vaporizers and e-cigarettes, the use of such devices within school buildings is in violation of our Fire Hazard Policy and deemed to fall under the category of “Unsafe Practices” as “Reckless Endangerment” and may result in suspension or expulsion.

AWOL – Absence from Campus Without Permission and Curfew Violations

The traditional military term AWOL stands for Absence Without Leave and refers to being off campus without permission. Students are liable to suspension if they leave campus without authorization and, in doing so, place themselves at risk or cause the adults in the community to go to some lengths to locate and secure them.

Boarding students: It is critical that all boarding students obtain permission (as per housepolicy) from their Head of House when leaving campus at any time and sign out on REACH each time they leave campus. All boarding students must ensure their Head of House is aware of their whereabouts at all times when off campus and they have provided accurate and truthful contact information. Violation of the respective boarding house curfew is a serious breach of a major school rule, as is misrepresenting weekend or leave plans.

If a parent gives consent for their son to enter into the care of a host family, the school assumes no responsibility for him until he returns to the school and signs back into his house. Parental approval demonstrates they understand their son will not be in the care of St. Andrew’s College during the designated period but with the host family. We encourage all parents to communicate with host families so you are aware of the details surrounding the leave request.

By approving your son’s leave request, you are explicitly accepting responsibility for their care and the care of any student you are hosting. If the plans you have approved on REACH have changed (e.g., your son is no longer going home or to a host family as approved in the request), the parents retain responsibility until the Head of House on duty is informed and the change has been acknowledged by the Head of House on duty. In other words, we need to know whether your son has changed his plans and will remain in the boarding house or is going to another host family. In this last case, new permissions are required to be approved on REACH.

Day students: They can leave campus during the day, but communication is required from a parent (an email/phone call to Reception) to be excused from an academic class or mandatory school activity).

Day students may not be in a boarding house at any time without prior permission from the Head of House concerned.

Unsafe Practices or Possessions

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