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The school values the health and well-being of our students; thus, they are forbidden to place themselves or others at risk by their actions or their possessions. The following are examples of guidelines concerning personal and community safety:

Fires: A student may not light a fire on the campus without specific permission. Lighting a flame in or on a school building is prohibited, as is any evidence of fire violations in a student room, such as burned matches, candles, etc. This includes smoking or using a vaporizer e-cigarette within school buildings. Intentionally setting or lighting a fire on campus without permission is grounds for expulsion.

Fireworks: Use or possession of fireworks on campus is forbidden.


Weapons: Use or possession of ammunition, guns, or knives is forbidden. “Airsoft” or compressed air-powered guns, BB/pellet guns, paint marker guns, slingshots, or other such items are also forbidden since they might constitute a danger to others.

Weapons as props: Toy guns and other toy weapons are forbidden for use in skits, class videos, and dramatic productions unless authorized by a member of staff.

Keys: Unauthorized use or possession of any St. Andrew’s keys, other than keys that have been officially issued to the student, is forbidden.

Reckless endangerment: Students may not engage in dangerous pranks or other activities that pose threats to personal safety.

Reckless or careless driving: Students must refrain from driving carelessly or recklessly on campus, such as exceeding the posted speed limit, driving on grassed areas, or driving in a manner that poses a threat to the personal safety of others, etc.

All students, particularly those in a boarding setting, must respect the property rights of other members of the community. Any person who takes or “borrows” another’s property without permission violates the Code of Honour.

Outside Authorities

The use of drugs and alcohol, unsafe practices, harassment, and theft violates provincial and/or federal law. Where such incidents occur, the matter may be subject to police investigation and prosecution.

Community Standards and Expectations – Responsibilities, Essential Behaviours, Attendance, Mobile/Smartphones, Community Relations, Damage and Vandalism, Dress Code, Environment, Cole Hall, Meals, Quadrangle

Responsibility for Meeting Community Standards

Student responsibility:

All students of the SAC community are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the terms of these policies. Any conduct that deviates from the requirements of these policies will result in appropriate corrective action, up to and including expulsion.

Parent responsibility:

It is an expectation that parents will work cooperatively with the school by demonstrating agreement with and support of the school’s rules and regulations. It is the responsibility of the student and his parent(s) or guardian(s) to inform the school about planned absences. The school must also be informed by parents or guardians as soon as possible of absences that result from unforeseen circumstances. St. Andrew’s College believes a constructive and positive working relationship between the college, the student, and the parent(s) or guardian(s) is essential to the fulfilment of the college’s mission. Therefore, the college reserves the right to discontinue enrolment or refuse to re-enrol any student if the college concludes the actions of the student and/or the parent(s) or guardian(s) interfere with the constructive and positive relationship or with the College’s ability to accomplish its educational goals.

Faculty/staff responsibility:

The administration and faculty are committed to upholding the requirements of these policies in connection with all SAC activities or SAC-related or SAC-sponsored activities regardless of location.

Essential Behaviours for SAC Students


Students are expected to uphold the values inherent in the school’s motto: “Quit ye like men, be strong.”

Students are responsible for: • attending class in proper dress • being cleanly shaven at the start of each academic day • arriving to class in a punctual manner with the necessary supplies • showing respect for school property • attending all assemblies and mandatory school functions • behaving well on all school trips. All buses are to be left clean at the end of a trip

Attendance Policy

Good attendance is vital to the learning process and is an essential component of every course and activity. Students are expected to attend all classes, advisory sessions, and activities regularly and punctually. It is the responsibility of the student and his family to inform the school

about planned absences. The school must also be informed by parents or guardians as

soon as possible of absences that result from unforeseen circumstances. Parents or guardians of day students must telephone the school and inform the receptionist of absences, or email (attendance@sac.on.ca) or submit a planned absence in Edsby. Parents or guardians of boarding students must inform their Head of House of any absences. Boarding students, while on campus, must go to see a staff member or our Health and Wellness Centre prior to any period, if they are too ill to attend.

Students who know they will be absent from school for a reason approved by their parent(s) or guardian(s) and the school should see their teachers in advance of the absence to make

arrangements regarding missed assignments and tests. Students must check Edsby for details of the material covered in missed classes.

A student who misses a class or activity without a valid reason will be counted as an unexplained absence (UA). The consequences for unexplained absences are outlined in the Consequences Related to Community Standards section.

If a teacher is late or absent, or for any reason unable to attend a scheduled class, students are expected to remain in the classroom and work quietly at their desks unless otherwise directed. If no relief teacher arrives after ten minutes, a member of the class should report the situation to Mrs. Ana Perdigao in the Middle School and Mrs. Tushee Fusco or Ms. Amy Hewson in the Upper School.

Assembly Attendance

Our school assemblies bring the school community together to celebrate and honour the accomplishments of members of our community, promote student life activities and events, or hear from guest speakers or members of our community. Students who are absent from these assemblies without an acceptable reason will be assigned an unexplained absence (UA). The consequences for unexplained absences are outlined in the Consequences Related to Community Standard section of this handbook.

Chapel Attendance

Chapel attendance is compulsory, and absence will result in the assignment of an unexplained absence.

Compulsory Attendance

In addition to regular attendance for classes and co-curricular activities, attendance is compulsory at the following events:

Homecoming An Andrean Christmas Friday evening MacPherson Hockey Tournament game Cadet Church Parade Head of School’s Cadet Parade Cadet Inspection Prize Day (Middle School and Grade 12)

Unauthorized early leave before breaks or extended leave after breaks is not permitted. The school has given considerable attention to planning breaks that accommodate the needs of families, even considering boys who are travelling great distances to be at the school. Parents are discouraged from taking their sons out of school for holidays, as holiday times are already generous.

Punctuality and Preparedness

Arriving for classes and other school activities prepared and on time shows a positive commitment to learning. Students must be punctual. Students are expected to bring the necessary materials/equipment to every class or activity.

Day boys who arrive late for school must sign in with the receptionist in Rogers Hall.

Smartphone Policy

Smartphones may be used on campus with the following exceptions: Smartphones will not be used or accessed in Memorial Chapel, Cole Hall, and all washrooms and change rooms. Smartphones may not be used during study or after lights out.

Smartphones may be used in classrooms at specific times when approved by the teacher as a tool for use in the lesson. The use of a smartphone in one of these smartphone-free areas will result in the phone being confiscated until a conversation around appropriate use can be facilitated by a school administrator. The use of a cellphone on campus is a privilege, and frequent violations of the policy will result in a loss of said privilege.

Smartphones must never be used to photograph or videotape staff members or other students unless permission is granted by the subject individual.

Community Relations Policy

St. Andrew’s College is a part of the larger community of Aurora/Newmarket. Just as students have neighbours at home, they also have neighbours on campus. The school expects students to respect the rights and property of its neighbours. Noise, litter, and disruptive or destructive behaviour have an impact on how neighbours view the school. Common sense and consideration are expected.

Damage and Vandalism Policy

Any student found responsible for incidents of damage or abuse of school property or the property of others will be subject to payment of the cost of repairs and/or restitution. If the damage is determined to be willful, the matter will be referred to the Discipline Committee for disciplinary action.

Dress Code Policy

St. Andrew’s College has a clear and well-defined Dress Code. The school expects a student will be in a neat and clean state of dress at all times, and clothing will be in good repair and appropriate to the activity or occasion.

• Hair must be off the collar and extremes in hairstyles and colour are not permitted. • Hair must be neatly groomed. • Hats are not to be worn as part of Number 1 or Number 2 Dress, leadership/band dress,

Warm Weather Dress, or inside any buildings. • Beards, moustaches, and sideburns below the earlobe are not permitted. • Boys with whiskers are expected to shave daily. • Earrings or other body piercings (e.g., eyebrows) are not permitted during the academic day, on school-related trips, or during athletic activities. Earrings must be removed, not just covered, during the academic day.

The Dress Code is in effect from the beginning of classes in the morning to the completion of classes at the end of the academic day. A free period is not an adequate reason for not meeting the requirements of the Dress Code. Boarding or day students dressed inappropriately will be sent to their rooms or the Campus Shop, respectively, in order to change into, or purchase, the appropriate dress clothing.

Number 1 Dress

• navy blue blazer with school crest • grey flannel dress trousers or Gordon tartan kilt (Kilted Number 1) • black polished dress shoes that one would wear to a formal occasion; boots are not permitted • white dress shirt • black belt • one of the following four SAC school ties: SAC, Head of School’s Honour Roll, scholar’s, or Prefect • SAC pullover is optional, depending on the weather, and is the only sweater that may be worn with Number 1 Dress • plain dark dress socks that cover the ankle

Number 2 Dress

• sports jacket with a conservative pattern, school blazer, or suit jacket • dress pants or kilt; jeans, work pants, khakis, cargo pants, and anything that will not take a crease are not permitted • dress shoes in good repair (not athletic footwear, boots, hiking shoes or sandals) • dress shirt: white, solid colours, fine stripes, or fine patterns are permitted • belt • any SAC school tie • SAC pullover is optional, depending on the weather and is the only sweater that may be worn with Number 2 dress • dress socks that cover the ankle; athletic socks are not permitted with Number 2 Dress • pants are to have a tailored pant leg, be of an appropriate length, and be worn around the waist, as in business attire

Number 3 Dress/Warm Weather Dress

• Warm Weather Dress takes place at two times of the academic year: from the start of the school year until the Thanksgiving break and starting the Monday after Cadet Inspection. The dress shirt is replaced by a white or red student SAC golf shirt, along with proper dress pants. SAC golf shirts may be purchased at the Campus Shop. • Dress socks that cover the ankle with proper dress shoes in good repair. • Number 3/Warm Weather Dress is a privilege. Any student who consistently abuses the Dress Code may be returned to Number 1 or 2 Dress.

Casual Dress

• Shirts with sleeves (no tank tops), pants, socks, shoes or running shoes, sweater, windbreaker, or school jacket. Jeans, corduroys, work pants, and sandals may be worn as long as they are clean and in good repair. Clean, respectable shorts may be worn in Cole Hall.

Leadership/Music Program Dress on Training Days

Leadership Student Dress

• School tracksuit, assigned leadership group long-sleeve shirt, athletic socks, and running shoes.

Music Student Dress

• The Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble students have the option of substituting their jacket or blazer with a blue SAC V-neck music sweater. Students in the Pipes & Drums program may wear a regular Cadet sweater with their appropriate ranks and a P&D band tie instead of a dress jacket/blazer and school tie. Both these sweaters can be purchased in the Campus Shop.

Note: Students in Grades 11 and 12 who are not participating in the Leadership/Music programs must wear regular school dress on training days.

Appropriate Dress

a) Cole Hall – unless otherwise stated: • Breakfast: Number 1, Number 2 minus the jacket and tie, or Casual Dress with the exceptions as noted above. • Lunch: Number 1, Number 2, or Number 3/Warm Weather (if appropriate) Monday through Friday. • Dinner: Casual Dress is permitted with the exceptions noted above. Students who arrive for dinner after 6:15 p.m. and are coming from a sports commitment are expected to wear a clean shirt and sweatpants. b) Formal occasions as announced (includes travelling with school teams): Number 1 Dress or Kilted Number 1 Dress. c) Travelling to athletic competitions: On any school trip, students must wear either Number 1 Dress or the school team uniform or tracksuit. Number 3 Dress is acceptable during warm weather dress periods. Nothing else is acceptable.

Other Dress Concerns

Clothing should be clean and in good repair, and shoes should be in good repair and polished. a) When a tie is worn, the shirt collar must be buttoned, and the tie pulled up. Students must only wear ties for which they are eligible. b) Sports clothing must be neat and clean. Only school P.E. dress is to be worn for physical education classes. c) No caps, hats, or toques of any description are to be worn in a school building at any time during the school day, except for casual dress days. Caps, hats, or toques are never permitted to be worn in Cole Hall or Memorial Chapel. d) If a T-shirt is worn under a dress shirt with Number 1, 2, or 3 Dress, its logo should not be visible through the dress shirt.

Environmental Stewardship Policy

SAC Environmental Creed: We believe all Andreans should cultivate ecological citizenship, and thereby inspire positive environmental change for sustainable living within our school community and beyond.

We all want to work toward reducing the school’s eco-footprint. Therefore, all Andreans are expected to respect the environment and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship with the following essential behaviours: • recycle responsibly and use recycling and garbage bins correctly • reduce food waste and use the compost/recycling centre in Cole Hall correctly

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