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Suspension/Expulsion Level Offences:

The following are forbidden and are grounds for suspension. Any student on disciplinary probation will likely be removed from our community or expelled if he commits a suspensionlevel offence during the period of probation: • sale or distribution of tobacco products, vaporizers, drugs, or alcohol • abuse of prescription drugs or drugs other than those listed below • unsafe practices or possessions • theft • AWOL • violations of the Codes of Honour or Conduct • significant violations of the Mutual Respect Policy

The following are forbidden and are grounds for a medical leave with subsequent counselling and potentially mandatory drug testing:

• purchase, possession, or use of alcohol or non-medically prescribed cannabis


• purchase, possession, or use of tobacco, nicotine products, vaporizers, e-cigarettes,

or smoking/vaping paraphernalia

Given the dangers of fire and explosion from tobacco, vaporizers, and e-cigarettes, the use of such devices within school buildings violates the school’s Fire Hazard Policy and falls under the category of “Unsafe Practices” and “Reckless Endangerment.” Actions such as these will result in more significant consequences, including an appearance before the school’s discipline committee, a suspension, removal from the community, or expulsion.

Consequences for Violations of Community Standards – Demerit System, Gating System, Attendance Consequences


A Tier 1 gating will be given if a student earns six demerits in any one of the following categories: • SISO (sign-in/sign-out issues) in boarding houses • deportment (e.g., dress, issues during boarding study time or lights out, etc.) • lates (late for an assembly, late for chapel, late for study in boarding houses, late for house meetings, etc.) • missing SALTO card for day students

Ongoing disciplinary issues in any category will be dealt with at the discretion of the Head of House or school administration.

Gating System

Tier 1 Gating

Gatings can be assigned to students who accumulate excessive demerits, unexplained absences (UAs), or seriously breach community standards. Tier 1 gatings are served in Cole Hall from 12:45 until 5:15 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday. Tier 1 gatings can be deferred for up to one weekend, provided the parent(s) of the student communicate via email with the Head of House in advance 76

of the gating. Students must sign in with the duty supervisor upon arrival at their gating. Students must arrive on time and work constructively. Computers are permitted in the gating room under the discretion of the duty supervisor provided the student is using his computer constructively (no gaming, no social networking, no movies, no downloading music, etc.). Computer screens must face the duty supervisor. Students must bring all their required homework materials beforehand and bring a book to read after they have completed their homework.

Core gatings for students in Grades 5 and 6 are served in Rogers Hall following advisory from 3:45 to 5:45 p.m. on a weekday under the supervision of a core faculty member. The location and date will be communicated to the student and parent or guardian in advance of the gating. Students will be asked to complete a reflection piece during their session and may also have time to work on school-related work. Students should bring a book to read after they have completed their homework. If assigned to a gating room, students cannot leave for outside commitments (tutoring, appointments, etc.). No food or drink is permitted in the gating room, other than water. Upon completing their gating at 5:15 p.m., students will sign out with the duty supervisor. Any student who does not fulfil his obligations with regard to properly serving a Tier 1 gating, or who does not show up to serve his Tier 1 gating, will be reported to the school administration and will be required to serve a Tier 2 gating the following week.

Tier 2 Gating: Any student who seriously breaches community standards or does not fulfil the requirements of a Tier 1 gating or an academic detention, will be required to serve a Tier 2 gating the following weekend. Tier 2 gatings cannot be deferred and must be served on the date assigned; there are no exceptions. Tier 2 gatings are served in the gating room on Saturday or Sunday from 12:45 until 5:15 p.m. The student will be required to be on time and sign in with the duty supervisor each day. Students must arrive on time and work constructively. Computers are permitted in the gating room under the discretion of the duty supervisor, provided the student is using his computer constructively (no gaming, social networking, movies, downloading of music, etc.). Computer screens must face the duty supervisor. Students must bring all their required homework materials beforehand and bring a book to read after they have completed their homework. Students who earn a Tier 2 gating will not be permitted to participate in co-curricular programs, athletics or otherwise, on Saturday or Sunday, and boarding students must remain in their house.

If assigned to a gating room, students cannot leave for outside commitments (tutoring, appointments, etc.). No food or drink is permitted in the gating room. Upon completing their gating at 5:15 p.m., students will sign out with the duty supervisor. Any student who does not fulfil his obligations with regard to properly serving a Tier 2 gating or who does not show up to serve his Tier 2 gating will be reported to the school administration and will serve a suspension and be placed on disciplinary warning or probation as applicable.

Unexplained Absences

Any student who misses a class assembly, chapel, or an advisory group meeting without a valid reason will be counted as an unexplained absence (UA). Students who receive a UA for missing a class or mandatory school activity may not be allowed to participate in any co-curricular activity that day, including athletic practices and games. Notification to both the student and parents will occur if a UA is assigned.

Accumulation of Gatings or UAs

Gatings and UAs are not meant as a punitive action but rather as a reminder that one’s behaviour is inconsistent with the expectations of the school. As such, if a student accumulates 77

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