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50 Library

2019 was a successful year in the Preparatory School Library. In addition to a full programme of reading engagement activities and information literacy lessons, the year saw a variety of initiatives introduced to further develop the library service, ensuring high levels of student engagement.

Collection Development The most significant initiative in 2019 was the major reorganisation or genrefication of the General Fiction collection. This reorganisation brought the Preparatory School Library collection in line with modern library practice in both the education and public sector, and perhaps more importantly, the collection now mirrors that in The Green Library and Innovation Centre. Student feedback was extremely positive, and all indications are that the new system has improved access to the fiction collection.

The importance of maintaining a relevant and vibrant collection is critical to the success of the Preparatory School Library. Approximately 700 new resources were added to our collection in 2019, and in addition to general updating and maintenance, the purchasing plan targeted three key areas:

• The development and launch of a new Te Reo collection, focusing at this stage on Picture Book titles from New Zealand authors, along with popular overseas titles that have been translated. This collection has been very popular with our Pre-school and Junior School and will continue to develop as our Te Reo skills grow.

• An expansion of the Graphic Novel collection. These books have proved extremely popular with all students across a range of ages and reading abilities. Graphic Novels were the most requested item from the 2018 Student Survey, and the most common request from our suggestion box.

• The development and launch of a Wicked Reads collection, targeting resources for our less able readers with some accessible high interest novels.

Borrowing statistics for the 2019 academic year remained encouraging. Circulation numbers indicated that over 26,000 books were borrowed from the Preparatory School Library during the period. In addition, a further 1400 eBooks and audiobooks were issued to Preparatory School students through our digital library provider. These results indicate that despite the great demands and distractions for students today, the school library remains a relevant part of student life at St Andrew’s College Preparatory School.

Reading Engagement The promotion of reading for both learning and pleasure continued throughout 2019. All students took part in a variety of reading engagement activities including story time, the annual Wide Reading Award challenge, Simultaneous Story-times, Book Talks, and for our older students Speed Dating Books and the Kids’ Lit Quiz. The introduction of a House competition increased the level of commitment to our already popular Wide Reading programme, with an almost 50 per cent improvement in the number of Gold Wide Reading Awards gained this year, compared to 2018.

As always, Book Week was the highlight of the year. The theme for 2019 was BetterTogether: a celebration of

the great families and friendships of children’s literature. The students enjoyed a whole week packed with literary entertainment, including scavenger hunts, craft activities and fun competitions, and the annual inter-class Battle of the Books. Bestselling New Zealand author, James Russell, visited the school and entertained us all with his Dragon Brother and Dragon Defenders stories, along with many stories from his own life. James is a natural storyteller and had all students from Years 1–8 engrossed in his tales. The week ended with our annual Book Week Parade where we all dressed up as some of our favourite characters from children’s literature. Many students worked with the BetterTogethertheme and teamed up with friends for the parade.

Information Literacy The Information Literacy programme, developed in 2018, continued through into 2019 and provided students from Years 4–8 with the skills to navigate the ever-expanding information highway. The ability to move shelving around easily also created a more flexible space which was then used to host a variety of events throughout 2019.

Additionally, a generous donation of new couches from the PTA improved the overall look and comfort of the Library.

A further change was the introduction of ‘Friday Unplugged’. Friday lunchtime the Preparatory School Library became a device free zone.

Students were encouraged to read, play board games, socialise with friends, and engage in arts/crafts activities. This was a successful initiative; many students enjoyed the different atmosphere in the Library on a Friday lunchtime and this initiative will continue in 2020.

Environment Early in 2019 a decision was made to lower the Library shelving and put the freestanding shelves on wheels. This investment had a significant impact on the Library space creating a less cluttered, more open and modern feel.

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