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Boarders' Matariki Dinner Ground Zero Performance workshops
Boarders Matariki dinner
After disruptions caused by COVID-19, boarders are enjoying the opportunity to participate in boarding and House events again. A recent themed event was the Boarders’ Matariki Dinner on Tuesday 21 June.
The boarding leadership group decorated the Strowan House dining room for the Matariki Dinner, with students treated to a slam poetry recital from Lily Champion-Smith (Year 12)
Several Thompson House girls have been participating in a series of workshops run by Ground Zero Performance (GZP), which offers programming, workshops, and sport-specific development to young women aged between 12 and 18. The workshops provide them with the tools to grow confidence inside and outside of the gym.
Both groups have been completing two one-hour sessions each week, with session one being gym-based, and session two including discussions in relation to physical or mental well-being. The topics are chosen by the girls and include body image, sleep cycles, routine, self-esteem and confidence, menstrual cycles, nutrition, basic training principles, beliefs, values, and attitudes. who won best speaker at the Festival of the Spoken Word. The karakia was delivered by Cleo Beynon (Year 12).
Other events during the term have included a dodgeball competition, and a Big Brother Little Brother Big Sister Little Sister activity, which paired the Year 9 boarders up with a senior student. There was a spotlight on building positive relationships during anti-bullying week, with Year 13 boarders given a script and questions as they talked to younger boarders about the different pathways and avenues they could take if they needed help or wanted to raise concerns.
“Our parent group has also co-ordinated a few regional dinners, so parents have been able to get together and have dinners together in their areas. It’s good to see some connections happening again.”
Jack Satterthwaite (Year 11), Reece Glennie, Ryder Win (both Year 9) and Nikao Panapa (Year 10) Maria Pospolitak (Year 10), Jessie Strain (shadow night from Wakatipu College), and Gemma Thomas (Year 9)
Penelope Taulafo (Year 12), Teacher in Chargeo of Te Reo Māori Pete Westrupp, Lily Champion-Smith (Year 12)
Ground Zero Performance workshops
Head of Thompson House, Bronwyn Radcliffe, was delighted to be approached by Maddy Wait and Sammy Metherell from Ground Zero Performance, with their proposal
Girls from Thompson House participating in a Ground Zero Performance workshop. to run the programme with some of the girls. “They are providing a sensible and sustainable approach to independent strengthening and conditioning gym work, as well as the opportunity for some conversations around topical issues that will benefit the personal development of our girls. Maddy and Sammy are passionate and proactive and form another link.”
Feedback from the girls has been very positive, with comments including, “I really enjoy doing Ground Zero Performance as it is a great way to keep my fitness and well-being up,” and, “It’s been a really fun programme and Maddy and Sammy have been really supportive and helpful. I’ve learnt a lot so far, and working with them has also helped to give me more confidence when I’m in the gym.”